NEWS; J IXAN CIAL THE CAMEROONS. « l_££i£ DARDANE LLE S. " CLARINDA PARK FETE -> ? VICEREGAL VISIT TO THE SOUTH. pounds sterling should be wasted every year in our flax holes, and that we should be so dependent upon outside sources, when it has been shown that our own seed would produce as good a crop as enn be imported. There is not a single grower who should not have some seed next year. How it will be got next year is difficult to foresee, and , if it does come and is very dear, our farmers will he deterred from sowing. To have no seed next year , or practically only a small quantity, would mean an enormous loss to Ulster, because, if we look at the thousands of hands that are depending upon the supply of flax , it would make every one of us be determined that every possible" ounce of seed will be saved , not only to maintain the sowing to the same extent as this year , but to increase it one hundredfold next year. From recent statements made to me only the one-sixtieth part of the acreage in Ulster was under flax, but even for this small portion no less than £1,500,000 was realised. Flax seed , if saved, and taken at the same pi ice as last year (£3 10s. per bag), would lepresent money value of about £14 p er acre, and this surely in itself would make a splendid return with the fibre still to sell. I, therefore, hope to hear that every flaxgrower lias added to our country 's wealth by saving some see'd.—Yours, etc., D. P. Walker Mautis, Secretary. The Flax Jlill-Owners' Association , Seven Houses, Armagh. Jul y 31st, 1915. O'DO NOVAN ROSSA'S FUNERAL. OPENED BY SIR WILLIAM FRY. A garden f ete in aid of comforts for wounded soldiers was inaugurated on Satur? day at Clarmda Park. Kingstown. Very full ACTION OF LIMERICK COUNTY SCENES IN DUBLIN. 31. RADOSt^VoFF,s arrangements were made for the amusement .if ,;V .,; ,¦ F - M N - i l ! . C .KKI.sroNn.TXT.,' ? COUNCIL. a large attendance , but, unfortunately, the i HEROIC BRITISH GARRISON. DECLARATION, SPEECH AT GRAVESIDE. l.u\T»>N. ?'.irr.PAY. weather was so deplorably bad that onl y the (FROM OUK CORRESPONDENT.) ? ? : -. most enthusiastic ventured out to support the ¦ l l l l l a v '*> ' LIMERICK, Saturday . TT " .. S;. -. E .¦-. ,'. '. - ' -a ..> <• • • — < ' The public funeral of Jeremiah 0'Donovaa good work. However , the fete will be con ,-( .. .;, ,* %1 ->:ai August A special meeting of the Limerick County .. Rossa took place yesterday afternoon from thr PLUCKY POLITICAL ' tinued to-day ¦ ; among ¦ : .. , /^ from 12.30 until g p.m., when Council was held to-day to consider, ¦ 1:,.1 re open AND . :: ,. .i ... -]] p. THE ATTACK ON THE City Hall , Dublin , to Glasnevin Cemetery. it is expected the good object for which " ' ' ' " it has other matters , the question of presenting an ¦' . . .. .. . . - " I ". . ••.. .,:; : li-vvfoiv .- ! OFFICER . i been organised will be well supported. During the three days when they lay in tb« address to the Lord Lieutenant on the occa.v»rt. POSITION. : FRENCH vestibule of the City Hall the remains, winch j Renter 's Agency has received detail? <•! a The 1'rlU I' ariiim publishes an account os s :. . . . . . . ; . , .v : : ? : ^.-^:- v ..lN°™,1,t:hstandlng a stead y downpour of rain , sion of His Excellency's residence at Adaro cSir William Fry and Lad y Fry attended and Manor early next month. were encased in a coffin with a plate glass lid . i j .iirticularh- p lucky %ht . in which a handful an interview , in the course of which M, A Press Association Special Correspondent at performed the opening The Chairman of the County Council , Mr. ceremony. Mr. S. A. exposing the features to view , were visited the Dardanelles reports , under date July Quan Smith of I ot nat iw troops, with three Europeans, armed Bulgarian Prime Minister, Radoslavofi, Bullock Castle, Dalkey, hon. William R. Gubbins , J.P., presided , and the Tin: v:«)m;y makk ct. j onl y with ri fles, attacked, and routed , a Gerby thousands of citizens. The public fune.-v 24 , that while large Turkish reinforce treasurer of the ff h ; presided . There were att endance of members included :— denies that Bulgaria is ready to march j iran iiin-p ten times its own s-ize. tinder sixvarious points, yesterday, as a pageant , was remarkably weii ments Germany, also have been massed at or present:—Mr. M . V. O'Brien . J.P., chairIxml Jimly, M. I'. U'Sliaiislnicfs.v. J.I'.; John of Austria and at the side ¦ ¦ ¦" a f is evident that Turkish hopes are fail. n f stown Urbiln Council , and Mis. Coli-man, .1.1' .; Thomas Jlurlcv , .1.1' .; I. l>'8. organised , and was carried throug h without ¦ 5 P-C.. j t'-iv ; Kui-ipeans. and possessing four Maxims. of Bui. j t :• . co-operation , \ ¦ . -• 7 : -•1-i , the to lend to Turkev «V ^i ; , ,I.P. ; 1'. K. I lofmii , .1.1'.; T. W. V. Benin 8. and that they do not show the same M. F. O ' Bnen ; Sir Valentine Grace, Bart. : Listen a hitch , with the single exception of about B \. .c I ii-t- engagement lasted seven hours, in the >i«:lt . J.V.; P. I'itzsimons, J.I'.; -I. Carroll. M. ." .. ,. ,. garian arms. r D am v er Bennett , medical officer to the Cla ncy, Anthony Mackey, K. Ii. Uiily, J.P-; T'gou r a f 0rmeriv m their attacks. I i- iiu.-c of which the enemy fired 60,000 rounds, Pr u , P' a quarter of an hour 's delay in the time ol always remain will not ¦ however, M.V.A.D. Bulgaria , ; Major ¦ L v nch , ,f. \ , Reeves, D.S.O., and Mrs. . ; c. F. llartigan , John l-'itzgibbon v.i iilt- . on our side, only 2C0 rounds per man starting. This was scarcely to be avoided , ;;. . ¦ ! , . : :, • ; - , -. '. ; ¦ ¦! r - i ::i:;>i >< ->'DEXT-' Reeves ; Dr . Georgina Prosser , Miss Warbur- •I.I'.; J. McDonne ll , J .I'.; K. J. Mitchell, J. I*.; course will be determined neutral. Her v.i-rt- tired. having regard to the large number of excuron ton . Rev. Mr. Moran , Miss Harris , matron -M. Qii inln i) . .1.1' - ami I'. Human. j_ M V ] t ! i\. > \ -;i l:l« .\Y. by her interests, and much depends a>KESS -issocuTKis A feat ure of the affair was the meat ;ralThe Chairman said that some days ago, sion trains which arrived at all the frrmini and founder of Corri g Castle Red Cross Hos\v\u ertmu , ;,. ..>.-!