Case 2:15-cv-00884-NVW Document 227-1 Filed 11120/15 Page 179 of 181 Cnnct·r Fu ncJ of America New Donor Acq uisiejon Presentation ,C,uilt.:r W3n)ing You nru rcq~tlte (your f ull 11ame) \vitll A.C. Services. a professional fundraiser. : 1 camne. on bc-haJf nfthe Cancer Fund of .America. (Tit~ ope11ingjs rt:fjuir_f!;f! b.~ law at~~!.!nu.rt bt_!_'![~tctlt_!..'!..ord-{tlf-.ll'rn;J!...!!!!..!.:"!!...'!!}'_~~Il) ._1 How have yoo been'/ Glad to hear it! (01' use an appropriate icebreaker) . . -.4·--·- - -·----···. ···---·- --· r. The Presentation l MrJ Mrs._ , rll make this quick for you. We're back to work: Ij I (choMe rwo or more bullel!mbliS to disc/ISS) ~elping thousands ofc~ncer victims anti their families ev~ry yt' needed to cover the cost of basic i 1• needs during cancer car~. Direct care for tht-. Cf!ncer patients whom research is too late L. _lh)W~·-· ---·-·. fi Mr J Mrs .._ ...._ _ _,,_,___ ·· -----.. __ -··---..... ·~·-··-----· .... j ~md need the help ---·-··~ ! ..........._ _ . - -.. . _____. .--·- .·- - -.. . .-.. .! The Support Question . we j ust wnnted. t~ Je1 you ~~~ tha1 w~ arc mailing out the envelope..; so !I LX.~~..~~~~~~·r Can7C:. vtcltms nnd ~!lll~!:_S. OK! ! ·----···-·--·-----: ; lF YES - Go To The . I Price Presentation (Page 2} ____. lF1 o - Rebtittal - .. -..... _. I . Last U1ing w~ wam to do ts put you in a bind, but these Cancer putkot.-; do I MrJ Mrs. _ not have the necessary supplies that they ne.ed to cas~! th¢ ~uffering they endure. It' $15 j ~m hc1~-?~-~~nce! ea~~t it:s m~~~an worth it, OK'.!.__._...... _ _ _ _...J l l F YES - Go ·to The Close (Page 3) IF NO - Thanks lor your time, lHn t FTC v. Cancer Fund of America, Inc. No. CV-15-00884-PHX-NVW :~ ni.;e day. Page 1148 Plaintiffs' Motion fo~F~A~~J2'4s Case 2:15-cv-00884-NVW Document 227-2 Filed 11/20/15 Page 1 of 58 Cancer Fund of Atnerica Presentation ~--·--- -~·---· ·--..··-bti.i£R"W;iR.WRG.. - -..--·~- ·----- · -..-·..- - T'h, CFA u uot thtt JAmerloon t.'am:ylcd to ~end an prgen.tly needed gift of $0.0.0 to help us in om fight ag,ainst As of yet, your $0.00 t~lft has 11()t come to my attention. One in three American~ will eventually be wi~h c;lncer. Through Cam~er Fund of Amcriva':; patient <~Siil$tan4e prognuns w~ huve been able h) hdp thousands t)f needy Mncer &utTcrers with ilrg:cntly mx:ded health aad home productS and advice in \'i'tth this devastating disease. I ho.p<:. yOlt or your loved one~s willuevcr need our hdp. But J want you to know we will nJways be t'!wr~ t.o ~ssist those in need. Mrs.. if you! have m1t had a chance, or just have- not been able tQ send in your $0.00 yeL pleas~ mail lt toda}'. Sincereiy, P.S. Please return this l'ledge R< below along with the $0.00 yc1u pmmiscd in the endosed envelope. lf this appeal and your donnti•Jn han~ cm!l-scd in tb£-. mad, please disrcgt~rd. Thl*'nk ~'tlu. PLEDGE REPLY TlURU AJ»J>EA L CXLDZF Y.ES, here is tht' $0.1){) 1: pledged 1~1 help Cancer Fumi ofAmerk:l (CPA) Hnd it$ public education and <; patient a~si1!tam:~ pmgmms. l.J~~ thJ clJ<:f<>8Ccl Jl;>~l.;ll,!•~ p<>id '""'~k·p~. l\i rchJffl I )"<.>llf plt'l by 1M•. No cNnnlmtinn r~quln:~L ~;~c CFA h1c1s I l= . = = c.ow '"'""' ""'"i· ""' _.., "'"'~· e.o. '"' "'"', ....,.""~' nc.,.,.,_,., ..... ...................J FTC v. Cancer Fund of America. Inc. No. CV-15-00884-PHX-NVW Page 1152 Plaintiffs' Motion for Pre~~~3290 Exhibits A-0 Case 2:15-cv-00884-NVW Document 227-2 Filed 11120/15 Page 4 of 58 FTC v. Cancer Fund of America. Inc. No. CV-15-00884-PHX-NVW Page 1154 Plaintiffs' Motion for Pre~cQ£3980 Exhibits A-0 Case 2:15-cv-00884-NVW Document 227-2 Filed 11/20/15 Page 5 of 58 FTC v. Cancer Fund of America, Inc. No. CV-15-00884-PHX-NVW Page 1155 CFA_DP043984 Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction Exhibits A-O