C/S-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT DATE 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 TO June 2, 2015 Sergeant Sharpe Synopsis of CCSO Case #15-004 Use of Deadly Force Incident COPIES TO Lt. Smith, File PREFACE . . . © . The follow1ng 1s a synops1s of the Cuyahoga. County Shenffs Department (CCSD) investigation into the City of Cleveland Division of.Police (CPD) Use of Deadly Force (UDF) incident which resulted in the death of Tariidi )Ric\ '(RICE). The incident occurred at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC), 1910 West Bo~l~vard, ·cfeVeland, Ohio, on November 22, 2014, at approximately 1530 hours (3:30 ~!~ RD PI ~ Th~report ~~zt ~erinfonm.iti~{A~t~~ -G~SD will only investigative team deemed most--releyant-tQ·f;;fvi~~~~· . .. ./.\. , .~:- ... -:":·· .~. . . ... .. ...... . ·· · '·File · ·Contents . . ·- - ._.i.......... ~)--."\. ...,. V.:..".(S>'-... ?i~ \>== -· ·' ~I Investigative L ..·f': .. .~.·..:·• ..-...... :~ . ..... ..... .... ..,~ .....r. ... ......... . .. ... ..... c:>:... ....................................................... ---- &, .. ·. ·w '-~/~,f<2;,;~~·:/j'~ :.':tb.~RC:. /!l.:,.'v ~~~L~\_ -~ r_.~c.~rding-to~~e: ~UI91!j~t~d V~IJ.i_rle bo~~t~?SYS!~ni ~Y.g·~ ;--ZCjj§A}r~veled north on Wesh~o-~!~v~rd~ty_rn!:,d ~~stp~!o}~adis~nt~·t~e dea,gisn~.~~yJ~~ap'tess~~1he<~~C- by)ravelif)9 over the curb line and throug~ ·t~e-gr~ss,.~/ ~~\I, ~\ r~ · -~. t / .}~j/ During this off ro~d: $.~~acti~~~h~· C~~; lA.tJr.~c9rdE~d speeds between six (6) and fifteen (15) miles per ho~r.~~s~t~:Z:0~ameJo-t,-%tpP(.£'ffi~_r ~oehmann exited the vehicle. Video surveillance shows RICE- pulling',up his outer\garm~t with both hands near the right side of his waist. Officer Loehman~~-exite~Jithe;zc·anC1filsbha1g~d t\is ,, . . statements. CCSD requests.C"Cf"Grtolii~sue subpoenas for,documents to the following entities: . ' 1 / . .,'t""'O. ~.-------o--'7·''K'MA.-:'\\.1.. . ~<;:1ty of Cle~eJ~n~r;-9.1~of,f2~clld, ~~~yoN~~~~a;t~e!gh~s. C1ty of ~~~endence, ,~level~'lQ~MEl,tropol_ltag SchQ_1>1 Q~st!lct, 1C?Iilo!f!_cecT:rmmng,Afad~my, "Cte~elan.d Helght~1P,~I!C$ ~c~,8~11J.Y.-~kron Rol!ce4~epartmenLCCf0 delivers -subpoenastlietollowlng1jayJ178/.:1~5)r~ ~ \" ~-- ~/ CCSQ_iequestsa~cbm'plf!le;_.t.lri~redacted.~ICE-file"fror:n·tlle"Citv of-Cleveland. ccs~ re'cfiives doc(J'rfierits req"uestea;froni varlblls·e~tities/ CCSD Eletep!ires,m~et With-a-gents frorh,the OhiO:f,.tloft1ey General's Office Bureau of Criminat~v~stigatioh\(BCI)·to tliscus's~ssistarlce'in the utilization of current crime scene tectu)'olo'Qy,ana'meth'OB916gy: ._ H CCSD Detectives'teeehle~'copy;of~ealed, lin-redacted version of RICE investigation 1file;ffomtCityotCievelel:~sol"ll)el \AJI'\Into,.•n on November 22, 2014. • • • • • 2 ntf::!rvle1NeCI March 5, 2015. "9 on November 22, 2014. Was seated in the gazebo area and noticed an American male with a gun. Described male as uprobably" a juvenile waving a •'take" gun. Said the male was pulling the gun in and out of his waist band and poiinting it at people. Claims that the person was "acting gangster." Indicated he was not sure if the gun was real. Left the park while concluding the call. Did not know what happened until either later that day or the next day. In order by date interview conducted 9 C/S-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARl.MENT • Thought RICE was 20, but still told the dispatcher that he may have been a juvenile. • • Interview conducted telephonically March 9, 2015. name was provided on the original witnes!i list obtained from the CPD/UDFIT file. Stated that she did not witness the incident, but heard screaming. • • • • • • Interviewed telephonically name was oravlm'!a file. . Stated that she was at Best friends with Disclosed tele"'"''nc w~i,t-1'\,.li"o!:it'l 9, 2015. inal witness list c•btained from the CPDIUDFIT the incident occurred. in exchange for a cellular ""'-~·-,. n!:lr.~,notv to repair it. reas~e! moly. '"""v.,u~"'?!.;:~~~~~!'·~he~~~eared1o=be'· ,,vt.~i:>,u 6) to Eighteen ( 18) years of age. another boy • St; Cleveland, OH) from • Pop .. .Freeze let me see your • • • andllll RICE at the CRC; a BB gun and they were ng a1t the trailers by the school. RICE kept the gun inside of his waistband- a n d - didn't see the incident but heard what sounded like three gunshots. After the incident, informed- that • • provided RICE with the gun. • • • Interview attempted April 6, 2015. Provided an interview with CPD/UDFIT. (redacted) Declined to be interviewed by the CCSD for this investigation. • • 22, 2 0 1 4 , - a IIIII II C/S-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARl"MENT BETH MANDL • Interviewed April 8, 2015. • Dispatcher with the City of Cleveland since 201 0. • Assigned to CPO Communication Center working as 1st District Dispatcher on November 22, 2014. • Provided overview of the process of how 911 calls are routed; clarified that dispatchers do not have contact with 911 callers. • The call taker determines if the call is to be routed to EMS, Fire. or Police. • Call taker documents the information and then transfers the information electronically to the dispatcher responsible for the ;zone where the emergency is ~ located. • Was not aware that the 9l11.rcaller - - had stated that the suspect may be a juvenile or that the weap6n1.could1b~ J\ \ OFFICER WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM ) • Interviewed AprilS, 201/,/1 \ • Began his career with_;C~O(in Se,P._t~mber of 2000; assigned to Fifth District Patrol, A Platoon;,Noveml1elbt~201~-;-assigned to CPO Downtown Service Unit ~.\ •\....9Jl~ov(mbe322..:261'4~ ~~'!rk~~~fc-e;~~~·~ young, ~to,d~ht0¥that: years . someone.was outstde of the CRC slioot~.f9t-~~ diet;:not!!~es!igat~~~~-iftol~~nlie~police had just ,shot·someone··out~di:(§J th'e-?<0~~:4~\~~- ~ / etl·~si_q,fi~ ~&~~~~~ailt~nd wat~_hedcis·RIGE:S -sister ran by him towards~the;gazet5o~/~·: ·. - .'-.....~~~ \~~\)' ~ ~\' ·/ / :--- ..._, ~ "'r , ~____,.(: :\r~~ I"/.'/__ • Statec:t:that· Officer..l!oehnfimn·stoppe. : ~her from enitering the crime scene. '\ " -....11 J1Wt H -. . .,; t ~~ ~ t~ ~ ,/'.- r . • State(J{h~!t~Jf!cer-;l~eh'!_l1"~•~!9.·~r:'9\~·.a~JJ.~r;o·91e ground; but that she slipped on the wet grass ~e -P.Ut-.htSt~rms-dut to-stdp her. ) . , -'"'"'t !1. ~ '- ' • • .: ¥ '/ . Ae,t-,. •1 ; • Stated that .itt'as·tlis·idea:to~hanactiTT RICE cmd place her in the back of the ,"\1 ~~~~~:.~m\~;;A~6~~~\ting • • and kicking kil ed 'You my t~a.t P;fi«;f~t?.;!!~a=~-~~e~ist_r~~ght. ~o~rymanry~·-GJJr:m~ngt)~m~'i,gav~~-rileno choice. He reached for the Stated Officer gun an~ re~e~'#~_§.fiOttiing·l HOL:~I.t!~R~ COUid·· dO.~~ \ ~~ CONSTANCE • lnt,rviewedpApril29, 2015. t ) • Di~p~ict4r for City of Cleveland for 19 years. · • She watthe call taker on November 22, 2014. • Explained that call takers are responsible for both «~mergency (911) calls and non-emergency calls to Police, Fire, and EMS in the City of Cleveland. • Described that call takers are responsible for obtait1ing pertinent information from the caller (i.e. name, address, location, and reason for call). • Also responsible for assigning a priority to the call received and transferring the call electronically to the primary dispatcher for that zone. • Refused to answer questions (per her attorney) ab•::>ut not relaying specific information related to the 911 call on November 22, 2014. 12 C/S-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARl'MENT • • • • • • Interviewed May 14, 2015. Stated that she was the person in the video surveillance footage from the CRC seen walking with RICE in front of the gazebo caiT)ting a white bag. While leaving through the rear of CRC, stopped and talked to a female she identified as RICE'S girlfriend (actually RICE'S sist,er.) Walked to CVS to purchase some items. Walked through CRC on way home and encounter·ed RICE; she met with RICE at the swings where he shows her the weapon (per video surveillance). Does not recall RICE having the weapon out durin!