• • : -..i disburseoweis to tier , f I' <»fn » the the reply oi lantry after and steadiness of our native force, the meeting of the Finance Committee, pital , Kingstown ; and others. ¦ in the cit y conveying contingents who wishej arc 85001 . .. claims 5 ' .. ,.;, , - , . ::. t iit M<-n ev I wiiii-u was national C T mch] the 1 0 >" «• in which «.f a mixed ofe, he chanced to meet some members of the one. Almost at the lieSir William Fry congratulated the Comrespondent^a^T °' " ' "" » to be present at the funeral , and the marshalli^lilin^ they lost their only tear up i" . .. •¦ , . ' . ¦:: v.:-.i : v.hirii the s ^n iTti n ^ to ^ Corporation ihe anxious ^gram ^"danelles. in the course and others, and , set forth. She was mittee on the admirable arrangements they dated Jul y 2j f ' ' ling of these visitors involved a great de;l ¦ -.! - up ¦:»¦>• lia ;; j t • wjiiti- leadt-is, and the operations had to • , -. • _ .. . . had made, but deplored the weather. He of conversation , they agreed that the present the odious Tre.ity of Bucharest, but would From the re^'nlto c • , of labour and responsibility on the officiaii , Lord , :..i l.e ciiriit-d Lieutenant .;, on by and -; . s ret tie only remaining Kuropeau was such a sporting man . ;. , . .- . said the Red Cross Society was one of the be willing to come to an agreement with HeadquartersTom our "*?™^ 011 r,Tved that , coming to a sporting county like in charge. f" greatest organisations in Europe. There V . . . - ¦ . . " -. ., . :."> I' .e. instM I --a i-j htica! auk-el, ami not a suldier, quite n « and frm (lb mi are conditions servation posts ght ° w , Serbia, provided certain " fc fc Limerick it would he most desirable to preThe major portion of this duty devolved : t !.nkiit ,-.v!i to t h-..- native troops. large Turkish reLor emen"™ 6 f dtml P * be slackers in Ireland , but , at any rate , no sent HiR , Excellency ¦ : ¦ f ulfilled. "¦ i' lii- affair ncn nt-d on the Anglo-German with an address of wel. r" . ' ¦ - I ' - v .i i ' i e v.- !uni j on the officers of the Irish Volunteers, whose ¦ -¦ laVe liee " one could accuse the women of Ireland of ' massed at various " points T) • come. It was the opinion of those to whom Mi.; -.i..v J i.-wdrr oi ihv NoriherJi L'aintroons. at a little -., / .. Ti.-.-. headquarters are .it 2 Dawson street. . ¦ July 27> v.raild be Sted fiA * ' ilM being slackers When peace was. declared in he spoke . .-. - • :.- • 'l:tis iiadI i lo.\:i s'luau-d liL-l 'A ivn llarna and Yola , whers Thomas Ma-.-Donag h acted as Commandant,n ;-f?-= } H16 T"'-ks as a ttevlin . he was sure that Red Cross women Council that the Corporation and the County ..,>nnrJ, n.irtirnla -lv ¦ should arrange to present the Lord . ;' . - .. . - . t ::^ .-.ill . t, :,-- j t 'ie Uriti sh v.i-rc occupying a tiny mud fort General ; Mr. Daly was in charge of the miliwould be found amongst those present. (A po d r i ^ iheh-' adve^ i^rrr 1 Lieutenant with an address of welcome, com. . - - . . .- ,• an-! in t!:c¦ .j i 'i.iit a hundred K-ft in diameter. The garritary bodies, which included the Irish Volunplause.) He declared the file open . (REUTERS TELEGRAM.) THE GAELIC LEAGUE. day beintl«anniversary ing ^ as a sporting man to the county that proof the TWi teers, the National Volunteers, and a sectm . m .ii . under tin- nj :mnand uf a Lieutenant and Lad y Fry. who was presented with a handJ'AKIS. Saturday . tion of the TnrUi rt , ConstftutTon ¦ -: .. :;.- ';.- .' • Knj !:t :.dI I ,-i » .\- - 15riti?h at once who expressl y denied Amongst tin- attractions were the band land obtaining her ri ghts, he (the Chairman) ment of its President , you make certain and .Mr. Joseph I'lunkett waj in charge of Horlared that, thev were . Mr. S. Mr. Macke y said he understood that the known anything of tha real atmosphere of supplied by the same body. The coffin was During the night of Jul y 22 23 tlie French KR ' r n - ! !>.s: _ i!i«- « ii.-iri:c of oi.t-mtions devolycd UT»on fi ned to a simple discussion of interests m S W"umls M>- Evelvn ^ a;m ' \ Lord u t n Lieutenant ' was coming to Limerick as a the League—that any rel igiou s feeling or thickl y covered with wreaths, and an open position war- attacked , and a fiqir ., 1 substance, . J }; r. I-'itzpatrick. the ]>olitical ollicer. respect of the 'question of the. railway from ¦ private gentleman, to remain for a time at bi gotry has ever for one moment " invaded '' carriage behind was also filled with floral f Ul Tlle j '!!:¦ fi^ht lasted for seven hours , and was of Dedeajratcli to Mustapha l'asha. and that squirted into the trenches. l!t>n>bs t.vpio then of tl I V/ clliof ' ? ""Sa nfeeW. Adare Manor , and enjoy himself as the guest it , or that "reli gion " has ever " whispered tokens , whilst many of the contingents carried iiirmvi:. which on exp losion ignited the flim?. i a pa:t iciilar i y fierce -character. "•(' ';-'; F- Burne , Miss The enemy War- of Lord Dunraven. Tliere wore two aspects, rneorgma this meant that the reports concerning the me rrencii " ¦¦ sevemy-nves opencu me , aim Won Mits prejudices within " it. *'"¦«_ As an Irish wreaths to be placed on the grave. Imme*" - . ¦:i*. Prosser _ ' - > * *ii i n -. aiiackt-d on iiotli sides of the fort , and at one . . MAI., .; anil \ "i«* \ '• rorney. to regard to the question . They, the mem- Church Leaguer of thirteen years standing, I diatel y following the bier were a number ot were garians v.p to the Bul ionr cession of Adriam.ple speed ily within silenced the aggressor?. . l iw.M ;^ui hundred yards. An interesting disp lay with ; ; „ :;• •• bers of the County Council , were there as the friends of the deceased , including some b th u A new sort of projectile , too . was fired ii.H • Th- - Al. 'X i'ii fi n1 was v«-iy Jieavy , three ol the=o fantastic. y™"1 "'* (N »- 4) V.A.I) . . representatives of the people of the county, can testif y solemnly, on my word of honour , eld firs! Mi. " f mirslnBand without any reserve , that never once from America , Liverpool , Cork , ana repreunder the direction .,1 and ^uns 'teinir in constant action. j M. Raduslavoff . continuing, said— "If our lines. This took the form of an incc-n- l)i I' !"1"1 what they had to consider was Ihe has the. slig htest shade of sectarian T crim™>>(I™t. and Miss AYarb ursentatives of the Urba n Council of his nativi ¦ , •¦ ! . " • ¦; : ••¦: •. M V els . A' tlioii uii our had onl y riHes. they I Serbia full y realised her own interests she. diary shell about fifteen inches long by three , o n . j .ioa - superi national aspect and the private aspect of the come within my knowled ge , or been aniimix town qf ISkihbereen. Following were carnages t , inches in diameter ntendent which was discharged Mjs, shown ; rv:n< t\f s lull ol cfiiifiden i-e ihe y -T . her p -i well as the occupation of Purazzo by lnemlwrs of the Council were invited to take reli Am met tho sc who hel gious opinions have always been treated clergymen, and representatives of various ped were the. follow part in the j ,-iiic l spirit. In fa< "<' of the fire of the Maxims . troops , is for Bulgaria a very favourable burst on impact , tearing up a hol e, and burn presentation of an address from a with entire courtesy. Individuall y we have public bodies , including Alderman Corngan , I ccii!i -,-:iT]:iH-d "ii .i wall not exceeding fifty i factor. We consider that Serbia , exhausted ing a circle of ground about 8 feet in diameter. Government point of view or from the point tomm kii tor the Lord -Mayor of Dublin ; At o o'clock in the afternoon nf July 23 .in T.i mminJur . ¦ » Ton"' .v j vard * in l-.