SCKOQLS AGREEMEKT It is hereby agreed by and between The Fenlami B?afd 0f Public: Educatian {hareiha?er called the ?Board?) and Emmanuei (Emilia (hereina??r sallhd the ?Superihtehd?nm tha?i the Said Bar-21rd in with ?15 asiihh fhuzad ii} the minuies 0f the: meaiing held an tha 18:11 day {if i??iwembcn 20%? has and ?ee-s harahy the empiayment {If the: ssaid Emmahuel Caulk as Superinimden: hf Sahmls far a periad came?hing July 1, 20:5, and {311$ng 512m 33, 20:9,, subjest ta the failowing rams and Chnziitihns: E. Certi-ficatiah: The Superintendent shall a: all times as a canditim efhis employment under this canhact held a valid and appropriate certificate authoz?izing him {a as: as Snperintazidem 0f Schsels in the State 9f Maihe. 2. Duties: Boih partieg agree that said employee shall perfarm the duties 9f the Superiniendent in arid far public schcols undar jurisdiction 0f the Beard as prascribed by the 518111163 of the State hf Maine and the policieg establishhd by the Board as mhdi?ed ?mm ?rm {0 iima. The duiies 0f the Superintendam shall aise include thhse duties as described in tha Superiniendent 10b Descripiihn as prepared and madi?ed by the Bhard from time a) time, and provided the Superintendent. {Daring the {am} (if the this the Superintendent shall devote his full time? skills, labor and attention ii} the perfomance am! discharge {if his duti?s and provided, however? that the Superintendent may undertake speaking engagements, writing, iecturing or ether prefessienal (intiiasa ghiigaiihns aria activities, with :31? With?ui remuneratien, with the prim chasm: of the Beard, 59 long as such activities {it} 3101: materialiy affec: the perfermance aadx?hr discharge 0f the Superintehdem?s duties anchor respmsibilities under this Agreemmt. 3. 331313;: The Superintan?eai?s annuai base galaxy rate far the fiat year Bf {big ag?ammi ghali be $138,8?5, payahie in equal insiaiimenis accerdance with {he phlisigg ini?l? Bhar?i Shim f9:- th? sac?hd and third years {if this agmemeni ghali be aamally puf?ng}: {a ?Saiai'y bel?ws in th? :hai par diam pa}; mag! he caimiaiedi it shall he 3632.333 h} 152583? (3f the ma?a} saiary, Salary A?instmeht: 'i?ha 833:6 may? @1ij 33:11:23: salary raise {Efl?hti Sageriniandmt {inrng {he fem; {3f this whirach such galaxy $333323?:th my: ta mama the 3:32:33; gaiary raw haihw {has ?gares giataii aheie?a "ii-{21655 Smith dfemase i3 par: {3f 3. mime {?an affeciihg gaiariss {if 353 empiay?es ?fth? schahi uni: Ah}; gaiary ma?? chirng {kit {$533 of?this mama: shah be vaii? Gi?iijf wheh 3313;3de hf {ha am pragared if} {he farm {if a gmi 313$}? Shah become a part of this contract, but it shall not be considered that the Board has entered into a new contract with the Superintendent nor that the termination date of the existing contract has been expanded. 5. Evaluation A. The written Superintendent Evaluation System, as may be updated annually, shall prowde the guidelines and procedures for Superintendent evaluation by B. The Board and the Superintendent shall meet quarterly in executive session (such sessions to be scheduled by the Superintendent) to discuss Superintendent-Board Superintendent. 6. Implementation of Strategies and Systems to Improve Teaching, Learning and Student Outcomes: In addition to salary, the Board may, in its sole improve teaching, learning and student outcomes during the previous school year, based on available objective measures. Based on the Supenntendent?s report and other 7. Termination: Unless otherwise terminated, this contract shall terminate automatically on June 30, 2019. without the requirement of any action by either party, at which Resigmtion; The shall mt resigh hi3 heseu?der Wl?i??i a: lags: six manila prim? whiten ii} the Bhardl 9. Discharg ?l?hrmigheut {ha term {if this Whitman, the Suparimehdem shall be whim: