Oiseaux. Birds. Aves. Whichever language we speak, the fates of birds are intricately tied to the peoples of North America. Where bird populations are dropping, the lands and waters that sustain us are stressed. 100 YEARS AGO, WE CAME TOGETHER FOR BIRDS A midst the global chaos of World War I, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and Great Britain’s King George V pledged an international commitment to protect the migratory birds of North America and put an end to market hunting. Crafted in 1916, the Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds promised collaborative conservation between the United States and Canada. Twenty years later, with his country in the aftermath of revolution, Mexican president Lázaro Cárdenas approved a treaty with the U.S. that protected migratory birds. Despite political unrest and competing economic priorities, our three nations joined together for birds to create some of the first international environmental agreements in North America. BIRDS CONNECT THE CONTINENT More than 350 bird species are truly trinational, living in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico over the course of the year. I WE RESPONDED WHEN WATERFOWL NEEDED US n the late 20th century, with duck populations in decline, our three nations united again to build the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. With planning and wetlands conservation, ducks became more plentiful. Today, robust waterfowl populations are found from the northern prairies to Mex- ico’s mangrove swamps. Conservaation works, and through collaboration wee can produce strong results. Now we must effectively apply thiis trinational model to all birds, because more than one-third of all North American bird species will be at risk of extinction unnless we take conservation action. S BIRDS BRING OUT THE BEST IN PEOPLE ome say there are more important priorities than birds. But bird conservation is a powerful force for positive change. Birds promote leadership. History demonstrates that birds can transcend politics and conflict. Birds are an important economic resource to the hunting, birding, and tourism industries. And birds are a cultural resource—as national symbols, religious icons, and namesakes of sports teams, birds Photos (left, top to bottom): President Woodrow Wilson, King George V, and President Lázaro Cárdenas made migr g atoryy bird treaties for the United States, Canada, and Mexico in the early 20th century that promised collaborative conservation for birds. The 1916 treaty provided a larger role for the federal g ernment in managin gov g g America’s first national wildlife refuge on Florida’s Pelican Island and put an end to the market huntingg that was decimatingg bird populations such as Great Egret. O Credits: Woo Credits: Woodrow drow WIl WIlson son Pres Presiden idential tial Arc Archive hives, s,, Archi rchivo vo General de la Nación, USFWS, and Adam Dudley Photos (r Photos (righ ightt, top to bo botto ttom): m): Bi Birds rds fa fasci scinat natee people, as a public banding and release event always draws a crowd. People, in turn, can do a lot to help birds bir ds,, su such ch as the tr treme emendo ndous us con conser servat vation ion in inves vesttments that have yielded large flocks of ducks that fly across Northh America i today. d Birds d inspire i the h next g eratio gen tion i n to to pick i k upp th the he mant mantlle le off env enviironme ironmenta ntall stewardship. Credits: Cred its: Ale Alexx Chang Chang, Mik Mikee Peters Peters, an andd Rafael Rafael Cal Caldero deronn represent who we are. As more people live in cities, birds are becoming b i one off human h ity’s main connections to nature. Birds inspire bigger wins for the environment. Bird habitats are sinks for greenhouse gases, so bird conservation can help our countries meet Paris Agreement commitments to reduce climate change. Healthy environments for birds also provide benefits to people, such as clean air Major habitats in all three countries are conn co nnec nn ecte ec tedd by spe te pect ctac ct acul ac ular ul ar mig igra ratitition ra onss of on billllllio bi ions io ns of bi bird rds. rd s. The hese se birirds ds are dep epen ende en dent de nt o intter on e naatit on o al ally lyy coo oord rddin inat ated at ed con o se serv rvat atio at ioon efforts for survival. Map cred credit: it: path pathways ways and sil silhoue houettes ttes by Chlo Chloee Lam Lam and water, flood and erosion control, andd coastal t l resilience. ili Birds connect our continent. Our birds are truly a shared resource as they migrate across countries and oceans throughout the hemisphere. With so many bird species showing alarming declines, it is more important than ever that we work together to conserve our shared birds. RENEWING OUR CONTINENTAL COMMITMENT TO BIRDS nce again our countries face uncertain times—for our economies, our envi en viro ronm nmen entt, and our clilima mate te. An Andd ag agai ainn, birds need our help. p This repo p rt should inspire us to move forward with the best