-!i^t ':i . besidt-s the fire of tbe enemy j and impoverished , will not be able to assume : " oi view of the Ij Ord Lieutenant in his private been paid the still hi gher unconscious com- the Mayors of Cork and Kilkenny , and repre"•" V TP'on JI"bf:n'Io --"?; pliment of being taken ior J -\«n« Sally-Mi granted without cou. attack was delivered against st of th> tautpassage j the salient on *,.,v U ifantr y. and iu spite Hall administrathe t;, v QJ. ". ,. " with success and continuity ! capacity . He - Ii Plil,- .1-1Jliiv \< '"' < "-'am- .Uw. JInckin - r oiint y Council m ,uid discuss the question -n treatment of special consideration . We have mediatel y following these came several comwi tive of many unsuccessful Turkish attempts. dust from their sii u-k th s-ir jol >. ping if that which are ceded to her. 1 repeat ;.;.. t " ; its .:.. merits—if .. they wore to present an address k j < vi-s. lij anirini: a tlainaufti rifl»- for another . panies of Irish Volunteers , with arms rei victory finally belo ngs to the Tripl e J Cnttnle, After ;l br ief nn,l somewhat desultory bom - iil¦Victor riU v °""; rt, TicliI>t!i Mr - I!- r "r ' t.-> the Lord Lieutenant ;„ ,'j s private capacity had perfect comradeshi p and equality , taking versed : the National Volunteers , who were ' ¦' ¦" ' " "U tinwith our natural share iicht marvellous of the roughs and smooths bardmt-nt a small ; ¦ ': . p - ; .i :!'i «-;irvy iii^ I and if Serbia realist's what «re her own inparty of the enemy tried or from the nations poinl f view I xhere inseparable from the working of any big allot™ ' -. position about ihe middle o! the I ^ j te r ests , she should eventuall y consent to dis- to rush the position . Two machine guns. L i < ht-*-!!:iiiH'-ss ;..n.l j .hir';. wi Cuii"¦ '''HO'™™ between the two. procession , did not carry any arms. rfcatt^N' r : . ! . V f'T'^ W W K "'"i* >""'• r " ( - ' At ::•>¦•n th " •-i:..-my -cased fire, and moved a j cuss with us the question of Macedonia , and opened fire , whereupon the Turks turned and n-.5ii. l i e hairmnn-As Lord Li eutenant of Ire- society. So complete is the absence of sec- tingents of Volunteers , as well as the re•"¦".I'nsl (itfi.T \ 'r; M,lh , - \ :'",-h;1" , '¦ " tarian consciousness that members Anrlit.r of both . , v . : ! fori r s still remainfled .Mr. I' uf his pickt-t leaving about forty j . convinced . \\\* . dea-d in a nullah. ni'.n Smith. I'almist r, . j that she should be thoroug hly presentatives ot the several trade societies and ^ nV'S,, - .;;- :> ¦I'l'y i. i :n _ hi full vifiv of tht fort. ;ind later in the ! - • ' ¦' • :. henceforth that we are in no way hostile to Shrapnel fire from a batten- somewhat beyond ' Mr. Markey-Very well . s i r . He wished to Churches have often worked together for urancbes ot the C.A.A.. I.N.J:., etc , were At the tea garden and refre shment ' stall the exp lain with ..." . ¦ .... .. .. ^ .. . .1l...i- .-. .!. im. .if II*".'. ^Ii- RfYl W^ a I her definite access to Adriatic ports , b ut t h at , added greatl y to tlie execution. years without knowing to which they respecfollowing were active hi.-l peis : played the regard to the condition of affairs tivel y belonged. The incident concerning a headed by their own bands, who for 1 i M-rli ill alMt llrr dileclinii. on the contrary, we are entirely disposed to ¦ ' '" Miss Mnllk ' Jliirur , j ij .« l.,,,, l,,r , M ie< nI,.. in Ireland, and ,f people u-ero satisfied with starting " Dead March " when the si gnal ¦ T- • certain author to which you refer had no- -¦: k :. --l:M.. i ! Pr'-ba i'lv t.v tliis tii sit- tin- enemy 's a mniiini- favour to the " full her action in this direcllararravc . .Mrs Wwv . m^ it . The Lord Lieutenant could Pak. -nhain w - i . but subsequently marching airs Miss Helen l-alor. .Miss (.¦ .r .«i.r . \1 «" m ' . b ' ' Adare in his private capacity,be welcomed to thin g whatever to do with " prejudices '* was given , i -jjt ,]-. v.ns ^« t V- if Z r-i-arre . :is he h ad fired some. tion , provided that we receive in that conbut ' were played throug h t he streets. The proTURKISH PRISONERS Mi H.;;Im«ml. Mrs. <:,l,l,v,n. j, iss ' ,•;*„., s !i; c;,me to welcoming him ' from the when i against liis reli gious opinions , ax all who ! iO.GOO ro 'umi.-. " w hiii- tlie Itritish. too. had nection compensation afterwards in the shape .l i. f l-s. Miss I ninsiou , Mrs. l ', ,v.rT tlu- \li>^.: i.ft , national had real knowledge of the matter were cession , inarching four deep at a slow pace , (I'lU'.SS AK>Of:[\TI<>N WAR fcPKClAl.. ) • ¦\ n- ;- :\;> s . iikpurts. ane, •-.A-; IKi rounds r'-'r ma « '''"• !l was fully j oi a favourable tr eaty of commerce and a Miss Wcllm Miss .M.- CIIV. TH Mi i s l!m« ',. stand point , then he (Mr. Mack ev) could not took a little over fifty minutes to pass the n ware. .Misses .r. and R. '1'n riir .v, .Mrs . ;, M d Mi - ' r,')r i,,., agree. . vjH -CH'd. therefore, that tlie enemy would '' substantial customs rnt 'nt<\ the prelude. PAEI.S. Sundav. street into George 's street , ^ ' Mrs. Itarrn n , tinMisnv ilnrnm Any attempt to introduce , reli ' gious sus- corner of Dame Mi Nallv :h nr _'o 'vitli t he bayonet but . althoug h a t !j [leihavs . to other more comprehensive The Chairma n—T stated the • = i- HTIVGS . The Mut t' n says:—The prisoners taken by Miss JIorris.-c.v . Mis-s f'oiirlni 'y. . Miss in marshalling any ot >i rs" < ;r ;iviw" ' '-.,',,} be presented to Lord Wimborneaddress was to picions into the current affa irs of the League and there was no delay j <»:i.- tim e tl .- .- v rot ijuit "' close to the fort , the chti iit< -< , which would permit Bulgaria to t"he AHies in the Dardanelles are concentrated M as Lord Lieu, would he merel y mischievous, rs. j Mwrn . i-hy. the contingents. A conservative estimate ot beindu ced to i-o . ilii as well as <;,-rni .i] native li--"ps ii"t h the Serbian tenant r.f ! ' export her products throug Ireland. part in the procesin the Island of "X. " They have permission Master Denis La lor acted sis bi-nman , and ¦ ¦ being, whether unconsciousl y or otherwise those who actuall y took . y . \ v. \ i : k j : t ¦> • .