COMMONWEALTH OF COUNTY OF: YORK . vs, MansIahaI Dnsvim Number. 19.3-04 DEFENDANT: (NAME and ADDRESS). MDJ Name: Han, JEFFREY s. JOY JEFFREY SCOTT JOV Adana" 165 FAIRVIEW CT. NEW DOM pA1734g 'FIrsINams MMdleNama LISINIM Gun 13 4TH ST, TaIaphonu, 717-227-0658 NEW FREEDOM, PA 17349 New EXTRADITION conE TYPE Jelmy run El 5mm, mu El c-mamsahm sIaI-r mama Melony Ltd. McIon Pam madman Dakml MIsdsmaannI Np Emma-n mm sme; I: ILMIsdzmexnar smasmm Panama mm us Ext FrMImamunol alumna" Delavm. DEFENDANY IDENYIFICATION INFORMATION Docka| Number one OTN/leeScan Numhar Number sm: Renuost Lab Sen/Ices? I I H7-2365181 Elvss [Zinc GENDER DOB 03/18/65 I POE Add'l nos IGu~Dalandanl{s) W8 Name>> uruua Name Las! Nan-I: as" Female JEFF JOY RACE IE wmta Aslan Elm Name American El Unknown ETHNICITY Hlspamn I2 Non urspam HAIR COLOR GRV(fimy) RED (IurI/Aubm) El sImsahrIy) arm) PLkU'mplz) unorarm) El fllelack) one (cram) (mm) (Uhk. [Bum] Cl mm (cum mount) um IBImds/ EYE COLOR swam>>) aw (Elna) l] mo (Brown) GRN (arm-I El m1 MAR (Maroon) mum) El (IIuInuwn) Drlver Lie-nae sIan License Numpar Expires: 03/19/19 WEIGHV (lbs) DNA ves No DNA chaIIon FBI Numhpr MNU Number Fl, HEIGHT In. Denndam FIngorprIuI DEFENDANY VEHICLE INFORMATION Flawil sraIa HazmaI ngluranoh suck-rIMM/WI I comm-Ivan. Ind. Schaoleh. lam. NcIc Vah. Cam; My '3 same VIN Vezr Make Model stIa Color 3558'- Sam'mm:Usnfauherszw'mzumw'm' DANIEL J. DYE DAG WquI/myvm I. TPR JONATHAN COLARUSSC 00626219l10273 u. a we a loe Perms IvaniaS [a Police I fAFsEfMoo mm mm . I do hereby sIaIe: (check approprIaIe box) 1. I2 I accuse [he above named devehdam who Iiuas Ihe address as! mm above I accuse Ihe devehdanI whose name Is unknown In me bu( who Is described as I accuse [ha delsndam whose name and popular designalion or nickname is unknown Ia me and whom I have Iherevare desIgnaIed as John Doe or Jane Doe. wiIh violating [he penal laws (7(th Commonweauh DI al: 410 25 WATER STREET APTV it 4 GLEN ROCK awn-mm, )n YORK County 57 on or abuut 03/04/15 BETWEEN 16004700 HRS, mm. AOPC 412A-Rev.1zl14 Page 1 of 1 fl POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Numhar: Date Filed: OTNlleeScan Number Complaint/Incident Number I H7>>2368t91 First: Middle: Last "we JEFFREY scoTT JOY The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act ol Assembly or statute allegedly violated, it ap ropriate. When there is more than one oliense, each ottense should be numbered chronologically. ts-t >2 hours- said she still had active cases in court at the time of these personal visits where she owed fines. During his personal visits to her home-said JOY would ask how she was doing financially and provided her and her mother information regarding local services that could assist them.- thought it was unusual for a MDJ to visit a court defendant at their apartment, especially when she had active cases and said that the information he provided to her was something that could have been done in court. also described a conversation that occurred at her home where JOY offered to take her and her mother out to Red Lobster if she stayed out of trouble. She said JOY called her cell phone on more than one occasions to check on herwell-being and to see if she needed a ride for court appearances or community sen/ice. - said JOY never made any sexual advances towards her, but added that her mother was always present on the occasions when JOY came to her apartment. -described JOY as being "overly caring." She thought it was unusual and said it was "too much" for a Judge to be that concerned for her wellvbeing. 2 $lgriatuie aiAmamf C, . . . AOPC 4110 -- Rev,07/1tl Pages~ olfL POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION PAGE Docket Number: Date Filed: OTN/leeScan Number: I H7-2369191 7 First: Middle. Last' Defendant Name: Jamey Sm" Joy AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE CONTINUATION Additionall investi ators from the Judicial Conduct Board met with an adult female identified as fi-also reported that she only knew JOY by appearing before him in court. In her statement-indicated that she appeared before JOY on three separate occasions beginning in 2014, and described a series ofunusual and inappropriate behavior and comments made by JOY towards her all stemming from in-court appearancss, According to -, during a traffic violation hearing JOY said to her in open court, "This officer did you a favor because you are a pretty girl". said she felt uncomfortable since it was only thejudge, the officer, and -, in the courtroom, Then, on January 2015, - said she and JOY were alone together in the courtroom of District Court 19-3-04 when JOY made inappropriate sexual comments to her at the conclusion of a hearing intended to resolve a fine payment issue. -said that she was called to the bench by JOY, and he asked her it she uses drugs -said she did not use drugs and hardly drinks. JOY then aske-if she smokes-responded affirmatively, but said she wished she didn't, JOY then replied, "You know that they say about girls that smoke". replied, JOY said, "They like things in their mouths, do you like things in your mouth?' reported she was taken aback by what JOYjust said to her and replied, "i like candy." JOY then said, "Is that all?"- also said JOY commented about how they would have fun ifthey attended a party together, but admitted that she could not remember the exact words because she was upset and wanted to leave. -stated she was so "disgusted and flustered" that she asked if she was excused and left the courtroom. During the aforementioned interview with JOY, he had also stated that he referred the alleged child abuse incident to Detective SHAFER of the Southern Regional Police Department and lo Childline on 02/20/15. JOY indicated that approximately one week later (02/26/15). he was notified that York County Children Youth and Families investigated and closed the child abuse investigation due to a lack of disclosure by both the victim and alleged perpetrator. In an effort to confirm account of his report to law enforcement, your atfiant conducted interviews with DetectiVe William SHAFER and Officer Michael STOREMAN of the Southern Regional Police Department. Both Detective SHAFER and Officer STOREMAN recall JOY making a request for investigation to their agency regarding an alleged child abuse case on or about 02/20/15. However, the officers were never notified by JOY that he went to apartment and conducted an investigation, and JOY never reported his observations that he overheard yelling and commotion in the downstairs apartment on 02/19/15. Criminal charges contained within the attached criminal complaint were approved by the Office of Attorney General which has assumed jurisdiction of this prosecution under the Commonwealth Attorneys Act, Your afflant believes the above information establishes probable causeufyolrv the charges listed in the preceding criminal complaint. and believes the information this document to be true and correct. I respectfully request the initiation of due pro s'uor, the defendant, Jeffrey Scott JOY. i mafia . Rev. 07110