SENSITIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL LIMITED DISTRIBUTION DOCUMENT - FOR FPT DISCUSSIONS ONLY SOLICITOR-CLIENT PRWILEGE DO NOT COPY, DISCLOSE CIR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS AUTHORIZATION Page 1 SENSITWE AND CONFIDENTIAL - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION DDCUMENT- FOR FFT DISCUSSIONS ONLY Whereas the high number of deaths and disappearances of Indigenous women and girls in Canada is an ongoing national tragedy that must be broughtto an end; Whereas the Government of Canada and the governments of the provinces and territories of have committed to launching an inquiry to identify and examine the systemic causes of violence against Indigenous women and girls in Canada and to make recommendations for effective ac?onAnd whereas the Government of Canada and the governments of the provinces and territories of .. are committed to taking effective action to prevent and eliminate violence against Indigenous women and girls in Canada; - I, Therefore, His Excellency wth\eV Governor General in Council, owe! recommendation of 6? Minister. directs that a ?yssion do issue under Part i?l?g dairies Act and under te?? re Seal of Canada in ?ve commissions %7 (?the Commissi a3; namely the Honour 49ame as Chief Com as ne and an [namesl as mm's oners, to conduct an inquiin into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canadahwhich Commission must direct the Commissioners to inquire into and to report on the following: systemic causes ._of violence against Indigenous women and girls SOLICITDR-CLIENT PRIVILEDE DO NOT COPY, DR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS AUTHORIZATION Attendu que le hombre eleve' de deces et de disparitions de femmes et de ?lles autochtones au Canada constitue une tragedie nationale qui perdure et doit cessen Attendu que la gouvernement dug anada et le gouvernement de [mom I )la province ou du territoire] se 0 gas a lancer une enqu?te mer et examiner les causes lg es de la violence contre les es>?et les filles autoChtones au (?e-Ha et pour recommenderd 'sefficaCe-s; Attendu eWernement du Canada et le 0 ment de [nom de la provin territoire] se sont engages a des mesures ef?caces pour an at eliminer Ia violence contre les les filles autochtones au A ces causes. sur recommendation du premier ministre, Son Excellence Ie Gouverneur general an conseil ordonne que soit prise, en vertu de ia partie i de la Loi sur ies enqu?tes, une commission revetue du grand sceau du Canada portant nomination de cinq commissaires (cl-apres a commisaires dont I?honorabie [nom] a titre de commissaire en chef, de at [noms] a titre de commissaires, charges de faire enquete sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues ou assassinees au Canada, laquelie commission a} ordonne aux commissaires d'enqueter et faire rapporteur ce qui suit: i) les causes systemiques de la violence contre les femmes . et les filles Page 2 SENSITIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION DOCUMENT FDR FPT DISCUSSIONS ONLY in Canada, including underlying social, economic, cultural, institutional and historical causes contributing to the ongoing violence and particular vulnerabilities of Indigenous women and girls in Canada, and (ii) institutional policies and practices in response to violence experienced by Indigenous women and girls In Canada, including identification and examination of practices that have been effective in reducing violence and increasing safety; direct the Commissioners to make recommendations on the following: in) concrete and effective action that can be taken to remove systemic causes of violence and increase the safety of Indigenous women and girls in Canada, and (ii) ways to honour commemorate the missing murdered Indigenous wom girls in Canada; (it) direct the Commissio ers onduct the Inquiry under main] of the National Inquiry in ssing and Murdered Indige 0 an and Girls (?the Inquiry"); I authorize mmissioners to adopt any that they consider expedient he proper conduct of the Inq to sit at the times and in the especially in indigenous ydities in Canada, that the issioners consider appropriate, and to conduct the Inquiry through informal processes, to the greatest extent possible, including through the use of statement? takers to record the