WHITE - Board File PINK - "I" File CANARY - Inmate GOLDENROD - P&P Page 1 of 2 STATE OF NEVADA CERTIFICATION OF BOARD OF PAROLE COMMISSIONERS ACTION ORDER GRANTING PAROLE SIMPSON, ORENTHAL JAMES Inmate Name 1027820 NDOC Number 2008-044564 Booking # LCC-U6-A-64-A Location 07/25/2013 Date It is the Order of the Board that Parole is GRANTED. The effective date of parole is: When Eligible. Release to the community or to a consecutive sentence is authorized on the above specified date. If “when eligible” is indicated, release is authorized on or after the date of this hearing upon attaining minimum eligibility, as determined by the Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC). Release to the community may not occur until approval of release plans in accordance with NRS 213.140. You are expected to program and/or work constructively regardless of institutional setting, and you are expected to abide by the rules of the NDOC. Failure to work and/or program constructively, or violation of the rules of the NDOC may result in the rescission of this order and denial of parole. THIS ACTION APPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE(S): Controlling sentence denoted by *, Case #: Count: Offense Description: *C237890;6;KIDNAPPING I C237890;5;KIDNAPPING I C237890;7;ROBBERY C237890;8;ROBBERY C237890;4;BURGLARY WITH A FIREARM / DW Community supervision conditions apply to all active sentences, including any previously granted sentences not specified on this Order. In addition to the standard conditions, the following special parole conditions apply: * If applicable, four months prior to release to the community, contact the Division of Parole and Probation, Pre-release, and establish a viable release plan. The Board will impose any special conditions regarding community release at that time. It is the Order of the Board that the inmate is not to be released to the community until any proposed release plans are investigated and approved by the Division of Parole and Probation. Reason(s) for action: Grant Reason: The inmate has no prior or minimal criminal conviction history. Grant Reason: The inmate must serve a consecutive sentence. Grant Reason: The inmate has participated in programs specific to addressing behavior that led to incarceration. Grant Reason: The inmate has a positive institutional record. Recommendation of the panel who conducted the hearing: Grant Parole Commissioner Susan Jackson; Grant Parole Hearing Representative Robin Bates; Grant Parole The final action was ratified by the following Members of the Board of Parole Commissioners: Commissioner Susan Jackson; Grant Parole Commissioner Adam Endel; Grant Parole Commissioner Tony Corda; Grant Parole Chairman Connie Bisbee; Grant Parole FOR THE NEVADA BOARD OF PAROLE COMMISSIONERS This document was prepared by JMARTINMAAS at 7/31/2013 4:20 PM Z_ord_gnt rev 04/26/209 WHITE - Board File PINK - "I" File CANARY - Inmate GOLDENROD - P&P Page 2 of 2 STATE OF NEVADA CERTIFICATION OF BOARD OF PAROLE COMMISSIONERS ACTION PAROLE RISK ASSESSMENT & GUIDELINE SIMPSON, ORENTHAL JAMES INMATE NAME 1027820 NDOC Number 2008-044564 LCC-U6-A-64-A BOOKING# 07/25/2013 LOCATION DATE Parole Risk Assessment: Questions 1. Age at 1st Arrest 2. Prior Revocations 3. Employment History 4. Property Conviction 5. Drug/Alcohol Use/Abuse 6. Gender Static Risk Score 7. Current Age 8. Gang Membership 9. Programming 10. Disciplinary Conduct 11. Approved Custody Level Dynamic Risk Score Total Score (Static+Dynamic) Responses / Scores 24 Years or older (0): 0 (0)No Parole or Probation Revocations: 0 (0)Satisfactory full-time employment for 1-2 years: 0 (2)Auto Theft, Burglary, Forgery, Robbery, Property Crime: 2 (2)Frequent abuse, serious disruption of functioning: 2 (1)Male: 1 5 (-1) 41 and above: -1 (0) No or Suspect: 0 (0) No: 0 (-1) No disciplinaries: -1 (0) Medium: 0 -2 3 Offense (used to determine crime severity for risk assessment) KIDNAPPING I Offense Category CAT_A Total Risk Score: 3 Guideline Recommendation Consider Factors Guideline Risk Low Risk Offense Severity Highest The Board determined the following Aggravating Factors are applicable in your case: Impact on victim(s) and/or community: Victim was in fear for his safety due to being threatened with a gun during commission of crime. Victim also incurred a substantial financial loss. The Board determined the following Mitigating Factors are applicable in your case: Infraction free for two years or more to hearing month and not in disciplinary segregation: Inmate has been disciplinary free during his incarceration Pending CS sentence or detainer lodged by other jurisdiction: Inmate has multiple consecutive sentences pending. Participation in programs specific to addressing the behavior that led to their incarceration: Inmate has participated in programming. No prior/minimal criminal conviction history: No prior conviction history. This document was prepared by JMARTINMAAS at 7/31/2013 4:20 PM Z_ord_gnt rev 04/26/209