-n . and tin- enemy finall y retired aitt-r Adriatic ports , while, the Serbians woul d be to write to their families, but no agreement a.-- occasion required rang ¦ 2.. syinpathelic and r>t MrtheMackey—And that is the national aspect entirel y misleading :md without foundation., sion gives the numbers as exceeding six sv .-!-in:iii' - .iJJv I"nt ;;j_r Utc town and murder- able !o pass part of their products throug h has been reached regarding the despatch of expressive peals to various attraction-;, f iiestion. and there must have, been at least J ^liss The Chairman said that l«fore proceeding I am sure that , in making this statement. 1 thousand , i iir "' f-. '-.i!- v-f tiu- :o\vr.cnio:!. Bulgarian ports on the .'3\gean Sea. correspondence. The French military ai:- Doris Sidford jiresided at the cake rnmpelilining the. streets. i:rther he would ask who seconded the reso- «ni speaking for all my co reli gionists in the ten times this numberthroug hout were .i -.iovly i i Tl i» 1 li-nnau loss.-s v.- er- ' t hree Europeans After having saiiir Kuropeans and actinc, awa ited the reply of the Quadrup le to present an address of welcome to His Gaelic League. Let me add . concerning the Dunne , the dirncnlty. aiul the Turks are receiving (.' lariuda Park , in which the f'U is being i lutum personality of the leader of the language an d peaceable. - Chief Superintendent L.vr.r-Ucncy . ; ! 23 soldiers wounded. The I'ritish casualties Enf ' -nU- to the Bul garian Note, in which the news oi their captured relatives by aerial de- held , has -been kindly lent by of the D.M.P-, assisted by Superintendents the Con ' j Mr. foj eman—I movement, ' j iiw uj ie ]!rilis!i ofiirer and tlirf-e natives nat ional claims were set- forth . M. Rado- livery . that (if it were possible) he do. , and I lynn, mandant . Major Peeves, D.S.O. , a nd office r s j stands hi gher tliaii ever to-day in the hearts Murp hy . Bannon , Curtin. Kit-man rile Chairm an asked if Mr. Mackev • ki lic;]. .ind "iii - nfii-co mmis.'if.ned officer and :layoff decl ared :— pro- and minds of all of the V.A.I).. Iiriti ph P,ed Cross, Count y j posed that , in charge of twelve inspectors, were on dutv '¦We know that we shall not always re1 \ t - n .' ¦¦j d:rr> v-miude*!. true Gaelic the Council do not present an adLeaguers for his , but their Dublin , No. 1. The V.A.D. rendered every QTPSS. hig h honour , his extraordinary charity and thirty sergeants, and 2U0 constables main neutral. We cannot yet say with G R E A T F I R E IN assistance on Saturday, especially prominent principal dutv was as spectators , a.- the re " patience , Mr. and his Miu-Uv-WUl unshakeable alleg whom we shall side, but we know more oi iance to - . .: ¦ I - : . ynn al low me" the ritrht le disorderl y inci'b.-nt to be rebeing Quartermaster R. .1. Waddel l and I. j Die princi ples and ideals 8 CONSTANTINOPLE. for which tlie was not a sing .'ess in what direction our energ ies w il l be A\ AR 3IUNITIOX S AN D ' "'attlM ' "1!l1 Standi ! W. Oochrane . assistant f tiartermaster. The i a 'send *™* "" Ule Gaelic League was founded. I would draw ported or dealt with. directed. We shall fi ght solely in accordance (liK t'TKU S TE1.E(! RA.M.> fi 'lr will begin to-ilay at 12.30 p.m., and will i. .. i STRIKERS. particular attention to his reiteration of these ¦vw'rh our national interests. A\ e wish to leai 'he Chairnian -V,.,-. M , ,,„ aln( ,n j m( ,n t. THE SCENE IN THP. CITY. continue until 9 p.m. SOFIA .. Sati-rimv. r principles on the opening day of this a m<> Ul<> up 'lie odious treaty of Bukharcst. which we "'" before the hour at which the pro^" hl tn Long e ive mv Advices from Oireachtas work Constantinople state that anv!ews ^ "* (Jul y 25th) . when he said Mmied with the knife at onr throats , con : '• .Never, as long as the Gaelic League holds: cession was to start from the City Ha ll .-pec¦ \ ;- :i - .-ei utioii un der tiv - Munition s of War stiallied and forced, and not in the plenitude other large fire broke out there on Jul y 26. along the rouu-. : : ' A . : v.;i- ..¦!>.hi- ltd :il t:i.- Manchosier ] of our jud gment. The Quadruple JCiiU -n tf . Ki ghtcen houses in the Enu dukli and Slmnoler JAPANESE POLITICAL together, and I find myself standing on a tators began to congregate where t he last In St. Stephen 's Green , quarters of the city, platform like near the German FJmthis, slv.ill wlie n t h i r l y i w o workmen S..:ii!'d--!! which loudly decla res that it is fighting ioi light of the parties of mourner3 were t'j join the itirtoj: , CRISIS. ¦ ""' s'"'"' (1 give me Irish language be trailed in the dust ¦ ¦ t ' - . - .' :. the riithr^ " . - ;; thl> .. . : i -.¦"¦!- .• .- \: mii-. t!. K. < " . "1 i-e complaint was thai , beins; ' ance if it secures from Serbia the rcstitutior stroyed. ' or politic s at all "— The windows of many houses , too , were filled ¦ - . ' .; ¦ .: . ,. I ¦¦ Yours , etc.. .-ii :.'-v . .,l hi in niiit i' iu ¦'..-rk. they ensaped in to us of that part of Macedonia which is oni ened, indeed , the children 's ward actually r/NA SI Q GA IN of sll trt K iTKR ' .s tt.i,i;gi:a. u.Sj with qtiiet watchers. The b*^..' Stradball y. .July 31st . 1915. . :i st rike in ciiiiifctin!! with a iliffpreuce as land and our property, which is the flesh oi caug ht fire. The fire there was, however , exn af '""t; as von like. , , r .' showed that the event was¦ '.mcj f 's;^^ ' uj r-i *0, >" \fr \ti,A-«v ' ' tinguished. It is est Ma ' i Micted that ¦ 5 *¦'" upward* of TOKIO , T»i-i:?u.\v. ' i.i ];- >>. i.i v..:l-<- :i:x < term.-, of oni j ilcymerit f'iir flesti. an d the blood of cur blood, and ° to mu z -,!H ;„ ' "« t ,,at forth any loud expression- :? "«If li "T^rTfiiki^iu" ^l ¦ way fi fteen hundred houses in Constantinople have '..- : i] . - s::e!i diff " i- m •¦ li«d been reported to the thus tlc ifc the open wound in our side. " An . r;m ii,.i Inm.' fur ' him. now been destroyed by fire. The Chairman—Ynn alp .,,.