~ their conversation in front of the gazebo. ~~') j( OFFICER RICARDO ROMAN • • • Interviewed May 28, 2015) CPO Officer since Janua,rY(2o1~ ; assigned to First District Patrol. Roman and his partne'ia.verina) ~ere headed to the CRC when they heard the j \ ~\ ushots fired" broadcast. • On scene, he observ._6d an=FBI~A~ent~nd 01'ficer Garmback providing medical aHentiorl-t6 the-;s~e~lA~ '::'--"" ' ' .; ...... ._, " .U::iJ-1 I y , "' " " • Recalls ~I~E ·lyi~_g•on"the:-grass-an.. ob~~r;Ved, '\.. .,a black automatic handgun" on the..gr~u?d n~')~~s~~ect;~ "· ·..,,,' )-. ~\.~ ~ !.\, •...-.Oescnbed~th~suspecttas.!a:_blac~ale; . ea y~twEmt1es ~--~ easll~ over two I! 1 r-, '~''\_hull~d·pounds~,6 ®? ~~~~ ~'. ~B~ie~~cfthf.~~~~'?DWa~~~~he~ooke(t ~os'E~at he • • • • • magazine; even then, s~illbe~evea~~~w~apon w~asJ~ ~\ ~ ~\//. / / 1\.('// SpokeJo-L~ehman-nfonly~irn:eg'ards toJ!lis injured"im'kle; did not have a conv'ers'aTi6n1witH ~hnback:~. ® 1; ........... '-."'\~-4· \t9 St ~{ ~~ h ~ 1 1 ZVERINf~.~\~;;v.:- · ~~ lnterviewp~ tv1~fi~h~?·1§~ . --~~~./ t. ~ . . . Clevelanr:•~rn!3 11Cast of "shots fired." arm to protect it from the • • orotce~;s1r1g setting up the perimeter and m was completed. 14 crime scene until the C/S-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CUDELL RECREATION CENTER VIDEO SURVEILLANCE • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ten cameras. Five hours of surveillance video; each beginning at 1100 hours to 1600 hours. (11 :00 am-4:00pm). Three cameras located inside the CRC. Seven cameras located outside CRC. Cameras may overlap coverage but are separate and function independently. The date and time appear to be accurate. Cross referenced time indicated in the cameras with CPO dispatch, witness statements, and log in ptured by the CRC. , 'f\l~intained by the CRC. All cameras are The Digital Video r.(OVR) is located in the CRC main office. Camera 3 is mounted ~{above the East Entrance/Exit of the CRC and was obstructed with ice; very dis~ernible video. RICE first appears on which is located on a utility pole outside, with a view of the gazebo 11:04:49 hours. RICE is viewed several different cameras throughout the day ..,.ro,.r_,n The U • • • ~nn,nc:."' from Attorney Walter Mal::liSCin "The CCPO will make the determination whether any of the above listed individuals shall be required to testify before a Cuyahoga County Grand Jury. DOCUMENTS OUTSTANDING • • Video Compilation/enhancement being completed by the O_hio Attorney General's Office Forensic Audio and Video Analysis .Unit Photograph comparison from the Cuyahoga County Medicar Examiner's Office. 15 C/S-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FINAL NOTES This investigation was conducted with the purpose of determining, to the extent possible, the facts and circumstances surrounding this use of deadly force incident. As unbiased collectors of fact, the Cuyahoga County Sheriffs investigative team has not, and will not, render any opinion of the legality of the officers' actions. Instead, it is anticipated that this investigation will provide the basis of information for decisions to be rendered by Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office and/or the Department of Justice. INVESTIGATIVE FILES CONTENTS 16 C/S·35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 2. Officer Timothy Loehmann Folder o Akron Police Department File Akron subpoena response Summary Report o Parma Heights Police Department File Background applicant report Subpoena satisfied Subpoena services Eligibility List Grand Jury Subpoena I7 CIS·35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT • • • • • • • • Hiring check list Summary report (1 )Cleveland range Officer Urbania conversation (2) Cleveland range Officer Urbania follow up (3) Range Reeords provided report CPO Administratiok documents Duty weapon identifiers CPO firearms records Duty report 11-22-14 OPOTC Records • • • • • • • • • Complaint withdrawn Complaint unfounded Complaint unfounded Administrative withdrawal (1) Cleveland Range Officer Urbania conversation (2) Cleveland Range Officer Urbania follow up (3) Range Records provided report Duty weapon identifiers Eaton v. Guerra CPO firearms records 18 CIS.JS CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT • • • OPOTC records Personnel file OPOTA subpoena response 4. Tamir Rice File • Cellular Phone Search BCI search warrant Cellular phone extraction report Cellular phone search warrant 19 CIS·35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARl"MENT • • • • • • • • Crime scene photo upload report (1) Interview request additional officers (2) Interview request additional officers (3) Interview request additional officers (4) Interview request additional officers Cudell Recreation video timeline summary Garmback-Loehmann duty assignments Officer Woyma interview ·- 7. Witness File Summary OHLEG Forms • Leads print out 2 of 3 Leads print out 1 of 3 20 CIS-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Leads print out 3 of 3 Interview (Video) Summary report • Det. Daniel Lentz (1) Contact attempt (2) Tentative Interview (3) Interview follow-up (4) Interview confirmation (5) Interview delay Interview Interview (Video) Scene photos • • - JV Witnesses Synopsis . . Interview (Video) Kabir Bhatia report part 1 MP3 (Audio) part 2 MP3 (Audio) Interview r e q u e s t WKSU . . audio 50 sec. MP3 (Audio) 21 CIS·35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT WKSU Request WKSU Summary report WKSU Grand Jury Subpoena Synopsis report MP3 (Audio) - father phone call report • summary .._.._._:.....:.r,o photos •n'~~:~'rv'"''w (Video) • Officer Ricardo Roman Interview summary Interview (Video) Scene photos • Officer Tom Griffin Interview summary Scene pictures 22 CIS·35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPAR,-MENT Interview (Video) • Officer William Cunningham Interview request Synopsis of interview Cunningham interview (Video) Grand Jury subpoena ·- Summary report OHLEG Forms -interview • • • • • Interview attempts report • Summary report OHLEG Forms 23 CIS·35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT • Folder with 36 photos Photo report OHLEG Fonns Summary report Phone call report Message report - MP3 (Audio) Edge Photo of pavilion Overhead with pavilion roof Overhead with pavilion roof 1 Overhead with placards Overhead with placards 1 Start scene Video1 of Scene View from passenger front View from passenger front 1 24 C/5-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT • • • • Photos of 2014 Dodge Charger 11 Photos BCI Report BCI Video compilation request SCENE WebShare.pdf 25 CIS-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARlrMENT 12.Facebook • Facebook Profiles • Tamir Rice Pages • -Pages 13. General Police Orders • General Police Order Book (11-21-14) 14. Redacted CPO File • Homicide File Tamir Rice • Tamir Rice witness list Respe!ctfully Submitted, 26 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 DATE Detective John Morgan #241 TO 1-23-2015 Sergeant Sharpe Cudell Recreation Center Subpoena Lt. Smith, File On January 23, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau and in company with Detective David Jacobs, were given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On January 20, 2015 investigators delivered Cuyahoga County Grand Jury Subpoena number 1008380 to Ron FIELDS, Manager of Cudell Recreation Center requesting items from the facility. On January 23, 2015 investigators returned to the recreation center to retrieve the original Digital Video Recorder requested, then preceded to the City of Cleveland's Law Department to retrieve the sign in logs requested from the Cudell Recreation Centerfrom October 1, 2014 through November 23, 2014. This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 Cudell Rec sub CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 DATE Detective John Morgan #241 TO 1-26-2015 Sergeant Sharpe Transfer of OVR to BCI Lt. Smith, File On January 26, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau, writer was given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On January 23, 2014 writer obtained through Cuyahoga County Grand Jury Subpoena the original Digital Video Recorder {DVR) from the Cudell Recreation Center which recorded the Use of Deadly Force incident on November 22, 2014. On this