. , .. . Warrant # - ~ . . ... .... f<...6- )1J/S'- .-. r:JO Iez.{ rJfie State ofrJeJ(as To Any Sheriff, Constable or Peace Officer of the State of Texas, Greeting: You are Hereby Commanded to Arrest: CHRlSTOPHER ANDREW AX - DOB 09121 /1976 If to be found in your County and bring: CHRISTOPHER ANDREW AX - DOB 09/2111976 himlher before me, a Magistrate of Cooke County, Texas at my office in the Cooke County Courthouse, Gainesville, Texas, in said County, Immediately, then and there to answer Ule State of Texas for an offense against the laws of said State, to-wit : CAPITAL MURDER - TPC Sec. 19.03(0)(2) - CAPITAL FELONY of which offense helshe CHRISTOPHER ANDREW AX - DOB 0912111976, is accused by the written complaint, under oath of TEXAS RANGER JAMES HOLLAND, filed before me. Herein Fail Not, but of this writ make due return, showingi' w you have executed the same. Witness my official signature this the ~day of "- I ~/ 20 I 5 Jt:;~ Magistrate v Cooke County, Texas ....................... Sheriff's or Constable's Return ................. ".." ... Came to hand on the _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _, 20__ at _o'clock __.m. and executed , 20__ at_o'c1ock __ .m., on the _ _--;-day of by arresting the within named -,:-:,--;---,-77'--,-....,.-,,----- - - aL _ _ _ _ _ _~, County, Texas, and "'Taking his bond, •• placing him in jail at -,_--::--,..,._..,--..,---;-,:-,--_ _ _,-_. I actually and necessarily traveled _ _ miles in the service of this writ, in addition to any other mileage I may have traveled in the service of other process in this cause during the same trip. Fees: - MalOng arrest. . ..,_ _ __ _ Mileage ..... _ _ __ Taking Bond ....._ __ _ Commitment. .. .,_ _ _ __ Release ....._ _ __ TOLal Fees ....._ _ __ o "'''Strike according to facts U I _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ , Sheriff/Constable _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ -', County, Texas By:_ _ _ __ _ __ _ , Deputy Filt : RS-2015-00121 Date: 614/2015 l1'()O:OO AM 110m : Arrest Warranl Christopher Andrew AX CaPItal Murder Lot : 2651h Judicial Oislr/CI Coon Exhibit 201 . .. '-' . . . . .. ... ~ FiLro l~ OIS m el CO~Rl COOKE COllll1 Y. [EX"S STATE OF TEXAS § PROBABLE CAUSE County of Cooke § ARREST W ARRANT AFFIJJ\~V&r:ilI\ -SUSAN HUGHES IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORfTY OFTHE STATE OF TEXAS: 15JUH-~ ~HIO:5~ ~~u , MIJ.tf-'\ E?UIY BEFORE ME, the undersigned authori ly, on this day personaJly appeared the ndersigned Affiant who. after being by me duly sworn on oath deposes and says that Christopher Andrew AX, WIM, DOB : 09-21-1976, Texas Dri ver's License Number 14949675, standing approximalely 5 feet 9 inches taU and weighi ng approximately 145 pounds, hereinafter styled defendant, on or about March 28th , 1997, and before miling aIld filin g of this Complaint, in the County of Cooke of the State of Texas, did then and there knowingly and intentionally commit Capital Murder to wit: A PERSON COMMITS AN OFFENSE IF, THE PERSON commits murder as defined under Section 19.02(b)(I) (intentionally or knowingly causes the death of a n individual), and tbe person intentionally commits the murder in the course of committing or attempting to commit robbery and! or aggl'ava ted sexual assault,' A violation of the Texas Penal Cooe 19.03(a)(2). Your Affiant, Texas Ranger James B. HOLLAND is a peace officer licensed by the State of Texas and employed by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Your Affiant has reason to believe and does believe the defendant comm.itted the offense alleged herei n because: Company "B" UC IT Texas Ranger James B . HOLLAND was requested by the Cooke County Sheri ff 's Department t o assist in the inve s tig a tion of the murder of Sheba niah Sarah DOUGHERTY, whose body was discovered in rural Cooke Coun ty on 03-30-1997. An autopsy conducted by the Southwestern Institute o f Forensic Sc i enc e s concluded that DOUGHERTY'S death was r uled ho mi c ide by strangu l at.ion. On 0 3 - 2 8-1997, DOUGHERTY did not retu rn to her residence a ft er get t i n g of f work at the Movie Store in Gainesville, Cook County, Te xas. On 03-29 -1 997, she was reported missing by h e r parents to t.he Gainesv ill e Po li ce Depar tmen t . On 03-29-1997, Sa rah DOUGHERTY'S vehi c l e was discovered abandon ed , parked within a block of the Movie Store. Investigative reports, interviews conducted by variou s l aw enforcement entities, and i nt erv iews conduc te d by Ranger HOLLAND , DOUGHERTY was l ast seen l eav ing the s howed that on 03 - 28 - 1 997, Mov i e Store at approximately 11:00 PM, start ing her vehicle, and then re pen tering the Movie Store. The Movie Store was locked, and no discernible items o r cas h we re ever dis covered to be missing. DOUGHERTY'S p urse, con tai ning her ident ifica ti on, wallet , and a s mall s um of U.S . currency, alon g with DOUGHERTY'S car ke ys , were never discovered after a n exhaustive sea r c h o f t.he area . DOUGHERTY'S body was discovered with her breas ts exposed, her bra missing, and her front pant z ippe r down wi th her underwear exposed . On 03-26-2015, at approximately 1:1 2 PM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed victim Sarah DOUGHERTY'S mot·her, Rose DOUGHERTY. Said interview was digitally recorded. Rose DOUGHERTY described her daughter as a good girl that did not date , drink, or use drugs. Rose DOUGHERTY stated that h er daughter had a crush on a guy that had beautiful blue eyes. On 03-26~2015, at approxi mately 2:22 PM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed victim Sarah DOUGHERTY' S sister, Levi NORWOOD. Said interview was digitally recorded. Levi NORWOOD stated that Sarah DOUGHERTY was a IIvirgin" that had never ki ssed a boy, and that did not have a boyfriend, but liked a boy named Chris THOMAS (lat er determined by Ranger HOLLAND to be Christopher Andrew AX) . Levi NORWOOD stated that Sarah DOUGHERTY did not drink or do drugs. Levi NORWOOD stated that Chris THOMAS (later determined by Ranger HOLLAND to be Christopher Andrew AX) left town after her sister's death and joined the army. Lev i NORWOOD stated that THOMAS (later determined by Ranger HOLLAND to be Christopher Andrew AX) had recently re turned to t own and told her (Levi) t hat he lef t town because he was afraid he would be a suspect in Sarah DOUGHERTY'S murd e r. Levi NORWOOD stated that on the day her sister disappeared, she (Sarah DOUGHERTY) had asked Levi NORWOOD what it was like to kiss a boy. On 04-09-2015, at approximately 11:30 AM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed Rory Ann LEMOND, the former owner of the Movie Store, at the Texas Department of Public Safety Driver's License office in Gainesville. Said interview was digitally recorded. LEMOND stated Sarah DOUGHERTY worked for LEMOND at the Movie STORE. LEMOND knew DOUGHERTY to be a sweet, nice girl that did not do drugs or drink. LEMOND stated that on Friday nights the Movie Store closed at 11:00 PM, and that DOUGHERTY should have left the store by 11:15 to 11:30 PM. LEMOND stated that there was approximately a couple hundred dollars of money left in che s t ore at closing. LEMOND stated that no money was ever determined to be missing. On 04-09-2015, at approximately 1 :03 PM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed william James CART ER at his re sidence in Gainesv ille. Sai d interview was digitally recorded. CARTER stated he knew Sarah DOUGHERTY from working with her at the Movie Store. CARTER described DOUGHERTY as a pretty but simple girl that did not drink, do drugs, or have a boyfriend. . On the date DOUGHERTY disappeared CARTER worked with DOUGHERTY unt i l approximately 9:00 PM. Prior to leaving work CARTER shared a Dominos pizza with DOUGHERTY. CARTER remembered that there were three pieces of piz za left over. On 04-16-2015, at approximately 10 : 53 AM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed Flora Jean CERTAIN at her Farmer's Branch residence. Said interview was digitally recorded. CERTAIN was employed at t h e Movie Store at the time of Sarah DOUGHERTY'S death. Certain stated she knew DOUGHERTY to be very shy and very religious. CERTAIN stated that DOUGHERTY liked a guy named Chris LNU (Last Name Unknown) and was excited because Chris LNU was coming back to town. CERTAIN stated that DOUGHERTY wanted to meet up with Chris LNU and blushed when she (DOUGHERTY) spoke of Chris LNU. CE RTAIN s tated that a week prior to DOUGHERTY'S death, DOUGHERTY started talking to Chris LNU and wanted to see and talk to Chris LNU. On the day DOUGHERTY disappeared CERTAIN stated that DOUGHERTY should have been gone from the store by 11:15 PM. On 04-20-2015, at approximately 1:31 PM , Ranger HOLLAND interviewed Christopher Andrew AX, W/M, DOB: 09-21-1976, at his place of employment in Gainesville. Ranger HOLLAND approached AX in the warehouse area of his employment and iden tified himself and requested AX to speak to Ranger HOLLAND about an o}d murder. AX stated "Sarah" and then stated that he left town after the murder because he was a suspect. AX refused to go to the Sheriff's Department for the interview, but agreed to speak to Ranger HOLLAND in Ranger HOLLAND'S patrol vehicle. Several minutes later AX entered Ranger HOLLAND'S patrol vehicle. Said interview was digitally recorded. A) AX stated he knew the DOUGHERTY family for as long as he cou ld remember. AX stated that his mother tried setting him up with Sarah DOUGHERTY at one time. AX stated that he went out on one date with Sarah DOUGHERTY. AX li ked the DOUGHERTY family but thought (AX stated he knew that Philip DOUGHERTY didn't do it ) her dad was "out there. 