„ ;; ,- g . that the Premier and the Cabinet are unablu n,lin . j IV u d <.f Trade "'"regardin my THE I.IST0WHL " other main thoroug hfares on tW"~ "«ilT~ii(i" ea !i of the men v.ith 5 gui neas K AND BALI .YBUNI0X . !:; lii'-ii: -^ to continue to accept responsibilit y for carrysimilar to that of St . Stephenaij on't 16 hands Mr. Mackey-If RAILWAY. I c -t s t " '•<• divided aini ins them . Mr. Ashton ing out tlie Government programme , on ac- leave the room Onym, ikc T wUl • , Dawson street , Nassau street. L'o iifcgetirteV'"'1 the ¦¦•v einmciit lmd derided that in national f ! said sliat tile < asm-rl .,[ Z count of tlie embarrassment caused b y the nuesfion I want to sav M'Ol'NDED FROM THE Westmoreland street , Sackvillc stree'i, and the thh TO THE EDITOR OF TIIK IRISH TIMES. bribery cases against a member of the Cabinet • he ill-sum. stran;e and peril'ins times it was East side of Rutland square were .all lined REPORTS PREMATURE. Mr. O.un an on a pn ml of rirr] : ::n r for H'-e masters and ihe men to decide "?fi ; , DARDANELLES. mid others. Tlie Premier says thafc the l}o- prooos.t.on had been made Srn .—I have read your North Kerry notes with interested spectators, and many f aces ,„,) , ¦UK1 THU S TKLKCKAJI.) . ' ".ht i;- own way when nnr] how to give em, . ,„,, 1(1( ser n lK Jri f h Timr* of the 28th inst., and de- looked out from the windows of the large A number of sick and wounded from the verument programme is unfinished , but that i.ntU the C hairman had an amendment beim-.-. in the • !¦'.-.ymer.i . i.r ' ln cea>e work in any dispute plore the harmful reflections made by the business houses. situation renders it necessary for him to him Mr Mackey had no righ The funeral came into Dardanelles were landed at the Great Wes- the J'AElS . SATt RIlAV. t to endeavour to writer on the mono-rail ! i hn: j n r f. tender his resignation. railway line " from College Green about 3 o'clock , headed by a tern O«irks. Plymouth , on Saturday, ;i nd discuss the question. j wel The I' f l i't J' ar i.'i'-n says— In official ]>iil- were conveyed in the motor ambulances to the to Ball ybunion. Volunteers Friiiay . bod y of , with the St. James 's ' The writer evidenllv Eventually the resolution was earricfl „;,!, I ST-a r>an circles it i.- declared that the news of hosp itals at Devonport . The Kmjj eror has commanded the (Jemr. Mr. Mackey the only dissentient ' "" ' Aw* iif-l know a great dea! about the affairs Jiand. To dvsi-ribo its passing this historic There were 19 nr workin g of the line in question ; otherwise point is to desuibe the even temiur of its I the conclusion of a Tuivo-Dul garian agree- otlicers and 76 men tut: welsh mixers. the naval and to meet this afternoon , notwithstanding that he mig ht huve paid more attention to its ad- way to Glasnevin Cemetery. There va.s no ment is jnemai '. nc. and that omVia llv nothing ni.'irine divisio ns, and from i the. va rious regiments to-day is ;i natio nal holiday , in observance of —' vantage." and usefulness , and been less content rise or fall of grk-t in the procession. The has lieen done. A well-informed personage engaged on the Oalli poli Peninsula , I the anniversary of the death of the Emperor but so ¦ np HORSH SHOW WEE K. with casting aspersions on its balancing diffi- slow music of the bands sounded forth. The t hat it is not for the cession of .such far had all advanced on the road to con- Meiji. i ' :-.. \V«-;.-H iiiiii cis oi , Saturday u-ocived their told This command , following on Count j ' -.v,-i:, , - i : •.!:• ' ici ms a n d ¦ cult y, seating accommodation , etc. The. line green-clad Volunteers, with arms reversed , -* .¦iiudi iions of the o!d a small strip of territory thai Bul garia rould valescence, that only one man had to be car- Okuma 's visit to the Palace yesterday evening, : ¦' " : ' ever barter her liberty. In the present cir(I suppose on account of its uni que construc- paced slowly to its strains , company after ].t-::r-ii' _: t'::- re-arranuement of t h e ¦ • : ¦^' V .:- . '¦ i:i-- :r.. is regarded as significant. It is authoritativel y TO THE EUITOlt 01-' TI1K 11USU T IMES . I ' ¦:,. - -.-.- i:¦;<•;¦¦'nv the (I m en inif-ni . Only one day 's cumstances Bulgaria has the greates t interest ried ashore in a cot. With that one, exception) has always been subject to a certain company. A part from the grea t numSin, —Referring to the letter of " a tion there was no one seriously ill when Ply- stated that Viscount (Jura 's resi gnation lias ii- 'i !.: '" wii 'i be lake:; next v.-rek instead of ; in becoming mistress of a line whirh. in her mouth was reached. Great enthusiasm pre- not yet been sanctioned , pending consulta - C iti z en " in this day 's irU/i Time*, and your amount ot humorous comment and criticism, ber of Volunteers, the procession was remark¦ j :7--.i::] * lire.- *:r.y.-. and j hands, may lie utilised \ery differentl has been abl :!¦ from the long, ' happy taking three-quarters of an hour to y y ; hunting-ground of vailed among:the wounded h eroes as they tion of the Genro with regard to the entire editorial article on the subject , we would like numerous wags. However . I think it is only pass any point. Althoug h it u-as little _ >i ihv Swult Uuies Aiii.' .M iners " As- ji vf;ai a is lo d;i y. But the Jiioij tipnlv which \.ere greeted hy sightseers, bathers, and question of responsibi lity for the situation to dra w the attention of your readers to the 'w that its ?ood qualities and the amount of varied in its parts, the spectaturs ' quiet in--. .. hV'-ii weetim at S\v:iu?e.» on Saturday. ! >he is said to. have finall y actpiiVfii is ;,nt others on their way to the docks, cheers crea ted bv the bribery disclosures. fact that the Dublin Lifeboat Flag Day Comuseiu] ' S worlc it has done should, also get some t erest did not wane while it was toiiii by. - -:--: . .. ii-. i?if f>: ;t ;s*i'i»i of rh - - arir 'nvicite rnin<"'rs ' dis- j v.v-rlii ihe price which s;je is stated to have i eing heartil y given from the shi p and the mittee have alread y antici pated that there will f.'.it- d r '. ahn :-» r t i i - ' rest'-ratioii ^.f 5 per cent. j paid. The denial oug ht to i>c known here shore. All are optimistic, and declare that be a large influx of visitors to Dublin during a? AT GLASN H VIN. that four months ago Bulgaria was ready to stea dy :mt] : in w;i:o was .lisrii.= .-=ei!. derided to j ~ It ".^ t o draw ¦ '¦' v our "'tent-ion to the OBITUARY. ' • > : T. ' I satisfactory progress is lieing the last- v.eek of August , and have fixed fnfwi* me m atterS :~ (1) The line has »l a !ar It was nearing 6 o'clock when the hoar se form a > u: i-I i< ai ¦!. comprisin g three repre- j i r f c i i py by force of arms the Turkish part of made in the advance on Aehi Raha. g e Thursday, 26th August , for the Lifeboat Hag measu A . fe 'N passed through the main gates of Glasnev in to build : s-'-n'. atives •< '. eat 'i si'l". t " rrreive evidonee . I the line. By the t erm s of the supposed ngreeup the now prosperous Day. \Ve think that no stronger war fund S ( rt There was much delay whi!