AGENCY INCIDENT NUMBER . NAME Cleveland Metroparks Ranger Department 1-15-003526 CALL NUMBER GEOCODE CLEARANCES 1 A 150000005132 A DDEATH OF OFFENDER DARREST - JUVENILE mg 3 DPROSECUTION DECLINED ISSUED INCIDENT EXTRADITION DENIED I DINVEST. PENDING TOA OFFENSE REFUSED T0 COOP I I I: SUPPLEMENT DJUVENILEINO CUSTODY DUNFOUNDED 3 Toe - ADULT UNKNOWN OHIO UNIFORM INCIDENT REPORT I I: CLEARANCE DATE BY: - - 6/1 3/201 5 I . REPORT DATETTIME INCIDENT OCCURRED FROM - INCIDENT OCCURRED To MONTH DAY . YEAR TIME MONTH DAY YEAR - TIME . . MONTH DAY YEAR TIME 06 13 I 2015 - 1706 06 I 13 2015 1650 06 13 2015 I 1747 INCIDENT LOCATION (Street, Apt, City, State, Zip) I BIAS EXPLAIN: 16301 LAKESHORE BLVD CLEVELAND, OH 44108 ID OFFENSE - . - OFFENSE CODE . AIC I a. DEGREE TYPE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY I1. Swimming; Swimming Areas And Beaches . I I 2, Failure to Comply with Order or Signal Of P.O. - Lawful I - - 2921331a M1 Order or Dll'ectlon - . DISTRIBUTING I SELLING 3. - EXPLOITING CHILDREN - OPER I PROMOTING I ASSIST. - POSSESSING I CONCEALING 4- 1' 2' 3_ . TRANSPORT I TRANSMIT - USING I CONSUMING 5. I - 1_ 3_ I LOCATION OF (Enter up to two for each offense) . LARCENY TYPE 23A POCKET PICKING 233 PURSE SNATCHING RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE 12 JAIUPRISON RETAIL 40 OTHER RETAIL STORE 23C [3 SHOPUFTING 01 SINGLE FAMILY HOME 13 PARKING GARAGE 26 BAR 41 02 MULTIPLE DWELLING 14 OTHER PUBLIC ACCESS BUILDING 27 BUY I SELLI TRADE SHOW 42 OTHER BUILDING 23D L1 THEFT FROM BUILDING 03 RESIDENTIAL FACILITY zs RESTAURANT 04 OTHER RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL LOCATIONS 29 GAS STATION OUTSIDE 23E THEFT FROM 05 GARAGE ISHED 15 AUTO SHOP so AUTO SALES LOT 43 YARD 23F DTHEFT FROM MOTOR VEH. 16 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 31 JEWELRY STORE 44 CONSTRUCTION SITE . I PUBLIC ACCESS 17 BARBER I BEAUTY SHOP 32 CLOTHING STORE 45 LAKEIWATERWAY 235 I: MOTOR os TRANSIT FACILITY 18 HOTELIMOTEL 33 DRUGSTORE 45 FIELDIWOODS 240 THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE 07 GOVERNMENT OFFICE 19 DRY CLEANERILAUNDRY 34 LIQUOR STORE 47 STREET a OTHER I 03 SCHOOL 20 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE 35 SHOPPING MALL 48 PARKING LOT 09 COLLEGE 21 OFFICE 35 SPORTING GOODS 49 PARKIPLAYGROUND SUSPECTED OF USING 1o CHURCH 22 OTHER BUSINESS OFFICE 37 GROCERY I SUPERMARKET so CEMETERY A ALCOHOL 11 HOSPITAL 23 AMUSEMENT CENTER 38 VARIETY I CONVENIENCE 51 PUBLIC TRANSIT VEHICLE DRUGS 24 RENTAL STORAGE FACILITY 39 DEPARTMENT STORE 52 OTHER OUTSIDE LOCATION I 25 OTHER COMMERCIAL SERVICE LOC. 77 OTHER COMPUTER EQUIP 1g NOT APPLICABLE METHOD OF ENTRY . METHOD - MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT . - METHOD OF ENTRY - BURGLARYI 8. 1 FORCE 01 MOTOR RUNNING I KEYS IN CAR 06 :i HOT WIRE ENTRY ENTRY EXIT ENTRY EXIT 2 :1 N0 FORCE 02D UNLOCKED 07 SLIM HANGER I 1 El BASEMENT I 1 000R 1 FRONT . MB 2 1ST FLOOR 2 WINDOW 2 SIDE ENTERED - - "3 KEY USED 08 TU LERS REMOVED 3 E3 2ND FLOOR [3 3 I: GARAGE C. 3 REAR MD WINDOW BROKEN 09 COLUMN PEELED 4 OTHER 4 SKYLIGHT 4 ROOF I I I as E: TOWED 10 IGNITION PEELED I 5 OTHER I 5 [3 OTHER 6:1 METHODS OF OPERATION - - TOTAL VICTIMS I First, Middle) '001 001 I ADDRESS (Street, Apt., City, State, Zip) PHONE EMPLOYER NAME AND ADDRESS (Street, Apt., City, State, Zip) PHONE AGEI .SEX RACE [3 A HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR EYES - 'ij I: I 0 OCCUPATION SSN RESIDENT 1 CI RESIDENT 3D MILITARY 5 OTHER I I. 2 a TOURIST 4 STUDENT 6 UNKNOWN VICTIM I INDIVIDUAL [1 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION POLICE OFFICERS THE LINE OF DUTY) . .SOCIETYI PUBLIC SOTHER ram; 3 1] BUSINESS DGOVERNMENT I: RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION u-Ij UNKNOWN . VICTIM IF INJURED, DESCRIBE INJURIES I I IE I HOMICIDE CIRCUM VICT. OFF. RELAT VICTIM LINKED To OFFENDER NOIS) VICTIM LINKED To OFFENSE 01 pl [My signature veri?es that the information DATE 5 I on this report is accurate and true. 8 REPORTING OFFICER I BADGE NO. I DATE Reese. EIIzabeth I, 30 I 6/1312015 APPROVING OFFICER JBADGE NO. I DATE McDowell, VIctor 00126 I 6/17/2015 FOLLOW-U If yes, follow-up assignment: I BI Ii I ADDITIONAL VICTIM I WITNESS PROPERTY BSTATEMENT FORM RECEIVED BY: [3 INTELLIGENCE SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS SUSPECT I ARREST NARRATIVE BOTHER [j RECORDS COPIES 7 INCIDENT N0. ARRESTEE SUPPLEMENT '1-15-003526 I VICTIM OFFENSE INCIDENT SWImmIng: SWImmIng Areas 6/13/2015 1650 I I NO. AD ICHECK APPROPRIATE CATEGORY CHARGES 1 ULT IE SUSPECT CIARRESTEE DSUSPECTI ARRESTEE DRUNAWAY MISSING DOTHER I NAME (Last, First, Middle) ISSN I Carroll. William I I ALIAS I GANG AFFILIATION I I ADDRESS (Street, Apt, City, State, Zip) PHONE I 840 Hoover Ave. Cleveland. OH. 44119 I EMPLOYER NAME AND ADDRESS (Street, Apt., City, State, Zip) PHONE IN I IA PLACE OF BIRTH I 01.3 I STATE OCCUPATION I SCHOOL I . SEX - RACE ELI A HGT WGT HAIR EYES ID 0- 0- B- 44 YRS 7/22/1970 MARITAL SCARS, MARKS, TATTOOS - - IS I STATUS I ?2 I ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTIVES SUSPECTED OF USING: POTENTIAL INJURIES IV I EALCOHOL I IE I RESIDENT - . Is STATUS .- 01 RESIDENT 02 TOURIST 03 {j MILITARY 04 CI STUDENT 05 OTHER 115 UNKNOWN I ITYPE WEAPON USED I ARRESTEE WAS ARMED WITH I I I I I I SUSPECT USED 1. 99 2. 3. ARRESTEE ARMED WITH 1.99 2. 3. I 99 r: NONE 133: OTHER FULLY AUTOMATIC FIREARM 17 [j SIMULATED FIREARM 50 I: POISON I I I 11 FIREARM 14 SHOTGUN 18 [j GUN 60 EXPLOSIVES I 12 I: HANOGUN 15 :3 OTHER FIREARM 20 DKNIFE I CUTTING INSTRUMENT as FIRE INCENDIARY DEVICE I 12AD AUTOMATIC HANDGUN 15AD SEMI-AUTOMATIC SPORTING RIFLE 30 [j BLUNT OBJECT 70 I: DRUGS I NARC I SLEEPING PILLS I I I 13 I: RIFLE 153E SEMI-AUTOMATIC ASSAULT FIREARM 35 I: MOTOR VEHICLE so [3 OTHER WEAPON I ISAD FULLY AUTOMATIC RIFLE 150D MACHINE PISTOL 40 PERSONAL WEAPON 85 15 f3 IMITATION FIREARM EIUNKNOWN I IA I NAME I ADDRESS (Street, Apt., City, State, ZipARREST DESCRIPTION . - OFFENSE CODE FI a. DEGREE ARREST LARCENY TYPE I 1. Swimming; Swimming Areas And Beaches I 1. I 1. I23A EPOCKET PICKING I I 543-023 I I 233 PURSE SNATCHING I IA I 2. Failure to Comply with Order or Signal Of P.O. - Lawful Order Direction 2921-3318 M1 I 23D I: THEFT FROM BUILDING 23E FROM COIN-OP MACH23F LTHEFT FROM MOTOR VEH. I 4. I 4- 4- I23G MOTOR VEH. PART 1 I I 240 THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE Ist EOTHER: I I I3 I ARREST DATE ITIME I ARREST LOCATION (Street, Apt, City, State, Zip) I IR 6/13/2015 I 1700 I 16301 LAKESHORE BLVD CLEVELAND. OH 44108 IM ARREST TRANSACTION NUMBER WARRANT NUMBER I ARREST DISPOSITION BAIL IA 01-45-0455 . I Not Applicable I I 1lr MIRANDA WITNESSED BY: I TIME READ I I0 I IN I