She-riff Telephone (2053 699-221 sac-s ossms {6.10. Box 419 30 March 1978 SYNOPSIS The synopsis that follows will summerize the investigation of several Clark- County Homicide investigations, ?evelopment of the suspect in these cases an& the subsequent investigation to follow_ on this suspect, The cases summarized will be arrange& in Chronological or?ex, by date of occurance. Active investigation of several-of theSe cases is currently suspeodea ans may remain inactive due to lack of sd?itionel lea?s or evidence. Primary investigation is continuing on several.other cases where evi?ence is substantial ens leads are penaiog. The inactive cases will be incluoed in this synoysis only to help provide an overview of the pattesn-involved in sevesai of the mosth Clark County Homici?es. Regar?ing CCSO 72~84856 sated the iOEh of Januazy 1972, a missin persons report on Jamie Rf DOB 1337/11/651 and aoosess of 58th St. in Vancouver washington: GRISSIM was a white female aged 16 years, 5?4 inches and 1251bs, She was East seen on December 7th 3.971o She has told her mother that she would walk home from school! that oats! and it was verified that she had in fact gooe to school on that dsy.Grissim was ?escribed-ss being very close to her sisters ans not being a runaway potential. At the time of her disapgoersnce she also has main? tained a savings account9 that was not touched} by Grissim_ prior to her ?isu sappearanoe. On May 1 1972'several items belonging to Grissim_ including her . iaentification ooze locate? along side the roadway1 in the Dole Valley area of Northern Claxk County9 withinfa mile of where two female homicide victims were locate& in a shallow grove on Ocsobez 12th of 1974, There have been no signs of the victim over the past several years, A team of search ?oqs failed to turn up any Sign of Gxissim in the area where her identification.wes found_ or where the bones of the other victims were located. Regazding CCSO 72m86848 sated Harsh 29th ?972! a homicide? the victim being DERBYI Barbara Ann DOB 1/21/54, with a last address of 1609 St,, in Vancouver Washington: DEERE was a-white female, aged 18 years 591 inches and 115 lbs= ans described as well oeveloped. Derry?s body was found at the bottom of the silo at the Grist Mill? in Northern Clark County. The Grist Mill is a Clark County Park site. Barry was last seen hitchiking along State ,iway 14 East from Vancouver on February 11th i233, aporoximstsiy two months after Grissim was reporteo missingu Her body WAS found to be coverea with boards aha aebris and found to be and missing a bra, The cause of death was determined EUIGENE A. SUTTON TEIephone (208) 599-221 Sheriff o'ssgee smxeonw _TCEARKcouefv -3ucooeTHooss? veNcouVER,WAsezneTowsaemJ 30 Hersh 1978 to have been cause? by one stab wound in the heart? by a narrow ble?eo instrument. Her i?entifioetion was established thtough_?entel comparisons. The victim had many male friends and was known-to hitohike freQuently. Extensive interviews have been conducted with all of Derry?s known associates and no positive information pertaining to a suspect Was developed. Regarciing ccso tie-9795 ?eted July 11th 197% 3. reported homioi e} the victim being one BLAKES Krista Key DOB 2/6/54 and last aooress of NE 119th St. Vancouver WsShington: BLEKE was White female age& 19 years, As in the Derry case she was a known hitchiker, She-wee last seen on July 11th of 19743 getting into a blue van in the area of 29th eni Sta} in Vancouver, A.Witness indicates that the ?river of this van.eae a white male. Two other witnesses later telete ogeheving Observed the victim) suspect and the blue van together in the area of Lewisville Park sometime before the date of Bleker ?isappearance. Blekes body was found in a shallow graVe on Clark Couoty Perks property7 at "Tukes Mountain?s on July 11th of 19?6. The victim was feun? to be partially olothe? and missing a bra. Witnesses further relate of having seen a blue vanS et the Tukes Mountain site on or about the ?ete that Blake was last seen, Blake was found to have her hen?s ties behind her; ass her feet tie&_in hogtie fashion, This tie was made with a beling type of twine. The suspect in this case is developeo during the investigation of subsequent cases. 1 . Regeroing CCSO 74~7085 ?eted July 17th 1974 a teporte? kidnap/osseult, the victim being one Norma Jean D03 9 with a last ed?ress of PO Box 385? Ri?gefield washington: is a white female. age& 15 years at the time of the crime. Again. the victim was a regular hitchikero was pickeo up by a suspect in a blue van in the axes of State Hiway 502 East of Ridgefield Washington; just one week after the disappearanoe of Krista BLAKE. Once inside the vehicle, the victim was held at knife point aho driven to the Tukes Mountain area? a distance of 13 miles from point of eb?ootiond During the time that the suspect ess with the victim, the suspect mentioned that he woul? like to take her to Texas eno also that he was to get some money in return for deiivering her to several other melee. Once at the Tokes Mountain area; the