North Eastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council (NEMLEC) Policy Number: 1115? Effective Date: 6/07/05 Subject: Use of Force Pages: 8 pages and 1 form Accreditation Standards: 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, 1.3.12, 1.3.13 General Considerations NEMLEC recognizes that the rapid response and presence of a highly trained operational unit can resolve dangerous situations with a minimal use of force. Sound tactics, planning and teamwork frequently result in the resolution of serious situations with a minimum of danger to the public, police of?cers and offenders. Reasoned restraint when appropriate, coupled with the capability of a sound and immediate response when necessary is the hallmark of and reason for the existence of the NEMLEC operational teams. It is emphasized that the most successful operation is one that results in the resolution of a problem without injury to anyone. Whenever practical, of?cers should employ other means of defense and control before resorting to the use of force. However, no of?cer is required or expected to sacri?ce his own safety when faced with a threat of serious injury or death. NEMLEC places the highest value on the life and safety of its of?cers and the public. The procedures, rules and guidelines outlined in this policy have been designed to ensure that this value guides the NEMLEC of?cers? use of force. Glossary of Terms De?nition Diversionary Device Is any NEMLEC approved device that produces sound, light and/or smoke and is designed to distract, disorith or cause temporary confusion of a subject. It is intended to provide a tactical advantage, thereby reducing the chance of injury to all. Chemical Agent Is an agent that works by in?ammation or irritation. It is designed to incapacitate with no lasting after effects. Minimum Amount of Force Is the least amount of force that is proper, reasonable and necessary to achieve a lawful objective Non?Deadly Force Is force that is not likely to cause serious physical injury Lethal Force Is that degree of force likely to result in death or serious physical injury. The discharge of a ?rearm toward a person is an example of the use of lethal force. Less Lethal Extended Range Impact Device Flexible or non-?exible projectiles which are intended to incapacitate a subject with minimal potential for causing death or serious bodily injury. Less Lethal Force Philosophy Is a concept of planning and force application, which meets operational objectives, with less potential for causing death or serious physical inij Serious Physical Injury Is a bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death, causes serious permanent dis?gurement, or results in long-term loss or impairment of any body member or organ. I. PROCEDURES This policy shall apply to any of?cer who belongs to a NEMLEC operational unit RRT, SWAT, STARS, Motor Unit) and is responding to or participating in a NEMLEC Call Out. NEMLEC of?cers shall use only that amount of force that is reasonable and necessary to accomplish their lawful objective. Excessive force is prohibited. When the use of force is unavoidable, of?cers will act reasonably under the circumstances. Officers will use only the weapons that they have been trained, authorized and quali?ed to use; provided, however, that tools of immediate means any resource at an of?cer?s disposal) may be used where an officer is in imminent danger of death or serious physical injury. Warning shots are strictly prohibited. II. USE OF FORCE CONTINUUM The following Use of Force Continuum contains a summary of the degree of force that may be exercised by NEMLEC of?cers based on the of?cer?s perceptions. Reasonableness of a particular use of force will be judged from the perspective of a reasonable of?cer on the scene in light of the facts and circumstances confronting them without regard to their underlying intent or motivation. The amount and degree of force that may be exercised will be determined by the surrounding circumstances including, but not limited to: the nature of the offense; I the amount of resistance, both physical and verbal, displayed by the subject against whom force is used, including past known behavior; I possession of weapons by the subject; action by third parties who may be present; 0 physical odds against the of?cer and size, age, physical condition of subject vs. of?cer; 0 the feasibility of alternative options. When a determination is made that the use of force is necessary and apprOpriate, of?cers should be guided by the law and, to the extent possible, comply with the following use of force continuum. Responses do not have to be exercised in progression. Rather, of?cers