available science on the status of birds andd th an thei eirr ha habi bita tats ts in No Nort rthh Am Amer eric ica. a. It is an unprecedented continent-wide analysis, draw dr awin ingg on the effffor orts ts of te tens ns of th thou ousa sand ndss o citizen of e -ssci c en e tist s s from o Canadda,, thee U.SS.,, andd Me an Mexi xico xi co.. co As we ma make ke new suc ucce cess ss sto toriries es for birds, there are roles for everyone to play. Governments can capitalize on the findings in thi hiss re repo port rt to st stre reng ngth then en sci cien ence ce-b -bas ased ed conservation policies. Private industryy can invest in sustainability for natural resources. And people can provide the voice and ener en ergy gy to ma make ke thi hiss al alll ha happ ppen en.. One hundred years ago, it was a small band ba nd of de dete term rmin ined ed peo eopl p e wh pl whoo co conv nvin ince cedd a pr p es esidden e t andd a kingg too makee a treeatyy foor migr mi grat gr ator at oryy bi or bird rdss. rd s. Peo eopl p e ca pl cann tu turn rn aro roun undd un thee ou th outltloo ookk fo forr bi bird rdss in thi hiss 21 21st st cen entu tury ry.. Ensemble, together, juntos, we can create a brighter future—for birds, for people, for north america. The North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) provides the framework to move forward. Created by the governments of Canada, the U.S., and Mexico in 1999 after the diplomacy that produced NAFTA, the NABCI agreement recognized birds as an international “natural economic resource.” NABCI is a trinational commitment to protecting, restoring, and enhancing populations and habitats of North America’s birds—with an integrated vision for “all birds and all habitats.” State of North America’s Birds Moderate 49% 37% 432 species on the Watch List are most at risk of extinction without significant action. Pacific Ocean 2 The State of North America’s Birds 2016 The generalist group—birds that are adaptable and can live in multiple habitats—are of lowest conservation concern. Ocea n Tropical and Subtropical Forests (478 species) 56% Grasslands (45 species) FARING WELL Atla n t ic 57% Aridlands (64 species ) Most species in these habitats are of moderate or low concern, yet roughly 20% are on the Watch List. Waterfowl have benefited from careful harvest management and wetland conservation, but positive waterfowl trends may not last if wetlands loss continues. Northern Mockingbird by Timothy Freiday/Macaulay Library 37% IN CRISIS More than half of species from oceans and tropical forests are on the Watch List because of small and declining populations, small ranges, and severe threats to their habitats. 28% STEEP DECLINES 27% Temperate Forests (144 species) 22% Tundra (78 species) 20% Wetlands (171 species) 19% Boreal Forest (73 species) 19% Generalists (65 species) Gulf of Mexico This report assesses the conservation status of all native North American bird species across all major habitats, including wetlands embedded within terrestrial habitats. Species were assigned to one breeding habitat, except for oceans and coasts (where species were also included if they occurred anytime during the year) and wetlands (where species were included in both wetlands and their terrestrial breeding habitat). Species that commonly occur in many different habitat types were classified as generalists. Oceans (54 species) Coasts (164 species) MIXED STATUS MAJOR HABITATS OF NORTH AMERICA Tundra Boreal Forest Coasts Temperate Forests Grasslands Aridlands Tropical Highland Forests Tropical Lowland Forests High Watch List threshold Wood Duck by Ryan Schain/Macaulay Library 14% Moderate High Watch List threshold All Birds (1,154 species) Low 1% Many species in coastal, grassland, and aridland habitats are declining steeply. In particular, long-distance migratory shorebirds and species that migrate from the Great Plains to Mexico’s Chihuahuan grasslands have lost, on average, almost 70% of their continental populations since 1970. Chestnut-collared Longspur by Gerrit Vyn Low CONCERN Resplendent Quetzal by Miguel Angel Sicilia CONSERVATION CONCERN ACROSS HABITATS ONE-THIRD OF ALL NORTH AMERICAN BIRD SPECIES NEED URGENT CONSERVATION ACTION CONCERN Birds in ocean and tropical forest habitats are of highest conservation concern. But species need our help in every habitat. OUR APPROACH T his report is based on the first-ever conservation vulnerability assessment for all 1,154 native bird species that occur in Canada, the continental United States, and Mexico. The assessment was compiled by a team of experts from all three countries. The overall conservation status for each species takes into account its population trend, population size, extent of breeding and nonbreeding ranges, and severity of threats to populations. The Watch List identifies species of highest conservation concern based on high vulnerability scores across multiple factors. Year-round abundance maps from eBird data, in which intensity of color reflects seasonal abundance, are presented for selected