FINGERPRINTED I FINGERPRINT CARD N0. PHOTOS TAKEN I NC. TAKEN I PHOTO MULTIPLE ARREST INDICATOR ARREST TYPE .2 IN-PROGRESS 4 I3 SUMMONS I: CUSTODY I COUNT ARRESTEE MULTIPLE ARREST INDICATOR . IA _1 COMPLAINT 3 {j WARRANT 5 El ORDER OF PROTECTION {3 OTHER JUV. PARENTI [j DATE I TIME NOTIFIED I NOTIFIED BY I JUVENILE [j HANDL-ED WITHIN DEPT. i I A I GDN. NOTIFIED DISPOSITION 3E REFERRED TO OTHER AUTHORITIES . I PARENTIGUARDIAN ADDRESS (Street, Apt., City, State, Zip) I RELATIONSHIP PHONE I I I I ADDRESS (Street, Apt, City, State, Zip) IRELATIONSHIP PHONE I I I I I PREVIOUS I DATE OF LAST CONTACT DATE OF EMANCIPATION NCIC II I DATE TIME ENTERED I I RUN I MISS LAST SEEN WEARING I I I I REPORTING OFFICER I ARRESTING OFFICER BADGE NO. I DATE I Reese. ElIzabeth I Reese, Elizabeth (30) I 30 I 6/13/2015 I I I APPROVING OFFICER BADGE NO. DATE . I I McDowell. Victor 00126 I 6/17/2015 I I COURT COURT DATE I I I Cleveland MunICIpal Court I 6/30/2015 I INCIDENT REPORT - PARTZ INCIDENT NUMBER 1 -1 5-003526 INCIDENT LOCATION IREPORT DATE I TIME 16301 LAKESHORE BLVD CLEVELAND, OH 44108 6113/2015 1706 NO. NAME (Last, First, Middle) AGEID.O.B. SSN .5 ADDRESS (Street, Apt. City, State, Zip) PHONE I -R 1- EMPLOYER NAME AND ADDRESS (Street, Apt., City, State, Zip) 5 STATEMENT OBTAINED [j NITYPE WRITTEN ORAL TAPED C. OTHER - CHECK CATEGORIES STOLEN RECOVERED CI IMPOUNDED RECEIVED DSUSPECT VEH Ll VEH I1 UNAUTH. USE ABANDONED NO. DAMAGE TO VEHICLE ILIC LIS LIY LIT VIN I CAN VALUE THEFT FROM VEHICLE I I I . E, VYR VMA VCO TOP VEHICLE KEYS IN HOLD CI RELEASE I I BOTTOM LOCKED LI VEHICLE [j I VEHICLE CONTENT I VEHICLE ASSOC. VEHICLE ASSOC. VEHICLE ITOWED BY OWNERSHIP TAG RECEIPT TITLE WI SUSPECT N0. WI VICTIM NO. VERIFIED BY: BILL OF SALE I: OTHER STOLEN MOTOR AREA STOLEN: RESID. ADDITIONAL VEHICLE ONLY STOLEN BUSINESS CI RURAL DESCRIPTION AUTO INSURER NAME (Company) ADDRESS (Street, City, State, Zip) PHONE MOTOR VEHICLE DATE REC. STOLEN IN YOUR JURISDICTION RECOVERY ONLY RECOVERED WHERE TYPE PROPERTY er des below) 1 NONE 3 COUNTERFEITEDIFORGED 5 STOLEN I ETC. 7 RECOVERED PHOTO TOTAL VALUE LOSSI ETC. 2 BURNED 4 DESTROYEDIDAMAGEDIVANDALIZED 6 SEIZED UNKNOWN EVIDENCE I LOSS QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION IPROP VALUE CODE I ICODE .- VEH NO. IMAKE I BRAND MODEL I DATE RECOVERED I I I . SERIAL NUMBER INCIC NUMBER OTHER NUMBER I LOSS QUANTITY DESCRIPTION IPROP VALUE CODE ICODE VEH NO. MAKE I BRAND IMODEL DATE RECOVERED I ISERIAL NUMBER NCIC NUMBER IOTHER NUMBER Loss QUANTITY IDESCRIPTION PROP VALUE CODE CODE - IR VEH NO. BRAND MODEL DATE RECOVERED I: SERIAL NUMBER INCIC NUMBER NUMBER I I IR I I LOSS QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PROP VALUE CODE CODE IVEH NO. MAKE I BRAND IMODEL I DATE RECOVERED I . I I ISERIAL NUMBER NCIC NUMBER IOTHER NUMBER I I IPROPERTY CODES: VALUABLES 16 Gambling Equipment 28 School Supplies 36 Automobiles STRUCTURES EXCHANGE MEDIUMS 08 Jewelry I Precious Metals 17 Computer Hardware I Soft. 29 Other Equipment 37 Bicycles 46 Single Occupancy 01 Money 09 Art Objects, Antiques 18 Of?ce Equipment CONSUMABLE ITEMS 38 Buses 47 Other Dwellings 02 Creditl Debit Card 10 Other Valuables 19 Stereo/TV Equip. 30 Alcohol 39 Trucks 48 Commercial I Bus. Negotiable Instruments PERSONAL EFFECTS 20 Recordings AudiolVis. 