HIGH sasse? THE HIGH cum {it-F Juetesnme AT senses Denmses [mitian CWEJURISDICTIDH Hence 0F we. use 0F sens IN SUIT we. ass OF eme Balaji Metien Picture Limited 15' Fmes Bherst Senehsr Nigsm Ltd. 3: 49 lEire. Hill: Sheileeh Mend-en! ?fe: Mr. N. Hedniguse}. M. Pam-ten, ?r the Hem:ij Mr. Geursj Shah: is?! Mitre! Gupte, fer the qu'wdeE?Ne. .27. mm: 5.5. PATELJ DATED: 1st]: june ems Pf}. 1. This is an urgent spplieetien moved against a number at" Defendants- Seine are Internet Service Presenters {?intennedisries' within the meaning eflnt'errnatitm ?t Fuel, seen}; ethers are esble impel-stars; and so me are unknown persens, these human as ?Jetm Dee? er ?As?et' Kemer' defendants. The Suit is a hybrid setien. It combines principles Dreier 1 Rule 3 end Seeder] 151 at the Cede of Civil 19133 with the well-knewn J's-Fm Dee e1- ri?e-i" Kramer principle. This has. been frequently. I myself have passed meters in simiisr matters. Page 1 a! 5-3 lath-Jun: EDIE- themed-den - Dumf?miedm - lam-545: CERF-HEB HE THEE IND CID-FINEST CID-FF (IF THE WWII. ?Diseleimer Clause Authenticated copy is not a Certi?ed Cepy" HIGH CW 1. The present Suit is in respect afa furtheuming ?lm entitled The ?lm is scheduled for release an With June i?ld. 3. The injunctien seught clues nut relate re any intentai dispute regarding the preductiun ui the film. All that the Plaintiffs scel: ta tie is is: restrain peten?al damage and less an acceimt ef pirated and illicit eepies being made available anline. The acticut is, themfetu, a atria timer seden. It is by na means the ?rst ufits kind.? a. The plaint has a very lit-11g list uf different websites, all of which Eupptisedl}; tiffcr iJr hue-it, ctr1 the Plaintiffs apprehend, will ef'fer ur best links. 11': illicit duwntcatds ufdtis ?lm. The Plaintiffs aslt inter sift: that all these websites he blacked by the 5. Mr. Shah appears fur Defendant bin. 5, Hath-tray Cable 3: Dataedm LimitedI a [imminent internet service prei'ider in Mernbai and elsewhere. Mr. Shah submitsr and] thinl: quite that it is unreasunable ta expect any if the intermediaries er cable aperaters Defendants ta isle-cit entire websites. It is one thing ta ask. that links 1 Red Chi-it's: Hemmer-emu Pat's-ass Limited 1? Hatith Ce He is Dummies Limited ?re, in MEI-ties: [if i'i-Ierinn fl.) ssee cif 2:014 in Suit hie. sea of 201-1, dated iath Dcmber 201a; tart West's-am Limits-i Rajah! Madden, 2003 FER .22; We:me Melitta It Started! {Tahit- Finite: Prt'iaate Lfaafrm' if:r ?rs. :1th dated 15111 june 2011; d: Elli-I3 lemma-mi Media Lim?ei' e- .ai?a'r. r. Hearts: Seer-liar ?uiin Lentils-#2 Nutter: c-f Metasn [Li Na. ms: at sets in Salt (Li He. sas ui' sate, dated sad: March 301a; Huh EejPi'l'ini Biiaret Humanism-gas:- Lad, Nutice daniictn [Li bid. 1am: {if time in Suit hie. til-Ell] uft?lta erder dated Iiith April Edie; Kristi-t Pieter: Limited Share: Smelter ?litigant limited 1? Gaiters, Hittite elf Matian [Li Na. 1333 [if l?lti itt Suit hie. tilt] ufl?l?, cadet dated 11st April mm. Page of .53 'Eth Jun-e EDIE th': - Hamlin-m ?in- - re: ltd-T33 .-..- mailman HE AMI: MEET m? OF THE mat WED Whit-Ham. "Disclaimer Clause Authenticated easy is net a Certi?ed Cups" 523535 tr:- a speci?c ed" the ?lm in questien be taken down er rendered inaccessible. But te- asl-t, as the Plaintist {In} dtat an entire website be rendered is in itself unreasnnablc. The suggestien, imp-heir in the plairtt, that all these sue websites have El?le illicit centth and that their have are permissible er legitimate eentent, is unwarranted and wi'ld'lttut disclosed hasis- ii. There is much substance te what Mr. Shah says. P]aced in the rwerbmad manner tine ?nds in the Plaint, the relier seught, if granted, weuld deer-ate as pre-ceasurship ur gag etdcra. There are ether censideratibns em, and am by no means mnvineed that a court sheuid erder a whelesale bluclritrg cf access to sari-bus websites at that dais is even technicailj,I Feasible. Mr. Shah alsu paints but that it is uncirtar item the URL listing,r in the plaint whether any cf these relate tar secure websites, i.e.t tri enline sen-ices that