Urwiassi?ed Overview of the Grant Thornton Report: ?Reporting Entity Sector Profiles - Money Iaunderfng and terrorist financing vulnerability assessments? 9203de 408261 To edit the header and footer (Classification and RDIMS), go to View Slide Master. Um?sps?wzz Backgroun d/Cantext - FINTRAC hired Grant Themtm (GT) to develop RE sector waf?es; (80$ the same 233 ?seem; risk. pm?leg?) by researching thee {seams and conducting intewiaws with $86th insidars, Tha (3T work aim sought {0 identify MUTE: risks and vm?erabii?ieg in each same!" and incim?ea a camparative {has sectors (as $382" the Statement 0f Wmic develaped by mat repremms their views, not infarmatiom mata?ned wiihm the firm} minor? is to be} used in cmjanctian with knowiedge, expertise, arid unique- to see the ?nancial transaction reports is internatly deveiep the sector {$53k waf?es. - it wi? atsa asai?st in gravidiag input t0 the Finance ied Natimai Risk Assessment R0303 7 Um?sps?wzz Methodology and Approach methodciagy inmived informa?on gaihering few primary sources: 1) Reievant anti/imitative materiai FATF seem? guidance; ather magnify seem? risk assessmems; em); 2) Pub?a mamas {swarm {inc?uding news; media, Statiatics Canada, market arid seam? ecmamic data industry stati?tics, em); 3) interview& with GT AML speciaiista {Gamesticaiiy and imamationa?iy); and 4) InterviQW$ with industry ingiderg in each of the mama R0303 7 Methodology and Approach Cont?d As per the contract with GT, 31 sectors were assessed. Due to time congtraints an the cantmat, prioritized the sectors in the fonowiag way, which aliowed GT is: priomze their focus by 383103": 1} Reai Emate 2} in Pracicus Metals Stems {Dink/ES) 3) Sacuritieg Easiers Aesountants 5) Life insurance 6) 8C Notaries Credit un?cns 8} Casings ??anciai Lawyers ?11) M883 R0303 Um?sps?wzz RE Sector Profiles Far each RE sector, GT pravidad FENTRAC with a sectar profile that includes information an the: Structure, Size and sagmentatim 0f the RE popuiatim; Ecanomic and financiai statistics; Raguiatory emimnmem; - Constraints cm the sector; - Asmcia?ens that exist; - Emerging izus?ness 86mm Preducts and services affeyed; ?fypas of custom?rs; Geographic cans?demtims; reievan?: Enformatian; Key paints from interviews; and - Risk R0303 Um?sps?wzz RE Sector Pro?les Cont?d AH maimed in the sector prefifes is imam; and vaiuablg to however, {ha mes? interesiing informatiem emanates {he iaterviews canducted with same? imidemx?exper?g, as wait as the risk factms sec?ms. $ector ii of Wewiews Samar Canducmd :3 latewiews Conc?ucta? R831 Esiate BC Nataries 1 8 Credit Unians 10 Casims 2 Aacoumanta 5 Finam?ai 6 En??es Life insurance 2 Lawyem 8 MSBs 5 Total 57 R0303 7 Gecees??iee Key Risk Identified by GT 1) Relationships/Linkages - Use ef trust accounts was identi?ed as high risk (Ree? Estate, Accounting, Lawyers). The ?gatekeeper male? was determined te be risky (Securities, Life insurance, M383, Lawyers} 2) Geography Factors Purchase ef reel estate and ievestmeet assets (Securities) with e?shefe money was. identified ae high risk. Access :0 glebai merkete else high risk Gide, financial entities, M81353). 1) Business relationships/linkages risk factors The use of legal trust accounts was noted specifically as an area of concern, particularly for the real estate, accounting and legal sectors. The concept of the ?gatekeeper role? came through in our research for each of securities, accounting, life insurance, and the legal sectors. These factors were given higher weighting in the consideration of risk. 2) Geography risk factors The purchase of Canadian real estate assets with offshore money and/or by offshore persons was noted as a significant risk factor. Similarly, the purchase of investment assets through Canadian securities firms with offshore money, particularly through the use of off shore companies, was noted as a significant risk. The ability to access global markets through Canadian sector participants was also rated higher for vulnerability risks (particularly via dealers in precious metals, credit unions, financial entities and MSBs). Unc?ss?ied Key Risk Factors Identified by GT Cont?d 3) General Market and Delivery Channel Risk - Market competitiveness, structures in place, ethics, size of entity are of criticai importance (especially with smelter entities within Real Estate and M88 sectors). 4) Transaction Methods and Types use of corporate vehicles is: conceal ownership, source and purpose of transactions. was identified as high risk (Real Estate, $ecurities) 5} Custerer Types and Charaateristics Generaiiy applicable across all sectors but of e?evatad risk to sectors that provide professionai services across and within other sectors {Accountanta, Lawyers). 3) General market and delivery channel risk factors Market competitiveness, the structures in place to support the quality of services provided, and the ethics of individual persons working within the sector are of critical importance (especially when the size of the entity is considered). Of critical importance for the real estate and money service businesses sectors as, at the smaller end of the market, there is often no quality and ethics infrastructure in place. Also the case for the securities, accountants, lawyers and credit union sectors except that there is a regulated environment for these sectors, which to some extent mitigates the vulnerability. 4) Transaction methods types risk factors The use of corporate vehicles was specifically noted as a higher risk factor in the real estate and securities sectors and is generally seen as a method to conceal ownership, source and purpose of funds/transaction and adds to the opacity of the environment. 5) Customer types and characteristics risk factors This category and grouping of risk was seen as generally applicable across all sectors. However, it was noted that the accounting and legal sectors are both ones which provide professional services across and within markets and also to participants of the other sectors researched. For each of these two sectors, especially at the smaller end of 7 the market, customer due diligence and acceptance practices varied considerably. Accordingly, these risk factors were rated higher. 7