species. Animated eBird maps, as well as details on the assessment methodology and the complete Species Assessment Database, are available at stateofthebirds.org. Seabirds and shorebirds connect the coon ntin nent ent'ss oocceeaans and coasts. Oceans Marine ecosystems in crisis T Western Sandpipers (yellow lines) and Semipalmated Sandpipers (orange lines) rely on migratory stopover sites designated for protection by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (red dots) during their intercontinental journeys from Alaska to South America. he ocean waters surrounding North America contain rich marinee ecosystems that support more than 150 seabird species. Unfortunately, recent reseaarch shows global seabird populations have declined nearly 70% since the 1950s, a warninng that our oceans are highly stressed. Stronger international cooperation is needed to restoore marine ecosystems—not just for birds, but also for the fishing industry and as a food ressource for people. Western Sandppiper tracking data provided by Kansas State University. Semipalmated Sandpiper tracking data provided by Maanomet, USFWS, and partners. Status: Seabirds globally threatened THE OUTLOOK for oceanic birds—including seabirds and a group of landbirds found only on islands off the Mexican coast—is the bleakest of any North American bird group. Small and declining seabird populations are severely threatened by invasive predators on nesting islands and accidental bycatch by commercial fishing vessels, as well as overfishing of forage fish stocks, pollution, and climate change. Concern: Low Moderate derate Island landbirds 100% 0% Seabirds 49% % • Canada, the U.S., and Mexico can collaborate to reduce pressures on our richest, most biodiverse ocean ecosystems. Marine protected areas can be expanded. Multinational accords on plastics pollution can bring trinational clout to cleaning up the great floating mats of garbage that affect seabirds and other marine animals. • Fisheries management with effective monitoring of catch is needed to ensure the sustainability of fish populations upon which seabirds depend for food. The broader adoption of best management practices for fisheries, such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) guidelines, can reduce the accidental mortality (bycatch) of seabirds on fishing lines or in nets. Mixed flock of shorebirds by Eduardo Iñigo-Elias Semipalmated Sandpipers oastline habitats where land meets sea are important to many species of birds. Some species depend on coastal habitats for breeding. Other species, especially shorebirds, migrate vast distances from Arctic and boreal breeding grounds to South America, stopping at a chain of key coastal migratory stopover habitats along the way to rest and refuel. Some of the most important sites support hundreds of thousands of migrant shorebirds. Loss or degradation of any one of these sites can lead to dramatic declines in populations. Migratory shorebird populations have declined by almost 70% since 1973. coastal stopover sites, as well as climate change impacts on northern breeding grounds, may all be affecting their populations. Lay san Alb atr oss Building on Success: Sister cities united by shorebirds One Laysan Albatross (blue lines) embarked on an incredible voyage, more than 7,000 kilometers roundtrip, to travel between a nest site off the coast of Mexico and fishing areas in U.S. and Canadian waters. Laysan Lays an Albatross Albatross Albat ross tra tracking trackin ckingg data data provi pprovided rovided ded by Conse Conservac rvación rvac ción de Islas Islas. THE LINKING COMMUNITIESS initiative has established a shorebird sister-city relationship among communities near Important Bird Areas in Saskatchewan, Utah, and Nayarit. The initiative coordinates shorebird festivals, cultural exchanges for schoolteachers, and conservation projects in each community. Similar linkages could be developed elsewhere to coordinate conservation efforts among important sites that share populations of migratory birds. Photo courtesy of Linking communities Atlantic Puffins by Bill Scholtz Building on Success: Eradicating island invasives prevents extinctions THE MANY AND VARIED THREATS TO OUR OCEANS ARE A TANGLED MESS that no one country can solve on its own. Governments, scientists, and industry must work together proactively toward solutions. C ABOUT 40%  of the more than 100 species that depend on coastal habitats are on the Watch List. Species that breed in mangroves, saltmarshes, and sandy beaches are of highest concern due to pressures from sea-level rise, coastal development, disturbance from human recreational activities, and the threat of oil spills. Many coastal species have small population sizes and a restricted distribution, making them especially vulnerable to habitat loss and other threats. The migratory shorebirds that travel the farthest are showing the greatest declines. Habitat loss and degradation at key All island landbirds and half of North American seabirds are on the Watch List. Take Action: Restore