From Alan w. ouncri -- Suoiect RE Conllict ol Interest Date .Iuly t3, znlsaiu la PM To avoionnson mailcom Ayn Please see tne email lust sent AI tne end oltne day, I am a simple lawyer wrio gives advice, takes instructions and acts to tne best ol my ablle lullill muse instructions successlully I know nolning oltne "allegafions" to Moon you reler and you can rest assured tnat snould sucn matters ever oecome tne suoiect ol instructions lroni any clienttnen I will give proper, inlormed and objective advice, just as I try to do at all times Beyond tnat, I nave nolning more to say at ttiis time KR AWD Message-- From Ayn .Iotmson [mailto ayoionnson@gmail com] sent Monday, July 13, 2015 4 05 PM To Alan Duncn Subject Re Contlict ol Interest Alan Thank you Mucn appreciated clear decision was based on your advice However, you welen't exactly in a position to tell ttiem could ouolisn were you? it interesting tnat your lirm nas also, on a numoer oloccasions, joined min ottiers in successlully delending tne rignt olttie media to puolisn allegations against elected ollicials ol a loner Government Very similar issues were involved leaked documents tot a concluded police lnves1lgallon), delaniatory material, etc Vet, tne "advi apparently given was to lignt to puolisn tne allegations Some memoeis ol Ine puolic would see ttiis as a partisan bias Any wisti to comment on tnisv And do you not, in your duiet moments lrotwitnstanding Ine lucrative ousiness you enjuy lroni tne Governmentl most dominant media maicnes in loclstep min certain elected ollicials wtien ttiey lind Inemselves in crisis out are nappy to take tne risk ol oeing sued lor delamation wtien olner elected ollicials are I am not clear on tne meaning ol your last sentence I treat all my subjects witn respect That said, I am nearing ol allegationsttiat I am sonienow involved witti tne PLF in some sort ol piooagandaconsp acy Governmem I would certainly nope tnat your cllem(s| is/are not involved in spreading sucn "wholly lalse and untme allegations made even more damaging by ttie tact tnatl nave worked very nard to estaolisti my reputation as an independent ioumalist Itrust you would advise your cliemls) accordingly I look lorwaid to your reply AJ On Jul l3 zuls at 46PM AlanW Bunch-- In tne ordinary course I muld decline to comment Huwevel to so do I suspect would lust add more luel to tne lire tnat some seem to to keep ourning It is a matter ot puolic record tnat my tirm nas provided advice to and acted tor tne Royal Gazette tor many years now lne Government is well aware ottnat as indeed are you It is also a matter ol puolic record tnat my lirm nas provided legal services to tne current Government on a numoer ol dilterent matters including tne litigation currently extant lne Royal Gazette is well aware ottnat and again so are you I do not know tnat I played any "rule" in wnatever decisions may nave oeen made oy tne Royal Gazette Huwevel tne advice tnatl passed on to you in my July email is advice tnat I nave given to tne Royal Gazette on any numoer ol occasions and tne decision to proceed in tne way tnat it did may well nave oeen cased on tnat advice lo say anytning more tnan tnis muld oe to violate tne attorneyclient privilege as I am sure you appreciate I sincerely nope tnat you treat respect tne response tnat nave cnosen to give you and tnat tnis respect oe illustrated in wnatever use it any you cnoose to make ol my response in tne piece tnat you are writing KR AWD riginal Message Flam Jarvisan [mailto ayulohnson@gmall com] Sent Monday July I: 20l5 I so RM lo AlanW Duncn To: Alan W. Dunch Subject: Conflict of Interest Mr Dunch: I am working on a piece on the most interesting events of last week. And I wondered whether you would be open to a discussion on your role in The Royal Gazetteā€™s decision not to pursue the story on the allegations against your client and other Government MPs. I understand that you would not want to violate attorney-client privilege, so my only questions to you are: Did you declare that you were also representing the Home Affairs Minister when the paper sought your counsel with respect to the MacLean allegations? Did you consider that you were conflicted in the matter (given not only the fact that you represent the Minister but your other business and professional relationships with the current Government)? If not, why not? if so, how did you manage that conflict? Many thanks in advance for the prompt response to which I have become pleasantly accustomed. I hope to publish by 10 a.m. tomorrow. Regards Ayo Johnson