are subscription-based er ailew access against payment. If se, the Defendants are net permitted in law bu bleclt access tn such subscribed m" fee-based sites. These secure sites are these accessible via a secured cenneclien, etre pre?xed with This submisaien ls a1er well-feunded. The rat-deer at" restraint taught cant-net, thereferc, carer any Fee?based websites irrespective of 1.i-hetber they are listed in the plaint er net. I must preceed en the feeti rig that subscripth arid Fee-based websites are already regulated as us their cements. Their have an built-in liability. There is as peasihiliti.r at" these websites heating illicit centth and being permitted ta charge access fees. I will learn:- it ripen te the Plaintiffs tL1- paint but speci?c instances cf tinlatien er default by an}- fee-based secure website and tn mete again in respect bf druse. Page 3 at 53 "5th June 231E- :rsupr'mdln'm- tees-sate ?aunts-ermine cactus-tee WEN 5WD WEE-MEIER. ?Disclaimer Clause Authenticated copy is net 3 Certi?ed HIGH CMIMQQMEAL EL Thus, while I am prepared ts: grant the Plaintiff same relief, this must be speci?c and in. rciatien tn the ?lm in clue-alien- I tt-?iH net grant such an urethruad reiiel? at" the hind saught in ene [if the prayers ta this; Header: efMetiun- Previous antlers have sat made this distinctiaa1 and that was a mistake- I must express my thanks te Mr. Shah for painting this eat. PL ?at: case has been made nut by the Plaintiffs fer yam at" relief in teIms that fella-w. Prayers afi] and a{ii} du not seem to link aaj.I websims in particular. The}.r are reasana?tiig.r awarded and require restraint against illicit dewnlaacls wherever these are ta he feund- There shpuld be ad impediment to the grant at these prayers. Prayer hue-ever, ceataius a reference ta the websites, demain name and URLs listed in ?ne Plaint and asks that all of them be blocked. Fer die reasensl mentieaed earlier}! am unprepared ta ta grant that relief in Lhia time. The Defendaata can be restrained tram permitting access ta links te illicit daenleads at" the ?lm in queatien. Prayer in the farm in which it is placed is rejected. 11. There will, ?'lerefere, he an act?interim iniunctien in terms at" prayer clauses atj}, afii}, aiiv} and air}, which read as. re?exes: "fail That pending the final hearing and diapeaal ef the Euit. this Hen'hie 'C-IilLil'l'. be to restrain {ii that the Helenelents by themaehres. their SEWEHIE, agents. licenseer franchisees. partners, proprietors anciIc-r ether-arise Page 4 ed 53 IEitl'! June 20.16 Wield-eldma lei-?HIE Famine-deem - Hamid HE TRUE Mm SIGNED ma?a-mam. "Disclaimer Clause Authenticated copy is not a Certified Copy" 52353 4 be restrained by an erder ef mandatery injunction at this Han?ble Ceurt Frarn e:r.hil:riting.i disseminating eemmunicatiag tn the public via the internet. telecastingll' hreadcastingl? distributing;r reproducing er ethemiae matting available te the public via cable netwark; that the ?efendants by themselves, their servants; agents. licensees. franchisees, ?Eft?EfE, preprietara and;I er etherwise hows-setter be restrained by an erder at mandater injunctlen ei thia Han'hle Caurt tram ti} making a copy at the Film and said warlt. including a Mata-graph at any image farming pan the-reef. to selling er giving an hire, er uttering far sale er hlra, any may at the said film and said wen-it, regardless at whether such copy has been said er given an hire an earlier eccasiens. and cammunicating the said film and said warl-t tn the public in any manner whatenever including by Way at but net limited ta- exhibitingl Itliseei'ninetingIr ecr'nmunicating he the public via the internet, tuna-lecastingir areaclcastir'igII diatribul?ingf reareducing or atherwise making available ta the puhiie via the internal any ether means Fer the said Film and said grant an erder allE temperargpI injunctian restraining the Defendants icahle TV operate-rs} tram bmadeaating, cenIEnta that relate ta the said Film and said Wart-t. Flat! 5 11f 53 PEEP: June 2013 H: ?Hamel an - :2 Demands-dun - 3m THEE "Disclaimer Clause Authenticated