1I Ax stated that he "hit it off" with Sarah DOUGHERTY but that it was just a friendship thing. AX stated that he only went out with DOUGHERTY once but thought about asking her (DOUGHERTY) out again before "she had what happened happen." B) AX stated that at the time of DOUGHERTY'S death he lived on South Morris Street across from McMurray Elementary School; "literally about three blocks down from where she worked, so I saw her almost every day o n my way from work to home. " AX stated that he lived three blocks from the Movie Store. AX stated that he "was living three blocks south of where DOUGHERTY worked when she died." C) AX stated DOUGHERTY was very sweet and ve ry quiet. AX stated that he did not have sex with DOUGHERTY, and that they were just friends. AX stated "1 think we kissed once and that was about the extent of it. 10 AX stated "1 think if I had to say anything bad about her she was just too trusting, it always made me worry about her... . where she worked she always closed so she was always there late , so that is one of the reasons I always s topped by before going home ... I think they closed about nine so about an hour before they would close I would stop in, most nights, not all nights, but quite often, especially if I knew she was working I would stop in, say hi, wouldn't be there real long, just long enough to let her k now I was heading to the house if she needed me . " When asked if he (AX) stopped by the night DOUGHERTY disappeared AX stated "I think I stopped by but I don't recall seeing her, she might have been on break. " 0) When asked if he knew what time he stopped by, AX stated that he did not know. AX stated" I typically stop by between six and e ight when I would sto p by, but I don't recall if I did that night or not to be honest with you, I want to say yes, but I don't recall, I know I sound asleep when her dad come knocking on the door . I' AX stated that DOUGHERTY S dad came checking on her at his (AX) house because he (Philip DOUGHERTY) knew that "I didn't live far from he r. " AX stated that the day DOUGHERTY became missing Philip DOUGHERTY (Sara DOUGHERTY'S father) stopped by his residence. AX stated that he was living with roommates at that time and when asked who his roommat es were; AX laughed nervously and stated "don't get me lying, I haven't seen them since, I can't remember their names to be honest with you." I E) AX stated Philip DOUGHERTY asked me if I had seen her and I said no, "and that's what made me worry about her 90 we both kinda went driving around to see if we could find her. 11 AX stated from morning to afternoon IIwe were looking. II Ax. stated Philip DOUGHERTY came by around "elev enish" on Saturday. AX stated "I k now he asked if I seen her, and I said no, and I asked what was going on and I remember him telling me something about she's missing, so I got in my car, he was in his van and we both drove around looking for her and we met up where she worked, hours later." F) AX stated he had never been in DOUGHERTY'S vehicle and then stated "she had always been in mine; to my knowledge I have never been in her car, to be honest, II When asked again if AX had ever been in DOUGHERTY'S vehicle, AX responded Unot to t he best of my knowledge no, I know that I always drove, so if I got in it, it was to get something out." AX stated "the only thing I remember about that night cause, I remember driving by (the Movie Store) and nobody was there, her car, nobody's car, so I didn't think nothing about it, went home and went to bed. I' G) AX stated Gainesville Police Department Officer Pete BAILEY tried to convince him, at that time, that "I was the one that did it." AX stated Uwe were looking for her ...and he stopped us and asked us what we were doing because he saw us driving up and down the street ...me and her dad...at the time we had just met and we had parked...and we had both stopped and he pu lled up...asked us what we were doing first accused her dad of being the one to take off with her, granted this was after she was found...he was trying to convince him first that he (Philip DOUGHERTY) killed her and then trying to convince me that I did it...we had both met and stopped...we were both looking until we were told that her body was found and that's when we stopped and started talking, granted you know, we looked, several, several days, but the primary day was the day after she had been missing, well not the day after, the next day, the day she had been missing, I guess you would say, Saturday... r doni t recall when he stopped us r just remember him making the comment about how he thought her dad did it and then later on trying to convince me that r did, and I was like enough of this"be just flat out accused us...so I started talking to Lewona about it and Lewona s like no, we know who did it...at the time I didnlt even know she was dead when I got accused of it.1I I H) AX stated that he was told by "Lewona" that they knew who did it and as far as he knew they had it solved, AX stated Sarah DOUGHERTY never called him but that he just "stopped in a lot and we just talked while she was at work, it was always slow up there. When asked if he (AX) had been in the Movie Store that night AX stated "11m not 100 percent if I went in or not that night but I do remember driving by and there was nobody in the parking lot no cars, no nothing. I honestly had thought she had left and gone home." AX stated he did not know what time it was, but that it should have been after it was closed. II I) AX stated there was no cars or people i n the parking lot that night, and all the lights were off in the store. AX stated that he had never been interviewed by law enforcement or asked a single question. AX then stated that he never spoke to IILawona,1I but that "Lawona" told the family that IIshe found them knew where they were and was having to get them, that all r knew. II AX stated that he heard this ( i f he recalls right) from the family. AX stated he was told that the people who killed Sarah DOUGHERTY were released from custody prior to law enforcement trying to pick them up. J} Ranger HOLLAND requested AX to meet at the Sheriffls Department when he got off work for an interview, AX stated "to be honest lid rather not go to the police station with everything that's happened recently...I had an ex who was extremely psychotic, currently going through court over her crap, she was the kind of person who would wake me up woke choking me...and I defended myself one time when she had a knife trying to stab me cause I just got tired o f it and got accused of assault,1I Kl AX stated "I don't remember a whole lot about it and it's probably because I didnlt know a whole lot about it, but I do remember being woke up, and I remember looking for her, and I remember fi nding out that she ended up getting killed not fa r from where I lived, and that threw me way the he ll off...accord ing to what I was told whe re she was found wa s n't too far from wher e I lived probably abou t fi ve , six blocks." AX stated that he never met DOUGHERTY, o ther than their only date; anywhere accept her work "to my knowledge ," On 04 - 20-20 15 , at appr ox imat e l y 4:00 PM, Ranger HOLLAND reviewed the audio recording of the 06-11-1997, interv iew of Christ ophe r AX'S then roommate, Jonathon Danie l HENDRY. A) HENDRY stated that Christopher AX was hi s roomma te for four a nd a half months in 1997, and that he (HENDRY) lived with AX at a house in Gainesvill e loc ated near the Movie Store at the time of Sarah DOUGHERTY'S murder. 8 ) HENDRY stated that AX k new Sarah DOUGHERTY , and that on the night DOUGHERTY disappeared AX left the res i de n ce at app r oximate ly 6:30 PM t o 7:00 PM to get a movie and pi zza. HENDRY sta ted that AX returned t o the residence between 10 :00 PM a nd 1 0:30 PM , a nd appeared to be upset . HENDRY s t ated that AX did not talk much abou t DOUGHE RTY but did say t h a t DOUGHERTY was one o f his best friends, C) HENDRY stated that AX displayed a bad temper when they lived together and displaye d v iolence by kicking his car and breaking things, HENDRY stated tha t AX told him that Sarah DOUGHERTY was his best friend, and believed that AX was capable of killing DOUGHERTY, HENDRY sta ted that AX had threatened him in the past with a kn ife, and that he (HENDRY) had to ca ll t he police to respond . D) HENDRY sta ted that AX t old him h e (AX) had been in a Wichita Falls menta l insti tution when he was younger. HENDRY stated the night DOUGHERTY disappeared; he (HENDRY ) had military reserve s the f ollowing day, but that he had stayed at the house that night because of storms, and to g et some uniforms ready. HENDRY stated on the evening DOUGHERTY disappeared (03 - 28-1997) h e went to bed at a pprox imately 11:0 0 PM, HENDRY stated AX got home that evening between 10:00 PM and 10:30 PM, and that he (HENDRY) did not know if AX had gone out again that even ing o r not, HENDRY s tated that whe n he went to bed, AX was in h is (AX) room. HENDRY s tat ed t hat he was a "deep slee per" and that he wou ld no t have k nown if AX lef t that eve ning . E:) HENDRY stated that AX threatened him and said that "this is n ot over" when AX moved out. HENDRY stated AX told him (HENDRY) "I t o ld you if you mess with any of my stuff I was gonna have you capped off, II On 04-20-2015, at approximately 4;37 PM, Ranger HOLLAND and Cooke County Sheriff's Department Sergeant Investigator Eric COBERLEY interviewed Christopher Andrew AX at the Cooke County Sheriff's Department in the Criminal Investigation Division conference room. Said interview was digitally audio and video recorded. A) AX stated that he ran into DOUGHERTY'S father the day after (Saturday) DOUGHERTY disappeared and that he (Philip DOUGHERTY) told AX that Sarah DOUGHERTY was missing and asked if "I had seen her." AX stated that he then helped Philip DOUGHERTY look . AX stated that he drove by t he Movie Store the night DOUGHERTY disappeared and that no lights were on and no vehicles were in the parking lot. B) AX stated that six months prior to parents set h i m up with DOUGHERTY. AX year s old when he went out on one date that based on what he heard the murder premeditated . DOUGHERTY'S death, his stated that he was 21 with DOUGHERTY. AX stated sounded intentional and C) AX stated his residence, at the time DOUGHE RTY died, was located between the Movie Store and where DOUGHERTY ' S body was found; "in the middle which was very weird." AX stated that approximately six months prior to DOUGHERTY'S death he went out with her, and then started talking to DOUGHERTY again after he (AX) saw her in the Movie Store. D) AX stated that Sarah DOUGHERTY was nice, s weet , and reserved when going o n her first ever date. AX stated he knew after the date that DOUGHERTY was mo re sister material than relationship material. AX stated there were a couple of people that tried to get DOUGHERTY'S attention when AX went to the Movie Store. AX stated that he believed DOUGHERTY was a "Virgin" and believed that DOUGHERTY died a "Virgin." E) AX stated after he went on one date with DOUGHERTY he spoke to her whenever he saw her. When AX realized that DOUGHERTY worked at the Movie Store, a few months later, he stopped by lito see if she was alright. 