Best Cinnamon R011 Tea Butter Tarts Filling: 1a cup [125 mL} packed brown sugar If: cup [125 mL} corn syrup 1 egg 2 ta hlespdens (3D rnLi butter. at temperature 1 teaspenn [5 mL] cinnamnn rell tea cencentrate Pinch df salt is cup mL} currants. raisins. pecans. er shredded cecenut To make the tea cnncentrate. put the tea leaves in asmall bciwl and pour the beiling water civer them. Let steep far 5- minutes, and then strain, reserving the liquid. Place the tea in the refrig- erate-r s-n it will be ice-cnld. To make the pastry. put the ?our and saltin alarge and whisk tn bine. ICut the butter intn the ?nurmiic- ture with a pastry blender er lcnives until the dciugh resembles cearse crumbs. Put the eggycilk and 1rinegarina l-cup mL} measuring cup and whisk tn- ccimb-ine. and then add en cI-ugh pf Hie ice-cold cinnamcI-n tea trate th-malce 'fs cup Sprinkle the egg-yell: mixture the ?our mixture, stirring briskly with a until the pastry holds tug-ether. Press the pastry intci aball.wrap it in plastic wrap, and refrigerate until chilled, abnut 1 heur. Preheat the oven to 450?]: grease a ll?cup muf?n pan. Tn- make the filling. put the sugar, syrup, egg, butter, cinna- m-nn tea c-nncentrate, and salt in a large and whisk until well blended. Set aside. Tn- make the tarts, when the pastry has chilled. place it on a ?cI-ured surface and rpllit nut to Us inch [3 mm} thick. Using a 4-inch {1'0 cm} rnuncl cutter. cut nut 11 circles and ?t them intc: the prepared muffin cups. Divide the pecans {pr whatever ynu have chnsen to add} amnng the pastry shells. and then spawn in the ?lling tc: three-quarters full. Place in the even and bake fer 12min- utes, nr until the ?lling is puffed ancl bubblyand the pastryisgcilden brawn. Remcive the even and run aspat- ula arnund the tarts tn lnpsen them, and then carefully transfer them he wire raclcs th- ch-nl.