pu a. a Leader of the Government Leadev du gouvcmemunt in the House ol 553 i} la communes on>> . towns Km ow Dear i am writing on of the Prime Minister with respect to your appointment as x. . xx effective Our has made a commitment to Canadians to establixli nn open, luerihbascd appoinlmenls system for Govcmox in Council appointees with greater access to all I am therefore asking that you consider voluntarily choosing to not st:er pursuant to the appointment approved by the plevious government. This will allow fora new selection process in which you are welcome to participate. I would ask Ilmt you indiculc your decision in writing to me before December ls. 201 S, at tin: address bclo Should you have (my questions you may contact Mulltieu Bouchard at 613 Office ul'lhc Leader of the Government in me House Room 231-5. Centre Block House ol'Conunons Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0A6 We expect to he held accountable for the quality made during our tenure anti your cooperation in meeting the cxpeclutions of Cnnadinns is appreciated Yours sincerely, Canad'a' Leader 0! me Governmenl fl?" Leader du gouvememeni in lha House ol Commons 3% A la Cnambte Lies communes onum, Canada Monsieur, Au nom du I'rcmiex Minislrc,jc vous ecris en ce qui a nail a volm nomination an litre qni doil eniler cn vigucnr ic Nous nous sommcs enguges cnvars ics Canndiuns zi elablir un syslemc dc nomination par le gouvemcur on conseil qui soil ouvcn cl [uncle sur le meriic c! qui sail pills accessible a mus ies Canadiens. Par consequcnl,]c vous demnnde la possibiliie dc vous (Iesislcr (In role pour lcquei vous avcz ete numme par le aniericur, Celn nous dc lancer un nouveml processus (l0 seleclinn, nuquel vons invite ii parlicipcr. Je vous snurais gre de m'infonner dc voile decision pfll' ecn'i, avanl 1c 18 decembrc 2015' cl cc, a qui suil. Si vous avez tics questions vans pochZ cammnniquer Malhieu Bouchard an Leader du gonvememcnl a la chumbre (its communes Piecc 23 1 -s, Edmcc du Conn-e Chambn: communes Oliawn (Onlario) I A 0A6 Nous nous a are Icnu responsables (I: In qualiie dos nominalions failcs duns ie cadre (le noll'c mandnl. Je vous Icmercie de A combier atlenles dos Canadians. Veniilcz agl'eciz Monsieur, do was senlimenis distingnes, Canad'ei