nee Rupert Gas Transmissien Prejest Natural Gas Pipeline Benefits Agreement BETWEEN: Her Majesty the Clue-en in Right at the Presinse at British t'ftdlutnlzila1 as represented by the Minister at Aheriginal Halaligns and Remnsiliatien {the ?Presinsa'i AND: Gitxsan Natlen. as represented by the Gitssan Hereditaryr Chiefs and the Gitssan {'Gittsan") [ssiiee?sety referred is as the 'Parties' and individually referred in as a ?Partyr'jt WHEREAS: A. New.I natural gas pipelines are grapesed in British Columbia. B. The Presinse is can suiting Eitxsan Natien an the patential impasts sf prapesed natural gas pipelines. in nee with presinslal legal ehligetiens. E. The Parties wish te deseiep an eflestiee Icing-term weridng relatienship that insiudes Eitssan Nathan sharing bene?ts asseeiated with the Natural Gas Pipeline Prpjeet and supperting the desel?pment ef the Natural Gas Pipeline Prejest in aaperdanse with this Agreement. NDW THEREFIDRE the Parties agree as fellas-rs: PART - INTERPRETATION 1.1 De?nitiens. In this Agreement: ?Additienal Huwilp" means Gittsan Natien Wilp er Huh-rile. in additien tn the Represented Huwilp. that are identi?ed an the signature page and whese Gib-teen i-Ieredritarziur Chief signs this Agreement en er hefere June at]. 2015; ?Add itierlal Payment? means the payment presided in with seetien 3-3 [Addilienal Payment}: "Ag reemant" means this Prince Rupert Gas Transmissian Pre-iest Natural Gas Pipeline Bene?ts Agreement: ?E?eetitie Date" means the date an which the Pro-Hines receives written netiee tram Gib-teen that it has reaehed agreement with the prepenant fer the Natural Gas Pipeline Prejeet at has waived this sanditien; ?Eligible First ?atten" means a First Hetien that the Freeinee at its sale diseretien determines is eligih-ie ta IL?ilngeing Bene?ts under seetien 3.4 {Ongoing Bene?ts] and far the purpeses at this agreement insludes Eritrean: ?Final Payment" means the payment presided in with seems 3.2m] {Payment Scheduie}; "Gitesan temptation" means a earperatien with that name that is ineerp-erated under the Business Carpateh?ans Act, 5.3.5 EDGE. e- Hereditary Eiders? means the hereditary chiefs of the Represented Huwitp and the Additienal Hupr and 'Girtss-an Hereditary Chief? means any see at these hereditary chiefs; 'eiessn Hetien' means the sstleetiye at peepies entitled ta exercise ehengtnel rights reesgntae-d and af?n'ned by sedian at the ?rst. i932: 'Eeirernment hell-ans? means ali preseases. deeisiens, autherizatiens. permits. licenses, apprayals. Ere-en land dispesitiens. agreements and other actions whatseey'er. issued. granted. entered inte er ethenyise teiten try the Preeinee. any minister. puhlie e?isial. empleyee er agent at the Province. any geean'rment sures-retina. and any persen eating as a seaside matter under any enactment sites Premise; ?In-aerslee Date' means the lirst day that Hateral Gas Pipeline Preiest is placed insewise fer transmisaien ef natural gas and is able Ia matte natural gas daliean'es la the Liquid Natural Gas taeility at the terminus e! the Naturai Gas Pipeline Freie?: "Initial Payment" means the payment presided in aemrdenee arith sestien 3.2{a} [Payment Schedule}; ?Hem her" means any persen area is rnernlser ef Gitssan Hatipn: ?Hetural Gas Pipeline Pm]aet{e]" means the Prinea Rupert Gas Transmissian Pipetine prejeet In the Eneirenrnentel Assessment Of?ce Prejest Appretral Certi?cate issued an ?member 25. EH14 under Earhart-mental Assessment Act e- 43 as varied tram tirne ts time. Which ineiudets} sempenents seen as a naterat gas pipeline. and asseslated eempresser