marine ecosystems through global cooperation Safe harbors needed for intercontinental migrants Status: Threats to coastlines take a toll on birds High ISLANDS host the nesting colonies for mosst North American seabirds, as well as many of the last populaations of endemic landbird species. On most islands, invasive predators such as rats and cats depredate nests and pose a seveere threat to bird populations. Recent international efforts have eradicated predators on 200 of the most important seaabird islands in Canadian, American, and Mexican waters. In many cases, these efforts have prevented the extinction of vulnerable bird populations. Continued comprehensivve restoration of priority islands for breeding birds is needed as there are still many islands overrun by invasive species. Coasts Schoolchildren celebrate migratory shorebirds at a Linking Communities event in Nayarit, Mexico. Take Action: Conserve coastlines for birds and people LOCAL GOVERNMENTS HAVE A KEY ROLE TO PLAY in coastal bird conservation: • The Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network has identified almost 100 key migratory sites from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Local governments can support these crucial shorebird habitats with zoning and policies to protect them from disturbance and development. • Mangroves and saltmarshes that support coastal bird species also protect coastal cities from flooding and sequester large amounts of carbon. Governments can recognize these important ecosystem services through legislation that prevents further loss of coastal ecosystems and encourages their restoration. The State of North America’s Birds 2016 3 Building on Success: Provincial pledges will protect 80 million hectares Boreal Forest THE VASTNESS OF THE BOREAL forest is a big reason why it is such vital bird habitat. Ontario and Québec have committed to protect 50% of their boreal forest from development to ensure that forests remain The nursery for billions of migratory birds E ighty percent of the boreal forest is still functionally intact, providing great conservation potential. The boreal forest supports the greatest abundance of birds on the continent—3 to 5 billion birds in the breeding season. Most boreal birds are migratory and travel the length of North America during the nonbreeding season, with many continuing to South America. MOST BOREAL BIRD SPECIES  are of low or moderate conservation concern, indicating this is still a relatively healthy habitat. Maintaining the abundance of these species is important for a diverse and healthy boreal ecosystem. Among the species that are of conservation concern, most are long-distance migrants that face threats on their nonbreeding habitats. Many are migratory songbirds that spend their winters in the shrinking tropical forests of Mexico and farther south. Other species of concern, such as boreal Concern: Low Moderate Long-distance migrants High Magnolia War Warb rbler In winter, the entire population of Magnolia Warblers relies on an area of tropical forest only 1/10 the size of its boreal forest breeding range. 30% Take Action: Support sustainable forestry that mimics natural disturbance BOREAL FORESTS ARE NATURALLY DYNAMIC. Fires and insectt outbreaks create a mosaic of open areas and regenerating and mature forests that sustain healthy bird populationns. Sustainable forestry practices emulate those natural dissturbances to keep forests healthy. Black-backed Woodpecker by Dick Tipton Status: Most species faring well Boreeall fores Bore Bor ore rest est by b Phi P l Zrimse Zr Zrimse ims mseek m healthy for wildlife, protect clean water, and sequester carbon. Similar efforts are needed in other jurisdictions. Protected areas should include portions of the southern boreal forest where bird diversity is highest. • In areas that are slated for management, forestry planning shhould consider natural patterns and disturbance regimees when determining where and how to harvest. Residents Long-distance migrants are facing more threats than birds that stay in or near the boreal forest year-round. • Timberr certification programs through the Forest Stewardshipp Council, Sustainable Forestry Initiative, and Canadian Standards Association are recognizing companies that support sustainable forestry. The more that companies and consumers choose certified wood products, thhe better off the boreal forest will be. shorebirds and waterfowl, rely on coastal habitats that are under heavy development pressure. The Black-backed Woodpecker is a species that benefits from forest disturbance. Buildin ng on Success: Mexico’s Protected Areas THE MEXIICAN GOVERNMENT, the Global Environm ment Facility, and other partners have invessted US$174 million to conserve tropical foorests through the Natural Protected Areas System. More than 300 people living near these protected areas have joined CONABIO’s Community-Based Bird Monitoringg Network to assess the benefits of protectioon. The volunteer birders provide citizen-scieence data that help to assess