Jane Grocnewegen 101 31 Capital Drive Hay River. NT XDE 162 86? 875 7304 ianegroenewggen04@yahoo.ca Board of Management Speaker Hon. Jackson Lafferty PO Box 1320 Yellowknife, NT KIA 2L9 Fig uest for Retraining Assistance Program Speaker Lafferty and Board of Management I am seeking approval to expend up tol 2k for the purpose of retirement planning. I believe this is an allowable expense under the ?Financial retirement counselling and planning?, Policy 71.1. If approved, 1 would engage the services of a firm with expertise in this area. My 20 years in elected office ended for which I need to turn my attention to retirement planning. Most people in the public service partake in retirement planning workshops when they near retirement age. That hasn't been information or guidance that We previously had occasion to access. This assistance would be most useful to me at this stage of my working life. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.