31 Dmgs/Narcotics 40 Trailers 49 Indus.IMfg. 04 Other Exchange Mediums 11 Clothing Furs 21 Sports Equipment 32 Consumable Goods 41 Watercraft 5D Public/Comm. I DOCUMENTS 12 Purses I Handbags I Wallets 22 Photographic Equip. ANIMALS 42 Recreational Veh. 51 Storage 05 Non-Negotiable Instruments 13 Other Personal Effects 23 Farm Equipment 33 Livestock 43 Other Motor Veh. 52 Other Structure 06 Personal Papers HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 24 Heavy ConstructionIIndustrial 34 Household Pets WEAPONS OTHER 07 Other Documents 14 Household Items 25 Building Supplies-Const. VEHICLES 44 Firearms 53 Merchandise EQUIPMENT 26 Tools 35 Aircraft 45 Other Weapons 54 Other Property 15 Drug I Narcotic Equip. 27 Vehicle Parts lAcces. 55 Pending Inventory On Saturday, 6/13/15, an adult male received a citation for prohibited swimming and failure to comply with a lawful order of a Ranger INCIDENT NUMBER NARRATIVE SUPPLEMENT - . INCIDENT DATE I TIME 06/13/2015 16:50 Narrative Type: Investigative Report Topic: Narrative Officer: Reese, Elizabeth 30 Narrative Date/Time: 06/15/2015 08:34 Reporting Officer: Reese, Elizabeth 30 On Saturday, 06/13/15, was assigned to work a special detail at Euclid Beach to educate park guests about Euclid Beach hazards and to ensure no one entered the lake to swim or wade in the water. There are seven no swimming signs clearly posted at Euclid Beach. Throughout my shift, I encountered many park guests who thanked me for my service and exited the water without incident. At approximately 1650 hours, i approached a male on the beach who allowed his young female child to wade in the water. I began to approach the male to inform him that wading in Euclid Beach is just as dangerous as swimming. As was walking toward him, I said "hello," and immediately apologized for asking him to remove his daughter from the water. He shook his head from side-to-side indicating no, and he interrupted me by stating in an aggressive tone, "No, I am not getting my daughter out of the water!" I again, attempted to inform him that swimming in Euclid Beach could be life threatening to his daughter or anyone who would attempt to rescue someone in distress. He replied, "The water is not dangerous and my daughter is not getting out and there is nothing you can do about it!" He went even further to tell me to write him a ticket. in fact, he demanded i write him a ticket. I made another attempt to defuse the situation by explaining to the man that his safety is our top priority- not the citation. He replied that he did not care, and he wanted the citation regardless of how much the fine would be. I decided to step away from the male with the intent of allowing him to comply with my request. I informed him I was going to walk a short distance to address a group of teens swimming in the lake. In a raised voice, he said, "I'm not removing my daughter from the water!" As I was walking toward him, but still a distance away, he yelled once again, "No, just give me a citation! My daughter is staying in the water!" It was at this point I advised dispatch to send additional Rangers. While waiting for back-up, I tried to gain his compliance. I offered him the phone number to Cleveland Metroparks Administrative Office where he could file a complaint. He refused to accept the number. asked him for identifying information, including his name, but he refused to provide it. He continued to tell me to