Minister of Public Safety Ministre de la S?curit? publique Ottawa, Canada Ki A 0P8 i ii EEH Mr. Ian hicPhail, Q.C. Chair, Civilian Review and Complaints Commission 60 Quee Street, 3rd floor Ottawa, ON KIP 5Y7 Dear Mr. McPhail, P-ursuantto my authorities under subsection 4534(1) of the RCMP Act, I am requesting that the Commission undertake a comprehensive review of the RCMP's policies and procedures on workplace harassment, and speci?cally examine and evaluate the implementation of recommendations made in its 2013 Publ'ic Interest Investigation Report into RCMP Workplace Harassment. In your review and subsequent report regarding the implementation of the 11 recommendations, I anticipate that you will, as set out in subsection 4534(4) of the Act, include any ?ndings and recommendations that you see ?t regarding the adequacy, appropriateness, suf?ciency, or clarity of the policies, procedures or guidelines in place to prevent and address allegations regarding RCMP members engaged in workplace harassment. As your review proceeds, I would like to invite you to liaise with I thank you for your collaboration on this matter. Yours sincerely, The Honourable Ralph Goodale, P.C., M.P. {Ciadia