11 AX stated that he saw DOUGHERTY within 48 hours of her death (when he knew she was gone). AX stated that he went to the Movie Store about a month prior to DOUGHERTY'S death and r e alized at tha t time that she (DOUGHERTY) was working there. AX stated "after that at least every other day I tried to stop in and say hi." AX stated he checked on DOUGHERTY because II live always been a worrier and single girl closing, when she told me she closed, I just started checking on her every now and then...she was a friend of the family... I would just go in say hi, she n e ver even realized I was c hecking on her...just talk to her a little bit, half the time I didn't even rent a movie, turn around and leave.... I always told her you know where I live if anything happens just call me I'll be there in like 30 seconds." AX stated that DOUGHERTY had never been to his house but "she knew I only lived a few blocks down so she cou l d have just picked up a phone and call ed." F) AX stated he thought about gOing out with DOUGHERTY again but never asked her out because she felt "too much like a sister, it felt weird. " AX stated DOUGHERTY never talked about any men bothering her or appearing weird. AX stated he drove by the Movie Store the night DOUGHERTY dis appea red but it was all dark and there were no cars in the parking lot. AX stated !land I honestly can't remember what time I went by I just remember going ·by and seeing it was all dark." G) AX stated prior to dri ving by the Movie Store on the night DOUGHERTY disapp eared he was coming from "probably my mom's to be honest." AX stated he had two roommates but did not remember either of their names. AX stated DOUGHERTY knew where he l i ved because "I to l d her." AX cou ld not remember where he worked the night DOUGHERTY disappeared. AX stated he cou ld have been coming from work the night . DOUGHERTY disappeared or "just driving around going nowhere." AX stated the Movie Store was dark when he drove by and it cou l d have been prior to e le ven, because he remembered it being weird that the lights were off. AX stated he did not know for sure if he even knew if DOUGHERTY was working that evening. H) When asked by Ranger HOLLAND if AX knew what kind of vehicle DOUGHERTY was driving the evening s he disappeared, AX stated "not to the best of my knowledge, I don't recall, and I rarely forget a car. I remember a car before a face, that's what's weird." I) When asked by Ranger HOLLAND if AX had ever been in DOUGHERTY'S vehic l e, AX responded "to the best of my knowledge no, but if I was I know I didn't ride in it, it was just like grabbing her purse or something if I'd been in it cause I know I never rode in it, never drove it." AX stated that people tell him to grab things out of a car all the time, when asked why he took DOUGHERTY" S purse from her vehic l e. AX stated "I wouldn t t touch anybody's purse unless I was told to." AX stated if he grabbed DOUGHERTY'S purse from her vehicle it was at her (DOUGHERTY) mom's house. AX stated lIif I ever got in the car, cause the on ly other time I think I would have seen it would have been at her work, and I would have no reason to get in it then." When asked if DOUGHERTY ever asked AX to retrieve something from her vehicle while at work, AX responded "to the best of my knowledge no." When asked to describe DOUGHERTY'S purs e AX responded, IIdon' t get me lying. or AX stated that he had no clue when he got DOUGHERTY'S purse out of her vehicle and that it had to be on their date. AX stated "to be honest I don't even recall if I've been in the car it just seems I might have gotten in there for something, but if I did I would have bees told to." J) AX stated that he remembered going by the Movie Store before 11:00 PM, on the night DOUGHERTY disappeared. AX stated he recalled wanting to stop in the Movie Store on his way home, but did not because the store was closed and no lights were on. AX stated that he did not see any cars in the parking lot when he drove by the night DOUGHERTY disappeared. K) AX stated after he drove by the Movie Store he went home to his residence on Morris Street in Gainesville. AX stated he took a shower, watched television, and went to bed after going home. AX stated the following day (Saturday) he stopped at a store that he normally does not stop at and ran into DOUGHERTY'S father. At this time DOUGHERTY'S father told him DOUGHERTY was missing. AX stated that he then drove around looking for DOUGHERTY. AX stated that he looked around for a little bit and then sat back and waited. AX stated that he heard DOUGHERTY had been raped and killed. L) AX stated he stayed in town until he went into the military in May of 1998. AX stated Gainesville Police Department Officer Pete BAILEY accused him and DOUGHERTY'S father of killing DOUGHERTY. AX stated that according to DOUGHERTytS dad Officer BAILEY accused him and DOUGHERTY'S dad of kidnapping DOUGHERTY. AX stated that Officer BAILEY never actually spoke to him, and that he never actually spoke to any police officers or investigators regarding the DOUGHERTY case. Ranger HOLLAND displayed a photograph of Sarah DOUGHERTY to AX. AX stated that DOUGHERTY was wearing lighter clothes the night she died. M) AX stated that he was sure he did not go to the Movie Store the night DOUGHERTY died. Ranger HOLLAND advised AX that his (AX) roommate had told investigators in 1997, that on the evening DOUGHERTY disappeared, AX left the house to get a movie and pizza. AX stated if he would have got a pizza it would have been from Pizza Hut, and that he did not get a movie that night. AX stated if he would have gotten a movie he would have gone to Block Buster. AX stated that he only went to the Movie Store to see DOUGHERTY. Ranger HOLLAND advised AX that DOUGHERTY had ordered Dominos pizza the night she disappeared. AX stated that he does not eat Dominos pizza because he does not eat that "paper thin crap." N) AX stated that he did not see DOUGHERTY that night, but he may have gotten a pizza from Pizza Hut and a movie from Block Buster. AX stated that he was going to see DOUGHERTY that night but it was dark when he g o t there. AX stated that he was sure he did not see DOUGHERTY that night, or that day. AX stated that DOUGHERTY neve r came by his house. AX stated that he saw DOUGHERTY the day before but di d not see her that night "to the best of my knowledge no, 11m 99 percent sure. II AX stated h e was thinking about asking DOUGHERTY out again, and that he checked up on DOUGHERTY like he c hecks up on a ll his friends, if they might possibly be in "danger." AX stated "all I can do is tell you I didn 't do it." 0) AX sta te d he had pi zz a wit h DOUGHERTY at the Movie Store in the past, but it was not the night DOUGHERTY disappeared and it was not Dominos because he (AX) hates Dominos. AX stated "it's possible but to the bes t of my memory I didn't s ee her that night. II AX stated that he could have had pizza earlier in the day (the day DOUGHERTY disappeared) with DOUGHERTY at the Movie Store. AX stated if he did br ing pi zz a to DOUGHERTY the day she disappeared it would have been between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM . AX stated "to my memory I don't recall being there, but I know I wasn't there that night, but that day I can ' t swear to." AX stated "1 remember going to the car to get th e pizza, to take inside, so she could eat something, but it wouldn 1 t have been Dominos, it wouldn't. have been Pizza Inn... the only place I ever go is Pizza Hut." P) AX stated that it was "possible" that DOUGHERTY attacked someone after she started sexually "messing around" with someone. AX stated he ne ver saw DOUGHERTY the night she dis appe ared. AX stat ed he had no knowledge that DOUGHERTY was going to his house that night. AX responded "not to my knowledge" when asked if DOUGHERTY had ever been to his house. AX stated "but, that ni ght n o I di dn 't see he r, be cause I went home and cras he d." AX stated it would have been a "surprise" if DOUGH ERTY was planning to visit him the night she disappeared. OJ Ranger HOLLAND disp layed a photograph of the crime scene to AX. AX stated that he was familiar with the area and that he knew the area because as a kid he "used to walk down there. II When asked if he (AX ) killed DOUGHERTY, AX laughed nervously and stated "no. II On 04-21-2015, at approximately 10:30 AM, AX telephoned Ranger HOLLAND and advised that he had talked to his mother about the incident, things were beginning to come back to hi m, and he was now remembering. AX stated that his mom told him (AX) that the poli ce had quest ioned him, and that he left town be cause the police f ocused on him. AX stated that he now thought DOUGHERTY'S dad killed her (DOUGHERTY) AX stated "if you focus o nl y on me, I will walk away. II On 04-22 - 20 1 5, at approximate l y 12:29 PM, Ranger HOLLAND received "I'm starting t o remember. the following text messages from AX: If you get a free moment I would like to talk to you." On 04-22-2015, at approximately 6:42 PM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed AX at the Texas Ranger office in Decatur, in t he Texas Ranger interview room. Said inte rv iew was dig itall y recorded. AX stated the following: A) AX stated that he remembered that he was going to ask DOUGHERTY out prior to her death, but he never did. AX stated that he remembered seeing a van parked in the Movie Store parking l ot on what he believed was the night DOUGHERTY disappeared (70 percent sure). When asked by Ranger HOLLAND if he saw the van on the night DOUGHERTY disappeared, AX stated "I think it was to be honest because when I reme mbered it, I ain't gonna lie, I got a chill thinking a bout it, I was hotter than hell prior to that." B) AX stated he met DOUGHERTY prior to going into the mi li tary the firs t time. AX stated he went out with DOUGHERTY on one date prior to going into the military the first time. AX stated he picked up DOUGHERTY in his truck at DOUGHERTY'S parents house. AX stated he did· not recall what he did on the date with DOUGHERTY. AX stated that DOUGHERTY was not his type and that he saw her more as a friend . AX stated he has never had sex with, or kissed DOUGHERTY. C) AX stated that a few months after he returned from the milit ary he ran into DOUGHERTY at the Movie Store. AX sta ted that he would stop in and say hi, and that one time he ate pizza with DOUGHERTY at the Movie Store. AX sta ted that he took t ha t pizza out of his ca r. AX stated prior to DOUGHERTY'S death he stopped by the Movi e Store to see DOUGHERTY, once a week, every other week, or every day. AX stated he remembered "thinking" that he wanted to ask DOUGHERTY out, but never did. AX stated that his mother t o ld him that DOUGHERTY had been to his house a few times , but he did no t remember it. D) AX stated "there is no doubt" that DOUGHERTY came to his house several times. AX stated "I know I didn't see her the night she dis appea red, because I remember driving by her work and nobody was there." AX stated the night he accidentally broke the glass table at his house, he remembered somebody (DOUGHERTY) being there. AX stated he did not know the t ime frame, prior to DOUGHERTY'S death that she (DOUGHERTY) came t o hie house. AX stat ed that DOUGHERTY had to come over at night time. AX stated that he never had sex with and never kissed DOUGHERTY. E) AX stated that he has n ever had memory issues or mental health issues and then stated that he was institutionaliz ed by his father when he was 14. AX stated he was institutional ized at Tw i n Oaks in Denton. AX stated there is "not a chance in hell I ever hurt that girl." AX stated he would stop by to Ifmake sure she (DOUGHERTY) was ok.... maybe once a week." AX stated DOUGHERTY was the only person he ever "cared about