the status of m migratory and resident birds. The continent’s cradle of bird diversity M exico’s tropical forests extend through Central America and support nearly 500 resident species of birds, as well as more than 120 bird species that migrate from Cannada and the United States. Unfortunately, deforestation and fragmentation have reduceed these continentally important habitats to precious small stands. Mexican tropical forestts have suffered greater than 70% habitat loss since the 1970s. Status: Most species at risk of extinction THE MAJORITY  of resident species in Mexico’s tropical forests are on the Watch List due to small and highly threatened populations. Birds that live in tropical cloud forests atop mountains are most at risk, with many resident species such as the Resplendent Quetzal federally listed in Mexico as endangered. Tropical dry forests are home to 48 endemic species found nowhere else. Tropical evergreen forests are important migratory bird habitat; 20% of boreal breeding birds spend winters there. 4 Concern: Low Moderate Cloud 95% Dry 58% Pine-Oak 56% Evergreen High 43% Bird species in all types of tropical forest are at high risk of extinction. The State of North America’s Birds 2016 The Gray-throated Chat is endemic to Mexico’s Yucatán Peniinsula, where it depends on the same tropical forests usedd by Magnolia Warblers and other migrants in winter. Take Acction: Improve forests and livelihoods CONSERV VING WHAT’S LEFT of Mexico’s tropical forests requires active public involvement—by bboth international partners and the Mexican people. • About 20% of remnant tropical forest acreage is protected by parks or reserves. It is critically important to continue and expand international collaboration and funding for habitatt management of these forests. • On privvate and communal lands, tropical forest conservation must support the livelihoods of resident families in ways that maintain standing forests. A model example is the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor program in Mexico, which supports people and forests through sustainable timber harvesting, ecotourism development, and sustainable agroforestry with coffee and cacao crops. Roberto González Rubén Ortega Tropical Forests Temperate Forests Grasslands Diverse forests promote bird diversity Remnant habitat is vitally important for birds T P he temperate forests of North America include the maple forests of New England and the towering old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest. In the East, there is more forest today than there was 100 years ago, yet forest stands lack the divversity of young and old trees that makes for prime bird habitat. In the West, fire is a key element influencing forests and bird habitat from Canada to Mexico. East East a tern errnn deci er deci dec de ec ec duou duo uou uous oouus ffoorrest res eest st by by Nich Nic N ic ich icchhola olas olas las as A. A. To Tone Ton Tone onnnellli lllii The Western Tanager and Wood Thrush connect temperate forests and Mexican tropical forests. Status: Positive trends with some concerns OF THE 144 TEMPERATE FOREST BIRD SPECIES  in the East and West, 30 are on the Watch List. About half of the birds that breed in U.S. and Canadian eastern temperate forests spend their winters in Mexican tropical evergreen forests. Some species, such as Wood Thrush, are in steep decline. Eighty percent of western temperate forest birds spend the winter in western Mexican forests. These birds, such as Western Tanager, live in fire-maintained forests at both ends of their life cycle. Historically, fires were set by lightning strikes and na- Concern: Low Moderate oderate High Status: Birds and habitat are disappearing fast ONE-THIRD OF ALL GRASSLAND BIRD SPECIES  are on the Watch List due to steeply declining populations and threats to habitat. Birds that breed in the Great Plains of Canada and the U.S. and winter in Mexico’s Chihuahuan grasslands are experiencing exceptionally steep declines, a nearly 70% loss since 1970. Other temperate grassland birds have declined by 33% in that time. 25% Western 19% Eastern Western temperate forestt birds are of higher conservation concern, due to smaller ranges and populations, than eastern forest birds. tive peoples. Today it is up to land and m managers to use fire to keep thhese se forests f healthy and resilient to pests annd cli climate change. Wood Thrush Lomakatsi Restoration Projectt Western Tanager The Klamath Siskiyou Oak Network, a Quercus and Aves program partner, uses prescribed burning to restore oak woodlands in southern Oregon and northern California. Take Action: Forests need quality management OUR CONTINENT’S TEMPERATE FORESTS CAN BE MANAGED to achieve conservation objectives while contributing to local economies. • The Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture is planning for a mix of forest types from New York to Alabama. Integrating bird conservation objectives into forest management plans will diversify forest habitats across the eastern U.S. • The Partners in