experiences of those individuals participating in the Inquiry; direct the Commissioners to take is DC- nor copy, DISCLOSE on DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT expses's AUTHORIZATION ordonne au 11 reccnn-tmanttidgb ce qui suit: autochtones au Canada, notamment sur les causes sociaies, economiques, cuiturelles, institutionnelles et historiques sous-jacentes qui contribuent a la violence persistente et aux vulnerabilites particulieres des femmes et des ?lles ii) les autochtones au Canada, - institutionnelles en reponsea 'o ce que vivent les femmes filles autochtones au Canad?y pris Ie es pratiques ur r?duire la recensement et I?exam qui ont effic violence at accr 'curite; saires de faire des poiitiques et les les 'ratiques etconcretes qui peu prises afin d??liminer ies systemiques de la violence et re la s?curit? des femmes et des fill utochtones au Canada, .. les facons d?honorer et de commemorer les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinees au Canada; it) ordonne aux commissaires de mener l?enquete sous le nom d?Enquete nationals sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinees ci- apres tt I?Enquete s; d} autorise les commissaires a adopter les procedures qu?ils jugent opportunes pour le bon deroulement de I?Enquete, a sieger aux moments at aux endroits qu?ils jugent indiqu?s, en particulier dans les collectivites autochtones au Canada, et, dans toute la mesure du possible, a mener I?Enquete au moyen de processus informels, ayant recours a des personne pour consigner les experiences des participants a I?Enquete; ordonne aux commissaires de tenir Page 3 SENSITIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL LIMITED DISTRIBUTION DOCUMENT - FOR FPT DISCUSSIONS into account, in conducting the Inquiry, compte du fait, iorsqu?ils menent I?Enquete that the Inquiry process is intended, to que celie-ci vise, dans .la mesure du the extent possible, to possible be trauma?informed and respect a prendre en compte lestraumatismes the individuals, families and subis et a respecter les personnes, les communities concerned, families et les collectivites touch?es, {ii} provide an opportunity for {ii} a fournir une occasio aux individuals, families and community personnes, aux families etau We members to express and share their des collectivit?s de faire ar .. urs experiences and views, including on experiences et de inions, .n d'a croitre la ?liminer la et les filles how to increase safety and prevent notamment sur les is and eliminate violence against se?curit? et de prev indigenous women and girls in violence contre - Canada, autochtones au be culturally sensitive and a etrea @a realit?s cuiturelles acknowledge, respect and honour etareco a e, respecteretahonorer the diverse cultural and spiritual Ia div 3 traditions culturelies et traditions of indigenous peoples, and spiri es peupies autochtones, (iv) promote and advance i mouvoir et a faire progresser la reconciliation and contribute to public J?r ainsi qu?a contribuer a awareness about the causes of, and t, se sibiliser Ie public aux causes de la solutions for ending, vioie lence v?cue par les femmes et les experienced by Indigenous filles autochtones au Canada de meme and girls in Canada; qu?aux solutions poury mettre fin; (o authorize the Commissio provide 1) aLitorise les commissaires a dormer, any person having a su sta%nd direct a toute personne ayant un interet interest in the subject a er the inquiry direct et reel dans l?objet de l?Enquete, with an opportunitk icipate in the [a possibilite de participer de a celie-ci; inquiry; I 5? is) authorize :Vommissioners to g) autorise Ies commissaires a constituer establish xx? .?les comites suivants: reg'g?ai Isory bodies, composed des comites consu?ltatifs r?gionaux of Eng oved ones and survivors, composes de families, de proches et - vie on regional matters that fail de survivantes pour fournir des (A mt scope of the Inquiry, and conseils sur-des questions regionales in) 'ssue-specific advisory bodies, qui relevant du mandat de I?Enquete, omposed of elders, youth, victims? (it) des comites consultatifs charges de family members, experts, academics questions particulieres et composes including those specializing -in d'aines, de jeunes, de membres des indigenous legal traditions and families des