that was killed." AX stated he thought he saw DOUGHERTY the day prior to her disappearance and stated "to the best of my knowledge I never saw her that day (t he day she disappeared) i I don't remember talking to her or anything like that , that day." F) AX stated he did not remember if he saw DOUGERTY the evening she disappeared, but he did remember driving by her work. AX stated that he did not remember seeing DOUGHERTY the day she disappeared, but believed he saw DOUGHERTY the day before she d isappeared . AX stated that "there was a coupl e of times she was at the house. II AX stated that he thinks he may have stopped by DOUGHERTY'S work the day prior to her disappearance. AX stated he remembered taking pizza out of his car and taking it into the Movie Store to eat with DOUGHERTY. AX stated it would have been Pizza Hut pizza, but then said he may have taken Domino s pizza out of DOUGHERTY 'S c ar and ate pizza with DOUGHERTY in the Movie Store. G) AX stated "honestly I don't recall that day at all, II and then stated it was possible that he had pizza with DOUGHERTY the day s h e disappeared. AX stated the night DOUGHERTY disappeared; he did not see DOUGHERTY after he went home. AX stated that it would not surprise him if his fingerprints and DNA came back from the pizza box recovered in DOUGHERTY'S car. AX stated that it would have made sense that he took the Dominos pizza box out of DOUGHERTY'S vehicle the night she disappeared and then gone into the Movie Store and eaten pizza with DOUGHERTY. AX stated that he was starting to remember. AX stated that he knows he would not have stayed while DOUGHERTY was closing the store, but instead would have waited in the parking lot. H) AX stated if he "drove her (DOUGHERTY 'S ) car it would have been to move it but it wouldn't have been far." AX stated he doesn't ever remember being in DOUGHERTY'S car. AX stated he would not be surprised if his fingerprints were on the passenger dash board and steering wheel of DOUGHERTY'S car. AX stated he did not remember if he moved DOUGHERTY'S car the night she disappeared. AX stated it was possible he moved DOUGHERTY'S car the night she disappeared, and that he would have moved the car from the back parking lot to the front parking lot . I) AX stated he definitely did not move DOUGHERTY'S car "down the street." AX stated if he would have moved DOUGHERTY I S car he would have done it while he retrieved the pizza. AX stated he did not remember doing it, but he would say he moved the car. AX stated after he left the Movie Store, on the evening DOUGHERTY disappeared, he probably would have gone to his mom' s house , and then said Ifin all honestly I probably just drove ." AX stated he was not at the Mov ie S t ore when DOUGHERTY closed the store the evening she disappeared . AX stated that DOUGHERTY did not tell him she was going to swing by after she got off work. AX stated he remembered going to bed and nobody came over. AX stated he kne w her never saw anybody the night DOUGHERTY disappeared , after he got home. J) AX stated DOUGHERTY did not come to his house the . evening she disappeared. AX stated that he thought he went to bed when he went home. AX stated he must have "gone home and left" after he saw DOUGHERTY. AX stated after he left his house he "just drove," and then drove by the Movie Store on his way home. AX stated he thought he wen t to his mother'S house and loaded up materials for the next day o f work and "bullshi tted with the family." AX stated he was planning on seeing DOUGHERTY before she got off work, but did not because all the lights were off when he drove by the Movie Store . K) AX stated when he drove by the Movie S tore; he saw either the van or the BMX bikes in the middle of the parking lot. AX stated that when he drove by the Movie Store it was sometime between ten and before the sun came up. AX then stated he drove by the Movie Store between 10 :00 PM and 11:00 PM. AX s tated he did not see DOUGHERTY'S vehicle in the parking lot and did not see anyone in the van. AX stated he never had sex with DOUGHERTY. AX stated he never IImade out" with DOUGHERTY, at least 99 percent sure. AX stated " the best I can remember, all k idding aside, we never kissed...any night . It L) AX stated he may have seen DOUGHERTY ever other day before her death. AX stated on the night DOUGHERTY disappeared he saw DOUGHE RTY between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM , and then went home. AX stated that he did not know what he did when he went home, but thinks that he went to bed. When asked if DOUGHERTY went to his house on the evening she disappeared, AX stated Iinot that I remember no, because I don't remember seeing her at all t hat night. II AX then stated that he did not have any issues stating that he retrieved pizza from DOUGHERTY'S vehicle, moved DOUGHERTY'S vehicle, and then ate pizza with DOUGHERTY in the Movie Store the evening DOUGHERTY disappeared. M) AX stated he woke up the next day, got a Dr. Pepper at a store he does not typically stop at. AX stated at this time he saw DOUGHERTY'S dad , and he (DOUGHERTY'S dad) asked AX if he had seen DOUGHERTY. AX stated that DOUGHERTY'S dad told him that DOUGHERTY did not come home the proceeding night . AX stated that he believed DOUGHERTY'S dad was up all night, and alluded to the fact that he may have seen DOUGHERTY'S dad's van in the Movie Store parking lot . AX stated that he did not see a rail r oad van in the Movie Store parking lot on the evening DOUGHERTY disappeared. AX stated that he then drove around with DOUGHERTY'S dad looking for DOUGHERTY. AX stated he remembered DOUGHERTY'S dad was coming down Morris Street and could not understand how he did not see DOUGHERTY'S vehicle. AX then stated that he did not see DOUGHERTY'S vehicle off Morris Street because he was not looking for it. AX stated that when he drove around he was looking for a person and not a vehicle and that was why he did not see DOUGHERTY'S vehicle off Morris Street when looking , despite the fact that he had drove DOUGHERTY'S vehicle the night before. AX stated that he drove around for several hours looking for DOUGHERTY and then went to his mother's house. N) AX stated be remembered being accused of being the one who killed DOUGHERTY. AX stated he could not remember when he was accused, or who accused him. AX stated his mother told him (AX) that he left town to join the military because Gainesville Police Department Officer Pete BAILEY accused him of killing DOUGHERTY. AX stated it was possible that he told Levi NORWOOD that he left town because people were accusing him of killing DOUGHERTY. When asked why AX believed this he stated "I think it was more what people were telling me than what I was being told. AX stated he did not remember who was telling him this or what he was being II told. 0) AX then implied that his family was just saying this because they wanted him gone. AX stated he did not remember any police officer accusing him of killing DOUGHERTY. AX stated that according to his mom he was called in for questioning. AX stated he did not remember being interviewed by any police officer. AX stated that when he said he retrieved DOUGHERTY'S purse from her vehicle, on the night she disappeared, it was actually the pizza box that he retrie ved from DOUGHERTY'S vehicle. P) AX stated he never had sex, and never even started to have sex with DOUGHERTY. AX stated "for a fact," that he had never been where DOUGHERTY'S body was discovered; but that he had seen it , and not actually stepped in the spot DOUGHERTY'S body was discovered. AX questioned (after being shown pictures of the crime scene) if DOUGHERTY'S body had been moved. AX stated that he did not know what happened. Q) AX stated there was no reason his DNA would be on DOUGHERTY' S socks. Ranger HOLLAND informed AX that he (Ranger HOLLAND ) believed DOUGHERTY'S body was dragged by the feet and that the actor's DNA would be found on DOUGHERTY'S socks. AX stated "there was another thing; I was told she was beaten to death and you are telling me she was strangled. So pretty much everything I have been told has been just lies." Ranger R) HOLLAND advised AX that he (Ranger HOLLAND) nev er told AX that DOUGHERTY had been strangled. AX stated "yeah you did." Ranger HOLLAND questioned when, and AX responded IIlast time. II S) AX stated "she wouldn't have gotten there willingly unless it was somebody she trusted, that ' s the kind of girl she was...that was why after I remembered what I remembered I was thinking about her dad to be honest, because she wouldn't have gotten there without it being somebody she trusted, she would struggled, she would have fought the whole way." AX stated "some of it started coming back to me today." AX stated, "honestly, I don't remember ever kissing the girl, I really don't, did I, I can't say without a doubt that I didn't, but I don't remember ever k i ssing her. II AX stated "according to what I remember, all bullshitting aside, we have never had sex, never even came close to it. I think the most I've ever done is hugged her, now have we ever kissed, a 100 percent I can't say no and that's because there are things I don't remember." AX stated he did not believe that his DNA wou l d be found on DOUGHERTY. AX stated "if I'd ever left her she would have been at her car, in her car, driving off." AX stated lito the best that I can remember, no I have never kissed her, no we have never had sex, and I guarantee damb-te-ya no I have never killed her." T) AX stated "in all honesty I haven't given her a thought, and I think it's cause I blocked so much out, why I'm not sure, but I haven't given her a thought until you walked into the work, and ever since then I have done my dam nest to do remember everything I can abou t her to help you." AX stated he had nightmares about things he saw in the military, but not about DOUGHERTY. AX stated "even if DNA comes back saying I did, I will still tell you the same thing, we never had sex and I did not do that." U) AX stated there was no chance that his (AX) DNA would come back on DOUGHERTY'S socks. AX stated he had this thing about feet and that he doesn't like feet. AX stated the first feet he ever touched, outside of his, were (ex-girlfriend) Katy's. AX then stated that DOUGHERTY (the night she disappeared) may have rubbed her feet against him on the couch at his house while watching a movie after work. AX stated the night DOUGHERTY disappeared; it was possible that DOUGHERTY came to his house after work, watched a movie, and rubbed up against him (AX) with her socks. AX stated it was "possible" that his (AX) DNA could have been on DOUGHERTY'S socks. AX stated if DOUGHERTY was complaining about her feet he would not have touched her feet but he might have taken off her (DOUGHERTY) sho es. AX stated "the reason I say that about the shoes is because I've done that to a lot of people, if they don't feel