* MK. WILLIAM WILSON . Ball y bunion . which' was only Cemetery. In t!ie ovi .-nt "f a > "-.t!eiiK-p.t not lieinj arrived i merit. Bulgaria , aivordiug to the Xow claim can be put before the citizens of Dublin an in ,Vn fi 03 of1 vlIIa is said to have promised to hand to a: ;is :j rr>:i;I of tins eonfe rrnrp . liie new I>aard Yrr ni jn. ' " B e when tlle line *tart ea companies of Volunteers took up their posiThe death occurred on Saturday and its visitors during morning twentvfevo that week than the Turkey , in exchange for the tions inside, 1 tlle an j ceded and the procession meanwhile -:vc:)r aiip oir,, umpire, lo but if territory. ! v.'il! e:ide. " °«™« 'winR at his residence in Edward street , Poitadown , splendid performances of the lifeboats round provided Cev iT " '^ was stopped on the Prospect road , whither >t ° -iniMt iv " agreed to . the Hoard ft Trade j eighty-five thousand Mauser rifles taken from IRISH th is r. link* NATIONALISTS 6°» AND ™d »ot3 atiorent ot Mr. William Wilson, Town our coasts , who have been acc Clerk and Surommod : instrumental in had arrived. Wri North Frederick street, v i l l Iv- :i:-'.:. d !¦> appoint an umpire. j the Turks in the first Balkan war. M. veyor of Portadovm . He had been in rather saving many hundreds of lives from naval rti 1S ^ j (SuerhofT. Bulearian <'hnnj f 'I' Aft ' ti i'rt z in Blessington street , Berkeley road , and PhibsTHE WAR. indifferent health for a considerable shi ps, seaplanes time mine sweepers but , , and hospital , 1 Paris , declared , in this connection We have borough road , this portion of the route being I it was only recentl y that his condition began ship since the outbreak of war. As the Life- which it serves! *ratepayers of the district lined with crowds —. never had in T>n\ear\a ei gi)ty-fn < . thousand of spectators. In North ^ A LIKl'TKNAXT'S ] to cause anxiety (3) The to his ' friends. boat collection has now working : : for several His dtath , years, «„ of t np , .. , , Mauser rifles. We captured fifty thousand :\ * Weekbeen Cd f "r Frederick street the windows of the Hibernian " SOLIDARITY WITH OTHER many years in early manhood—he was about 45 ' ¦ ¦ "' past in an established event of Horse Show years oi "' we a " from the Turks in 1912. , at An'rianop le. hut- we ¦ I GALLANTRY. substLnr profi! Hall , the headquarters of the A.O.H. (Irish. .. r - th, : -; . : ] age—will he sincere ly regretted h y a wide feel confident that the other war volunteer proprietors. This resSl f h T 1°"" 1 America n Alliance) were draped in black , and were obliged to leave the town afterwards , \ RACES OP THE EMPIRE." circle of friends. Mr . Wilson had been for organising committees with their many without. Government sub-id?- i, ¦,<)btainf :(I American and Irish flags were prominentl y and we neglected to take them away. Thev . ¦ At a conference of the London branches of close on a quarter of a century in the service hel pers, will co-operate; in making Lifeboat tee . or imported management aromal R"a randisplayed. The avenue leading to the I.:'e;:tf;iant Horatins Iir .nar 3I"Xichol. of the t herefore , remained in possession of the Turks the United Irish League of Great. Britain last I think it compares very ' „ Thirt After Flag Day the success it deserves , and thus y thousand other Mauser rifles who lost his life in a heroic Roval Sc-ts . remained ni lit it was decided that at the Irish Na- of the Portadown Municipal Board . mortuary chapel was lined by detachments of lOtli wlth lines in Ireland tl r serving for a time as overseer of the Council' s assist an institution whose useful work has similarl y or «, " "' Volunteers. The pravers in the chapel were , fj " -.:; to j- :'st :.n- from drowning I'rivatf in one barracks, and thev are still there ^ favoMrahlv circu mstanced. " tionalist meeting to he addressed by Mr T. . If such wor kmen ho was appointed wei gh- 'mnster and largel y increased , while its f unds have are th D- liyrne, Chaplain. • ' i W.:t.--.n- '.-• j; is leg in.ent. was a crandsdu oi P. O'Connor , M.P.. at the Holhoru Hall on later on was promoted to the post of Town diminished in consequence of the. war. —Yours , not see how- the mono-rail svohs arriving Programme. (Hear , hear.) He proposed that Sir ,— As you have reprinted in to-day 's issue to tin: kdito r of tiik that confirmation of this believe will Irish be actiie assurance of the Porte times. He wsr a well-known Freemason , and a mem- certain suggestions from the Special Correi in suite of °y the grave of that unrepenta nt Fenian they ' ' ;:...- persecution of Greeks as well as of Ar- ceptable to the United States, as the reSih. —For time should ¦ ¦ ' ¦' : ' past the ber of the Orange Institution , being connected spondent of Tlir Timi- < , I would be obli ged renew their baptismal vows. (Hear , subject of the - ;- .::: z^ i i railway communications opening of between infantile mortality has hear.} in the darkest days oi been ifan s is wurie than with the Prince of Wales L.O.L.. No. 56 i li.e . much discussed. Deliberately they avowed themselves, if you iviil publish the enclosed copy of a The mortalit y is hig h , and Vera Cruz will WAR SAVINGS AND TRADE Mexico City and as O tend to curl) mu: n-j every Donovan Hamiui :i:i * avowi-d himself in the dock , effort should 11 ' letter which I have to-day addressed tn tlle be made to lessen it disorder and relieve "¦-. destitution attending . It has been descried Irishmen of one alleg iance onl y. ? The Irish paper.—Yours MR. WILLIAM RODDEN editor of that etc , .. the Zapafist occupation. as t he hig hest in tbe towns of the United \ oliinteerg aiuj oti,,.1A ;,-sociated with them Mi-L.U'GHMN, H. Hon. Director. IM PORT OF CATTLE FR O3I j The State Department has received confirI he death of Mr. William Rodden , Belfast , King dom , but this is not the case. The fol- in the day 's task ami dutv . were bound toA FEW HOME LESSONS. The Central Council for the Organisation the local Secretary of the Nati onal Society lor mutton of the recent assault on Mr. Mallow lowing statement will show the exact position gether henceforth in brotherly union for the SWEDEN. 12 Downing street on Saturday Jfr. of Recruitini At No . in Ireland , 198 Great . in Mexi co. Mr. the Prevention of Cruelt Mallory, an near Puebla . of things as regards inf antile death-rate—1. «\ achievement of u )e i livdom of Ireland. y to Children , H r u n s w u k stre. t . Dublin. .July of children under one year of age : ' Hear hear.) Th American subject , was engaged :Jn carrying 11. E. Morgan , who is assisting the Parliamen- occurred somewhat suddenl y 'on Friday ni ght k lcw on ,v onc aoBlii . • 31st . 