Display Ad 11 -- No Title New York Times (1857-1922); Sep 21, 1921; ProQuesl Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2008) Index (1851-1993) pg 3 Coal shrinks when it is cleaned. Just the? same we give ours a final cleaning before we weigh and liver to you. - We Zet the best coal obtainable frOm dependabke sources. Our 1 coal starts clean from the mine, but all coal breaks in handling and has a habit of accumulating 'dirtand dust along the road. Such coal has nowhere near the same heating capacity as clean 'The shrinkage in volume of this last cleaning does not _fall on the customer?it simply is part of the servi?e?a tax which we voluntarily as ume knowing that clean coal wi develop more heat a (I make for .mutual satlsfaction. OWENS COMPANY, mo. Foot of East 49th St., N. Y. Cr