victimes, d?experts, representatives of national d'universitaires, notamment specialises organizations, of local organizations dans les traditions juridiques and of feminist organizations, to advise autochtones, de representants SOLICITOR-CLIENT PRIVILEGE DO NOT COPY, DISCLOSE OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS AUTHORIZATION Page 4 SENSITIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL LIMITED DISTRIBUTION DOCUMENT - FOR FPT DISCUSSIONS ONLY on matters that fall within the scope of d?organismes nationaux et [ocaux et thelnquiry; d'organismes feministes pour fournir des conseils sur des questions regionales qui relevent du mandat de I'Enqu?te; direct the Commissioners to h) ordonne aux commissaires de mener conduct the Inquiry as they consider I?Enquete comme iI Ieur sembie opportun, appropriate with respect to accepting an tenant pour d?finitives, ou mm? as conclusive or giving weight to the accordant l?importance qui con t, ux findings of fact set out in relevant conclusions de fait etabi' Ies reports, studies, research and rapports. etudes, recher xamens examinations, whether national or pertinents men?s a Ile ationale ou international, including internationals, note The Final Report of the Truth and la Rapport fi? Commission de Reconciliation Commission of verit? et reco du Canada (2015), Canada (2019* (ii) le Ra - la Commission royale {ii} The Report of the Royal sur la autochtones (1996), Commission on Aboriginal Peoples invisibles: Un appei a ?996% Un rapport sur les temmes Invisible Women: A Call to tones portees disparues ou Action. A Report on Missing and Qs??ssin?es au Canada, Rapport du Murdered Indigenous Women mite special sur la violence faite aux Canada, Report of the femmes autochtones(2014), COWm'?ee Uni V'olence 3 (iv) Les femmes autochtones disparues Ind'genous women (NHL 1 et assassinees: Un apercu operationnel (iv) Missing and Murde ed @ginal national, Gendarmerie royals du Canada Women: A Nationgap rational (2014), ngw'ewi Royal 3 Mounted ?(10 Ce que leurs histoires nous disent: Ponce (201% R?suitats de recherche de i'initiative What 'r ories Tell Us: Sceurs par I?eSprit, Association des Researchii di )5 rom the Sisters In femmes autochtones?du Canada (2010), Spirit I 9 Native women?s (vi) Re ort of the in uirv concerning As? Canada (2010)! Canard: of the Corgimittee on the of the inquiry concerning Elimination of Discrimination against a a? of the Committee on the Women under article 8 of the Optional nation of Discrimination against Protocol to the Convention on the omen under article 8 of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Optional Protocol to the Convention against Women (30 mars 2015), All Forms 0f (vii) Missing and Murdered Indigenous D'scnm'natlo? 393mm Women (30 Women in British Columbia, Canada, Mamh 2015)ia"d Commission interam?ricaine des droits (vii) Missing and Murdered de I'homme (21 d?cembre 2014); Indigenous Women in British SOLICITOR-CLIENT PRIVILEGE DO NOT COPY, DISCLOSE OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS AUTHORIZATION Page 5 SENSITIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL LIMITED DISTRIBUTION DOCUMENT - FOR FPT DISCUSSIONS ONLY Columbia, Canada, inter-American Commission on Human Rights (21 December 2014): direct the Commissioners to review i) ordonne aux commissaires d?examiner les the results of the Government of resultats du processus de mobilisation Canada?s prenlnquiry engagement preaiabie a I?Enquete entrepris par la process; gouvernement du Canada; authorize the Commissioners to rent j) autorise les commissaires We any space and facilities that may be locaux qui pourraient etre was required for the purposes of the Inquiry. in pour la tenue ?