cite him, because he was not going to take his daughter out of the water. I once again told him that his daughter's safety was the concern, not a citation. He also referred to a levy that he voted for saying, just voted to pass a levy and now we can?t go in the water!" He mentioned he has lived in the area for twenty years and he believes the water is perfectly safe. He also stated, the people that drowned at Euclid Beach are "stupid kids who can't swim!" During the interaction, his daughter remained in the water approximately 25 feet from her father. The water was at her knee level, with the waves taking the water level to just above her knee. Mr. Carroll kept stating his daughter was not swimming, but wading. I told him wading is prohibited and his daughter is deep enough in the water to be in danger. Ranger Coleman #41 soon arrived. He attempted to intervene verbally and gain compliance. However, he received the same responses. The man, later identified as Mr. Carroll would not provide Ranger Coleman with any identifying information. Mr. Carroll showed every indication of potentially becoming physically combative. He adamantly refused Ranger orders and was still yelling and using profanity. It was explained to Mr. Carroll that for the officers' safety he was going to be handcuffed and escorted off the beach, and he will be charged for failure to comply with the lawful order of a Ranger. Mr. Carroll did not resist being handcuffed. After being handcuffed he stood up and began to walk toward the walkway, leading off the beach. He still did not remove his daughter from the water. asked her to come with us which she immediately did. During the walk to the ranger vehicle, she told me her name and that she was six years old. At one point during the escort, while passing several patrons, Mr. Carroll yelled, "Look, they're arresting me for not taking my daughter out of the water! Isn't this ridiculous?!" Once back at the cruiser, Mr. Carroll provided Ranger Coleman his social security number, but only after Ranger Coleman explained that he would be transported to Cleveland jail for refusing to identify himself. I issued Mr. Carroll citation #985931 for Ohio Revised Code 2921 - Failure to Comply with a Lawful Order and citation #985930 for Park District Regulation - Prohibited Swimming. He was assigned a Cleveland Municipal Court date of 06/30/15 at 0830 hours. INCIDENT NARRATIVE SUPPLEMENT -- .1-1'55-003526' INCIDENT DATE I TIME 06/13/2015 16:50 Narrative Type: Investigative Report Topic: Narrative Officer: Reese, Elizabeth 30 Narrative Date/Time: 06/15/2015 08:34 Reporting Officer: Reese, Elizabeth 30 Throughout our encounter, Mr. Carroll never calmed down. He continued to yell at officers and at one point yelled at his daughter 'for talking to us, saying "Don't talk to them, they are bad people!" As i was issuing the citation Mr. Carroll made the comment, "Is this it, you're giving me a damn citation? That's what I asked for on the Beach! Why didn't you just give me the citation down there?" I explained to Mr. Carroll that a citation could not be issued because he had refused to provide his identifying information. I explained that we also had to remove his daughter from the water which he had refused to do. Mr. Carroll than commented, don't like the way this was handled!" Mr. Carroll was released at 1747 hours.