STATE OF MAINE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 1 STATE HOUSE STATION AUGUSTA, 0433343001 Pant R. LePage H. June 18, 2015 The 127th Legislature of the State of Maine State House Augusta, Maine Dear Honorable Members of the 1271'1 Legislature: Under the authority vested in me by Article IV, Part Third, Section 2-A of the Constitution of the State of Maine, I am hereby executing line-item vetoes of a number of allocations contained within LD 1019, ?An Act Making Uni?ed Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, General Fund and Other Funds and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2015, June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2017.? These vetoes are included on the attached sheet. Mainers want a budget that can be used as a blueprint for prosperity for our great state. Instead, legislators delayed the process for ?ve months, then presented a business-as-usual budget patched together at the last minute. Secretive, late-night decisions made under the cover of darkness and behind locked doors have led to a budget based on the best interests of handful of politicians, not what is best for all the people of Maine. As the drug epidemic continues to ravage our state?with nearly 1,000 babies born each year addicted to drugs and 208 Mainers dead of drug overdoses in 2014?it is appalling that politicians would rather fund their own pet projects than prevent ruthless out-of-state drug traf?ckers from infiltrating our communities and killing our children. Because politicians are so busy capitulating to special interests and kowtowing to social?justice activists prowling the halls of the State House, they ignore our elderly, disabled and mentally ill citizens. These Mainers are rightfully entitled to healthcare, but they are left sitting for years on waitlists without basic services. Politicians have submitted a budget that provides only $6 million toward the waitlist, when the true need is another $40 millionwwhich I allocated in my original budget. They also rejected my plan to overhaul the state?s General Assistance program, which encouraged cities like Portland to spend more of local taxpayers? money so they could get more funding from the state. Politicians watered down General Assistance reform to reward cities that insist On giving loCal taxpayers? money to illegal aliens. Clearly, the health and public safety of Mainers was not a priority of the 127th Legislature. Instead, Augusta politicians snuck in a $4 million ?Christmas tree? adorned with piggy projects .r rial; RECYCLED . TTY USERS CALL T11 Elaine . {av {Voice} FAX: 28'2?1034 for legislators, such as buying federal land in Kittery, building an unneeded ?Francis Perkins Homestead,? paying for a commission disguised as initiative to end hunger and creating entirely new projects. Maine taxpayers deserve to know how every dollar of their money is being spent, but this ?Christmas tree? with gifts for certain legislators was presented with no public notice or input. This is exactly the kind of back-room politics the people of Maine sent me here to prevent. Too many Augusta politicians are willing to disenfranchise the Maine people in exchange for feeding off the public trough, even at the expense of our most vulnerable and needy citizens. The days of pork?barrel spending and Christmas in une?rnust end. At the very least, I will bring these politicians? actions to light for Mainers to see. My administration has been working for ?ve years to create an efficient government, but that is an oxymoron to Augusta politicians. They must put aside their petty political agendas and put the hard-working people of Maine ?rst. Mainers deserve to have a say in how their money is being used, and they should be included in the budgeting process. I took my budget directly to the peOple of Maine, holding public town hall meetings up and down the state. Until Augusta politicians bring transparency to their budget process, I will continue to veto legislation that is not in the best interest of all Mainers. I ask each one of you to stand up for the Maine people and support these vetoes. Sincerely, Paul R. LePage Governor