date writer transported the DVR to Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (OHBCI} located at 4055 Highlander Parkway, Richfield, Ohio and turned over the DVR to Alissa KRAEMER, OHBCI, to place into evidence at this facility. OHBCI will attempt to recover the original video from the DVR This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 DVR toBCI CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 TO 1-29-13 Sergeant Sharpe Review of Cudell Recreation Center sign-in logs Lt. Smith, File On January 28, 2015.while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau writer was given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On January 23, 2015 writer received the sign-in logs from the Cudell Recreation Center located a11910 West Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio dated October 1, 2014 through November 23, 2014. Writer searched the documents to determine how often the decedent in this case, Tamir RICE, used the facilities at the recreation center. It is important to note that visitors of the recreation center are only required to sign-in not sign-out. The following is a list of dates and times which Tamir RICE signed in during that time period of October 1. 2014 through November 23, 2014: · DATE TIME DAY OF THE WEEK 10-03-14 6:35:30pm Friday 10-21-14 2:30:30pm Tuesday 10-22-14 4:13:33pm Wednesday 10-23-14 4:46:18pm Thursday 10·27-14 4:27:28pm Monday 10:30:14 4:25:24pm Thursday 11-01-14 2:18:46pm Saturday 11-05-14 4:33:56pm Wednesday 11-06-14 6:42:49pm Thursday 11-08-14 12:39:41pm Saturday 11-10-14 4:31:34pm Monday 11-13-14 4:17:55pm Thursday 11-14-14 3:17:12pm Friday 11-15-14 12:10:11pm 11-21-14 4:15:35pm CudeU log in review records review Saturday Friday CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CUDELL RECREATION CENTER DATE TIME LOG CONTINUED: DATE 11-22-14 TIME 11:05:30am This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 Cudelllog in review records review DAY OF THE WEEK Saturday CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM DATE 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 TO SUBJECT COPIES TO Lt. Smith, File This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 CHPD Invest summary of Tamir Sergeant Sharpe February 2, 2015 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 DATE . Detective John Morgan #241 Interview with Frank Woyma #2495 File Officer Wyoma Interview TO Sergeant Shapre February 3, 2015 Mtg-Ila CUYAHOGA COUNTY OFFICE Detective John Morgan #241 O?icer Wyoma interview C/S-36 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. 15-04 (Tamir Rice) FROM James Mackey, Detective SUBJECT Subpoena Response from COPIES TO File DATE TO Sgt. Sharpe 2/4/15 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 DATE Detective John Morgan #241 TO February 10, 2015 Sergeant Sharpe Facebook.com information Lt. Smith, File On February 9, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau and in company with Detective David Jacobs we were given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22 , 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On this date investigators met with William GONZALEZ, vice president of the Cleveland Police Patrolman's Association at his office located at 1303 West 581h Street, Cleveland Ohio. "~""''"'"'""investigators with manila folder containing what appeared to be a copy of Tamir Facebook.com profiles and content from their social media web page. The page is under the screen name of ," and the web page belonging to Tamir RICE screen name of ''Tamir Rice." appeared to have been printed off from Facebook.com on 11-25 and 11-26-2014 which appeared in the lower right hand comer of the pages. GONZALES stated that the information contained within the manila folder was sent to Cleveland Police was said to have Sergeant Janelle RUTHERFORD from a female only identified as · - located the Facebook.com profiles o f - and Tamir RICE, took screen shots with her mobile cellular device and forwarded the data to Sergeant RUTHERFORD who then contacted Cleveland Police Homicide Detective Raymond DIAZ and forwarded the information to Detective DIAZ via electronic mail. was willing to cooperate with law enforcement in connection GONZALES continued, stating that ·with this information and provided Sgt. RU'i"H'ERFORD her contact information. This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 Facebook profiles C/S-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM 15-00004 DATE James Mackey, Detective TO 2/15/15 Sgt. Sharpe SUBJECT WKSU Request COPIES TO File I was tasked by SGT. Sharpe to contact radio station 89.7 WKSU in regards to a report published on their site by reporter, Kabir Bhatia. The report originally published on November 23, 2014 is located online at http://www.wksu.org/news/41097. In the report, filed by Bhatia, he spoke with a juvenile In addition to the written recollection by Bhatia there was also about 50 seconds of audio that accompanies the report. In the a u d i o - said"/ was here with him when he had it and I knew I shouldn't have left cause I told him he had to be careful with it and it looked real when he had if'. Bhatia also reported t h a t - was the one that took off the orange cap to the BB gun. On February 13, 2015 a call was placed to 89.7 WKSU in regard to this article. I spoke with News Pi rector Meyer. I informed him that as a part of the ongoing investigation with regards to Tamir Rice I saw the report published by his news organization. I asked if there was additional audio of the interview that I may have a copy of or hear first-hand. He was unsure if additional audio exists but informed me I can download the posted audio from a desk top computer. I also asked if his news organization would make Kabir Bhatia available to speak with me. I further informed him that I am not seeking the identity of any unnamed or confidential sources, even though the article only made reference to named sources. He requested that I send him an email with items I request and he would run it by his legal team. The published report, audio and my email to Mr. Meyer were placed into the case file. I will follow up with Mr. Meyer on February 17, 2015. It is suggested that follow up with 11111/SIJI/111 James Mackey, Detective be conducted regarding his interaction with T amir Rice. CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. Detective John Morgan #241 Attempted contact with RICE Family/ SUBJECT Interview COPIES TO Lt. Smith, File FROM DATE 15-00004 TO February 15, 2015 Sergeant Sharpe On February 12, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau and in company with Detective David Jacobs, we were assigned by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. Investigators attempted to contact Samaria RICE so she may sign a consent form which would authorize Metro Health Medical Center to release medical records of her son, Tamir RICE. Detectives knocked at the Cleveland Ohio. After getting door of the RICE family's previously listed address no response writer peered through the open window blinds to discover that the residence had been vacated. In an attempt to ascertain the time frame of when the RICE family moved from the residence, investigators knocked on the door o f - · - · The door was answered and investigators conducted the following interview: - S stated that she has been living at her current residence for approximately 3 years and stated that she didn't personally know Samaria RICE but was able to recall that the RICE family had moved in around tax time of 2014. IIIIIs stated that the rice family had moved out at the end of January 2015. She stated that when the family moved in there were a lot of people helping them move in. She continued, stating, "You could tell that we were going to have a lot of people living next door."