DFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR June 3t]+ 21115 Te the Members cf the Calil'ernia State Senate: SE has eccasicI-ned widespread interest and with bath prepenents and npp-enents expressing their p-esitinns with elequence and sincerity. After reviewingI the materiais and arguments that have been presented. I have decided tn sign this bill. The science is clear that vaccines dramatically pretect children against a number nf infectiaus and dangernus diseases. While his true that he medical interventien is withnut risk, the evidence shows that immunization pewerfully bene?ts and protects the eemmunity. The Legislature, a?er censiderahle debate, speci?cally amended SE EFT, tn exempt a child frent immunisalinns whenever the child's physician cenclucles that there are ?circumstances. including but limited tn. family medical histet'yp fer which the physician tic-es net itnn?tuniaatinn. Thus, SB 2H. while requiring that sche-el children be vaccinated. esplicitl prevides an esceptien when a physician believes that circumstances - in and seund disereticm el"the physician - se wanant. Sincerely, Edmund (J. Brawn .Tr.