should use the minimum level of force in any continuum level that is reasonable and proper. Reasonable Of?cer?s Perceptions Reasonable Of?cer?s Tactics If the subject And appropriate response Cooperative/Compliant verbal commands of?cer presence Passive Resistant (not cooperative or verbal commands assaultive) contact control compliance techniques Active Resistant (not cooperative or verbal commands assaultive but physically resisting attempts contact control compliance techniques to control) baton (for control techniques only) tools of immediate means ECD in drive-stun mode chemical agents Assaultive but using less lethal force verbal commands contact control compliance techniques baton for control techniques chemical agents tools of immediate means EC in drive-stun mode and/or probe dep lovment striking techniques less-lethal extended range impact devices Presenting a threat of serious bodily harm verbal commands or death to the of?cer or another contact control compliance techniques baton for control techniques chemical agents tools of immediate means ECD in drive?stun mode and/or probe deplovment striking techniques less-lethal extended range impact devices lethal force CROWD DISPERSAL TACTICS 1. NEMLEC of?cers shall use the minimum amount of force necessary to disperse a crowd. 2. Of?cers shall advise the crowd prior to initiating any dispersal action. 4. These measures are intended to prevent the indiscriminate use of force and to ensure the safety of both of?cers and crowd members. IV. AUTHORIZED WEAPONS FOR NEMLEC OFFICERS Certain members of the NEMLEC operational units are issued, trained and authorized to use the following specialized weapons including: 1. DIVERSIONARY DEVICES A. Guidelines for Use NOTE: Diversionary devices should be used in the following situations after a verbal command and warning is issued, if practicalaffect safe entry when executing a search warrant or warrantless entry upon an evaluation of the risk involved; In conjunction with a hostage rescue assault or a forcible entry to take a barricaded suspect into custody; As an outside diversion to draw suspects away from the NEMLEC team?s point of entry; To distract an individual threatening suicide to allow of?cers to take him into custody without harm to himself or the of?cers; 5. During a felony vehicle stop to distract the occupants of the target vehicle; 6. 7. When armed resistance is encountered and diversionary devices are necessary To provide distraction during the recovery of an injured person; to provide distraction as of?cers proceed with dynamic clearing; When armed resistance is encountered and diversionary devices are necessary to provide distraction as of?cers move from one point of cover to another; During training exercises and demonstrations. B. Authorization Needed Diversionary Devices issued to individual NEMLEC of?cers may be used with the approval of the NEMLEC Control Chief or his designee. 2. CHEMICAL AGENTS A. Guidelines for Use NOTE: Chemical agents should be used in the following situations after a verbal command and warning is issued, if practical, and the suspect has been given the opportunity to surrender prior to its use. (h . As a means of taking custody of an individual or individuals . To diSperse an individual or group; . As a screening agent; . To facilitate a tactical operation; . For any other application deemed appropriate by the NEMLEC Control Chief or his designee; . The sequence of introducing chemical agents should be progressive if circumstances allow; . A gas mask should be worn or readily available while launching chemical agents; . The Chemical Dispersion Of?cer shall con?rm the request for chemical Agents, including the quantity, type and location desired; . Chemical agents should be deployed with the goal of forcing the suspect to exit to a pre-designated area. B. Authorization Needed Chemical agents may be used when approved by the NEMLEC Control Chief or his designee and should be used only at the direction of the Control Chief or his designee. 3. LESS-LETHAL EXTENDED RANGE IMPACT DEVICES A. Guidelines for Use NOTE: Less-lethal extended range impact devices should be used in the following situations after a verbal command and warning is issued, if practical. 1. 