1915. Tlie mean death-rate of children under mie tmu of freedom ; ,t Was the definition of Tone . diplomatic correspondence to all the Let'-i - tary War Savings Committee , said :—Tito at his residence , 4 Belgravia , Lisburn road. (l U'-l TER'S TELEGRAM.) Mitchel. and (COl'Y.),. j ourneying , year of ace 1,000 and was between M r. Rodden who was 55 Vera years manufacturers .should be of age . /*-r birth s tions. Cru/. patriotic effort of . was a , was, in the In a d sp iritua] To 'i llj : KHIT ull Till" . TIUFS . l. oMm .v . decade ended 1913, 349 m Dublin and 136 in communioni with Ross^ and wjt!l tho'se who and Mexico City in a m otor car when he was directed at this prfcsenl crisis towards the native of Limavady. He was secretary to r.UENOS AYHE5. Sj iTTP.DAr. j Silt, —Allow me , in the lirsi instance , to the large English towns : excess ,'n Dublin 13 suffered with him in English prisons, and i A decree has been issued prohibiting the im- assaulted and threatened with death , notwith- grtMt national purposes :—(1J The manufacture the Cavehill and Whitewell Tramway Comstanding the fact that the car was fly ing the of munitions; {2} the manufacture of goods for pany until the Belfast Corporation acquired acknowledge the friend l y and ¦¦oiistii>c tive In Dublin , and , indeed , in all the Irish towns with their own comrades o? the present day }»jrt of cattle from Sweden. American flag. The incident is interesting, as export. The problem of the manufacture of that undertaking. He was prominentl y identi- sp irit in which your Irish CoriesjK.nih-'n t hai the death-rate , at all age? , is much above that who were now suffering in English prisons ~ .. bearing on tlie case of another American sub- munitions may {airl y be said to have- received fied with the religious and philanthropic life referred to the work of the Cvut.ial Ueci v iit- uf the Kug hsh largo towns. In the the years they around Rossa s grave pledged to Ireland " — i m 131o the .-. veiaee death-rate in the their love and to Eng lish rulo in Ireland their I EXPLOSION AT GLASGOW. ie.-t. Sir. Paul Hudson . President of the attention ; but it is possible that more, could of Belfast , and evinced a keen interest in the iug Council. Doubtless , h is sut. 'stioris will ended hate. (A pplause.) Their foes were strong, Irish towns was la.9 /,. ,¦ 1.000 persons livin i the War Office as they existing red by Company in Mexico many agencies for conside , w Ml Publishing City, be. the amelioration Urrahl of " il' ¦fl MTic silver bullets b y increasin g Crli'lS. be done, to make « . I I whiU-' in <' -.¦ Kng lisb towns it was 15 3 ,T - w i se , and wary, but still they could not undo together with his family and members the manufacture and sale of goods to other the social conditions of the people . For a time certainl y be by my Council. who. the miracles of God , who ri pened in the ¦ ' 3 ' ¦ In the. meantime , will you permit me to re- 3.6 !. - tlmii in the Irish town? PRESS BUREAU. Sati-rday , 8.15 r.M. of his staff , is a prisoner in the Mexican capi- countries. The fact of the matter is that manu. he acted as secretary of the Hibernian Bible '¦¦" • • I, , ' th , . .,. -^- -W. I of. the charge against him is possibility that ;i ca reless reader of Knj-lish towns the deaths of children imuVr hearts of young men thi> seeds sown by the nature and lie. also was activel move any Society, The out in one of the A lire bi oke tal. department; y associated domestic and internal consumpti on factnre for ¦ ¦ tnrmecl . on the average of ten yen-; young men of a former generation. The 'see d s I' . ¦ -' " ¦- -"¦' - ' -- . .ill.. f.U, 2* -i- 3 O.« of the Ardcer Factory , I G l asgow , late on unknown. Advices from Rear-Admiral Cuper- sho u ld , as far as- possible, be strictly limited , with the work of the Church of Ireland your ioi -respondent 's criticisms might eun- li ne year ¦¦ sown by tbe young men of '65 " ;_ :- :, ^ The effectiveness of clude that there is any absence of harmony 23 pir . •»/. of the total deaths , whilst ' in coming tu their miraculous ri and '67 were '-- "-«- -i- -« i Friday night. 30th inst.. and was followed r \ ton at Port an Prince stale that in the fight- except for those necessities without which out Voting Men's Society. ^- -i pening to-dav they ¦ Dublin ] formed 19.8 ¦ ht, of besides two AmeriGenera Officer the " Thursday nig riinim.imii'ig . the Society for the Pre between tlie . '. tota l d,>ath< As far as can be ascer- ing on the !..> i;._ t "J vention of I r,:a 97 several explosions. cannot exist. Every hour saved on making Rulers and defenders of realms had need to ¦ 1>: «39 4- 5.305 tained one man has been killed and eleven cans, six Haitens were killed and two Haitens st iiieUiing to ba consumed within this c-jr. Cruelty to Children in the North of Ireland Forces in Ireland and his Staff upon the one Thus it will he seen that the hig],Pr death-rate be wary if they would guard against 5 " :'' : - 'I 1* hand , and the Recruiting Council upun the oi Dublin , an d . indeed , uf the Irish towns ' as processes. The defenders of this realm aUch injured. wounded. The Provisional Committee has de- try. and spent in making for other countries owed much to his initiative and energy. had other ? (ienera l Friend is represented upon compared with Eng lish towns, is nearly * al worked well in secret and in tbe open. clared in favour of ox-President Bobo. I " "~-~—————-—————_____ ..^. is to the good , because the smaller our conThey together due tn the greater mortalit y of 'per¦ ¦ - - - --».t-.