Van was parked outsi?e' the gate of the Clark County Parks Department? The victim was taken into the woods and tied in a hogtie fashion to a treey just feet from the location of the grave of Krista The victim?s bra was cut off her an& used for a gagu The rope used for the tieing was again the beling type of twineo The I suspect physicel? beat the victim while she was still in the van, The suspect left her tied? at this location_ saying that he would return later. She was successful in chewing through her bonds en? escaped, Hiding in a nearby fiel? EUGEWEA.COTTON Sheriff Tekohonef2081599221 ages?Fae an ,?fo?ARKcoumovi :j??ooueTHo?sz 3 van-ammo, wnsm?'oqu 98660 30 March 1978 until ?aybreak_ she was foun? by a Clark County Parks employee. The suspect apparentiy returned during the night and pickea up materials that ha& been used to bioa her. He also took the bra that had been out from hero Two other witnesses confirm the presence of the van an& the Suapectj at the Tukes Mountain site} during the commission of the crime. Sometime after the deveiopment of a poeitive suspect in a subsequent casej positively identifieo the same suspect as being responsible for her kidnap an& assault? Regag?ing CCSO a zepozted double date? October 12th l9741 one victim being as yet'unioentifieo; aha the secon? being identified as one_ VQLENQUELAS Carol DOB of 12/30/55: Both of these female victims were found in shallow graves in the Dole Valley area of Northern Clark County1 an area that the Suspeot is known to have frequented. Both bodies were founa about 100 feet from each other.'The unidenw tifiea victim is estimate& to haVe died eome two to six weeks prior to VALENZUELRES disappearancej which was August Zoo 1974 or approximately two to.three weeks after Ki?oap/Assault and the Blake homicide. Both of these victims had bee? ze?uced to skeletonso The grave sites were.fouod to be'adjeoent to large logso The uni?en?ified victim was determined by experte to have been a white female 17?23 years inches and approximately lESlbs; with long oark brown haira These remains are beiieveo to have been disposed?of approximately ohe month prior to those of Carol valenzuela, Valenzuela was a white female 18'years of age with a last a?oress in the Cameo Washington area? Valenzuela was believe& to have been hitchiking_from the Comes area on the date of hex-?ieappearanceo Valenzuela was oetezmih?a to have died very so?denlyS poeeihly from suffocation, Again Ehe investigation incluoea extensive interviews with all known associates: ano again no positive suspects were oeveloped. The eusPect can later be shown to have had the opportunity to commit this crimea Regarding CCSO ?@?1000 a Kidnap/Rseault dated October 1 i974 the victim being one Daria DOB 53With a last addxess of Cameo Washihgton: 'e a white female age? 2O.yearsf at the time of the crime. The victim was standing on a street corner in downtown Poztlan? when the suSpect stopped his blue Fora van and engage& her in converoationn The suspect stated that he was working on a thesis for class work at Seattle Universitya He offereo the victim money to pose for photos? She agreed to accompany him into the Washington Park area of Portland? Once in the park the suspect threatened the victim with a knife and bouno her with tape, The Suspect then transported her to Laoamas Lake Park5 a distance of about 25 miles? Lacamas Lake Park is again a Clark County?Parkj in a heavily wooded? ah? Spareely populated area of Clark County, . EU GENE A COW Teiephone {205} 699-221 ??er?f 9.0.sox41p.y 30 Harch 1978 Upon arrival at the'park the suspect drove approximately 1/4 of a mile into the parks after gaining access to a locks? gate with a key. During the time that the victim was with the suspect he related to her that ho ha? ?ons this bsfora? in?icating the ab?cction and assault of females? The victim was untied sod force& to commit sodomy on the suspect? Too suspooc than raped the victim and Shot' her in the area of the breasts with hand hone? ?arts from a.4l?7 cale pellet pistolp The gun. the tape an& a dildo useo on the victim? were all taken from a foot locker chat the susgect maintainea in his van. Late: photographs of this locker show the presence of a baling twins similar to that used on BLAKE an? The victim was then led-fxom the van with a rope around her neck. The suspect took her approximately 100 feet down a sat he: on a.log3 choked her into unconsciousness an? than stabbe?'hor five times in the chest arose Her nakoa bo?y was laid along Bios of a log and covered with brush sn? dbris and than apparently left for deao. All clothing was taken from the scene by the susyect. The victim however? was not mortally Wounde& and'aftar approximately two hours was able to make her way to apublic road where she obtaineo assistance. The victim rsaoily iaontified the suspect in a lineup. Articles belonging to the 'viCEim were foono in the suspects homoc The suspect had taken leave from work to keep a ooctoss in Portlano; on the oats of this crims. Ragaroing the suspect in the above cases, one