- S explained that you could tell that there was a lot of extended family involvement in the household. stated that she didn't really have that much interaction with the RICE family even though she lived next door to them. She recalled that the kids played ball in the streets and that Tamir was nice to her stated that he was larger than what she believed to be a and that he seemed to be a nice kid. normal 12 year old, but stated that if she was walking down the street at night and T amir was walking towards her, she would not have crossed the street because he didn't seem to be an intimidating person. Further, she stated that even though he may not had appeared to be 12 years of age by his size, if you looked close at the way he carried himself and his mannerisms you could tell that he was a young boy. -stated that she really didn't see much of Tamir's mother, but w h e n - did see his mother, she thought that Ms. RICE may have worked at a hospital because she would see her wearing scrubs. stated that she could not really tell investigators who was actually living in the residence because there were always so many people at the home, but believed that Tamir, his older sister, a baby (Toddler age), a female (Toddler's mother) and the Ms. RICE were the people living in the residence. believed that the mother was not home a great deal because she didn't see a lot of adult supervision at the home; she stated that the children were self-sufficient and self-entertaining. -interview CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE stated that the day of the shooting she remembered that her husband was out of town ; she had come home from work and took a nap. ~s stated that due to her pregnancy she had ordered food around 4 A.M. and noticed that there were a lot of people on the porch of the RICE residence. She stated that she spoke to them and they appeared to be in a very somber mood. It was later in the day that she found out that the person who had been shot and died from the incidlent was her next door neighbor, Tamir RICE. stated that the landlord of the apartment complex is contact number of This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 and provided a telephone 2/15/15 , 3:54 PM Request regarding int erview with Mr. • • • • James Mackey Request regarding interview with Mr. James Mackey Fri 2/13/2015 6:28PM To~< Mr. Meyer, Regarding our phone conversation earlier today. I am inquiring about a report published by Kabir November 23, 2014. The article is published on your station's site at . In the article Mr. Bhatia had the~ opportunity to speak with a Mr. about Tamir Rice. The article also contained audio of M r . As part of the ongoing investigation with regards to Tamir Rice, would you please make Mr. Kabir Bhatia available to speak with me. In addition would you please provide me a copy of the published and unpublished audio of the interview. · IIIII- Please contact me with any questions if you need any further documentation to or my cell at request. Also let me know I appreciate any cooperation in this matter. Thank you, James Mackey, Detective Cuyahoga County Sheriffs Department https ://mait.cuyahogacounty.us/owa/#viewmodei~Read Message! te ... R53egy FLh 1riAAC4ZG%2BSAAA %aO&IsPrintView= 1&wid =2&ispopout = 1 Page 1 o f 1 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15..00004 Detective David Jacobs DATE TO 02/16/2015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Consent Form signed by Barbara Langhenry File On February 3rd, 2015, the writer faxed a "consent to search" form to Barbara Langhenry, Law Director, City of Cleveland, Law Department. The consent to search was for the DVR received from Cudell Recreation Center. The DVR was entered into evidence and submitted to the Attorney General Office, Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI), Richfield, Ohio. The BCI submission number is CC-15-3-0017. Langhenry signed the "consent to ·search" form on February 11, 2015. The signed "consent to search" form was faxed on February 11 , 2015 to BCI, Allan Buxton, Computer Forensic Specialist. A follow up phone call was made to Allisa, SCI intake stating she received it and put it to the file for Buxton. The signed consent to search was scanned to the file and the original will be maintained. All fax receipts have also been scanned to the file. Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs Consent (LanghenJY) report CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs DATE TO 02/16/2015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Medical Examiner report for Tamir Rice File The following information was obtained from Cuyahoga County Medical Examiners' Office {ME) regarding the death investigation of Tamir RICE, case number IN2014-01991. The aforementioned reports were reviewed by the writer. A brief synopsis of the report is as follows: The Pathologist assigned was Doctor Thomas Gilson-M.D. RICE came to his death officially on the 23rd day of November, 2014 in Metro Health Medical Center and was officially pronounced dead at 12:54 A.M. by Doctor Patel. Cause of death: gunshot wound of the torso with injuries of a major vessel, intestines and pelvis. HOMICIDE. RICE was described as a male, single, aged 12 years, of the Black race; had brown eyes, black hair, good teeth, was 67 inches in height, weighing 195 pounds; a native of Cleveland, Ohio. Final diagnoses: Penetrating gunshot wound of the torso with status post-surgical intervention (perforations of the inferior vena cava and intestines, anamnestic) fracture of pelvis, bullet recovered. An autopsy was performed on November 241h, 2014, at 11:00 AM. by Dr. Gilson. Refer to ME report for specifics pertaining to overall health and examinations. Final opinion: Tamir E. RICE, a 12 year old black adolescent male, died as a result of a gunshot wound to the abdomen which injured his inferior vena cava, intestines and pelvis. The descendent was shot by law enforcement during legal intervention. Toxicology report included did not reveal any illicit drugs present. A follow up interview of Dr. Gilson will be scheduled to inquire about any and all prescribed medications that may or may not have been present. A copy of the ME's report has been scanned to the file to include the Toxicology report. Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs #211 ME report synopsis C/5·35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 James Mackey, Detective DATE TO 2/16/15 Sgt. Sharpe WKSU Follow Up File On February 16, 2015 1received an email from WKSU Executive Director, Dan Skinner. This email was in response to my request for audio and the opportunity to speak with Reporter Kabir Bhatia in reference to an interview he conducted with The email stated he was in receipt of my request and would be forwarding it to Kent State University General Counsel for review and consideration in terms of the audio request. With regards to speaking with Reporter Kabir Bhatia he gave me his contact information and was ok with me contacting him. I attempted to contact Mr. Bhatia at I was informed that he works Thursday through Sunday, A voice mail was left requesting he call me regarding his interview and subsequent report. I will follow up on Thursday February 19, 2015 if I po not hear from him prior. /IllIIS//11111 James Mackey, Detective . . _Interview At her residence with her s o n By Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department: Detective John L. Morgan Detective Dave Jacobs February 18, 2015 - Morgan: So, what urn - how did you come about being involved in this case to begin with, I was on Facebook. There was like uh, Tamir Rice Memorial; some kind of memorial page that was popping up on my Facebook. So, I went on there and was reading what - you know the comments that the people were sayin'. Urn, and there w:as a Sam Rice that made a comment, and I was wondering if it was his mom; so, I clicked on her name, and scrolled on her face book. Urn, someone tagged her and a picture of what I thoug!ht was his brother, because it you can tell the resemblance between the picture and Tamir Rice, but the kid in the picture looked much bigger than the picture I've seen on TV. Morgan: Which was it- which picture was- that you're describing? - There's a boy holding up; yeah, guns. Morgan: Two guns? - Y e a h. Morgan: OK; with uh - do you remember what color t-shirt he had on? - ldon't Morgan: OK. - It had to be - maybe an hour later I went to Panini's