comfortable to take their shoes off, and I've already got mine kicked off, and I know their feet hurt, yeah I'm gonna take their shoes off, that's who I am, I want them to percent, but came bac k to DNA cou ld be be comfort ab l e. II AX s tat ed he cou ldn't say for 100 that logi cally it made a lot of sense that DOUGHERTY his house a ft er work, and that it was possible his on DOUGHERTY ' S socks and s h oes. V) AX st a ted, on the night DOUGHERTY disappeared, she cou ld have been a t his h ouse and then walked out to her car alone. AX stated that it was poss ib l e his (AX) roommate came out of hi s bedr oom at the house and started "shit," when DOUGHERTY was at his house the night DOUGHERTY disappeared. AX stated DOUGHERTY woul d have l e ft if he (AX) would have gotte n in a f ight with h is roommate. W) AX stat ed that his DNA would be on DOUGHERTY' S clothe s because he always gave her hugs. AX stat ed that he woul d have l e f t his house after gett i ng in a f i ght with hi s roommate. AX stated he remembere d moving t he pi zza box, a nd moving DOUGHERTY' S veh i c l e the night she disappeared. AX stated that it was probably pretty accura te that DOUGHERTY came to his house after work and left afte r he (AX) got in a fight with his roommate. AX s tat ed there wa s a chance that he kissed DOUGHERTY the night DOUGHERTY disappeared. AX sta ted he didn't think he f ond l ed or touched DOUGHERTY'S breas t s the night s h e disappeared, but his DNA cou ld have gotten o n DOUGHERTY ' S breast when he hugged her. AX stated that he really d i dn' t think tha t he ever got to the point of him touch ing DOUGHERTY'S breasts. X) AX stated anytime he had an issue he went t o his mother's house and spoke to his mother a b out i t . AX stated he thinks he chose to f orge t a bo ut what h appened bec ause he cared about DOUGHERTY. AX stated he rememb ered a blonde haired man at t he Movie Store causi ng issues at the Mov i e Store. AX stated that he remembered it was Dominos pizza that he ate that day with DOUGHERTY because h e remembered the white box. AX implied that he bel i eved DOUGHERTY' S dad mur dered DOUGHERTY. On 04-23 -2 015, at approximately 10:18 AM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed AX'S former roommate (1997 at time o f DOUGHERTY'S murder) Jonathon Daniel HENDRY, at the Cooke Coun ty Sheriff's Department. Sa i d interview was both digitally audio and v i deo recorded . A) HENDRY stated AX was unstab le , and would yell and becom e very upset from time to time . HENDRY r emembered AX se eing a girl, poss ibly thr ee or four times a week whi le AX lived with HENDR Y. HENDRY stat ed that he believed AX brought this girl to the house when he (HENDRY) was gone. HENDRY s t ated when he saw the girl it was always in passing. B) HENDRY stated he l ived with AX for three months, and thought that AX worked at Rubber Urethane the whole time they lived together. HENDRY stated that once or twice a week, while at work, AX would threaten people and throw parts down. HENDRY stated that AX had threatened to kill him (HENDRY) several times, and would get mad at him (HENDRY) for not playing Dungeons a nd Dragons with AX. C) HENDRY stated that AX slept with a Bowie knife all the time. HENDRY stated that AX used to beat his (AX) car all the time and kick the doors of his (AX) car. HENDRY sta ted that AX was unstable, and that a l ot of people did not talk to AX because of AXIS bully like attitude. HENDRY described AX as having severe anger issues, always running around saying "F-this, F ~ that.tI HENDRY stated that AX acted li ke he (AX) wanted to kill somebody, and always freaked out about li ttle stuff . HENDRY stated that AX had a short temper, and that AX was definitely someone he considered to have a ng er management issues. HENDRY stated that he could see AX killing someone, and stated that he thought AX was psychotic. On 04-27-2015, at approximately 10:41 AM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed Lynn Ann KIRCHOFF, the mother of Christopher AX, at her residence in Cooke County. Said interview was digitally recorded. A) KIRCHOFF stated that her son had taken DOUGHERTY out on one date , and that AX was just friends with DOUGHERTY. KIRCHOFF stated that when her son (AX) was li v ing with her (KIRCHOFF) DOUGHERTY would come o v er and watch television "every so often." KIRCHOFF stated that Rose DOUGHERTY knew about her sonls rel ationship with DOUGHERTY, but that the rel ationship was hidden fr om Philip DOUGHERTY. B) KIRCHOFF stated that when AX moved to South Morrison Street in Gainesville, DOUGHERTY would come over to AX'S residence, "every so often, II to watch a movie and eat pizza. C) KIRCHOFF stated that the day after (Saturday DOUGHERTY disappeared, her son (AX), came to her res iden ce and to l d her that Philip DOUGHgRTY had tol d AX, that day at a local store, that DOUGHERTY had called from the Movie Store and told her parents that she was going to AX'S residence after she got off work. D) KIRCHOFF stated that her son (AX) t ol d her (KIRCHOFF) that Gainesville Police Department Officer Pete BAILEY hounded AX unmercifully after DOUGHERTY disappeared. AX told KIRCHOFF that Officer BAILEY had interrogated him and told him (AX) to confess to murdering DOUGHERTY. AX told KIRCHOFF that Officer BAILEY constant ly pulled him (AX) over and told him (AX) that he (AX) needed to confess. E) KIRCHOFF stated that AX was institutionalized at the Twin Lakes Mental Institution in Denton, Texas for three months when he (AX ) was 13 to 14 years old . KIRCHOFF stated that AX had trouble learning and took medication for depression . F) KIRCHOFF stated she did not see her son the night DOUGHERTY disappeared, but that he (AX) came over the next day (Saturday) AX told KIRCHOFF, the day following DOUGHERTY'S disappearance, that Philip DOUGHERTY had come to his (AX) residence and said that DOUGHERTY had called him the night she disappeared and stated that she was going to AX'S after work. AX stated that Philip DOUGHERTY confronted AX and wanted to know where DOUGHERTY was. KIRCHOFF stated that AX told her (KIRCHOFF) that DOUGHERTY never showed up at his (AX) house. G) KIRCHOFF stated that AX "hunted" all day long for DOUGHERTY the day after DOUGHERTY disappeared. KIRCHOFF stated that AX was distraught over DOUGHERTY'S murder, and that he (AX) moved back in with her (KIRCHOFF) because of DOUGHERTY'S murder. KIRCHOFF stated that DOUGHERTY'S murder devastated AX, and that the stress of the whole thing led him (AX) back to the military. H) KIRCHOFF stated that AX told her Gainesville Police Department Officer Pete BAILEY had been non-stop hounding him (AX) I and that he (AX) was repeatedly interrogated at the Gainesville Police Department. I) KIRCHOFF stated that after DOUGHERTY ' S death, AX showed up at her residence balling , and stated that everyone was accusing him of killing DOUGHERTY. KIRCHOFF stated that no one ever said anything to her about AX killing DOUGHERTY, and that Rose and Philip DOUGHERTY never said anything to her about DOUGHERTY going to AX'S house the night she (DOUGHERTY) disappeared. On 04-27-2015, at approximately 12:26 PM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed Philip DOUGHERTY at his residence in Cooke County. Said interview was digitally recorded. A) Philip DOUGHERTY stated that he did not go to AX'S residence and confront him (AX) about his (Philip DOUGHERTY) daughter calling home the night she disappeared and stating that she was going to AX'S residence after work. Philip DOUGHERTY stated "absolutely not" when questioned if he had received a phone call from his daughter the night she disappeared stating that she (DOUGHERTY) was going to AX'S residence after she (DOUGHERTY) got off work. Philip DOUGHERTY stated that Gainesville Police Department Officer Pete BAILEY nev er accused him of murdering DOUGHERTY and never said anything to him about AX killing DOUGHERTY. Philip DOUGHERTY stated that he was never stopped by the Gainesville Police Depa r tment and never accused o f killing his daughter. On 04-27-2015, at approximately 1:20 PM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed Rose DOUGHERTY at her residence in Cooke County. Said int erview was digitally recorded. A) Rose DOUGHERTY stated that her daughter did not call home the night she disappeared prior to leaving work. Rose DOUGHERTY stated that her daughter never called stating that she was going to AX'S residence after she got off work. Rose DOUGHERTY stated that Philip DOUGHERTY did not know where AX lived at the time of her daughter's death, and that Philip DOUGHERTY did not drive around with AX l ooking for DOUGHERTY. B) Rose DOUGHERTY stated that AX was not at her residence when Cooke county Sheriff Mike COMPTON delivered the news about her daughter's death. Rose DOUGHERTY stated that Philip DOUGHERTY never confronted AX about her daughter going to AX'S residence after she got off work. On 04-27-2015, at approximately 3:40 PM, Ranger HOLLAND spoke to AX by telephone. AX stated that he no longer trusted Ranger HOLLAND and that he had reached out to Cook County Constable Chris WATSON for assistance. AX stated that Constable WATSON worked the case and knew who murdered DOUGHERTY. AX s tated that he had been trying to contact Constable WATSON, but that Constable WATSON had not been returning his phone calls. On 04-27-2015, at approximately 4:00 PM, Ranger HOLLAND met with Cook County Constable Chris WATSON at the Cook County Sheriff's Department. Constable WATSON stated that he knew AX, but that he had received no telephone calls from AX. On 04-27 -2015, at approximately 4:15 PM, Constable WATSON Said phone conversation was digitally recorded. telephoned AX. A) AX stated that he did not have WATSON'S phone number, had not attempted to telephone WATSON, but had tried to get a hold of WATSON through Facebook. AX stated that a Ranger had been "hounding" him about a murde r and that he couldn't remember anything. AX stated that he could only remember talking to DOUGHERTY once or twice . On 04-27-20 15, at approximately 7:25 PM, Constable WATSON met with AX at his office in Gainesville. Said conve rsati on was digitally rec orded. A) AX stated that he always rented movies at Block Buster and then corrected himself and stated that Block Buster was not there at the time of DOUGHERTY'S murder. AX stated that Ranger HOLLAND never asked him (AX) what he remembered. AX stated that he reme mbered seeing DOUGHERTY the day she disappeare d . AX stated that h e remembered driving by the Movie St o re one night and that all the lights were off. B) AX stated that he thought about asking DOUGHERTY out and that it bothered h i m that if he would have been up there the night she (DOUGHERTY) locked up she would still be alive. AX s tated the day he had pizza with DOUGHERTY, he remembered taking pizza out of her car (during the day) and bringing it in the