Flight business conservation plan for western forest birds is developing more than a dozen pilot projects in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico that implement science-based forest conservation planning while supporting wood-product markets. These projects should become the blueprints for using bird and habitat conservation objectives to improve local economies. Chihuahuan Grasslands by Tim Galla lagher Many grassland species that breed in the Great Plains depend upon the Chihuahuan grasslands during winter. Chestnut-collared Lon Map from Par Ma a tner nerss in Fli Flight, ght, Saving Savi ng our our Share Shareed Bi Birds rd , 2010 rds 2010 Other Chihuahuan Populations of Chihuahuan grassland migrants have declined twice as much as other temperate grassland birds. Building on Success: Sustainable grazing restores habitat Chihuahuan Grasslands by Cornell lab of ornithology multimedia Building on Success: Sharing best practices trinationally THE QUERCUS AND AVES PROGRAM prioritizes oak woodlands restoration using science-based bird conservation objectives along the Pacific Coast of North America. Regional partnerships initiated by Quercus and Aves have restored oak woodlands habitat on more than 20 sites on public and private lands in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. In Mexico, a regional pine-oak alliance has restored habitat on more than 1 million hectares in southern Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Guerrero, as well as farther south in Guatemala and Honduras. rairie was once at the heart of our continent. Prior to European settlement, an inland sea of grass ran unbroken from the prairies of Canada to the high plateau of central Mexico. Today, large intact grasslands exist in only a few places in North America. Cropland expansion and residential development threaten both bird habitat and the private ranches that maintain grasslands for their cattle. Sustainable livestock grazing can keep ranchers on the land and provide habitat for grassland birds. A PILOT SUSTAINABLE GRAZING PROGRAM on 15 cattle ranches in Chihuahua, Mexico, is recreating the historic grazing patterns of bison. Through rotational grazing, some ranchers have seen their grass cover increase by 80%, which results in heavier cattle and better bird habitat. The program currently covers 250,000 acres. Expanding this program would help counter the ongoing losses of grasslands in this region. Take Action: Continue the prairie-pasture legacy GRASSLAND POLICIES IN NORTH AMERICA—which have supported thousands of ranching families and millions of hectares of important breeding bird habitat—need support and strengthening. • In Canada, many Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration pastures have been transferred to provincial management. Efforts are needed to ensure policies and management continue to support the conservation value of these pastures. • In the U.S., private lands biologists work one-on-one with farmers and ranchers to boost sign-ups for Farm Bill conservation incentive programs. Funding more private lands biologists would increase the conservation effectiveness of the Farm Bill. • In Mexico, grasslands habitat in central Chihuahua will disappear completely by 2025 at the current rate of development and cropland conversion. New policies and programs that involve all sectors from government to water management to agriculture are needed to prevent the total loss of this critical habitat. The State of North America’s Birds 2016 5 Wetlands Let’s Make More Success Stories for Birds Conservation investments are paying off etlands are spread across North America and provide key habitat for waterfowll and manny othher bird speciess. Wetlands also recharge groundwater supplies, conttrol flooding, and provide peoplee with cllean drinking water. Concerted efforts for wetland conservation, and careful management of hunting, have coontribuuted to healthyy duck populations and show what our countries can accomplish when we work together on bird coonservattion. Status: Waterfowl and other waterbirds doing well MOST WETLAND BIRD SPECIES  are still widespread and common, and are therefore of relatively low conservation concern. Waterfowl populations have grown over the past five decades, helped by effective investments in wetland conservation. Other waterbirds, such as herons, terns, and rails, have also benefited from these efforts. Still, 33 wetland species are on the Watch List, including species that Concern: Low Moderate High Waterfowl 19% Other wetland birds 20% 2 0 he North American wetlands and waterfowl conseervation effort capitalized on synergies between continental policy and funding (North American Wetlands Conseervation Act), coordinated science across species’ ranges (North American Waterfowl Management Plan), and the delivery d of habitat conservation on the ground by local groups (regional conservation partnerships called Jointt Ventures). Nonprofit conservation groups played a pivotal role in this model by harnessing the energy