Wooten Leslie a WYM DOB 6/29/49 5?9inches with light brown collar length hair5 blue eyes an& a bushy mus?acho. His last local of 209 18th Ave; Battlegrouno Washington: - The suspect was born in Vancouver waShington an& outing 1974 maintained the above residence, The suspect is lives for sometime in Texas. Suspect is married and has two chiloreo. He was Employoo with the Clark Gounty Parks and Recreation Department from January 1 1972 through October ans 1974? o?psa a 1973 bluawFord van bearing washington licsnse GR 6204, The suspect served time in the US Ax?vras a Spec. 5 misslo crow service g?hnotnao? sszved time in Vietnam. His previous employer was the Rational Can CompanyF Vancouver -Wash?hgton. He has attended-primarily Schools4 but attended the North American School of Conservation in Ncwport Beach California in 1970, The suspects only criminal rocom is the arros?ron ths?cassu The suspect pleas not guilty to these charges: by reason of insanity and was sentencso to at States-Mental Hospital at Steillacum Washington hasoa on the examination by thfes local physiciatrists. - EUGENE A COTTON Telephone {205} Sheriff osmos P.o.sox4to . acousTHoUssjf?l vg?oou?ssywAsH:NoToNsa??o 30 H&rCh 1978 To summarise the circumstances and evidenceS in the above cases& as thsy to the suspect Forrest?s involvement: victim Krista BLRKE was last seen one week prior being sb?uctea. She was found in.s shallow grave just 100 feet from obese COUETRYMAH was ties to tree? viotim BLEKE was tied in the same fashion as in fact crime lab analysis of the rope uss? to bind both BLBKE sn? indicates that the rope is the same type an? in fact might even be from the same Spool. PhotOgraphs taken oozing the case-show the presence of this type of rape in the footL?ooksr to Forrestn The victim3 BERKE: was last seem getting into a blue van with a.msls ?rivero Two witnesses in?icate thsi they observe& BLAKE talking with suspect Forrest} next to blue van in the area of stisville Park a short time before the ?ay of her Forrest is known to have worked at Lewisvills Park during his employment with the Parks and Recreation Dopartment. Friends of BLAKES describe her as a fighter and other witnesses state that Forrest rstuznsd to work9 after the date of the BLAKE homicide9 with scratches ans marss on his face; The crime lab states that hair'samples from BLAKE an? hair samgles taken from Forrest?s Van havs.soms similar characteristiosa Both of these victims were taken to the Same Co?mty Park that the suspect ForreS%sosksd ats at the time Of the crimes, Forxes?is the oniy Parks employee that owned a blue van1 at the time of these crimes; and Forrest had a key that opened all of the locks uses ih the Clark County Parks. witnesses in the case Observed a blue van at the Takes Mountain-ares during the commission'of the Czimsv in fact was picke? up by a lone male in a blue Fora vans and later posit?vsly i?sntifioo Forrest as being subject who abducte& and her; Entry into this County Takes Mountain? was do without force3 accos?ing to other Parks employeesa Just ten soaks later is abauotsd and assaults? by a suspect in a blue For? vana taken to a Clark County ParkJ where access is gained with a key, She is left for dea? much in the same manner that is found. Other in the actual assault are similar to those is the This susgeot is positively idsntifie? as FORREST3 an& in fact not guilty to the trims9 by reason of iHSanity, On all of the above crimes ForreSt was either off or took the ?ay off early? from sorkc Regarding current case status: Suspect Forresfis likely to gain a conditional release from Eastern States Mental Hospital within a short psrioo of timsa Detective Davidson has continusa the investigatiOn of the above homicide cases during the time period that Telephome {205} 699-221 EUGENE A. COTTON Sheriff 7e 'P.o.eoxnxo VancouVEs,WASHamGToNeseso 30 March 1978: 4 Forrest has remained in Western States Hospital. He has made efforts to gain the identity of the unidentified female victim in the Dole Valley area: with negative results. He has also made continued attempts to gain further witnesses and physical evidences with negative results. It will be the intentions of an investigating team5 at this time? to recontact vitai witnesses3 compile all evidence and gain the final crime lab reports: and to organize the investigation con?ucted to date into a usable form5 for the Prosecuting Attorney. Pximary investigation will be on the BLAKE homicide with the and cases used as support the evidence ans MED in the BLAKE case. ?11 possible leads in the other cases will be exylored and an active or suspended disposition reached on those cases, The final goal of this investigation will be to provide the Prosecuting Attorney with enough evidence to proceed with the filing of charges against the suspect FORRESTS Warren A Major Case file nunbered #318 will be utilised to centralize all subsequent reports and investigation. Following this synopsis will be a master index to-the BLAKE, and cases3 including a witness list and individual case index.