Darrin Ouellette I From: Robert Hawkins Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 12:20 PM To: Jackson Lafferty Cc: . Tim Mercer; Darrin Ouellette Subject: Request: retraining assistance program for non?returning members. Speaker Lafferty I would like to request the support of the Board of Management, so that I may access the retraining assistance program for non?returning members. Since leaving of?ce, I have started a property management business and I would like to expand my education levels into two other areas, both of which will help me move forward successfully. I have looked into two Speci?c ?elds for training, equally are areas that are an excellent ?t for me. The ?rst program is real estate training and the second program is residential home inspection. The combined estimated value for both programs is: 9,618.50. - It should be noted that the program costs are ?xed, however the travel component as and when necessary is an assumption at this time noting that both program providers require exams and peer reviews which in some cases, the exams will be required to be administered out of the territory if a local-proctor is not available. And as such, predicting the availability of a proctor over the next two years will be challenging. Through the Real Estate Council Alberta, the program fees are: $4050.00 plus travel costs (as and when required). . Registration: $100.00 . Fundamentals of Real Estate: $1400.00 0 Practice of Residential Real Estate: $850.00 . Practice of Commercial Real Estate: $850.00 . Practice of Property Management: $850.00 . As mentioned, each of the four course requires either a proctored exam fee ranging from $200+ or the candidate must travel to an exam center out of the territory for the administration of said exam. 1 Through the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI) Alberta, the fees are: $5568.50 plus applicable travel costs (as and when required). . Registration to become a candidate: $525.00 . Education (10 courses): $4,495.00 plus freight $73.50 . The exams are written in Calgary (at the CAHPI Alberta office): $75 plus 4? travel costs . Mock Inspection with Peer Review (MIPR): $400.00 travel costs . As mentioned, some examination and peer review will require travel outside of the territory. At this time, I would also request a budget of $2,380.00 to cover any and all required travel to the exam centers. This is based on the necessity as mentioned that that not all exams and peer reviews can be done in the territory. And ?nally, the total combined requested amount is just under $12,000.00. I look forward to your response and if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Robert. 867.444.1000