and ran i n t o - Morgan: Panini's where? - Urn, byKamm's Corner. Morgan: Kamm's Comer; OK. Yeah; I ran i n t o - and she asked me ifl heard about what was goin' on, and I like, "Yeah, J've been following it on the news. Like, matter of a fact, I just seen on Facebook today urn, a picture of what l thought was Tamir's brother. She said, "Well, would you mind me takin' a look?" "No;" so, I showed it to her. She's like, I think that's Tamir, and she was like, the kid that we seen - she said, the picture they're showing on TV had to lbe from years earlier, because it was a bigger kid. Tamir, Tamir is a bigger kid. Morgan: Uh-huh. And I said, "Well, I- ails I'm goin' - I don't know what lhe looks like. I just seen the picture on TV." I s a i d , · - used to go to school with him and his brother ... Morgan: Uh-huh. me ... ... but Tamir was in a younger grade. He didn't really know him. She said - asked Morgan: He went to- he went w i t h - or Tamir? - Both, but Tamir was in a younger grade. Morgan: OK. - Him and the brother, you guys are the same age; right? Or close to it? Urn, I don't know. Same grade? Morgan: Is that the photo you ... - That - yeah, that's the one I seen. Morgan: And this is the photo of him in a blue shirt - him, being we don't know who. Is it - o r Tamir? - I don't know. Jacobs: Does your son recognize him? Morgan: Who's - do you know? - Nuh-uh - No. - N o , - asked me to ask him. Morgan: What's your son- what's your name? Morgan:- You went to school with ... - I went to school w i t h - Morgan: Female? -No. Morgan: Who's- It should be his brother;- Morgan: - Rice. Rice? I never heard of him. Jacobs: Yeah, they're all T's. Morgan: Yeah. - I went to school w i t h - Rice. Could it possibly be a cousin? 15:37 Jacobs: Yeah, they have all T's- the family; the child - the 3 boys do and then the sister. -Yeah. Jacobs: - Tamir, ... I don 't know. Well, well, he went to the school - one of the Rice's. Jacobs: What school was it at? - Waterson Lake. Jacobs: Waterson Lake? Is that on the other side of town? Morgan: Yeah, it is. - Y e a h. - On Detroit -like, 73rd? Morgan: 73rd and Detroit. Jacobs: OK; alright. Morgan: Or ... Anotonio: 76th or 73rd. Morgan: Yeah; yeah. - Oneofthe2. Morgan: OK. So, anyway,- asked me to ask him, and he said to me that he thought it looked more like Tamir, but just more grown up 'cause ... Morgan: Uh-huh. - Tamir was probably second grade then. Morgan: So, how many actual - when you accessed the page on-liine, you did it from your mobile phone? - Uh-huh. Morgan: Urn, did you take any shots? Any snapshots? - I did, but I don't have - after I sent it t o - I, I believe that I deleted it. Morgan: It was- you sent it by e-mail, or, or- how many photos ... The first one- I sent one t o - that same night through text message. The samefrom the same thing that I seen. Morgan: OK. 14:22 Urn, and something happened to her phone. I don't remember what she happened to her phone. So, she wanted me to send it to her again through e-mail, and I sent it to her through email. Morgan: Just the one photo? -Yeah. Jacobs: Did you send it to anybody else other t h a n - Nuh-uh. Jacobs: OK. Morgan: Did you send any other photographs? From like urn, fro.m the Facebook page? Or just the one? - Oh, no, on- I- after that, 1 searched to see ifTamir Rice had a Facebook, and he did. Urn, his was set to private where his mom's isn't. Morgan: Uh-huh. - So, the only thing that you could see was his uh, profile picture ... Morgan: OK. - ... and that was of a gun - his profile picture. Morgan: His profile picture was of a gun? - Yeah; I don't know if it's still up. I can check. Jacobs: His is down. - Uh, yeah, OK; I didn't think they would leave it up. Jacobs: No. - I did send that t o - Morgan: It was Tamir's Rice? -Yeah. Morgan: Tamir Rice - his... - Hispage. Morgan: Profile picture was of a gun. Yeah; I may have that in my outbox of me - 'cause I didm ' t keep any of it. I sent it to and then deleted them. Let me look in my outbox. Morgan: That would have been in November; like 23rd or 41h. - Urn, no this was later on, because her phone got damaged or something. Morgan: OK. - Urn, the day that I sent her the picture was December 91h. Morgan: December 9th? - Yeah; see this is the one that I sent her; oops. Morgan: So, that's the one you actually sent. - Yeah, and then I believe then ... Morgan: Do you have the e-mail that you sent her? - What do you mean, the e-mail? Morgan: Did you send her an e-mail with other photographs? - That's what I'm looking ... Morgan: OK. - ... for his uh - I don't have that one in here for some reason. Jacobs: Are you checking your outbox or the sent, sent e-mail? - My sent e-mails. Jacobs: OK. - There's two to her, but they're both the same picture. Morgan: Do you think you sent one after? - I don't know why the one of his profile thing's gone. Jacobs: Did you send it to her city e-mail or did you send it to her personal? - I believe it was her personal. Jacobs: OK; (inaudible). I don't know why that's not on there. Maybe I thought I :sent her both, but I accidently sent the same one twice. Jacobs: What was the second one? at all. I can look through my pictures, but I don't think I have o1:1e. Don' t even crack that door Morgan: You've got a couple dogs? - Yeah; that one in there she stays to herself. Morgan: Is the one upstairs a miniature Pinscher? - Yeah. Jacobs: Is it mean? He's fine if I'm holding him, when you first - he doesn't like when strangers are standing. So, as long as you're sitting, he's fine. Jacobs: Yeah. Morgan: It sounds like he's trying to come through the door? - Yeah; he's only 5 pounds. I don't have it anymore. I didn't think I did. Morgan: Did she say anything to you about what she was going to do with photographs that you e-mailed to her? - Urn, she said she was going to give them to the Detective that was investigating. Morgan: OK. - And then he came. I want to say his last name was Torres; I think. Jacobs: Diaz? -Maybe. Morgan: He came to talk to you? 8:39 Yeah, he - I don't know another guy came. Urn, interviewed both of us. Jacobs: Is there anything you told them that you haven' t told us y1~t or .. . ? - No, I found the pictures. I showed them t o - I showed them to him, and uh ... Jacobs: Did you send them to Diaz? No, when he showed up, he actually had a copy of the one~ of the one you just showed · me printed out, and asked me ifl ever seen the picture before, and I told him, "Yeah, it's the one I seen on Facebook." Jacobs: OK. - So, I believed t h a t - must have sent them over to him. Morgan: Just the- but again, it was just that one photo that you se n t I guess so; yeah. I thought that 1 sent her the one also of his profile picture, but I'm -I guess I sent her the same picture twice. - Morgan: Now, the profile picture, was that on - you said ... Tamir Rice's page was up at the time. Urn it wasn't - it was private. I couldn't go through it and see anything. All's I seen was his profile picture. Well, there's a profile picture, and there's a cover photo. One was of him. The other one was of a gun, but it wasn't a gun like as if I put the gun here and took a picture of it. It was like urn, like! an animated gun. It was something that was like uh, not anything that he personally had. Morgan: OK. - It was like he took the picture off the intemets of... Jacobs: Was it a real gun? - N o... Jacobs: Was it a drawing of a gun? - ... it wasn't. It was not a real gun. It was like, urn ... Jacobs: Was it a picture of a handshake? When one of the hands was in the shape of a gun? - N o. Jacobs: OK. - It was a picture ofurn, a revolver, but it wasn't like a real one. It was, uh ... Jacobs: Like a drawing? - ... like a photo shop drawing. Jacobs: Yeah. -Animated ... Jacobs: OK. - ... type of thing Jacobs: Huh; so, you don't know Tamir Rice? - Idonot. Jacobs: Do you know his family at all? - Notatall. Jacobs: What about you, son? Did you know Tamir? -No. Jacobs: OK, but you thought you maybe k n e w - Rice, or :you did, and thought that may have been a relative? -Right. Jacobs: OK; that would have been from ... - 'Cause they do look alike. - R i c e and Tamir; they look