Excerpt from April 16, 2010 Email written by Jamie Cuming Also, thanks to Tim, I had the opportunity to spend a few hours last night with Minister Redford?s EA over dinner. Our meeting was informal, cordial, and went very well. Kudos also to Tim for being mentioned by the Premier in his address at the dinner as a leader in the party and driving force behind the success of the Premiers? Dinner in Calgary. With respect to May Jensen Shawa Solomon, I met with Sabri Shawa and Rob Hawkes this morning. Rob is the ex-husband (on a very friendly basis) with Alison Redford, QC (our Justice Minister). Generally, the meeting went very, very well. They are interested in joining our coalition. The delay in responding to our invitation was their discussions with Siskinds about whether there was room for MJSS in the Siskinds coalition. There is not, and they want to pursue the file with us. The positives that arose from the meeting are that Rob Hawkes has discussed the file directly with Alison Redford, and she indicated to him we were in the forefront on the matter. Additionally, Rob?s political connections go far, far beyond my expectations and knowledge in both Alberta, and Saskatchewan. Rob was the political point man for Bennett Jones, and remains very, very involved at what appears to be a high level with the PC party.