staliens. attain-th and ether physical facilities. sail-res and r'naters. newer supply sdureas. equipment staging sites. assess reeds and rights always. penetruetien camps and investigative activities: ??ngering Bana?ta? means ?nancial bene?ts available ham the Frayinea ta Eligible First Hetiens presided in aeemdanee with seetisn 3.4 t-Etngeing Bene?ts} In 3.9 tlni'latten Adjustment]; ?Prejaet Paymentl? means the telal payment described under sestien 3.1 {Frejeel Payments} fer the Natural Gas Pipeline Praised. hut dees net include anyr additienal payments under sectien 3.3 [Addltieeal Payment]. seelien 3.4 [?ngeing Bene?ts]: er sestien 3-10 {Additienai ?epedueihes}: and ?Represented Huedlp' means: Gael. Giuuedaahhtw. Guutginuuss. Gwiiyeahl. Gyetimgalde'e. Ihliiyemlattha. Luutkudm?iwm, Menus, th Eleast, Wii?Multwillm. ?l'agesie. Weesimlexhs'. Ell'ld ?Witp? means ene heuse grasp ef the Malian and 'Huwllp" means mere than ene heuse creep. 1-2 Interpretatlen. Fer eurpeses at this Agreement: at} 'including? means "inciuding, but net limited la? and 'includes? means 'includes. but net limited te'; b} the recitals and headings are far centre nienee eniy. de net term a part at this Agreement and in ne way de?ne. limit. alter er enlarge the seeps er meaning at any ereyisln at this Agreement; a} a relerenea te a statute Includes every amendment te it. eyary regulatien made under itr every amendment made la a regulalien made under it and any law enacted in ler. er In replaeement at. it: d} wards in the singular include the plural, and wards in the plural include the singular unless the mutant er any speci?c delin'm'en elites-rise; a] any reference la a serperate entity includes any er tn such entity: and there will he he presumptien that dauhtlul asprassiens. terms er ereyisiens in this Agreement are te be resolved in lesser at any Party. PART 2 FUHP-DEE AHD 2.1 Fairness. The all mesa at this Agreement is te prey-ids ?nancial bene?ts te Giusan Hatien and le secure Giusan Hatlen's seeped in relatien te the Neural Gas Pipeline Pralaet. 2.2 Scene. This Agreement applies la the Natural Gas Pipeline Frejeet. PART 3 - FINANCIAL BENEFITS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Project Pawnente. The Pretrinee will pretride te Git-teen De'reieprnent Cerperatierr. en behalf bf and fer the benefit ef Gibtcan Natien. a Preject Pajrrnent el fer the Natural Gee Pipeline Preject In accordance with aectien 3.2 [Payment Schedule]: and subject te sectien 5.1 {Cenditiens Precedent te Funding}. Payment Schedule. The Prevince will preside the Preject Payment fer the bilateral Gee Pipeline Preject in twe installments as fellews: a] an Initial Payment ef ene halfef the tetal Preject Payment wilt be pretricled as seen as practicable after alt ef the fe?ewing events have eemrred: I. the Prew'nce receives written cenlin'natien frern the prepenent that erderc have been placed fer cubetantially all ef the pipe required fer the Natural Gee Pipeline Preject: ii. a centract has been entered inte with at ene large diameter pipeline general epntracter fer cempteticn ef the went asseciatee w'rtl't installatien ef the pipe far we spread barring a linear iength ef mere than 25 itilemetl'es cf the Natlural Gae Pipeline Preject: and the cemptetien cf predeclien welding aleeg a pertien at at least 1 [l Itilemetree ef a eptead et the Natural Gae Pipeline Preject.? [tattleelilrety' 'Nlateriaf CemmencErnent ef Cenetruclien'} b} a Final Payment ef ena haifef the tetal Prejeet Payment will be preeided as each ac practicable after the ln-Sert'iee Date et the Natural Gas