HT S.r.l. Sede legale e operativa: Via della Moscova,13 – 20121 Milano – Tel: + e-mail: – web: – Fax: +39.02.63118946 P.IVA: 03924730967 – Capitale Sociale: € 223.572,00 i.v. N° Reg. Imprese / CF 03924730967 – N° R.E.A. 1712545 Centro National de Inteligencia Arda Padre Huidobro, s/n 28023 Madrid - Spagna Milano, 31st December 2010 Invoice n. 140/2010 Ref. offer acceptance of December 30th, 2010 Nr. 1 Remote Mobile Infection Module Euro 17.500,00 ------------------------Total Euro 17.500,00 VAT does not apply due to Italian Decree ex art. 7, co. 4, lett. E - DPR 633/1972 Payment Terms: 30 days from invoice date By wire bank transfer to: HT S.r.l. - MPS - Monte dei Paschi di Siena IBAN: IT 69 L 01030 33760 000000002541 BIC Swift Code- PASCITMMXXX