Statement from Peter Nygard Spokesperson on $50,000 Fine "We respectfully disagree with the Judge’s ruling and plan to appeal the decision, although we have paid the initial $50,000 fine in advance of the March 21 deadline, as required by the court. "It remains our contention that the removal and stockpiling of sand from the Nygard Cay marina was carried out in good faith in full accordance with the conditions of a government-issued permit. The permit was issued to Nygard Holdings Ltd., and its duly authorized representatives caused the lawful removal of obstructions to the marina. The permit was issued by the government after the injunction was in place and we had no reason to believe that the permit was invalid or that the government had issued it without proper authority. "We also respectfully disagree and plan to appeal the order to move the stockpiled sand to Jaws Beach. While the original government permit required the removed sand to be placed on Jaws Beach, the government amended its requirement to allow the sand to be stockpiled in the absence of any evidence whatsoever that the sand deposited in Nygard Cay’s marina was coming from Jaws Beach. There was no evidence presented in court showing that any sand removed from Nygard Cay’s marina since the injunction had migrated from Jaws Beach, therefore we believe there is no justification for requiring the sand to be moved to Jaws Beach."