2. To assist in effecting a safe enny when executing a search or arrest warrant or warrantless entry, upon the evaluation of the risk involved For the rescue of an injured person where rioters may have them surrounded and are acting aggressively. Devices would be used by the rescue team to gain access to the victim?s location and maintain a perimeter while a?'ecting the rescue. During a riot situation, with or without chemical agents, when the action of the rioters present a threat of serious bodily harm or death to the of?cers. To distract or incapacitate a suspect with a knife or impact weapon, when done in a manner that does not unduly endanger the lives of of?cers. To identify and mark agitators for arrest. When in rock or bottle throwing range of a hostile crowd, the devices should be deployed from behind or through the shield line. Of?cers deploying devices should always be covered by an of?cer with lethal 5 force capability. 8. All shotguns designated for use with less lethal extended range impact devices will be color-coded. 9. Of?cers assigned as part of a less lethal devices team will be devoid of any regular shotgun rounds and will insure that standard shotgun rounds are not mistakenly used. 10. Aiming these munitions will be consistent with NEMLEC training. B. Authorization Needed Less lethal extended range impact devices may be used when approved by the NEMLEC Control Chief or his designee. 4. FIREARMS V. A. Guidelines for Use NOTE: Firearms may be used in the following situations after a verbal command and warning is issued, if practical, and the suspect has been given the opportunity to surrender prior to its use. 1. The use of ?rearms constitutes lethal force and should not be used except to protect oneself or another person from imminent death or serious bodily injury. 2. NEMLEC of?cers have diverse ?rearms assigned to them, including but not limited to, handguns, shotguns, ri?es and automatic weapons. B. Authorization Needed The NEMLEC Control Chief or his designee shall determine what ?rearms shall be deployed and by whom in any situation. This determination shall be made after consideration of all known facts surrounding a particular situation and the capabilities and limitations of each weapon. This section sets forth guidelines for NEMLEC of?cers when making decisions regarding the use of lethal force. These procedures have been developed with serious consideration for the safety of both the of?cers and the public and with the knowledge that of?cers must sometimes make split-second decisions in life and death situations?rearm constitutes lethal force. Of?cers shall not use lethal force except to protect themselves or another person from imminent death or serious bodily injury. Of?cers may discharge their ?rearms only when doing so will not unreasonably endanger innocent persons. An of?cer shall not use lethal force to apprehend a ?eeing felon unless the of?cer has probably cause to believe that: the felony involved the use or threatened use of lethal force, there is substantial risk that the escape of the individual would result in imminent death or serious bodily injury to the of?cer or another if the apprehension is delayed. 5. Of?cers shall discharge their ?rearms: To subdue persons whose actions are destructive of property or harmful only to themselves, unless such actions constitute an imminent threat of death of serious bodily to the of?cers or others. At a moving vehicle unless there is imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to the of?cer or others and there is no means to escape. To minimize the threat a moving vehicle can present, of?cers are to use sound tactics when approaching a vehicle and should whenever possible, position themselves in such manner that the vehicle can not be used against them as a weapon. From a moving vehicle unless circumstances warranting lethal force exist and no other reasonable means are available. 6. Of?cers may draw their ?rearm in a ready position when there is reasonable belief that a potential threat of death or serious bodily injury exists. When in a ready position, the trigger ?nger is placed outside and above the trigger on the receiver of the weapon, the weapon is pointed in a safe direction and the of?cer assumes a position that protects the ?rearm from being forcefully taken from him/her. 7. When an of?cer has used force that results in a death or serious injury, he/she shall immediately be referred to appropriate stress counseling or post?incident debrie?ng by his/her own department. VI. MEDICAL ATTENTION A NEMLEC of?cer who injures any person when using any type of force shall alert the on-scene Medic Team and shall arrange for medical treatment and if necessary, transportation to a hospital of the injured person as soon as practical under the circumstances. The of?cer shall notify the Of?cer in Charge and/or the NEMLEC Control Chief or his designee if the injury is more than minor in nature. VII. AFTER ACTION REPORT At the conclusion of any tactical activation in which action is taken, the Unit Commander or his designee shall complete an ?After Action Report?. This