Movie Store. AX stated that day DOUGHERTY pointed out a guy in the Movie Store that was bothering her by hitting on her. AX describe d this pers o n to hav e shoulder length blonde hair. AX stated the only thing he cou l d remember that night was driving by the store and see i ng that all the lights were off. AX stated that his mother told him that DOUGHERTY was supposed to come by his (AX) house , the night she disappeared , after wo rk. C) AX stated that he took DOUGHERTY out once prior to going into the military. AX stated that he remembered how the date ended and recited things that DOUGHERTY had said to him. AX stated after he got out of the military the first time he saw DOUGHERTY at the Movie Store. AX stated "honestly I don't think I saw her but a hand full of times before eve rything happened." AX stated "she was very sweet, very innocent, that's what threw me off about the whole thing." D) AX stated that he remembered two separate nights, one of whi c h he saw a brown van in the parking lot of the Movie Store, and one he saw BMX bicycles in the middle of the parking lot with no one else around at the Movie Store. AX stated he remembered getting DOUGHERTY'S purse out of her vehicle, and the n remembered that he had gotten a white pizza box out of DOUGHERTY ' S vehicle. E) AX stated DOUGHERTY liked Dominos and that he had eaten pizza a couple of times with DOUGHERTY at the Movie Store . AX stated that he would find DOUGHERTY'S killer. AX stated that he felt re s ponsible because if he would have asked DOUGHERTY out she wouldn't be dead. F} AX stated he stopped by the Movie Store on his way to get something to eat when he took the pizza out of the pas senger side of DOUGHERTY'S vehicle. AJ< stated Ilitls not like a drove, not the best I can remember anyway, I didn't drive, all I remember is getting it out of the passenger side, but I know I took it in." AX stated he did this during daylight hours. AX stated he remembered Philip DOUGHERTY saying that Pete BAILEY thought Philip DOUG HERTY and AX murdered DOUGHERTY . AX implied that Phil i p DOUGHERTY murdered his daughter. AX s tated that he remembered seeing Phil i p DOUGHERTY on Morris Street near Pecan Street, and that he (AX) thought Philip DOUGHERTY murdered his daughter, AX stated that Levi NORWOOD had told him (AX) that DOUGHERTY had talked to Levi NORWOOD about sex, and according to his (AX) mother, DOUGHERTY had told her mother (Rose DOUGHERTY) that DOUGHERTY was going to see AX. AX stated that if Philip DOUGHERTY found out that his daughter was going to visit him (AX), it wouldn't surprise him (AX) that Philip DOUGHERTY got upset. AX stated that he heard DOUGHERTY was beaten to death. AX stated after he found out about the railroad van he hunted for it (Railroad van) but ne ver found it. G) AX stated he remembered seeing Philip DOUGHERTY in a brown van the day after DOUGHERTY disappeared . AX stated "when I ran into h im (Philip DOUGHERTY), I think I left the house went to get a drink, according to mom, he met me at the house, but she could be right it was years ago, I just remember leaving going to get a drink and r unning into him...he asked me if I'd seen Sarah, I said no, and he goes, I remember asking what's wrong, he goes she's missing . I ' m like ok, so I got in the car and went looking, bu t he was on Morris Street, I remember seeing him o n Morris Street parked across from, at the time, True Va lue, II AX stated he lived on Morris Street at the time, and that he measured the distance from his house to the Movie Store at 3/10 of a mile. AX concluded that evidence pointed to Philip DOUGHERTY murdering his daught er. AX stated he didn't remember much and didn't know how he could help. AX stated he heard that 11 Lewana II already knew who did it and he didn't understand why the Ranger was investigating it. On 04-30 - 2015, at approximately 3:59 PM, Ranger HOLLAND trave led to AX'S p lace of work in Gainesville. Ranger HOLLAND observed AX walking down the road a t the rear of the business, Ranger HOLLAND drove alongside AX and initiated conversation. Said interaction was digitally recorded, A) AX stated he could probably place a blonde haired man at the Movie Store, but did not know how he could help, AX stated he remembered taking a Dominos pizza out of DOUGHERTy 1 S vehicle while it was parked at the Movie Store. AX stated that he did not remember see ing a van at the Movie Store the night DOUGHERTY disappeared. B) AX stated that almost anybody that watches a movie with him takes their shoes off. AX stated that when he was insti tutionalized even the therapist said he didn't need to be there. AX stated that there were a lot of people at the Movie Store when he last saw DOUGHERTY. AX then stated that DOUGHERTY had to come to his house after she got off work. C) AX stated that DOUGHERTY never planned with him (AX) to go to his (AX) house , and that s he just showed up. AX stated that he found peace in the knowledge that there was nothing that he could change in reference to DOUGHERTY'S death. AX stated t hat he found closure in DOUGHERTY'S death because he knew there was nothing he could have done to prevent it. AX then stated that he really didn't want to know what happened to DOUGHERTY. On 05 -01-2015, at approximately 12:44 PM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed Christine Lee CONKLIN. Said interview was digitally recorded. A) CONKLIN stated that she grew up with the DOUGHERTY family. CONKLIN stated, approximately a week and a half prior to DOUGHERTY'S death, DOUGHERTY approached her (CONKLIN) at NCTC and said that she (DOUGHERTY) was seeing somebody , and asked for advice. CONKLIN stated that DOUGHERTY t o ld her (CONKLIN ) that she had been sneaking round and seeing someone for approximately three to f our weeks. CONKLIN stated that DOUGHERTY insinuated the male was the same age as her, and someone that her family knew. 8) CONKLIN stated that DOUGHERTY said that the male came into her work and that she had to sneak around to avoid her father finding out. CONKLIN concluded that the male was someone that DOUGHERTY'S dad knew and didn't like. On 05-06-2015, at approximately 4 : 54 PM, AX contacted Ranger HOLLAND by telephone. Said conversation was digitally recorded. A) AX stated he wanted to help but he was tired of getting accused, and since he got ou t of the military he continually gets accused of doing things he hasn't done. AX stated that he had gotten closure on DOUGHERTY'S death. AX stated he didn't think he saw DOUGHERTY more than fou r or five t imes before she disappeared. AX stated there was nothing he could have done to prevent DOUGHERTY'S death. AX stated that Ranger HOLLAND needed to look at Philip DOUGHERTY again because AX thought Philip DOUGHERTY murdered his daughter. B) AX stated he had been checking up on Ranger HOLLAND and read about the serial murder case Ranger HOLLAND assisted the Pennsyl vania State Pol ice wi th (suspect Charles HICKS). AX stated he had seen Charles HICKS before but couldn't place where. AX stat ed he may have seen HICKS in North Texas. AX insinuated that HICKS could have murdered DOUGHERTY. C) AX stated "she (DOUGHERTY) had to have known who she got in the car with . " AX stated DOUGHERTY could have gotten in the car with Philip DOUGHERTY or Levi NORWOOD'S boyfriend. AX stated the night DOUGHERTY disappeared he (AX) observed the back of the blonde hair man's head. AX stated he thought he saw DOUGHERTY less than ten times in his entire life. AX sta t ed he remembered removing DOUGHERTY'S shoes either at her (DOUGHERTY) job or in her (DOUGHERTY) car. AX stated the day they got pizza she (DOUGHERTY) was compla ining about her feet. AX questioned if DOUGHERTY'S fingernails had been examined for DNA evidence because DOUGHERTY would have fought. AX stated he would not be shocked if his (AX) DNA was recovered in DOUGHERTY 'S mouth. AX stated that he would "almost guarantee" tha t he did not put h is hands down DOUGHERTY'S pants. AX s tated that his DNA could have gotten on DOUGHERTY'S shoes and socks at either the Movie Store or AX'S residence. AX stated Ranger HOLLAND needed to test his 1997 roommate's DNA. AX stated Ranger HOLLAND needed to look at his other gay black roommate. AX stated his gay black roommate shaved his body a lot and that may be why no Negroid hairs were discovered on DOUGHERTY'S body. AX stated it would not surpri se him if Philip DOUGHERTY or Levi NORWOOD'S boyfriend murdered DOUGHERTY. AX stated that "for a fact" he knew that there were "Blood gang members" hanging out around the Mov ie Store in 1997. AX sta ted he remembered pushing the seat back in DOUGHERTY'S car. AX sta ted he thought he went into DOUGHERTY'S car to dig her shoes or socks out. AX stated he knew he got shoes or socks out of DOUGHERTY'S car. On 05-07-2015, at approximately 2:22 PM, Ranger HOLLAND received the following text mess ages from AX: "My phones suppo sed to be off but I just remembered my last time with her." "Are you free" On 05 - 07-2015, at approximately 2:25 PM, Ranger HOLLAND received a phone call from AX. Said conversation was digitally recorded. A) AX stated he was driving home when all the sudden he remembered that the last time he saw DOUGHERTY was the night the coffee table broke at his house. AX stated the night the coffee table broke was the last time he ever saw DOUGHERTY. AX stated DOUGHERTY showed up at his house and they wat c hed television. AX stated DOUGHERTY kicked her shoes off curled her feet up and sat next to him on his couch. AX stated "t hat is probably how I ended up touching her sock cause I think I might have rubbed the top of her foot because she was complaining about them hurting her, that's odd for me because I hate feet." B) AX stated he ended up putting out a candle with water, and it shattered the top of the coffee table, cracking it all the way through. AX stated DOUGHERTY then walked to the door, as she was "laughing her but off," and then DOUGHERTY walked out the door. AX stated he spent three hours cleaning up the mess after DOUGHERTLY left . AX stated he remembered DOUGHERTY wearing a black shirt that night. AX stated he planned t o walk DOUGHERTY ou t , but he did not beca u se he had to clean the mess. AX stated he finished cleaning up the mess at around 3:00 AM to 4:00 AM, and that he even woke up with his shoes on. AX stated he thought DOUGHERTY walked out the door prior to midnight. CJ AX stated the night the coffee table broke wae the same day he had pizza with DOUGHERTY. AX stated he had pizza with her that day, and that night she came over. AX stated DOUGHERTY was at hie house for 30 to 45 minutes. AX stated DOUGHERTY arrived at his residence before or right at 11:00 PM. AX stated he did not know if "maybe someone followed and waited." AX stated that DOUGHERTY showed up knocking at the door and that she left when he was c l ean i ng up the mess. DJ AX stated that DOUGHERTY was