may is net a Certi?ed Capt!" 523533 in any manner. thereby restraining the unnuthnrized entering. Int make available at diselagnr er release er shew er exhibit er Eddie-r in tint.r manner cernntunicate in andlt'er threugh the cable T'u' services ptetrided by them. immediater Linen receipt nf details at such cable determines in writing item the Plaintiff at its. authnrized representatives; tel Pass an nrder directing the cnneernet'l pniice statinnts} tn render necessary assistance tn the Plaintiff cernpany in restraining the Defendants uinlatinga'infringing the said Film and said Were." 12. In additinn, there will she be an restraining the Defendants permitting antess tn all pages at an],I websites, including these listed in the Petln'nn, and 1.ttl'tich enntain nr are said tn cnntain Iinie-t tn illicit at" the ?lm in questinn- 13. It is stated as behalf at the Plaintiffs that in advance nl? the ?lm's release jnne mm, the Plainti?" has feund that illicit pirated cnpies cf the ?lm apparently have ahead}: been available an same sites. list nf dress is tendered. This list is taken en rech and marked ?Iii? fer identi?catinn. The list given an Inc [Ud?j' cnntains eat just the URL nr dnmain name ni? the website-s but the URL nf the actual linlts. Then: is nn dnubt in mind that these links must all he ternan nr rendered inaccessible. There-fare, in additinn tn the integtting nrderI there will else he an Page El ed 53 I?th Jenne- Wreath-I! nl'l- ?lmhl?de? - TD 3E ?lm C?Plr' HF THE Ei?'hlEEt WHERE-E. ?Disclaimer Clause Authenticated natty is eat a Certi?ed Getty" 523532 erder in fat-ear at" the Plaintiff directing the Defendants and all ether persen te intraetliatelt.r remeae these linl-tsI a list at" n-hieh is appended te this erder and all ether linles te any unantherised dewrdeads ef this ?lm. I am alse infermed that pertiens ef the film were in that being made available en "'t'euTtthe. This material has new item 14. Where necessary, the leeal Peliee Autherities are direuted te render all Feasible assistance tn the Plaintiff in the enfereement el? this erder. 15. in additien, the Plaintiff is at liberty te publieise in all available media an authenticated eepj.l er the substance ef this erder. This teatr alse he preminently displayed in tin-line advertising, teletisiert, einemas1 heardings and in newspapers. Id. Sheuld the Plaintiff ?nd any aetual instanee ei' pirates er infringement, inelnding en a secure website. the Plaintiff will he at liberry tn apply witheut netiee. Mr. Shah en hei'tali' ef the 5th Defendant expresses an apprehensien that the 5th Defendant and ethers lilte it might he held respens Hale, if threugh inadvertenee internet sersiee preaiders alien- te a website dtat eentains an illieit dewnlead linlt- Mr. Shah is eerreet in this. The internet seniee pret'iders eannet he espeeted tn peliee the Internt er te meniter the cements ef etrerj.r single website. The]; enly pretriele eennet'titity. Internet service presidets, like all have sufficient statuterj.r pretemien- have its deeht Page ef 53 15th 201E- tilt-fundedetn- Bennie-dunner: - tum I'?l HE IDF mean-resent weenie-ream "Disclaimer Clause 1 sepia is net 3 Certi?ed Betty" HIGH Gamma; 5235*? that it? and when the Plaintiffs draw sttentien tn any cf these intermediaries er cable cpetatcrs te any site that ccntain illicit material, these intermediaries and cable uperaters will cscperate as they are required tc dc under the statute. 13. The Piaintifi? shall service within a perisd We weeks tnday. 19. Af?davits in Reply, if any. to he filed and served nn er hefcre 13th jnly Emu-5i- Af?davits in Ecjninder, ii" anyI to he ?led and served mt er befcre 22nd juiy 2016. ED. List the Netice ci' Metien thereafter in the henna] cnurse fer hearing and ?ns] dispesal. IL The Police Authct'ities including the Crime Cell. Mumhai are directed ta assist the Plaintiffs and their Advneatcs in ensuring compliance cf this til-den s. PATEL, 1} Page til at 53 inns- sc-Ie Lhamm- tees.er unmade-den - HEM-J rm TO BE Wearmemmu Emma's-mm. "Disclaimer Clause Authenticated ccpy is net 3 Certi?ed Ccpy"