of a crowd of enthusiasts, funneling their philanthropy and their constituent voices toward directed policy objeectives, and fueling conservation mechanisms through matching funds. The success of this habitat consservation model has helped support consistently rising populations of waterfowl. P opulation trends foor shorebirds, seabirds, and many landbirds are going in the opposite direction froom waterfowl. Like ducks, other birds have a clear need for comprehensive conservaation efforts. The coordinated science across species’ ranges has been developed (e.g., the Partners in Flight ‘Saving our Shared Birds’ plan) and some fundingg mechanisms (e.g., the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act) are in place. The challenge now is to harness the energy of the tens of millionss of people who love birds. We can empower them to grow their contributions and constituent voices for bird conservation. 80% of wetland birds are of low or moderate conservation concern. rely on coasttal habitats in winter, succh as eiders and sccoters. Tens of millions of people watch birds in North America. New approaches are needed to engage the birdwatching public and grow their support for the conservation of all bird species and all habitats. Renew our commitment for all birds O Courtesy Cour tesy of Duck Duckss Unlimi Unlimited ted Cana Canada da n the centennial of the Canada/U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty and the 80th anniversary of the Mexico/U.S. bird treaty, the governments and citizens of our three countries must develop a vision for migratory bird conservation in this century. We must commit to expanding the model for effective trinational conservation to benefit all birds. Our success depends upon generating the resources needed to craft ppolicies based on sound science and to implement p effective on-theground conservation actions. The results r will benefit not only birds, but also the ecosystems upon which other wildlife and we ourselves depennd. More than 1 million duck hunters have donnated hundreds of millions of dollars toward wateer-r fowl and wetland conservation. Take Action: Stop the loss of wetlands and funding T A need for conserv conservation attention Building on Success: Planning and funding continental waterfowl recovery THE 1916 MIGRATORY BIRD TREATY end Y ed market hunting and established internationally coordinated waterfowl management. Hunters are now major supporters of waterfowl and wetland conservation. Duck Stamp funding supports the purchase and protection of waterfowl habitat. The North American Waterfowl Management Plan brings together scientists, government officials, and land managers from Canada, the U.S., and Mexico to coordinate wetland conservation efforts. Over the past two decades, the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) has provided US$1.4 billion in grants that acted as a catalyst for generating US$2.9 billion in partner funds for projects on 12 million hectares of habitat in all three countries. A model ode that t at works o s Sharon Helmerich W Blue-wingedd Teaal Migratory waterfowl, such as the Blue-winged Teal, depend on healthy wetland habitats in all three countries. Chestnut-sided Warbler by Charles M. Francis DESPITE THESE SUCCESSES, wetlands are being drained for agriculture and deveelopment, polluted by pesticides and invasive species, and lost to climate change. • According to the USFWS, wetlands loss has accelerated by 140% since 2004. ’No-net--loss’ wetlands policies need to be implemented locally, regionally, and nationally to ennsure that any loss of wetlands is offset by restoration of wetlands elsewhere. • Along with wetlands loss, there has been an erosion of government funding for wetland conservation. NAWCA is one of the most cost-effective government conservaation programs. Ensuring appropriate funding levels for NAWCA can secure our investm ments in wetlands and waterfowl conservation. 6 The State of North America’s Birds 2016 Prairie Prai rie pot p oles poth o byy USFW S S Mounta SFW Mounta untain-P unt in-PPrair rairie ie Everybody wins with bird conservation Healthy lands and waters provide sustainable resources for birds and people. Our governments have accomplished a lot for conservation, but they can’t do it alone. Conservingg our shared birds is everyyone’s respponsibilityy. Private Industry Public Policy T Strong science guides sound policy with successful outcomes. Corporations can be sustainability leaders. C ompanies throughout North America, joined by free trade, also share responsibility for our continent’s natural resources. Birds are indicators of the health of our resources, and both are threatened by deforestation, development, pollution, and climate change. When birds decline, industry is called to action. Forward-thinking companies are going beyond the minimum requirements of regulations because sustainability ensures long-term economic growth. Multinational corporations are revamping supply chains for sustainably sourced wood products. Seafood companies