If} discharge in ascmdame with the laws {if Maine, 31351 the: event {if such disshai?ge, {his comma! Shall terminals: and all Ghligatihns of the Shard ii} the haremder shall {33336; 11}. Benefits A. Vatatiaa. The Superintendent shall receive 25 days if vacatisn annually, exclusive of legal helidayse, he be taken in sash a mamer as ta ensure that the system is it) ran in an erderly and efficiem manner. Hanged vacatiun days shall mt b8 carried forward frail: year {0 year withhut the expresg prior writien appmval of the 86am. B. Fl?xible Benefits Flam The Superintendent shall be entitled t0 participate in the Flhxible Benefits Plan as provided in Exhibit A :0 this Agmememl C. Sick Leave. The Superintendent shall accumulate sick leave a: the rate 6f 18.5 days per calendar year, up to a maximum of 248 days. I). Persenal Leave. The Superinmndent shall be entitled to up three days leave far nan?recrealiehal persenal business which cannot be accomplished hillside of mmnal work hears. El Bereavement Leais'el In case 0f the death if a spouse, domestlc partner er child, the Superimmdem may take up :0 {en days leave: wiih pay either immediately fallewing {he death (it at sash other time as may he newssary a; handle egtate related ma?ersl in the 62136 if ihe death (if a parmi, grandparezia pareniwirlilawg grandchild, hr?ihcz; SiSi?l} at any relaiive residing in th? haus?hhld, Sliperimendeni may lake ii} five days 333% will} pay. In the: {338% {if a niece, 33.3311, male, mush}, Si5i?r~iniiaw <32? hmiimr?mlaw, the may {alga 1.333 lime days lama with pay, F. Ahi?mhhile exgense, The Superihiehdsm shall b?t reimhtirghd f9: warlpr?ai? in hig pergsnal auihmhhiie a: 111% chirmz IRS mite has? miia 33 may he adjusie? ff?ffi Elma if: {initial after submigsisi: {if Wi?ii?i?? milmgg mammals? 5M4 Ca. Retireme?t Cantribatimz. Tim 863M ghaii make, Ie the maximum pemii?iad by appiiszable Faderai iaw, an empigyer wm?bu??n in the am?u?t af $1 1,5313 tawar?s the pmchas? {3f 3 await}; fix? the: Supeximm?mt pursuam gamma 493(k) the Enigma; Revmm Cede 9f 1 986; as meadad? grim 111m 3% in each {31" the three wars afthis agreement All premiums far the: annuity cantraai shall be pai?zi by the 893m at: annuity pmvi?er {3f ihe Superimendam?s pm?der may be changed Emm withhaiding ff}? Mama Public Retirement System The Sagarintendent may also eke: if? defer campengatien a $93(b) pEazz t0 the maximum extem. pemi?ed by iaw. 11 Life Insarance. The Suparintendeat shail receive paid life insurance coverage thmugh the Ma?a Public Empleyee Retiremeni: System in an ameum equal is his annaal 32133131. I. meessieaal Beveiapmeat The Beard encaurages, gubject t3 the 0f budgeted funds as sex: fart}: belew, the continui?g prefesgionai gramh 0f the Superintendent ?xeugh his participatim in: i. the operations, programs, and other activities; conducted. spensomd by Iocal, state, and national schoei adminisn?amr and schoai boards assacia?ons; ii? seminars and 60121365 offered by public 01* private educatimal instimiiens; infamatimai meetings wiih ether pagans, whose skills or backgreunds Weuid game is imp-rave the capacity cf the Superintendent perfarm his prefessianal iv; visits ta aihgr instiiutiens. The 893% will, subject :9 prim Beard apgmvaig raimburg? {he Superim?ndent maua?y f0: pmf?ssienai wafermces? prefeggie?al mambershig {?13335 352d similar expeagss {8132313 prafassiagg} dweiapmmt? ?E?he Emmi wili aim reimburge the Sape?ntmde?i far the. gag: {3f mivers?ty gra?uaie margin: cradiis up if} a maximum 3f the 8mm: i?wi ehaggs? h? the U?aiwrsity {3f Mame far a? 33:: six {2:136:33 ham par 3553231: 3; Tes?aaiagigai devices? "me 34:33:21 ?zmigh a m?hiie {eiephan? with V?im 312:1 {33:3 Swim? heme fax 23:me mmga?i?r ft}? {ha gaper?ntm?mf?s 2.133 far warkureiamd whiah shall. be the Sshwi mam: {ermi?atiw 9famgi?ym?m g; IL Entire