at his house later than normal. AX stated he woke up early the next day and ran into Philip DOUGHERTY at a convenient store. AX stated DOUGHERTY was wearing a black or extremely dark colored shirt that night. AX stated that he made DOUGHERTY take her shoes off that night. and that he had no know l edge that DOUGHERTY was coming to his house. E) AX stated that DOUGHERTY used the bathroom when she arrived and that he (AX) rubbed DOUGHERTY'S feet, "even though I really hate feet." AX stated he remembered DOUGHERTY "laughing a l ot " that evening. AX stated that he t hough t he wa lked DOUGHERTY to the door that evening. AX stated that DOUGHERTY was standing up when the coffee table broke. AX stated "logic" tells him that Philip DOUGHERTY murdered his daughter. AX stated "I know that was the last night that she was ever at my house, and I know that was the night we had pizza." AX stated that was the "last night she was al i ve that I saw her." F) AX stated the night the coffee table broke, "the only things I remember is, I think she had her hair down ... ! thinks she came in, went to use the restroom, I had turned on the TV, I think I tried starting a fire. but couldn't get one lit, it wasn't very cold out so we didn't actually need it, and ah I had the candle lit. She curled up on the couch. and I know her feet were towards me so. I mean that wouldn't surprise me my DNA being on her socks at aIL.I don't recall kissing her but like I said it wouldn't surprise me, if I did it wasn't a big on e or anything like that. I think I hugged her before she left that probably would have been about it." G) AX stated "that night when she came over it was just me and her, so if anyone e l se tells you different you let me know I 'll personally kick their ass for lying because I'm telling you fact nobody was there but me and her." AX stated she was kind of pulling him close when she (DOUGHERTY) was walking out the door. H) AX stated he was just driving when all of it kicked in his head, and "son of a bitch, I was driving back and I'm free and clear cause I can remember the last night, and I mean I remember it vividly." AX stated he remembered taking off DOUGHERTY'S shoes and rubbing her feet with his (AX) left hand. On 05-27-2015, at approximately 5:19 PM, Ranger HOLLAND interviewed AX at the Decatur Ranger office. Said interview was digitally recorded. A) Ranger HOLLAND displayed a photograph of Paul Scott TAYLOR to AX. AX stated that TAYLOR looked really familiar. AX stated he did not recall seeing TAYLOR at the Movie Store. AX stated in 1997, a couple days after DOUGHERTY disappeared, he heard that a railroad van was involved in DOUGHERTY'S death. AX stated that within a week of DOUGHERTY disappearing he began looking for the railroad van. AX stated at the time he heard that the railroad van was at the Movie Store all night and that the driver of the van took DOUGHERTY. AX stated that he did not recall seeing that van at the Movie Store the night DOUGHERTY disappeared. AX stated that he did not know TAYLOR and did not hang out with TAYLOR. B) AX stated he remembered the last time DOUGHERTY went to his house. AX stated that DOUGHERTY came to his (AX) house and knocked on the door. AX stated that was the last time he saw DOUGHERTY and was the same night he ate pizza with DOUGHERTY. C) Ranger HOLLAND displayed a random photograph of a man that was not associated with the investigation, who would have been 11 years old at the time of DOUGHERTY'S death, and was from Victoria, Texas, to AX. AX stated "I would almost swear to god that's him." AX stated that he was 90 to 95 percent certain that said photograph depicted the individual that hit on DOUGHERTY the night she disappeared. D) AX stated, on the day DOUGHERTY disappeared, he remembered getting in DOUGHERTY'S car to get the Dominos pizza out, and bringing the pizza into the Movie Store. AX stated he remembered sitting on the end of the counter with DOUGHERTY and talking and eating the pizza. AX stated he observed the blonde haired guy that was hitting on DOUGHERTY "fucking around with his friend." E) Ranger HOLLAND displayed a random photograph of a man that was not associated with the investigation, who would have been 11 years old at the time of DOUGHERTY'S death, and was from San Antonio, Texas, to AX. AX stated "actually it very well could be, it really could be." AX stated he was 60 percent sure that said photograph was the second person he saw at the Movie Store. F) AX stated that DOUGHERTY said he (the blonde haired guy) kept hitting on her and it was making her uncomfortable and nervous. AX stated he was about to kick them both out of the store. AX stated that he would "almost swear to god those were the two." AX stated that not long after that he left, and that the two individuals stayed in the store as far as he could remember. G) AX stated after he left the Movie Store he may have gone to the lake. AX then stated that he did go to the lake because he remembered he got a flat. AX stated he remembered driving ten miles on a flat because he did not have a spare, and arrived back in town at 11:00 PM. AX stated he thought he arrived at the Movie Store sometime close to 9:00 PM. AX said he drove by the Movie Store at 11:00 PM, and did not see a van in the parking lot. H) AX stated that he moved DOUGHERTY'S car that evening from the rear of the parking lot to close to the front door. AX stated he returned to his house around 11:00 PM, and that DOUGHERTY knocked on his door at approximately 11:15 PM. AX stated he let DOUGHERTY in his house and that she was smiling. AX stated he did not think DOUGHERTY was there for more than 45 minutes, and that she was wearing a black shirt and beigish pants. AX stated DOUGHERTY used the rest room and then sat on the couch. AX stated he remembered lighting a candle. AX stated he turned the TV on and talked to DOUGHERTY. AX stated he knows that DOUGHERTY kicked her shoes off because she was talking about her feet hurting. AX stated III hate feet with a passion, but I think I was rubbing her feet. II AX stated the candle started having a big old flame on it. AX stated he put water on the candle and it "shattered the hell out of the table." AX stated right after that DOUGHERTY left and he cleaned up candle wax. AX stated he remembered that DOUGHERTY was laughing as she left. AX stated that DOUGHERTY stayed for about 45 minutes. AX stated the night the coffee table broke he was 90 percent sure that was the same night he moved DOUGHERTY'S car, and ate Dominos pizza with DOUGHERTRY. I) AX stated when DOUGHERTY left his residence that night, DOUGHERTY backed out the door facing him. AX stated he thought DOUGHERTY said she was heading home when she left. AX stated that he thought DOUGHERTY was going to the bathroom when he put out the candle. AX stated that he was at "Mom's" prior to coming home that evening. AX stated he remembered looking at the parking lot of the Movie Store and not seeing anything on his way home. AX stated when he arrived at the Movie Store on the Friday night DOUGHERTY disappeared ; he we nt into the store and asked DOUGH ERTY if she wanted something to eat. AX stated that DOUGHERTY said she had some p izza. AX stated that he asked DOUGH ERTY where her car was, and a fter seeing it in the rear of the parking lot asked DOUGHERTY f or her keys so he could move her car closer to the door. AX stated he moved the car, took the pizza out of the passenger side and then ate one or two slices of pizza inside the store. AX stated he thought DOUGHERTY only ate one piece of pizza and that the pizza was already partially eaten. AX stated that DOUGHERTY then told him that a guy was hitting on her and that it was making her nervous. AX stated he then left the store and eventually drove back into town and by the Movie Store. AX stated when he drove by the Movie Store he glanced in the parking lot and didn't see a nything. AX stated he went home and that a short time later DOUGHERTY knocked at his door. AX stated he let DOUGHERTY inside and she sa t on the couch. AX stated he turned the te levision on MTV. AX stated DOUGHERTY was complaining about her feet and he though t that he helped her take her shoes off . AX s ta ted he rubbed one of DOUGHERTY ' S feet. AX stated he could have rubbed both of DOUGHERTY'S feet with his left hand. AX stated that at some point he lit the candle. ·AX stated he put the candle out as DOUGHERTY was about to leave . AX stated that he put a drop o f water on the candle, missing the wick, causing the table to break (spider). AX stated the Mason jar holder broke and went everywhere. AX stated DOUGHERTY then went to the bathroom and headed out the door. AX stated the last time he saw DOUGHERTY she was laughing and backing out the door. AX stated that DOUGHERTY left at approximately midnight, on the night she disappea red . J) K) AX s tated that the next morning he stopped at a new place to get a drink. AX stated he saw Philip DOUGHERTY when he was leaving the store. AX stated Philip DOUGHERTY as ked if he had seen Sarah. AX said he responded no and asked why. AX stated that Philip DOUGHERTY said his daughter did not come home the prior night. AX stated he then drove around and looked for DOUGHERTY. AX stated that he later went to his mom's a nd told her that DOUGHERTY was mi ssi ng. AX stated that he did not remember telling his mother that he was a suspect and people were saying that he (AX) killed DOUGHERTY. AX stated that Philip DOUGHERTY told him that Gainesville Police Department Officer Pete BAI LEY told Philip DOUGHERTy that both Philip DOUGHERTY and AX k illed DOUGHERTY. AX s tated that he did not care because he did not do it. L) AX stated that Philip DOUGHeRTY ( the day after DOUGHERTY disappe ared) asked h im (AX) if he (AX) had seen hi s daughter "that day" and that is why AX stated that he did not see DOUGHERTY. AX stated he told Philip DOUGHERTY tha t he had not see n DOUGHERTY because he wanted to keep her out of trouble. AX stated that he didn't t hin k about telling the po li ce that DOUGHERTY was at hi s house the n ig ht s he disappeared. M) AX stated that he did n o t tell the police , af ter knowing tha t the dr i ver o f the railroad van was a s u s pect; that DOUGHERTY was at his house the night she disappeared, (excluding the drive r of t h e r ailroad van as a suspect) because he (AX) wasn't thinking and was young and stupid . AX stated he was " sel f absorbed" at that time and was bomba rd ed about the van and started be lieving that the driver of the van t oo k DOUGHERTY from the Movie Store, even though he was telling people that he did not see the railroad van at the Movie Store the night DOUGHERTY d i sappeared, and knowing that after DOUGHERTY left the Movie Store she went to AX'S residence. N) AX. sta t ed that he migh t have "foo led around " with DOUGHERTY , b ut that h e did not h ave sex with DOUGHERTY . AX stated that