report shall be completed within ten (10) days of the activation and shall specify whether any individual was injured during the activation. The Unit Commander shall distribute the report to the Receiving Chief of Police, with a copy to the Control Chief, or his designee. A copy shall also be ?led and maintained by the Unit Commander. This report, in addition to any Use 7 of Force Review Report (see below), shall be submitted to the Standards Committee. USE OF FORCE REVIEW REPORT It is essential that in all instances to document use of force and to review the use of force. A Use of Force Review Report (attached to this policy) shall be submitted as soon as practical to the Unit Commander and the Control Chief by the involved officer whenever: a ?rearm is discharged except for ?rearms training; a striking technique is used in which an injury is sustained; a chemical agent is used; the use of force caused or is known to have caused injury or death; any other weapon is used in which an injury is sustained; deemed appropriate by the NEMLEC Control Chief or his designee This policy does not require reporting the pointing of weapons or using weaponless, hand-to- hand control techniques that have little or no chance of producing injuries when gaining control over, or subduing non-compliant or resisting persons. These techniques include physical touching, gripping or holding, frisking, pain compliance measures, pressure point application, come-alongs, handcuf?ng, or other custodial procedures. Notwithstanding the above provisions, the Executive Board of NEMLEC and/or the Standards Committee may direct an of?cer to submit a Use of Force Review Report if, in its sole discretion, it deems it appropriate or necessary. In the event that more than two (2) of?cers have taken actions during a single incident, or call out, that would mandate the ?ling of a Use of Force Review Report, the Unit Commander shall submit one Use of Force Review Report describing all of the uses of force during that incident or call out, and shall obtain the signatures of all of?cers involved, in addition to his/her own signature, on that Use of Force Review Report. Every NEMLEC of?cer acknowledges that he/she must also adhere to the Use of Force reporting requirements of his/her own department. IX. USE OF FORCE REVIEW BOARD All Use of Force Review Reports, together with the After Action Report from pertinent activation, shall be forwarded by the Control Chief to the NEMLEC Standards Committee each time a Use of Force Review Report is ?led. The Standards Committee shall conduct an administrative review of such reports not less than once annually. It shall assess, analyze and recommend whether further action is necessary based on a review of these reports. X. DISSEMINATION AND RECEIPT OF USE OF FORCE POLICY The Control Chief of each operational unit or his designee shall be responsible for issuing a copy of and training in the NEMLEC Use of Force policy to each NEMLEC of?cer participating in such Unit. Each of?cer shall sign a receipt of acknowledgement that shall be maintained in the records of NEMLEC. NORTH EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COUNCIL (NEMLEC) USE OF FORCE REVIEW REPORT Officer Submitting Report: Date: Name of Police Department: Rank: A. GENERAL INFORMATION Date ofIncident: Time of Incident: Location or Address of Incident: Indoors: l:l Outdoors: l:l Describe Weather and Light Conditions: B. FORCE APPLICATIONS USED (check all applicable) l:l Physical Strength/Hand Controls lj Spray/Pepper Mace l:l Firearm Discharged Number of shots ?red: l:l Defensive Baton Other (describe) Reason: Firearm Used (if applicable): l:l Necessary to Effect Arrest l:l Department Issued Firearm l:l Necessary to Defend Self l:l NEMLEC Authorized Firearm Necessary to Defend Another l:l Privately Owned Firearm l:l Other (explain below) NEMLEC USE OF FORCE REVIEW REPORT - page 2 of 3 C. INJURED S) Was the suspect injuredwitness injured? El YES El NO Was of?cer injured? Cl YES Cl NO Were photos/physical evidence obtained? El YES NO Name: Describe Injury: Address: Treated by Ambulance? YES NO Transported? YES NO Medical Facility: Name: Injury: Address: Treated by Ambulance? YES NO Transported? YES NO Medical Facility: D. WITNESSES El YES El N0 List name(s) and addresses if known: F. PROPERTY DAMAGE [3 YES '3 N0 Name and Address of Owner Damage: NEMLEC USE OF FORCE REVIEW REPORT page 3 of 3 G. NARRATIVE Describe in detail the reasons and circumstances that required use of force and/or discharge of a ?rearm. Use additional paper if necessary. Reference and attached any After Action Reports that are related to this incident. Of?cer?s Signature: Date: 12