\alj nquete, accordance with the applicable Treasury conform?mentaux pow 'piicabies Board policies; du Conseii du Tres (R) authorize the Commissioners to k) autorise QWmissaires a recommend to the Clerk of the Privy recommande fiier du Conseii Council that funding be provided, in prive de ti participation, seion accordance with approved guidelines les ligg'iei?iectrices approuv?es respecting rates of remuneration and cone remuneration et les reimbursement and reapecting the rod ?5 'ainsi que i??vaiuation des assessment of accounts, to any person de toute personne a qui Ia granted standing under paragraph $ilite de se faire entendre a et? d; where in the Commissioners' view th au titre de l?aiinea si les person would not otherwise be ab Alto mmissaires sont d?avis qu?elle ne participate in the inquiry; pourrait pas participer a I'Enquete sans ce financement; authorize the Commissio maimake autorise ies commissaires a mettre a available to members of th ies of la disposition des membres des families missing and murdered 'en vswomen de femmes et de filles autochtones and girls and to so rs of violence. disparues et assassinees ainsi que des against Indigenou and girls, for survivantes de la violence contre les the duration of 'r a pearance before femmes et les ?lles autochtones, durant the Commiss? he rauma-informed and ieur comparution devant Ia commission, culturally counselling services ies services de counselling que les that missioners consider commissaires jugent indiques qui sont appro 'a adaptesa leur culture ettiennentcompte des traumatismes subis; brize the Commissioners to refer m} autorise les commissaires a orienter of missing and murdered vers i?autorite provinciale cu territoriaie ind genous women and girls and competente responsable de la prestation survivors of violence against Indigenous de services aux victimes ies families de women and girls who contact the femmes et de titles autochtones Commission for information and disparues etlassassinees ainsi que les assistance with respect to such matters survivantes de la violence contre les as ongoing or past investigations, femmes et les filles autochtones qui prosecutions or inquests to the communiquent avec la commission pour SOLICITOR-CLIENT PRIVILEGE DO NOT COPY, DISCLOSE OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS AUTHORIZATION Page 6 SENSITIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL - LIMITED DISTRIB appropriate provincial or territorial authority responsible for the provision of victim services; (it) direct the Commissioners to use the electronic data systems and procedures specified by the Privy Council Office and to consult with records management officials within the Privy Council Of?ce on the use of standards and systems that are specifically designed for the purpose of managing records; authorize the Commissioners to engage the services of the experts and other persons that are referred to in section 11 of the inquiries Act, at the rates of remuneration and reimbursement that the Treasury Board approves; direct the Commissioners to perfor their duties without expressing conclusion or recommen' i regarding the civil or criminal lia any person or organization; (qrdirect the Comm' their duties in su the conduct jeopardize investigati 'nal proceeding; if ommissioners have rounds to believe that inf obtained in the course of the no ay be used in the investigation it? secution of an offence under the Cu inal Code of Canada, authorize the Commissioners to remit that information to the appropriate authorities; is) authorize the Commissioners to remit to the appropriate authorities information that was obtained in the course of the Inquiry, that the PRWILEGE DO NOT COPY, DISCLOSE OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS AUTHORIZATION UTION DOCUMENT - FOR FPT DISCUSSIONS ONLY obtenir de I?aide ou des renseignements sur des questions relatives a des enquetes, a des poursuites ou a des enquetes du coroner passees ou en cours; n} ordonne les commissaires a utiliser les systemes de donn?es electr niques et les procedures precisees ar le Bureau du Conseil prive et nr, ter les representants de des documents du Bureau eil prive concernant l?applicati normes et I?utilisation des es concus precisement gestion des documents; 0) autorls missaires a retenir les 12% ?cialistes et d'autres entionnees a l'article 11 de es enouetes, et a leur verser neration et les indemnites vees par le Conseil du Tresor; a goinonne aux commissaires de remplir leurs fonctions sans formuler de conclusion ou responsabilite quelque personne ou organisms que ce soit; gay to perform to ensure that {It quiry does not ongoing criminal recommendation sur la civile ou criminelle de de q) ordonne aux commissaires de remplir leurs fonctions de maniere at ce que la conduite de I?Enquete ne nuise pas a des enduetes criminelles ou a des instances penales en