?rx, f, {1 AFFIDAVIT FOR SEARCH WARRANT iL STATE OF OHIO SS: HAMILTON COUNTY Em me _u 2: 3H CLERK 9f" tig?fii'?: . Police Specraltst Shannon Heme, Cincmnati Police Department, Cr1m1nal Section?s Homimde Unit, being ?rst duly cautioned and sworn, deposes and says that within the j?ris lotion-bf Hamilton County, Ohio Municipal Court at the Cincinnati Police Department?s District One garage located at 310 Ezzard Charles Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45214. Af?ant believes and has good cause to believe that at said place there is concealed a four door 1998 Honda Accord, dark green in color, with a VIN number of 1HGCG1657WA066602 and displaying an Ohio passenger car license plate of GLN6917. The vehicle will be processed as a crime scene for any biological evidence, latent ?nger prints, ?bers, projectiles, cartridge casings, handguns, knives, cellular telephone or other evidence not Speci?cally listed to further the investigation. And said items be submitted for a forensic examination by the Cincinnati Police Criminalistics Unit and the Hamilton County Coroner?s Crime Lab. Such belief is supported by the following facts: The Af?ant is a Police Of?cer with training and experience in homicide investigations. On 07/19/15 at 1833 hours, brother of?cers from the Cincinnati Police Department were dispatched for a report of an of?cer needs assistance request and gunshots being discharged from a handgun during a traf?c stOp at the corner of Rice Street and Valencia Street in Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219. Brother Of?cers discovered the body of Sam V. Dubose suffering from an apparent gunshot wound to the head. Mr. Dubose was seated in the driver?s seat of the four door 1998 Honda Accord, dark green in color, bearing Ohio passenger plate GLN6917. Mr. Dubose was stopped for a traf?c violation which was observed near Vine Street in the Clifton area by a University of Cincinnati Police Department (UCPD) Of?cer. Mr. Dubose did not come to a complete stop until he reached the area of Thill Street at Rice Street. During the traf?c stOp, Mr. Dubose was not complying with the requests and demands made by the UCPD Of?cer. When Mr. Dubose was ordered to exit the motor vehicle, Mr. Dubose engaged the ignition of the motor vehicle and started the engine. The UCPD Of?cer ordered Mr. Dubose to stop and once again to exit the motor vehicle. At some point when Mr. Dubose engaged the accelerator of the motor vehicle and began pulling into the roadway, the UCPD Of?cer became connected to the motor vehicle as it was in motion. The UCPD Of?cer retrieved his duty pistol from the holster and ?red one round, striking Mr. Dubose. The UCPD Of?cer soon became disconnected from Mr. Dubose?s motor vehicle and fell to the ground. Mr. Dubose?s vehicle continued to travel southbound on Rice Street, striking the guard rail system and a stone wall. Mr. Dubose?s vehicle came to rest between the stone wall and an utility pole at the corner of Rice Street and Valencia Street. The Cincinnati Fire Department responded and was unable to revive Mr. Dubose. Mr. Dubose succumb to his injuries at the scene. The Cincinnati Police Department?s Homicide Unit was noti?ed and the Af?ant became involved in the investigation into the death of Mr. Sam Dubose. The crime scene revealed evidence of a physical altercation between Mr. Dubose and the UCPD Of?cer. At some point during the altercation, the UCPD Of?cer ?red one round from his duty pistol, striking Mr. Dubose. 1 Page "ear Dvring the search of Mr. The Hamilton County Coroner responded to the scene to assist in the investigation. Mt. Dubose person, the Coroner discovered multiple bags of marijuana like substance. An investigation was initiated by the Cincinnati Police Department Homicide Unit and several interviews were The vehicle operated by Mr. Dubose was towed for processing by the Cincinnati Police conducted. Criminalistics Unit. The vehicle was towed to the District One station located at 310 Ezzard Charles Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214. The vehicle was placed in the District One garage located in the rear parking lot. The Af?ant desires to enter the Cincinnati Police Department?s District one garage and the above described vehicle to complete a forensic examination in an effort to ?irther the investigation. The Af?ant further says that there is an urgent necessity that the search be conducted in the daytime. Sworn to, subscribed before me, and ?led this Court this v? by 2 By Af?ant Dete?ctive Shannon Heine Judge, Hamilton County Municipal COLlfl?t 3-7 35?3 E5 C3 (.11. C: 71 1:3 I . titre(3-- s-?ri' i 20f2 STATE OF OHIO SEARCH WARRANT SS: HAMILTON COUNTY HAMILTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT To the Police Chief Cincinnati, Ohio, Greetings: whereas there has been ?led with me an af?davit, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, these are therefore, to command you in the name of the State of Ohio with the necessary and proper assistance, to enter in the day time, into the Cincinnati Police Department?s District One garage located at 310 Ezzard Charles Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45214. All within Hamilton County, State of Ohio. And there diligently search a four door 1998 Honda Accord, dark green in color, with a number of and displaying an Ohio passenger car license plate of GLN6917. The vehicle will be processed as a crime scene for any biological evidence, latent ?nger prints, ?bers, projectiles, cartridge casings, handguns, knives, other weapons, cellular telephones or other evidence not speci?cally listed to further the investigation. And said items be submitted for a forensic examination by the Cincinnati Police Criminalistics Unit and the Hamilton County Coroner?s Crime Lab. Brother Of?cers from the Cincinnati Police Criminalistics unit will examine the vehicle for biological, physical and trace evidence and any damage found to be consistent with this offense. Any biological, physical and trace evidence removed from the vehicle will be analyzed by the Hamilton County Coroner?s crime lab and the Cincinnati Police Department Criminalistics Unit. And that you bring the same, or any part there of, found on such search, forthwith before me, or some other judge or magistrate of the county having cognizance thereof, to be disposed of and dealt with according to law. ave-?- o?clock Given under my hand this let day of July, 2015, Judge: Hamilton County Municipal RETURN ON SEARCH WARRANT "t sf On the day of July, 2015, at o?clock, I executed the search warrant attached hereto, and removed from said premises, in presence of ?0 PM property of which the following is an inventorypp?; See attached inventory sheet for a list of items recoveredhereby certify that a copy of the search warrant and inventory were inside the abo e-escri'bed fvehicle. a. Sworn to, subscribed before me, and file in this court, this .. ?44? Jud?, Hamilton County Municipal Court Pg - 6M Returning Officer/Def. Shannon Heine 144%- (IE-ll? . SEARCH WARRANT ENVENTORY Items seized during execution of search warrant at 2 to ?22 A120 (Ham/?5 151?. as? 1 MM on; 1634;? ?mm: Ann/m- vw'? 1HGCG :5 571.1.405460 1. ,On Til-15 . Inventory Conducted by .1 pm?. (Paras) (Mo) ITEM LOCATION FOUND ITEM FOUND BY I (Hy-rim apt/3,5355 0F - SEAT 2 3683064; at: MAQUUAWO may o?mu?w ?113,450?LHf?ml r?u 3: 5'72 c: C: A '39run. Q, Signature: *y MA Witness: Modng F613, New 02/07 BRW Date: 7-2l- 1/6 DatefTime Executed: 7 2: ~r5 ID