a Ceii Government of India of Law :52: Justice Department of Legit}. Affairs (implementation Ceil} Sl?iastri Bhawan, New Delhi. Dated: 2c?i.06.2016 OFFICE MEMORANBUM Subject: Draft Ear Couneil of indie. Rules for registration and regulation of foreign lawyers and law firms in indie, framed by the BCI under the provisions of the Advocates Act, 1961. The undersigned directed to state that. the Law Secretary has convened a meeting on Teesria?e, ieiy, at i t. Draft Rules for registration and regulation of foreign lawyers and law ?rms in indie, framed by the under" the provisions of the Advocates Act, 1961. Any other item with the permission of the Chair. 2.. You are requested to nominate an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary to attend the meeting. 3. A eopy of the draft rules is enclosed for perusal and. re?erenee. heels: As above. {Wigwam (Bhupesh Vanna} As istant Legal Adviser Ph. No. 23381932 FAX: 23385117 Email: l. The Foreign Secretary, h/iinistry ot'External Affairs, South Block, Cabinet Seeretariat, Raisins. Hill, New Delhi 110011. 2. The Home Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, North Bioek, New Delhi. 3. The Secretary (EA), Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, North Block, New Delhi. it? oulmp. Cell Governi'nent of indie lt?iitiisttj; of Law Justice Department of Legal Affairs implementation Cell) aseas Siiastti Bhawan, New Delhi. Dated: 24.06.2011?) OFFICE: MEMORANDUM Subject: a Draft Bat Couseil of indie Rules for registration and regulation of foreign lawyers and law firms in htdia, framed by the under the provisions of the Advocates Act, 1961. .. to state that the Law Secretary has convened a meeting on r" ?g areit} "1'2 Jolly, ?le at title is tats Qaameet Room No. tattle, A. Wang, a 1 ?oor, 'li?ttesoiajs, the Shaett?i 'j-ll'tattrati, New iteihi Kilt-t}: i to discuss the following agendas i 1 Draft Rules for registration and regulation of foreign lawyers and law firms in lnclia, framed by the under the provisions of the Advocates Act, 1961. Any other item with the peimission of the Chair. 2.. You are requested to nominate an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary to attend the meeting. 3. A eopy of the draft rules is enclosed ibt perusal and reference. Etiels: As above. La?tte,? (Bhupesh Vanna} Assistatit Legal Adviser Ph. No. 23381932 FAX: 23335117 Email: l. The Foreiga Secretary, b/iinistty of External Af?aits, South Block, Cabinet Secretariat, Raisina Hill, New Delhi 110011. 12. he Home Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi. 3. The Secretary (EA), Ministry of Finance, Department ot?Eeonomie Affairs, North Block, New Delhi. Cu 7? . .31. Jr," 53 i? 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