Pipeline Preject; and cj the Fret-linen will provide Githaan l.IIri'th nettce ef the achievement but Matariai Gentrnencernent ef ?enelmctien and the ln-Eenrice Date as Seen as practicable after the eccurrenee at these events. Payment. The PreIr-ince will pre'u'Ide te Gietean Ueaelepment Eerperatien. en behatf er and fer the bene?t cf Eithean Natien. an Additienal Payment ct as seen ac practicable after the Effective Date. ?ngering Bene?te. The Preaince will pretriele Ungeing Elan-elite elf per year fer the Natural Gas Pipeline Prejeet te Gitesan Natien and ether Eligible First Natiena in accordance with seetiens 3.5 {Entitlement te ?ngeing Bene?ts} te 3.53- [ln?atien Adjustment]. Entitlement be ?ngeth ?ene?ta. Subject te sectiens jAltc-catien et Ungehg and 3.5 {Dngeing Benefits Agreement}, Gietean Natien will be entitled te receive a etiare ef Cl-ngeing Benefits cemmencing en the ?rst anniveraarr ef the ImSeMee Date fer the Natural Baa Pipetine Preject and centinuirtp en we: subsequent anniversary cf the In-Eenrice Date fer ae leng as the preject ie meittng 3-5 3-3 3.9 3.10 3.11 natural gas delirerles te the terminus facility- Allecatlen cf Dngelng Bene?ts. The Prevince will net malte a determinatien an the altccab'cn at ?3an Bene?ts until after June 3-D. 2:115 te allew Eligible First hlatiens ic negotiate and attempt is reach enanimcus agreement en the aliecaticn ct Bene?ts. Eligible lret ?attens Diecuaele-ne. The Illrill help te facilitate discussicns bereaen Eligible First Haticns en the allecatien ef Dngcing Bene?ts as fell-stirs: the F'rceinca will preside lElitllisan with a list cf Eligible First Hatier'rs as seen as practicable after the date en which the Agreement is fully- executed; and b} an request. the Prevlnce will discuss the petential methedelcgies fer the allecatien ef Eingciirrg Bene?ts. with Gibtsan {and the ether Eligible First ahculd theyr else submit a request}- Degelng Bene?ts Agreement. if all cf the Eligible First ?attens are able tc reach unanimeus agreement en the allecaticn cf the IIlingering Bene?ts by June Ell]1 2015, then the Prevince will alincate the Dngeing Benefits in acecrdance with such agreement. Where the Eligible First ?aliens are unable te reach unanimeus agreement en the allecatien ef Ungeing Bene?ts by June at}. 201 5. the Pretrinee will: a} allecate a pertien cf the ?ngeing Benefits te each Eligible First Matien in amerrlance with a ccnsistent and ebjeclhre medterlelegy determined by the Pretrinee. which may talte Inte facters such as pepulatien and the langth cf pipeline within traditienal territcnr: b] preside netice te Gib-lean cf the previncial apprcach tn the allecatiert cf Dngelng Bene?ts emeng Eligible First hiaticns and the ameunt and timing at its allccatlen cf Dngelng Bene?ts as seen as practicable after June E15: c} negeljate and attempt tc reach agreement with lEiibtsan an any amendments applicable te- Agreement- lnl'latlen Adjustment. The will adjust the an'teunt cf ?ngeing Bene?ts payments an neatly. cemmencing en the secend anniversary ef the In?Eentlce Bate fer the Natural! Gas Pipeline Preject. based en changes in annual BC Final Demech Demand implicit Price Index published by Statistics Canada. Additlenai ?prpertenitlee- 1l'il'here the Pretrince presides new types at ?nancial bene?ts he First t-lalicns relating to the Natural Gas Pipeline Preject. the Preuince will preside netiee tc Gitltsan and the Parties will discuss these ?nancial bene?ts. Including Britt eligibility criteria. with the intenticn at increasing the bene?ts available te Gith-Bl'l Malian- Fuhtre