- . -- - . -. DMD-MN mum D?femona?annh DeputyMIni?af Salt-hum MMIIMMW out-n mum ammo) rm. nic'z m. on 2915 NEW 1 The Mim'stur Busing a mission to Elm Island in mix-2015. which Named hawking. verifying and tasting am used for meith mm, a Enteritis}: were damn I whaling brass plaque-on Wax-dam Island. which Wu: 3. visit to the HighAIctic by?w night Hamill: Picm: Elliot 11mm mama: ms. A 0mm m. which is still birch? mama. is mm. along with a shirt story about the luxury ofthii plaquic, I map ahow'mg its locn?m and pimos ofthe site, which cauld be [museum] to the Right Honourable Justin 1mm. Canad? he: i 4L a" - DWULGUE EN DE LAI- REHSEGNEMENIS MUN cussmes DMD-MUN 581 REDISCDVERY OF PLAQUE IN HIGH ARCTIC ISSUE 1. Thcpurpoauofthiab?e?ns pic?n'e mom plaque meant}: disco-em lathe High Arctic. ?rpom?ble pmu?nmo them-inn: MinistcrofCuuda. BACKGROUND 2. Amnofscien?stx from mun amiss-ion to Ellen-m Islandin 1:113:2016. including visits tn the Hindu Statian and ?rmer Defeme Research Board sites at Tilan ij?d?n?d investigating ?rm mills-tut: capabilities on Wad Hunt Island What: they dimcred plaque mud: "This Calm was erected on this aim by the Right Humble Pitta: Elliott Tritium, REL, MGR, P?mt Mh?m oft?!de and his sun Justin visittothe High Arctic August 1975." DISCUSSION 3. the historical signi?canw plaque. it would he for th: Minister (1me 13mm Mmum tn the Prime Mlnisttr qumm?gthc Right Humble Justin deuu. 4. Includul is the unmim associated with realm nfthe by wmsan mmembem, mam slmwiuathc location, aite'whmitia found. CONCLUSION 5. on behalf the of?n?oml Dafence. E'un by: G. Robert, Spain:- Adminiatrl?vc Ot?ocr. 613395-6906 by: F. Impainte, Salim- Advim. 613w992-6638 - WWII: Crimp Principal: M. Fol-?n, 613-996-2020 Prepared: 305:9me 2016 Anna: AMA: TheDimovet-y ofCommeImmive Plaque intbeI-IighAm-?tic Anna: 5: Map ofth: location oftle plaque Annch; muf?n Annex D: of?te plaque with 111: inscription included Annex E: Photograph (tithe plaqttp only . 1n mm .-.. - .. EH DE LN - RENSEIGNEMENTS HUN CLASFFES WEI-MUN AnnexA MMEW IslandNorth immignty wu?xamgh?m?c. Ttn?vc Fjord,Hamnlako.Mm.deud Hm?hlanmexmined wanker. {on want, and Mammography. Emma-mm Then: sites on u?nhabitcd and rarely, ifewr. visited. of?cial responsibility. than: in a mung historical and continuing research wine, which mquins maintaining Islam relationship Wilh Puts Canada and the Royal Canadian Air Force. . 'Aspmafthn nfNI?unnl Dd?cncc?a ?w-An?stmuDeputyL?ninm-nf Scienbaam??nchnolow and Wm Canada (BREE) Juigl?l?. mei?mcupab?hies. ?ringthisnxeminc plagueiu?ll nf? Picnic Elihu Trudeau, sun tin: l-IighAmlic Angina; with ma: P?meh?nimrofCamdl -- - .- .- -. . - . .-.-.nr1u-.uu-cwr. .. ?um? 45% mm DNULGUE EN VERTU DE - RENSEIGNEMENTS NON CLASSIFES DND MDN Pagclon ngbMaps Ward Hunt Isiand sap-?u vM. Jakw?n?M: .- THE DIVULGUE EN VERTU DE LAI RENSEIGNEMENTS NON CLASSIFIES DND - MDN Ward Hunt GongJeMaps Pug-.1 of2 Gougle Maps Ward Hunt Island Bum-I. Hammad. m; 2011mm -- a -- -. ?mug-r awe-5.IRELEASED UNDER WHE AIA DIVULGUE EN VERTU DE LAI - RENSEIGNEMENTS NON CLASSIFIES DND - MDN - . .15.. . 1 .. ??ag-m Er.- -: r? 5a a a; RELEASED UNDER THE AIA - UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION DIVULGUE EN VERTU DE - RENSEIGNEMENTS NON CLASSIFIES 0ND - A05061