are adapting fishing harvests to ensure stable fisheries. Coffee farms are growing beans under a tropical forest canopy and realizing benefits in pest and disease resistance. These industry leaders are taking the long view in their business plans—not for charity, but because sustainability is a solid strategy for future profitability. he Migratory Bird treaties reflect the will of the people—our societies expect our governments to sustain the abundance and diversity of birds as part of our shared natural heritage. Because birds are excellent indicators of environmental health, science and data about birds can help shape well-rounded policy for conservation as well as for agriculture, industry, and human health. The science in this report presents the best available broad-based science on the status of birds and environments across North America. Strong science can be used to create evidence-based land and water policies that guide responsible use of our continent’s resources. The North American Waterfowl Management Plan demonstrates how science and trinational collaboration can result in continental-scale success. Celebrating birds by Karen Purcell “We will work together to develop new, science-based standards for commercial fishing, low-impact shipping, sustainable development, and Arctic biodiversity. “ Canadian Prime Ca me Min inis isste terr Ju J stin Trudeeauu afte af t r bi te b lateral me m ettinng with with wi U.S. President Barrac ackk Obam Obama Ob People The decisions we make in our everyday lives can make a difference for birds. • As citizens: We can elect representatives who recognize that healthy environments are good for birds, people, and the economy, and who support the foundational concepts of science-based legislation and conservation. • As birders: Birding can be more than a hobby. It can be an act that contributes meaningful data for conservation. We can make our bird sightings work for science by logging lists into citizen-science databases such as eBird.org. • As consumers: Each grocery trip is an opportunity to support bird habitat in the tropics (bird-friendly coffee), grasslands (grass-fed beef), the boreal forest (certified sustainable paper products), and at sea (certified ( fi d sustainable bl seafood). f d) “We learn everything, because by watching birds we see eveerything.” Volunteer, Mexico Community-Based Bird Monitooring Network “Our sustainability strategy is helping strengthen our communities and protect our planet. … The company connects long-term growth with a need for sustainability.” Tom Falk, CE CEO, Kim imberly-Clark Kimberly-Claarkk 201 0 4 Sustainabilityy Report White-eared Hummingbird by Miguel Angel Sicilia People are the drivers—to convince governments, to influence private industry, to make change. Find out what you can do. Visit Sno SSnow no now noow wy Ow Owl by b Ger Gerrrit ri Vyn Vyyn Vy stateofthebirds.org/change Palm Warbler by Gerrit Vyn ers dpip San Blu e-w ing ed Tea l mi Se ted ma pal aysan Albatro ss er Magnolia Warbl tail n Pin ther Nor ger Western Tana The State of us Hu m mi n gbi rd Soaring Solutions. Grounded Science. red t-colla Chestnu Acknowledgments This report was prepared by representatives of the different NABCI partners from Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. Sierra Madre ur gsp Lon ted Falcon breas ngeOra Steering Committee Canada: Charles M. Francis (Chair), Alaine Camfield, Ted Cheskey, Andrew R. Couturier, Adam C. Smith; U.S.: Gus Axelson, Greg Butcher, Jerome Ford, Robert P. Ford, Deb Hahn, David Pashley, Kenneth V. Rosenberg, John R. Sauer, Judith Scarl; Mexico: Humberto Berlanga, Eduardo Iñigo-Elias, Vicente Rodriguez. NORTH AMERICA’S BIRDS 2016 Sparr ow od Wo Science Committee Canada: Adam C. Smith (Co-chair), Peter Blancher, Andrew R. Couturier, Jim Devries, Charles M. Francis, Paul A. Smith, Scott Wilson; U.S.: Kenneth V. Rosenberg (Co-chair), John D. Alexander, Greg Butcher, Robert P. Ford, Peter P. Marra, David W. Mehlman, David Pashley, Arvind Panjabi, John R. Sauer, Scott Yaich; Mexico: Humberto Berlanga (Co-chair), Eduardo Iñigo-Elias, Vicente Rodriguez, Victor Vargas, Alfonso Aguirre. Communications Committee Canada: Ted Cheskey, Eleanor Fast, Charles M. Francis, Patricia Hardie, Elaine Secord; U.S.: Judith Scarl (Chair), Susan Bonfield, Greg Butcher, Miyoko Chu, Matt Cimitile, Aditi Desai, Jennie Duberstein, Deb Hahn, Jennifer Howard, Alicia King, Liza LePage, Rachel Fisk Levin, Nadia Peimbert; Mexico: Humberto Berlanga, Patricia Koleff, Carlos Galindo Leal. Gr ayt Jay Tufted Editor: Gus Axelson; Designer: Diane L. Tessaglia-Hymes; Illustrator: Misaki Ouchida. hr oa ted Ch at Additional support from Redcro wne d Pa rro t stateofthebirds.org Cat. No.: CW66-527/2016E ISBN: 978-0-660-05104-8 inga gle Pin k-h ead ed W arbl er Har py E a Suggested Citation: North American Bird Conservation Initiative. 2016. The State of North America’s Birds 2016. Environment and Climate Change Canada: Ottawa, Ontario. 8 pages. www.stateofthebirds.org Cot Lovely us Thr h Reddish Egret Ruf o