Amendments. Where the bene?ts under sacb'en 3.10 [Additlenal Dppertunilies} are presided te First Natiens under an agreement the Parties will negetlate and attempt is reach agreement en amendments applicable te this Agreement- 3.12 Further Assurancaa. Nothing in this Agraamant praclucfas Gitssan tram: 3] bi 5] ccnh'nuing tc nagc?ata and implamant rsyaniia and hana?ts-sharing agraarnants With and cthar gayammants: amassing acanamlc appaimnitiaa and bana?ia, which may as ayatiahta ta Gila-Esau, athar than thcsa asprassly sat out in this Agraamant; ar participating in gayarnn'iant anagrams tar which Giantsan may tzra aligitila. PART LTATIDH NATURAL GAE PIPEUHE 4.1 Canaaltatian. Tha Partias acitnawladga that: h} cansuttatian cataraan tha Parties is scanning and will aantinua ta wi?'i raspaat ta tha Praytnaa'a any patanlial pannitting pracassas and all?iar Gayamrnant Antiana raiatad ta tha Natural Gas Pipaiina Prajaat; and participatinn in Elissa pmcassas, including idanlilying pctanlial impacts and saaiting ta rasalya cancams, is aspactati tc accur in a timaiy mannar and in with ar tha pracass sat cat in any applicahla cansuitaticn agraamant bah-iaan tha Pa rtias. PART 5 5-1 5.2 5.3 Support. Gitxsan will prayitia any Iattar. carli?aata at aanlinnaiian at tha mattars sat cut in sactian 4.1 {Canaultatian}. sactian 5.2 [Lagal Chaitangas]. sactian 5.3 {Halaasa} and 5.5 [Claims an raquaat tram tha F'rm'inaa- Lagal Challengas. Praytctad tha Prayinca is nut in datault at its abligatians undar this Agraamsnt. Gitssan agrass ta tiring any caurt actions cr prccaadings that ciractty ar indiractty challangs any Ecyarnmant Ficticns in raiaticn ta tha Natural Gas Pipslina Praiact an the basis that Iha Prayinca has fallati ta cansuit ar accarn rnatlata Gitssan. an tha basis that tha Prayinca has infringad any at Gititsan Nation?s rights raca-gniaatl and ai??m'iaai by auction at tha Canalilidian Anal. 1932. Dn racaipt cf the Initial Paymant undar sacticn 3.2m} {Praiact Payments] Gitssan ralaasas and dischargas tha Prayinca tram tha taliawing in raiaticn to tha Naturat Gas Pipailna Praiact: 3} all acticns. causas cf actian. claims ar prams-dings arising tram any legal abilgaiian ta aanaalt and Giuan ar ta amid inlringarnant at any at Gitssan Nation's n'ghts raccgnizad and af?rmed by saclicn at this Canstitutian Act. 1932; and 5-4 5.5 5-5 a} all debts. duties. demands. damages. irate-rest. lines and casts, expenses, and ccmpensaticn whales-ever amcunt. nature and Including bene?ts, capacity funding and revenue sharing er payments at any Itiil'ld Including payments arising tram any legal chligaticn ta ccnsult and er aycid infringement ct any at Gicrsen Nation's rights rar?gnized and af?rmed by secticn 35111] at the Gene-mutter! Act. 1932'. interferEHce. Git-Lean agrees net in sup-pert er participate in any acts that frustrate, delay. step er ethenliiee physicaliy impede the right at the Preylnce er a Natural Gas Pipeline prepenent er any at their respectiye employees. agents. representetlyes cr invitees te gain access is a Hateral Gas Pipeline Prcject and is carry cut any activities assc-cieted aim the and apereticns cf that Natural Gas Pipeline Freject- Assistance. Gitssan Hereditary llithiels and the Gitasan will assist the Prayince in seeking tc resolve any acticn that may he tel-ten by any Member that is incensistent With this Agreement- Claims Reserved. Pmyided the Prcyince is net in default at its chtigatiens under this Agreement. Ii'S-ilztsan agrees that this Agreement resciyes all claims arising any Geyernment Actions in relatien tn the Natural