Aggeemmt: Thia agreement {smegma the: es?re agreement? Max:331; the parii?s an? supars??es 3:33; mad prim.? agz-aemam?s between {31' represmtaiiam ma?a by the pmi?s. This cantraci may be ammde? by as} agnem- exec ed {3131 parties {harem IV 133%: fjJ?L/?f Emanmi Cauik, Superintendeni 80m 013 PUBLIC EDUCATION Date: I a. [11+ Sarah Chair 5? My A FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PLAN Benefit Swim Th3 Saparimendem is eniitied 13:) receive {eta} ?enefit daiiars equal if) the premium far me: WA 8111:: Cressj?im Sh?ai? Aduk plus Chiid Choiw P133 health insmame: pian? BENEFIT OPTIGNS The Superintendent i3 eiigible t0 participate in, and may apply Bane?i Dollars taward the cast 0f, any (If the benefii aptians degeribed belew. Be?e?t electiens muss: be made 3911113in during an eiectien period selected by the Buard (the ?Eleciion Peried?). During the Election Period, the Superintendent may add, {imp er change the level 9f dentai insurance, change medical insurance plans, and change the meant 0f centributians ta medical and disparitith care reimbursement acceums. Other than during the Electian Periad, bene?t electiens may net be chang?d amass: the Superintendent has a change of famin status er ether went, which permits an elation chang? under the Internal Revenue Cede. Health Insurance The Superintendent may mm}! in the: MBA Bene?ts Trust Blue Crass/811:8 Shieid Standard Plan {31? Choice Plus Plan and 3816:! fuil famin caveraga dependant caverag?, single caverage or no cavemge. Premiums Willi be dsducte? Bene?t Dailarsg to the exteni available. Any premiums :10: paid out 0f Bene?t Doilars win he daduc?ed fr?m the Superintendent?s pay an a pra-?tax basis, unmgs the dams :3 have such amoan deduet?d {an a?eptax basis? 2. {Emmi Ingurame The Sup?fini??d?? is eiigibia receivg MSMA {33232231 irisuraace. The: Superi?imdmi may 31%: recaive fall fmiiy maxing; @9611sz wwrage, singig 33%ng {3r rm caverage. Fremiizmg wiil b? dgduizgcd ?rm: 391mm, {a {he amen: availabie. Any pramims :39: paid {mt sf Be?efii Baliars Win dad?ct?? {mm tha Superiazeada?fs my a prautax 232333, 9321355 ihe skew ta haw sack 3331533223 dadacta? an a?e?ax basig? 3. Medie? Reimharsgmem 131% Saperinien?mt may aim: if} estahiish 3336 make gag?ibmimg a m??icai mimbmemm: gamma Annan centributians is a madiaa? re?nbursemmt gamma: may :29: awed am $94.17 semiwmsathly, Cm??au?g?s Wi?ii be ?ed?cied {mm Bene?t: Deiiarsg {a the axtam avaiiabla. Any net made {3f Be?efit Swims be daeducted the Suparimm?mz?s pay a pre?x basis. Medical ra?azbursem?m accauais wiil be managed MSMA. Reimbumements 33mm medical reimbursamsm acwums be gevemed by the Irate-ma! Ravanue (3941:?: and the Fenland Sch?ei Eepartmeni Madic?ai Care R?imburwmem Plaa? 4. Dependent Care Re?nbumeme?t Assam: The Superiatmdent may aim: is establi?sh and make contributimns to a dependent Gaze reimbursement account. Sach 36mi? mommy contnbut?ens may be no less than $30 ($726 annualiy) and :20 mare than $268.33 ($439932 annually). Ca?tribuzians will be deducted gate-tax basis. Dependem care reimbursement accaunts w?l be managed by MSMA. Raimburssments ?am dependent ears reimbursement accaunts will be governed by the Intemal Ravemm Code and the Portiand Schaol Department Care Assiatance Plan. 5. Taxable Incame Any Benefit Da?ars n0: ayplied 1:9 011% 0f the beget}: apiziens described abeve: Win be paid {be Sap?rintmdem as taxable magma. Nemi?mtandigg anything ca?iaimd the caning: mama; the B?ard reserves the righz 19 instimie a 318% pragmm (3f insurancs: previdi?g b?ne?itzs sub-siamia?y equal 92' gupe??r thaw ?ese?had abmeg C. Shaaid my part t?i? Benefits prim; ?e {3:24; {2f sampliance with appiimble {he 95fti?? will {wigs the piaa {a mmpiy wiih {ha law, wiih the 33331 bai?g pm?dz? a bme?i 13f subgianzia?g the game wise 33 {ha beaefii pmvid?? hgrain.