cours; r) autorise les commissaires, s?ils ont des motifs raisonnables de croire que les renseignements qu'ils obtiennent dans le cadre de I?Enquete peuvent servir a une enquete cu a une poursuite relative a une infraction au Code criminel du Canada, de remettre ces renseignements aux autorites competentes; s) autorise les commissaires, s?ils ont des motifs raisonnabies de croire que les renseignements qu?ils obtiennent dans le cadre de l?Enquete sont relatifs a une Page 7 SENSITIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL - LIMITED DISTRIBUTION DOCUMENT - FOR FPT DISCUSSIONS ONLY Commissioners have - grounds to believe, relates misconduct; it) direct the Commissioners to follow established security procedures, including the requirements of the Government of Canada's security policies, directives, standards and guidelines, with respect to persons engaged pursuant to section 11 of the inquiries Act and the handling of informatidn at all stages of the Inquiry; {11) direct the Commissioners not to disclose publicly or in any report personal information, as the term is de?ned in the Privacy Act, that has been receivedlin evidence during any portion of the inquiry conducted in camera, unless. in the opinion of the Commissioners, the-publici?Ad reasonable inconduite, a remettre ces renseignements to aux autorit?s competentes; ordonne aux commissaires de suivre les procedures etabiies en matiere de s?curit?, notamment les exigences pr?vues par les politiques, les dir ctives, les normes et les lignes direct?vu gouvernement du Canada en la s?curit?, a l??gard des p~ i'article 11 de la Lois- l'?gard du traite u) ordonne a communi liquement ou dans guelque que ce soit, des tens/elite ts personnels au sens de la sur la protection des merits personneis qui ont ate 3 en preuve au cours de I?Enquete interest in the disclosure outweighs est menee a huis cios, a invasion of privacy that could resul the disclosure; I direct the Commissio erakgspect of any portion of the onducted in public, to enswe a bers of the public can, simult ly in both official languages, co to with and obtain services fro th ommission, including any trans ts proceedings that have been'ma?sle iable to the public; Wihe Commissioners to submit the in reports, simultaneously in both moins que les commissaires soient d?avis que des raisons d?int?r?t public justifieraient nettement une ?ventuelle violation de la vie priv?e; 1r) ordonne aux commissaires de veiller a ce que la public, dans le cadre de toute partie de l?Enquete tenue en public, puisse communiquer avec la commission et obtenir ses services simultanement dans les deux' langues officielles, compris les transcriptions de?s audiences si celle?s~ci sont mises a la disposition du public; w] ordonne aux commissaires de soumettre au gouverneur en conseil offi 'al languages, to the Governor in les rapports suivants simultanement Council: dans les deux langues officielies an interim report, to be submitted un rapport provisoire faisant ?tat before (date), setting out the de leurs observations at recommendations pr?liminaires sur les examens, enqu?tes et rapports anterieurs qu?ils ont juge? pertinents' Commissioners? preliminary findings and recommendations, and their views on and assessment of, any previous examination, SOLICITOR-CLIENT PRIVILEGE DO NOT COPY. DISCLOSE OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS AUTHORIZATION Page 8 SENSITIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL LIMITED DISTRIBUTION DOCUMENT - FOR FPT DISCUSSIONS ONLY investigation and report that the et de leur appreciation de ceux-ci, Commissioners consider relevant to the au plus tard Ie Inqu'ry?and {ii} on rapport final faisant etat de (ii) a ?nal report, to be submitted before leurs observations at de leurs (date), setting out the Commissioners? recommendations finales, au plus final ?ndings and recommendations; and tard le direct the Commissioners to file the x} ordonne aux commissaires de' ?poser records and papers of the Inquiry with the lee documents et les ra Clerk of the Privy Council as soon as l?Enqu?te au gref?er du feasible after the conclusion of the aussitot que possible Inquiry. de I?Enqu?te. SOLICITOR-CLIENT PRIVILEGE DO NOT COPY, DISCLOSE OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS AUTHORIZATION Page 9