Gas Pipeline Preject with respect la: a} issues at benefits. capacity funding and reyenue sharing cr payments at any kind including payments related th any censultaticn and nhligaticlns; and ti} ccmpensaticn tar infringement at any ct Gitssan Nathan's rights reccgniIe-d and a'i? rrned by section at the Eenstr't'uticn Act. 1952. PART cchITIcHe PaecenEi-rr 6.1 Bend-illness Precedent tci Agreement. The Prayince's executicn at this Agreement is subject tn: a} Gitssan delivering tc tit-a Presence 5 reseluticn cf the Gitssan appreying this Agreement, autherizing its representatiye tcr- sign this Agreement and tc act an t-ehati cl Giusan fer the purpcses at this Agreement including receiying the Additicnel Payment. Prefect Payments and any seer payments ecnternplated under this Agraement'. b} The Pmyinca haying chtainad all required including Cabinet anc Treasury Beard appraisal; and c] Gitssan Hereditary Bhiets' and Gib-rash Deyeicpment Gerperatien's and warranties under this Agreement he:ng true and sunset en the E?ecliye Date. 5.2 Precedent tc Funding. Manyilhstanding any ether preylsian in this Agr?ment. any payment at hands by the Fret-rinse te Eritrean under this Agreement rs subject ta: 8} hi [it there being suf?cient rncnies ayailable In an as de?ned in the Act. HSEC teas. 133.11: enable the Prayince in anyI fiscal year er part there-pf When such payment is required. te maI-re such payment: Treasury Beard. as de?ned in the Fraser-tat Administratten Act. net haying er limited expenditure under any necessary in crder tc matte such payment; the under seclien Iii-{a} [Eendilians Precedent tel Agreement} net haying been 1?varied. amended, repealed cr replaced in a manner that alters er terminates its autherity tc cemply With the terms at this Agreement; the Gitssan Deuelepment Cerpcratien maintaining geed standing and status as a duly ccrperatlen under Business Carpet-aliens Act. SHE Gib-csan being in campiiance with all at its cbligatiens under this Agreement and; Gitnsen Hereditary Chiefs' and Gitnsan Deyelcpment Cerpcratlcn's representatiens and wananties under this Agreement being true and current. PHI-HT - REPRESENTATIDHS WARRANTIES Gltnan Hereditary Ehlafa Representatiana. Gitssan Hereditaryr Ethier each represent and warrant ta the Prayince. with the intent and understanding that they will be relied an by the Pro-since in ante ring inte this Agreement. that: 3} till he er she has the legal pcwer. capacity and authcrity te enter 'Lntc this Agreement on its beharl and on behalf at the Members at his er her Represented Hewin er Additicnal Wilp.? he an she has taken all necessary asthma and has ebtsined all necessary appreyats tc enter late this Agreement far and en behalf at the Members at his er her Represented Huwilp er Additicnat 1il'Ilin'. he or she has ebtained a: had the appertunrty tc ebtaln legal adyiee with respect te this Agreement Gitnsan Develeprnent Gameratien 'rs duty au?'lel'lled by the Gib-rsan Hereditary Chiefs tc receive the Additienal Payment. the Preject Payments and any other payments cmtemplated under this Agreement and that such payments are a grind and valid discharge at the Prevtnce's abllgatien ta real-re payments ta 3 T2 T3 Git-Esau Under this Agreement: and a] this Agreement is valid and binding ehligatien upen Giusen. Gites-an Develeprnent Eerperatien Representatlens. E-itxsan Eieveinpment liierp-eretinn represents and wanants tn the Previnea, with the intent and understanding that they will be relied en by the Frevinee in enten?ng inte this Agreement. that: a} it is a duly ineerperated eerperalidn