Commission canadlenne des droits de la personne human rights Vi commission investigation Report PROTECTEQ I CompIain'tinformation- Compiainent: Paui Ritchie Date Referred to investigation: August 15, 2012 Respondentg?s): Canadian Armed Forces Date investigation Completed: December 4, 2014 File Numberis): 20111882 Date Accepted: January 23, 2012 Sectionis) of the Act: 7, 10 14 Reievont Grounwsi: Sexual Orientation Purpose This investigation report is not a decision of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (the Commission). The purpose of this report is to assist Commission members to determine whether: a) a conciliator should be appointed to attempt to resolve the complaint and/or; b) further inquiry by a tribunal is warranted or; c) the compiaint should be dismissed. The Commission members do not determine whether discrimination has actuaiiy occurred, but whether a compiaint requires further inquiry by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. in determining whether or not to refer a complaint for further inquiry, the-Commission members take into consideration all of the circumstances of the complaint. When making a decision, the Commission members may also consider the foiiowing circumstances: a) What measures have been taken by theparties to resolve the issues which give rise to the compiaint? b) What are the positions of the parties with respect to an appropriate remedy to the complaint, if the parties do take a position? What remedies may he availabie to the parties? c) How is the public interest engaged by this complaint? The Canadian Human Rights Tribunai is a separate agency from the Canadian Human Rights Commission and is comparable to a court. it is the Tribunai that decides if discrimination under the Canadian. Human Rights Act has occurred. The Tribunai conducts a fair and impartiai hearing in which it considers and weighs ail the evidence introduced by all parties before issuing its written decision, setting forth its reasons and the remedy, if applicahie. N.B.: THIS REPORT iS NOT A DOCUMENT Ann is NOT FOR CETOH PARTIESTO Signature;