--—---iJ-'^'T^ ---r ^-^iMr. Henry Blakeston, who was a member of the Executive Council by an othcer of the sons thoug ht that thev had sumption the greater our resources. After pacified Ireland , :g«i»«J«'->g«g'^CTT»'W^ , . » and , pur above the age of one year. ff I J. ?? the all-important problem of the manufactur e the late Queen Victoria 's private band , died Hea dquarters Staff who is in direct and dail y the first, timi\ the proportion of In 1914 f.n- chased half of them and intimidated the other total deaths oi munitions has been dealt with , we must at Priffield yesterday. Mr. Blakeston was communication with the Council's officials. ascribed to infants under one year exceeded half. They thought that they had foreseen I know that I express the unanimous feeling everything, but the fools had left to concentrata on making goods associated with the late Sterndale Lemietfc in that in the Eng lish towns, DANGER OF WAR TROPHIES unquestionably and was, of my colleagues when I say that it would be perhaps , their Fenian dead , and while Ireland them for export , and serious attention should be the formation of the Bach Society. held due to unfavourabl e chiefly economic condidifficult to improve upon the arrangement graves Ireland unfree would never be directed to the fiel d that is opened up by detions arising out of the great and long con those under which the Ct.O.C. in Ireland-is tho at peace. (A pplause.) our export trade and curtailing ouv veloping TERRIBLE ACCIDENT AT intermediary betw een the Council and tho tiiiucd strike.—Your s, etc., A firing part y th en fired a volley, the DATE OF SMITH'S 11 Authorised Cap ital home consumption. To make for internal con£1,000,000 •• Charles A. C.uieiio.v, War Office. Your correspondent appears to " Last Post " was sounded, and wreaths were LIVERPOOL. easier. It , perhaps requires sumption is, less g Shares Essned £ 700,000 Medical Superintendent Officer EXECUTION. suggest that further decentralisation is deof laid on the grave. , but there is a greater Health. The peril of sending home unexploded risk and less enterpriseever Shareholders 4,000 sirable. If his view is justified , the necessiI It is estimated that at least five thou«and fco develop export Public Health Committee . MuniciDal bombs as souvenirs of war was demonstrated necessity now than l>e ties of the situation can surely ba met in the rifles were carried in the procession , "and taking full advantage Buildings , Dublin , July 31st . 1915. at Liverpool late on Saturday ni ght. A Mrs. trade. We shnYi not and most effective way b simplest y increasing that at lea st seven thousand of the proces, The execution of George Joseph Smith , who rendered by our ' Camp bell had received from her son, a of the magnificent service sionists wero health y youn g men of military Branches tbronghont the Kingdom. was sentenced to death at the Old Bailey in the discretionary powers o{ the Irish ComI chauffeur at the front , an unex ploded bom b Fleet if we do not continue to develop and connection with the brides in the bath case, mand.—Yours , etc., ace. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JOINT-STOCK BANKING TRANSACTED. dropped from a German aeroplane. This was concentrate upon exportation , to make money will take place in Maidstone Prison on Friapghltn Henry Hon. McL , Director. j our Allies to prosecute for ourselves and the hbours in a street to the nei g being exhibited The Central Recruiting Council for Ireday morning, August 13.I CURREHT ACCOUNTS. —Interest allowed on approved balances. NEWSPAPER CEASES in Liverpool, when one, more curious, in war. It is most utter waste to manufacture land . 198 Great Brunswick street , Irish and English cheques collected free. A anything for internal consumption which can the course of examination dropped it. July Dublin , , 1 915. 31st " PU BLICATION. Mrs. Disley, in be dispensed with. Although the individual From a hospital in France, a private in the DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. —Interest up to 4% according to notice of . terrific explosion ensued. STEAMERS IN COLLISION may profit , the nation is the loser. It is a , was aloccurred Northumberland Fusiliers writes :— "There losion ? exp the withdrawal. who»e house _^ make something {or « national gain to sale was a rush for the Andrews ' Liver Salt among most instantly killed, and heT husband , sister1STOCK & SHARE AND FOREIGN EXCHANSE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. THE SAVING OF IRISH FLAX SEED The Midla nd Keening X e m, published in the Tommies. They all want a tin from me ALloyd' s Deal message of Saturday says—Thrs in-law, and father-in-law, were badly injured . abroad. It means that the nation who pays our wages, for those goods is paying and prosince 1884, Wolverhampton that on admission suspended from Rouen for It nearly brought the eyes out oT their heads Norwegian steamer Karmo, publiMiss Disley so seriously TO TUB EDITOR OF THE IRISH TIMES. cation on Saturday. A valedictory note states when they saw the tins ; many of them have to the infirmary it was found necessary to am- viding us with the sinews of war. The efforts Shields, in ballust , while at anchor in the Sir.,—I am very much interested in this that th e step is being taken despite offers of been used to ' An drews ' at- home, t think' putate her arm. Mrs. Disley, who was in a of the Committee, (. ill be directed towards de- Downs at 4.30 this morning, was run into by it delicate state of health at the time, was creasing our national consumption , and those a steamer presumed to be British. The Karmo matter , both from tho standpoint of the assistance so generous that with the end of will put new life into me." Send a tin o>! CORK -37 PATRICK STREET. 2 REI.FAST—74 HIGH STREET. practically blown to pieces. • The i-rurcd likely to be affected should survey and con- was cut below the water 's edge, anU was grower and of the furtherance of ,-\ new in- the war the ' reap pearance of the paper may An d rews ' Liver Salt to your friend at Us sider the other markets of the world. . beached at Kincsdown to save her from sink- dustry: It seems a pity that thousands of he, looked for. front, or on the sea. people are progressing favourably. >M> ON STOJ-K EXCHANGE,. " A A TEN TO ONE FIGHT. TURKISH HOPES FAILING. ATTITUDE TO SERBIA THE ENTENTE . - ' . ¦ ¦ • :¦ ' ¦ ; ; ¦¦: . : ¦ ¦: ^^^ " b .s : .! !... - . - .'. ¦ } ] ' \ .- - j - i ] > : i : c-. .- ¦¦ ; - - ¦ : ¦] ¦ ¦¦ . . .¦- -.- . . . > l:.. : ¦ . : ¦/ ¦: nr^a. "f ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ i :. ¦ - f - - . ¦ ' ¦- " -. . ¦ - ¦ *- ¦ :! : • • ¦ :¦ . ¦ ¦ . • . : : • ^.rr? " 'V : ;» ¦ - - - : . •¦ - : ¦ •)' , - ' - :¦; . ''" \ in \T ' -i n - ¦: -' • . ¦ - \ - : - • . S . ' i 5= . : \\ ¦ ¦ . . ., ; . ^. .- I , , , - , . ' ¦¦ - .. - : ¦ ¦ . .. ;- . . . i . •: - . ¦ . - " :. ~ : ' \::: \' ; 1 p. ¦- - ¦ - ¦ V " y - ¦¦ • ¦ ¦ - - ¦ ¦ 5 ¦ - . ¦ •• ¦ ¦ .- ¦ ' • . . ¦ : : . - . ,¦ .- . . - -• .- • • i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . -: luimen ^'X^ r^' ^-' -ve ;,.! '" " .. ¦ ! • - ¦.¦ ¦ ¦ ~ t ..- ¦ . ¦- • ¦ t f ' ; i : -- ' ¦ " " - • ' • '¦ . ' 1; ¦ ¦:¦ I :¦ : '. ¦ j 1 ; r . j ^_ _ ¦• ¦ ¦ - ¦ -. ' ' ' " ' ¦ •.¦ ¦.- . ;•: . 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