under the Business Cerperaiiens eel. 5-3.13 EDDIE, e. 5? and that it is in green staI'Iding; h} 'It has the legal capacity and autherity te enter inte this Agreement fer and en beheil et itself and Gititsen: and in] this Agreement is a valid and binding dellgatien tip-en it. Previneial Hepresentatiena. The F-?revinee represents and warrants in Gitssan, with the intent and understanding that they will he relied en by Gletsen in entering inte this Agreement. that it has the ault'ierity te enter inte this Agreement and that this Agreement is a valid and binding deligaiinn of the Previnee. PART - Cemrneneeni net. This Agreement eemrnenee and the Famed ehligatiuna under this AgrEereent witl take attest en the E?estive ?ats. PART 5? - DISPUTE HEEDLUHDH 9.1 Dispute Heleitrtien. Where a dispute aItses regarding the interpretatien ef?te Agreement, the Parttes? duly appdintee representatives will meet within at} days te attempt is reselve the dispute and where the Farti are unable te reselve the dispute within 30 days. ?te Parties may agree te utilize ether dispute reseiLIIi-en mechanisms, ineluding mediatien. PART 10 - HDTICE AND IiilELl'li'ElT?r Hetiees. Any netise. easement. statement er repert under this Agreement must he in writing, and will be deemed validly given in and lay the e?ter Fiert'glr1 it served persenaliy. en the date at personal sarvlee er. it delivered by mail. email er facsimile eep-ier, when received as fellews: if it: the Fret-tines: Chief Hegeliater Ministry at Aboriginal Relatinns and Reemeilietien FD Edit Ste. Prev. Gevt. 1&2 1?.3 Wisteria, EC 951 Fax: [2543] HBFEDTE and if te Gdlsan ?ayelep-rnent?erperatien 165i] Dmeniea Street Hasalten, as tutti-J we Attendee: Giusen Eteyeiepment Gerbere?ert Fax: {250} Email: nekggietsanbuslnesseem change at Address. Either Party may. frern time te time. giye written er e-n'iail netiee te- the ether Party at any change at address er teesimila number at the Party giyirig sueh netiee and after the giytng at such netiee. the address or facsimile number therein speci?ed will. fer eumeses at this Agreement be eenelusiyely deemed te be the address at facsimile number at the Party giying such netiee. Electrenle Hetlee. The Parties agree that they will utilise eleeh'enie and ether methe-ds at mmunleatien fer the pa reeses ef engagement yuheneyer era-etieabie and appreariate. PART 11 - GENERAL 11.1 11.171I Net a Treaty. The Agreement dees net: all eanslitute a treaty er land claims agreement within the meaning at seetien 25 err 35 at the censtitut'ien Aer. 19-52; er af?rm. abregete er derogate them any at Hatien's ehen'ginal rights recognised and af?rmed by seetien 35-[11efthe Censtitui'r'en Act. 1932. He PreytIi-ens. Hething in this Agreement: 3} bi is an admission by the Prayinee at the IIralidity at the elaims by Gibrsan te an abenginat er treaty right. including Abariglnal title. and af?rmed by seed-an E?i?tiet the Cense't'utien Aer, 1932, er that the Natural Gas Pipeline Prejeet and any related Geyernrnent Aetiens have er will result in an Infringement at any er treaty n'ght{s} reengnized and af?rmed by seetien at the Act. 1932 at Gitasan: is an admissien by the Prayinee that it has an ebiigatien td preyide ?nancial! er medatien te Gibrsan iri relatien to the Natural Gas Pipeline Frejeet: Is an admisslen by that the Prayinee has tullillee ebtigatiens ta eensutt. and where apereeriate Gib-teen in reseaet at any ether miner. It} 11.3 11.4 11-5 11-3 11.]Ir d} precludes Gictsan identifying ccncems abcut Impacts ef the bilateral Gas Pipeline Prcject cr precludes the Parties frem