he did n ot kill DOUGHERTY. AX stated "I swear to god , I did no t d o this, he can stri ke me right now if I'm lying, I didn't do this." AX stated "I haven't lied to you yet, I'm not gonna start now. II On 0 5-2 9- 2015, at app rox i mate ly 1:37 AM, Ranger HOLLAND int erv iewed AX in the Cooke County Sheriff's Department interview room. Said interview was d igitally video re corded in its entirety. A) AX stated the last time he remembered seeing DOUGHERTY at his hous e, she showed up un-announced, and they sat on the couch and started talking. AX stated that h e remembered DOUGHERTY le av ing , smiling, a nd laug hi ng, as she backed o ut o f the door . B) AX stated "log ical l y if she had motioned me, we probably would have gone outside and talked for a little bit, and maybe decided to go for a drive, and we would h ave ended up in the car driving, and I wouldn't have been paying any atten tion to where we were going. I wa s in the passenger seat and wouldn't have paid n o attention, so s he wou ld have pulled over and parked somewhere , and at th e time I probably wouldn't have eve n known where i t was cause, we were talking. When I'm talking to somebody, I'm looking at them, I'm trying to look em in the eye. r don't remember her init iating anything, but if she had, if she cl imbe d on top, a nd that wou ldn't surprise me because o f everyt hing s he told everybody, which I didn't have any knowledge of her planning on having sex wit h me t hat n igh t , b u t if s he had she wou l d have c l imbed on. Sh e woul d ha ve ei the r climbed o n t op or she would been l eaning over, and knowing her, being a Virgin , and I'm assuming she was a Virgin, but it wouldn't surprise me, and knowing her family she probably would have started panicking going nuts, and I mean it would have happened so fast. I would have just been trying to push her off of me, and if I did my hand could have gone up and ended up choking her and not realizing it, and if that had happened I would have pulled her out of the car trying to help her out, and I wouldn't, I didn't want nothing to happen to that girl, there's no way she was a nice she was a sweet g i rl, so if I pulled her out, I would have looked for a surfa c e I could lay her on to try and give her CPR. I mean, like I said I didn't want nothing to happen to her, and knowing me I would a tried to help her. I probably would have thought she'S just sleeping you k now she was freaking nuts. I would have gone to get some help , and honestly considering how much I don't remember, 1 probably would have forgotten all of it heading to get help . There was no cell phones back there back then , there's , it's not like you can pop into a phone booth where that location i s, there'S, it was just houses with lights off, so with everything happening so fast, I mean with all the gaps there it would have had to been blocked out, like quick, and I probably walked home cause the location I'm thinking of isn't far from where the house is, so I would have walked to the house, and Iid a been thinking the girls crazy, closed the door and went to bed. You know at the time I wouldn't have thought she's dead. I just would have gone in and gone to sleep... " C} AX stated "If I was in her car I wouldn't have had a car to drive and go get help, but I would have walked, I would have walked to the house." AX stated that he would have left the car there, with the door open, keys in the ignition, lOin all honestly probably a car still running." AX stated he thought someone drove off with the car, possibly neighborhood kids. 0) AX stated that it would have had to happen really fast and it would have been not action but re-action not even thinking. AX stated that it would have been one of those situations in which she would have changed really fast, and it would have been me just pushing her off. AX stated that she would have hit her head on the dash . AX stated that it would have been "pure panic mode" and that he wou ld have been trapped in the car with nowhere to go. AX stated that he never saw this side of her before and always k new her to be very sweet. AX sta t ed that it was the same thing, "identical ll to what he saw in a later relationship with an ex that had mental problems, and "she (DOUGHERTY) just on a dime. " E) AX stated that she would have been unconscious and he would have dragged her out of the car and used any medical intervention he could to help her. AX stated he would have been shocked when DOUGHERTY came onto him sexually. AX stated he was thinking we were driving around to talk. AX stated he would never try to hurt her, and that it was "extremely" defensive on his part. AX s tated he would have been thinking that he had to help her, "and you can! t help anybody in a car." AJ( stated there was no way he wou ld intentionally try to "hurt this girl." AX stated that it would have to have been self defense. AX believed that he thought she would have been sleeping and that she would have just got up. F) AX stated he would have gone into his house to get away from a ll the crazy people in the world. AX stated she wou ld have just s napped and he wouldn 't have known what caused it . AX stated he would have gone home because he didn't want to get attacked again. AX stated he never wanted anything to happen to her ever. AX stated he was extremely Barry she was dead and that he was sorry about the way things happened that night . AX stated he "didn't have a clue" that she was dead. G) AX stated when he saw her dad the next day he (AX) was surprised that she didn't go home. AX stated that she (DOUGHERTY) made it clea r that she didn't want him (Philip DOUGHERTY) knowing that she went to my (AX) house. AX stated if he told Philip DOUGHERTY that she came onto him and went crazy he wou ld have been dead. AX stated he wished she would have gone home instead of "anything else happening. II AX stated he did not believe in lying and that he was not going to lie to me. On 05-29-2015, at approximately 5:02 PM, Ranger HOLLAND received a phone call from AX. Said conversation was digitally recorded. A) AX stated he was thinking about something and that he was "honestly" not sure if it was a "memory or a viv id imagination of a tired mind." AX stated "if its memory, I mean dude, it's 100 percent self defense." AX stated we would have taken her car and I would have been in the passenger seat. AX stated "she would have ended u p climbing in my lap." AX stated when things start going "I grab their ankles, that's what I do. " AX stated "she wanted to have sex and I told her no." AX stated she would not ha ve been the first girl he said no to. AX stated that him saying "no," would have "thrown her off." AX stated he would have been defending himself after DOUGHERTY blew up because he (AX) wouldn't have sex wit h her (DOUGHERTY). 8) AX stated he knows he wou ld not have hit a woman. AX stated when he gets in fights, and when someone is in close , he goes for the c hin, and pushes up an away. AX stated his thought would have been "get the fuck off me." AX stated after the confrontation, the attack l he would have left and would have just wanted to get out of the car. AX sta ted he can't explain why she was drug from the vehic le . C) AX stated he can see that happening and "honestly" that she would not have been the first girl that got "pissed off n when he said no to sex. AX said that after he got away he wo uld have run to the house. AX stated that he could explain his DNA on her and his hand prints on her ankles. AX stated somebody had to have gotten in the car and moved it. AX stated that he never would have tried to hide anything (her body) . D} AX stated that hypothetically kid's could have taken the car think i ng she (DOUGHERTY) was just passed out. AX stated that he cannot explain her (DOUGHERTY) being out of the car. AX stated that he could have run away from the car and come back and checked on her because she was probably hurt. AX stated if s he was unc onscious his first reaction wo uld hav e been to get her out of the car. AX stated "I can't see me dragging her by the ankles, but I mean, if evidence says I did, I can't dispute it because honestly I don't remember. II E} AX stated "if i t is memo ry I mean in mind that was 100 percent self defense. I'm trying to get the fuck out of there." AX stated tohypothetically, that's what happened, hypothetically what I just told you 100 percent I it's a memory I can see it 100 percent it was yesterday that's what happened. Where would we go from there? ... Honestly at this point I know I'm fuck e d, and it's not about me lying to you or trying to s a ve my ass this is about remembering the truth so that if I fucked up and did somethi ng drastically wrong, you know like I said if I did the crime I'm gonna do the time. I have no issue with that; this is about remembering for me what happened." F) AX stated "if I am responsible for her death, hell ya I mean I'll never forgive myself ~or it no matter what, it it will always be on my mi nd. However with that said, pushing past that, if I ' m responsible for her death it would have to be self defense." AX stated "the only thing I can figure is i t was one of those I thought she was ok, and I just wanted to get away from her because I didn't want to be attacked again, and it all honesty I thought long and hard about this and if we had started to have sex I wo uld have stopped it . " G) AX stated "it would have all had to happen in the car and I believe I know we would have been parked. II AX stated IIshe would have b e en pissed, she would have sat here and told e verybody I am going to have sex, I'm going to have sex , and her being very religious and all the sudden she lied to people, you know she would have been pissed." H} AX stated "she would have had to come back and knock on the door for us to g e t in the car bec ause I remember her shu t ting the door...so she would have had to of come back because I didn't fol low her outside...it would have had to have happened in car...and I know that when it's all said and done, knowing gonna end up be ing self defense. I have no doubt at all that, and t hat's honestly, and I'm not gonna lie to you, saying I did it ." the me it's about that's I) AX st ated "I help everybody out e ven if it fucks me in t he end. II AX stated he will e ither be 100 percent innocent or it was self defense. Wherefo re, premises considered your Affiant respectfully requests that a warrant for arrest of Christopher Andrew AX, W/M, DOB: 09-21-1976, Texas Driver's License Number 14949675, standing 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighing 145 pounds, to answer for the Capital FELONY offense of Capital Murder in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Against the peace and dignity of the State of Texas. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED TO before me on this the 4' da of June, A.D., 2015.