seal-ring tc reselye these censerns as part cf the applicable prevtncial senseltsticn precasscs white these precasses are Undemay; may be censtrued as Gibtsan prcyiding: er a release at any claims. demands. actiens er causes at actien that Gilitsan may have in relatien is the cenyersien cr medi?caticn cf the Natural Gas Pipeline Prcjecl fer the purpcse at transpertatien cf any material ether than natural gas; f] precludes bdnging claims breach cf the Agreement ct defending a claim er raising any right reccgniaed and af?rmed by secticn 35(1) cf the cert-stitches .itctr 1932 as a defence is a regulatcry charge; er 9} precludes the Fret-rinse item relying en the payments made under the Agreement if challenged in any legal actiens er preceedings with respect tn the edequ acy cf cr ccmpensaticn any alleged infringement cf Gilasan hiaticn's rights recegniaed and af?rmed by 35(1) cf the Gen-stitches Act. 1932 in reiaticn tc the Natural Gas Pipeline Prcject- Entire Ag reement. This Agreement and any amendment te it censtitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect te the subject matter cf this Agreement, unless ethenrrise agreed in wn'ijng by the Parties- Amendment The Parties may agree is amend this Agreement in writing. Validity ef Agreement. If any part at this Agreement is 'lil'?id cr unenforceable at law: a} the invalidity at that part will net effect the validity cf the remainder. which will continue in full fares and effect and be as it this Agree-meet had been asemtad witheut the inyalid part; and h} the Parties will negeliete and attempt in reach agreement en a replacement fer the part declared er held invalid with a yiew tc achieylng the intent cf the Parties as expressed in this Agreement- Further Acts and Assurances+ Each at the Parties will, upen the reasenable request at the ether, matte. dc. execute er cause tc be made. dcne er executed all further and ether lawful acts, deedsr things. devices. dccuments. instruments and assurances whatever fer the better and accelute cerium-lance cf the terms and ccnditicns cf this Agreement. the hnplied Waiver. Any waiver at: a] e. prcyisicn cf this Agreement; b} the by a Party at an chligaticn under this Agreement; cr a} default by Paris of an deligetien this Agreement, Will be in setting and signed by the Party giving the waiver end nel be waiver ef any.r ether presisidn. deligatidn er en dsequeet default. 11-3 Assignment. The Gibrsan will net assign. eilher dir'HC-ml' er indiredly. this Agreement er any right dt the Glarsen under this Agreen'ieril the pear written eensenl ef the Frames. 11-5! Gaming: Law. This Agreement will he geserned by and senstrued in semidenee I.iirith the laws at British Ediembia. 11.1!) Ere-aetien in. Ceu?terpi?. This Agreement may be entered inta by eaei'r Parts signing a separate {If ?gmemnt {including a {Jr facsimile may} and delivering it tn the ether Party by facsimile transmission. IN WITNESS WHEHEDF the Parties have executed this Agreement as set eLrt seiner: Signed en hehetf ef Her Majesty the Queen in ?ight ef the Pmeinse ref British Eelumhie by the Illinister ef Ahertginal Hele?ens and Minister dehn sums mess Date Signed en behalf ef Etta-teen ?atten by the ?tness Huie'erdlitenlI thief: and the Ettusn [levelepmen't Gerpura?en Date Eae?' is?" Gi?uudeehim Date 12' Signed on haha? af Human Hattan by the Gitnan Hamdltanr Chiefs and tha Gitxlan Dath ?mpumtiun Gwiir?va! Dale Guulgirms Date Eya?mmld?n 1 Data Mans Data W?g?h Dat? Ihliiyamlaxha Data ?ithudzihws Data Wii'MulMiitw Data Data Wan-sinrama Dale Em: chum. Gm nmmant Cam. Dalia Data 1'3