alike. Morgan:-Yeah. Morgan: O r - lt's-withaD. Morgan: - with a D. Jacobs: It might be a cousin. The name's not familiar. Morgan: Yeah, it doesn't sound familiar to me. - - I think they were in - was you 61h or 51h? 6th or one of the two - 61h or 71h. 6:07 - Tamir was in 2nd or 3rd grade; so ... Jacobs: How old are you now? - Uh, 16; I'll be 17 in June. Morgan: Alright; so, you're like 4 years older than him; OK. Jacobs: Anything else you can think of that we didn't ask or - there's nothing that you told Diaz that we don't know that you didn't talk to us about? -No. Jacobs: The purpose of Diaz coming over here was because . . . had told - gave it to him, and then he wanted to talk to you about it? - Yeah. Jacobs: OK; and when he came to talk to you it was strictly solely about those pictures; it wasn't anything ... - It was strictly about the pictures and about how he might :have knew them. Jacobs: OK. Morgan: You all were there that night; right? That evening - that afternoon; the Saturday afternoon? Nowhere near that proximity? -No. - No, I was over here. Morgan: OK. Jacobs: Did you ever go to Cudell? -Yeah. - No, we used to live in that neighborhood. Jacobs: OK. - We used to live in that neighborhood. We moved over a year; Like 2 years ago? Morgan: How is it that you came to k n o w - - ? She was my - a neighbor. Um, I Jived over by where she lives. Urn, I'm trying to remember. I moved over there 2006. Morgan: Where'd you used to live? - Before there, I Lived off of 50 1h and Bridge. Morgan: So, when you lived n e a r - where' d you live at? Oh, there's, urn- on her street there's a dead end street there - River Edge Road. road is right here. Our streets met. Morgan: So, it's off of River's Edge? -Yeah. Morgan: River Edge Road? - Y e a h. Morgan: OK. I lived there, and whenever I moved from there, is whenever I moved over by Detroit. And I was off of- over by Detroit for only 2 years before I came back over here. Morgan: So, basically in a nutshell, what happened was you, you heard about the incident, you start doing some of your own stuff on Facebook when- and you know, discovered his page; urn, or what you thought was his page. You saw these photos, you contacted- or you were up at urn ... - Panini's. Morgan: Panini's up there at West Park; showed said, "Hey, can you send that to me?" Urn, and then she forwarded onto Detective Diaz. And then he came and talked to you. - Y e a h. Morgan: OK. One thing he did ask- or he didn't know until I told him, 'cause whenever said I clicked on urn, his mom page- they thought that her Facebook was down , and it wasn't. And he sat here. I showed it to him, and it wasn 't private. You could scroll through all of her posts and everything. They thought that her page was down. Morgan: About how soon after these incident occurred on the 22"d, that they actually come and talk to you? that. Urn, it was a while. Uh, I want to say - I think I ran intoi-Iike 2 to 3 weeks after Morgan: And then you showed her the picture? - Uh-huh. Jacobs: D i d - share any photos with you or anything like that? -No. Jacobs: OK. - No. Morgan: And that was the first time she's seen that? And that was 2 to 3 weeks after the incident? -Yeah. Morgan: So, this would have been in December; like mid-Decemlber maybe? Jacobs: Before Christmas. - No, it couldn't have been, because I e-mailed her the pictJUre on the 9th. Morgan: The 91h of December? Of December; is what my e-mail said. And the first time I sent it to her was text message, which bad been like a week earlier. So, it was in between the 22"d and the 91h of December. Jacobs: That you met with her? -Yeah. Jacobs: OK. Yeah, I seen her. Urn, so, it was on a Friday. Urn, the de:tective asked me what day it was. I told him all I remembered was it was on a Friday; that maybe- would remember. He said he would ask her. Urn, so ... Morgan: That's alright if you don't know it. It's nothin' - it's not real important. Thanks for seemg us. - I want to say it was probably the 28th; so, a week later. Morgan: That you e-mailed it? - Urn, no, that I ... Jacobs: Ran i n t o - ... ran into her. Morgan: On the 28th? - Because, urn, the 91h is a week after that. It was about a week after .. . Morgan: 28 1h ofNovember? - Yeah; I want to say it was around the 281h. Morgan: OK. Urn, like I said, I sent it to her first text message, and she said that her phone messed up. She called me a week later and asked me if I still had it. The phone messed up; so, it was after that, that I e-mailed them to her, and then I just- I figured that sh~::'s got them on e-mail there's no way that anything- so, it had to be like the 281h. Morgan: OK. - It was a Friday. Jacobs: Alright, we appreciate it. If something changes, you have: our number. You can reach out to us, but we appreciate you sitting down and talkin' to us; thanks. - You'rewelcome. CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs TO 02/2212015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe FBI request for technical assistance File On February 191h, 2015 the writer requested the Cleveland Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), crime scene laboratory to print crime scene photos for the captioned case. The crime scene photos were obtained from the Cleveland Police Department. The request was made to Ronald Totherow, Cleveland FBI crime lab. Totherow agreed to print 8 by 11 glossy prints. Totherow advised there is an open case police cooperation (technical assistance) case for this matter. The prints will be made part of the case file after they are printed. Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs Crime scene photo request CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs SUBJECT Review o - documents COPIES TO File DATE TO Sergeant Eugene Sharpe 02/22/2015 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S O~FFICE Respectfully Submitted, DetectiVE! David Jacobs #211 Guidestone Summary CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 DATE Detective John Morgan #241 TO February 24, 2014 Sergeant Sharpe Search Warrants for cellular telephones recovered from original CPO Investigation Lt. Smith, File On February 23, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriffs Detective Bureau, writer was given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On February 15, 2015 writer in company with Detective JACOBS began the review of the sanitized Use of Deadly Force Investigation from the City of Cleveland Division of Police which had been received by writer on February 13, 2015 from the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office. During the review of this file investigators learned that there two separate cellular telephones which had been identified during the investigation and these telephones had been turned over to The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) for analysis. The first telephone, an LG brand cellular telephone was located at the scene, and had been marked by placard #3 from the scene photographs. The second cellular telephone, a Samsung, was turned over to the Cleveland Police Homicide Unit by Metro Health Medical Center personnel with the personal property belonging to the decedent Tamir Rice. Due to prior Garrity issues, a second search warrant would have to be written to obtain the cellular telephones forensic examination from BCI. On February 19, 2015 writer met with Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Anthony MIRANDA to compose the search warrant. On February 23, 2015 writer traveled to the Summit County Common Pleas Court and met with The Honorable Judge Tom PARKER. After reviewing the affidavit, Judge PARKER found sufficient probable cause to sign the search warrant. Writer then traveled to the BCI regional office located in Richfield, Ohio. Writer provided a copy of the search warrant to Special Agent Justin A. TOLMAN who in turn provided writer with a copy of a single compact disk containing the forensic examination of both cellular telephones along with a three page summary of what was contained on the disc. This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 BCI Cellular search warr CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 Interview TO 02-25-2015 Sergeant Sharpe otllllllll Lt. Smith. File On February 18, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriffs Detective Bureau and in company with Detective David Jacobs, were given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. The following is a synopsis of an interview conducted on the above listed date: INTERVIEW: stated that sometime after the incident at the Cudell Recreation Center she was on Facebook.com and stated that some type of Tamir RICE mem~ kept "popping up" on her page. She stated that she clicked on the page and it took her to the site. . . . . stated that while browsing through the page, she noticed that a person identified as "Sam Rice" had made a comment on the page. stated that she then clicked on the link to the "Sam Rice" page and browsed through her Facebook.com page. She stated that someone had tagged a photograph, of what she believed was his brother. The picture was of a boy holding two guns. one in each hand. Approximately one hour later she stated that she went to Panini's in Kamm's Comer and ran into Cleveland Police first district Sergeant, Janell RUTHERFORD and RUTHERFORD began a conversation. During this conversation RUTHERFORD asked if she was aware of what had been going on (referring to Cudell Recreation Center incident) in w h i c h stated that she had been following everything on the news. then informed RUTHERFORD that she had just located a photograph on Facebook.com of what appeared to be Tamir RICE'S brother. then showed RUTHERFORD the photograph. After viewing the photograph RUTHERFORD informed her that the male in the photograph could be Tamir Rice. She continued stating that the male who was shot at the park looked much older that the photograph which was being shown in the m e d i a . stated that her s o n - used to go to school with Tamir RICE'S older brother. Investigators produced a the photogra~ounger male holding two guns, one in each hand and asked if she recognized the photograph; . . . . stated yes that was the ~ the she had located and sent to RUTHERFORD. ~nt during this interview was her son~ who wa~n the couch next to his mother. ~ stated that he went to school w ith a male he knew as .. _ _ RICE." When investigators asked a b o u t - R I C E ; - stated. "That should be his brother." ~tors informed that all of Tamir RICE'S sibling's names began with the letter "T." . . . . then stated RICE could be a cousin. -summary CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE lnve~ asked- where he went to school with the Rice family in which he replied, "WattersonLake." . . . . stated that RUTHERFORD had requested that she asked her son if he could identify who was in the photograph. - s t a t e d that she did ask her son and he said, "It looked like Tclmir, just more grown up." stated that during that initial conversation with RUTHEFORD she forwarded the pthotograph to her through a text message. Sometime later she was contacted by RUTHERFORD who informed her that something had happened to her phone and asked if she could resend her the photograph , but this time send stated that she sent the one photograph to RUTHEHFORD via it to her electronic ~ail account. electronic mail. - s t a t e d that she attempted to locate more photographs on facebook.com. She ne:d attempted to search Tamir RICE'S facebook.com page but was unable to access his page due to the priv ame alerted to activity going on around him. He said yes, the female that was screaming in the car (that he later le~•med was his sister). He overheard her scream that he was only twelve ( 12) years old . He said he never would hav1e guessed with how big he was that he was only 12. He also said that "at one point his brother appeared on scene threatening officers and storming up to us like he was going to fight and I had to stop and say is someone going to reathing. I have never favored a load and go approach in a city; I think that leads to poor patient outcomes". Once he exited the vehicle he said Tamir's mother arrived shortly after and !~Ot into the front passenger seat of the ambulance. He said the mother was very nonchalant but clarified that people react differently even though he thought she may act a little more concerned than she did. He said that after he left the ambulance he then went over to Det. Lentz and then went to Officer Loehmann. S A . was asked to recount his interaction with Officer Loehmann. SA.I said Officer Loehmann was distraught and looked like he was in a significant amount of pain holding his leg up and his ankle but declined any assistance and said he would be ok till EMS arrived. S A . said he seemed pretty distraught over the whole situation "he seemed like a guy that was put in a very difficult situation and had to make a very quick decision based upon what he believed was an imminent fear of death or serious physical injury to himself and reacted to it. Either way I don't believe it was a situation he wanted to be in". Loehmann told SA. in what he thought was a "spontaneous utterance ... he had a gun and he reached for it after he told him to show him his hands". SA. told him he was just there to see if he needed any medical attention. S A . was shown the Cudell Recreation Center surveillance footage from camera 110001 OO.exe. For a more detailed account of the interview refer to the transcribed interview. ///11/S/1///// James Mackey, Detective CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 TO 3-30-2015 Sgt. Sharpe Synopsis of the Automated Vehicle Location information Lt. Smith, File On this date, while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau, writer was assigned to conduct further investigation into the Cleveland Use of Deadly Force Incident that occurred at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC) on November 22, 2014. On March 11, 2015, writer received a compact disk containing the Cleveland Police Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) information for CPD Zone Car 115A, the car involved in the Use of Deadly Force Incident at the CRC. The AVL system does not provide precise Latitude and Longitude coordinates, however it does provide a visual area map and direction of travel of the vehicle. The vehicle in this case is represented by a small police car icon on a map of the City of Cleveland. Below is a synopsis of the location and direction of travel of Zone Car 115A on November 22, 2014 between 14:29:00 Hours and ending at 00:30:00 Hours on November 23, 2014. • • • • • • 14:29 15:10 15:15 15:18 15:24 15:27 • • • 15:29 18:55 19:08 • • • • 20:56 21:02 23:30 00:30 Begin tour of duty. Vehicle leaves 1st District Police Station. Vehicle stops in the area of W. 145th and Lorain Road. Vehicle begins traveling Eastbound on Lorain. Vehicle arrives near the intersection of Lorain Road near West Boulevard. Vehicle travels Westbound on Lorain Road, turns Northbound onto West Boulevard, turns Eastbound onto Madison Avenue, turns Northbound onto West gglh Street towards CRC. Arrive at CRC. Vehicle leaves CRC. Vehicle arrives at intersection of Lorain Road and Grovewood Avenue (Fairview Hospital). Vehicle leaves intersection of Lorain Road and Grovewood Avenue. Vehicle arrives at 1st District Police Station. End tour of duty. End of shift. This Matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 AVL Synopsis CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs DATE TO 03/3012015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Phone conversation File The following investigation is in conj unction with the Cleveland Police Use of Force Deadly Force, Cudell Recreation Center 1910 West Bou Cleveland. Ohio on November 22nd, 2014. The writer received a call back , Ohio. from reported that she was outside her house when the aforementioned incident took place. indicated she was interviewed by Cleveland Police~ the incident.- requested we mterv1ew her at her residence on March 301h, 2015 at 5:30pm . ~ has four children and works full time and asked if we could accommodate her by doing the interview at her residence. Detective John Morgan and Detective David Jacobs will conduct the interview using a voice recorder at the aforementioned location, date and time. Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs • • • • phone call CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs TO 03/30/2015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Second attempt to interview-~ File The following investigation is in conjunction with the Cleveland Police Department, use of deadly force incident which took November 22, 2014, Cudell Recreation Center (CRC), 1910 West Boulevard, Cleveland, Ouvenile} legal guardian was contacted to reschedule an interview for March 27'h, 2015 at Ohio. 3:00pm guardian previously agreed and subsequently canceled the day of the interview. We agreed to resch did not determine the location and time. · Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs - -interview attempt (2) CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs TO 03/30/2015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Attempt to interview-. . File The following investigation is in conjunction with the Cleveland Police Department, use of deadly force incident which took November 22, 2014, Cudell Recreation Center (CRC}, 1910 West Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio. {juvenile) legal guardian was contacted and we scheduled an interview for March 201h, 2015 at 2:00pm. guardian previously agreed and subsequently canceled the day of the interview. We agreed to reschedule for March 27111 , 2015 at 3:00pm. Respectfully Submitted .. Detective David Jacobs --lnterviewattempt (1) CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 DATE Detective John Morgan #241 TO March31 ,2015 Sergeant Sharpe lnterviewof-- Lt. Smith, File On March 30, 2015.while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau and in company with Detective David Jacobs, we were assigned by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On this date we had the occasion to i n t e r v i e w - - at her home located at - · Ohio. had been previously identified in the Cleveland Police Use of ,.....~........ orce Investigation, however, all material learned during the interview had been redacted. The following is a synopsis of the interview which was audio recorded. B/F/31, 008 MOBILE TX: ADDRESS:--ST, stated that she has been residing at this address for approximately 10 years. She stated that stated on the day of the shooting her son was at the Cudell Recreation Center playing basketball. that she has a habit of looking out of the kitchen window whenever she is in or around the kitchen area. On this day she recalled looking out of the kitchen window and seeing a "Little boy" outside playing with another "Little Boy• at Cudell Recreation Center. stated that the one "Little boy" playing outside she identified as T amir Rice and she did not know the identity of the other male playing with Tamir. She stated that she did not personally know Tamir RICE but her son Calvin went to elementary school with him. stated that about 30 minutes later her friend had arrived to pick her up to take her to the store. She stated that when she walked outside and was about to enter the passenger side door of the vehicle, she heard three gunshots and some yelling. Specifically- described hearing two gunshots "Bang Bang" then hearing someone yell, "Freeze.. Show me your handsr then she heard a third and final "Bang." stated that when she heard the first gunshots she became frozen in place. Stated that she then entered her friend's car and attempted to call the recreation center to advise the counselors not to let the kids outside because something had just happened. She stated that by the time she had called she saw kids running outside. stated that when the kids came running out of the recreation center she witnessed a girl running towards the area where the police car was located. As the girl approached the are~officer "clothes lined" her to the ground. She could hear this girl screaming, ·That's my brother!" ~ stated that she could see this girl fighting with one Caucasian police officer who then handcuffed her and placed her in the back of the car. stated that she believed that the officer that fired the gun was the officer that "clothes lined" the girl. When asked if she had saw any other officers there at the time of the shooting;- explained that she saw a second police officer there, he came from behind the car, but appeared to be hurt because he was breathing heavy and was leaning on the car. interview CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE stated that she did eventually get inside of her friends; car because she became cold. She stated that before they left the area a fire truck was at the scene and because she had rolled down the window, she could hear what she described as ambulance sirens getting closer to the area. At the conclusion of the interview- demonstrated to investigators where she was located when she heard the gunshots. Note: - - residence is located on the other side of a chain linked fence >8 feet in height which stands between her residence and the Cudell Recreati<>n Center. She resides in a unit of side by side single level homes located on west side of West 981h Street. Further the audio recording device failed to capture the entire interview. For a more detailed account of the interview refer to the audio recorded interview. This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 - - interview CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs DATE TO 04/0212015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Weather conditions for November 22"ct. 2014 File The following investigation is in conjunction with the Cleveland Police Department Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC}, November 22nd, 2014 at approximately 3:30pm. The information listed below were the weather conditions for the aforementioned date: November 22nd, 2014 High temperature: 49 degrees Fahrenheit Low temperature: 16 degrees Fahrenheit Mean temperature: 29.9 degrees Fahrenheit Precipitation: 0.16 inches Visibility: 9.2 miles Snow Depth: 1.2 inches Mean Wind Speed: 11 .39 miles per hour Maximum Sustained Wind Speed: 14.0 miles per hour Maximum Wind Gust Speed: 24.17 miles per hour The weather conditions referenced above were obtained from weather underground (wunderground.com), and cross referenced from two other separate historical weather websites. Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs wealher report CudeD CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 DATE TO April3, 2015 Sergeant Sharpe SUBJECT ~~~-video recorded interview of COPIES TO Lt. Smith, File On March 20, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau and in company with Detective David Jacobs, were given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On this date investigators had the occasion to interview~- at the Cleveland offices of The Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms located at 5055 Rockside Road Suite 700, Independence, Ohio. The following is a synopsis of the video recorded interview. ADDRESS: ROAD, stated that she has been employed as a teacher with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District since 1992. She stated that she is currently an Art teacher at Marion-Seltzer Elementary School and was the Art Teacher for Tamir RICE. explained that Marion Seltzer is a ki~en through 8 1h Grade school and that RICE was a sixth grader in the Special Education Program. explained that this program was for the emotionally disturbed children and that the class size was not larger than 10 children but RICE'S class only had 6 children. -stated that she began teaching RICE at the beginning of the 2014 school year and stated that he loved Art and that she never had a problem with him at school. She stated that about a week prior to the incident at Cudell Recreation Center RICE had been involved in an altercation at school with a boy identified as Ashanti JONES but didn't know much about the incident. further explained to investigators that RICE'S regular special education teacher was Ms. Carletta GOODWIN and that she was considered RICE'S General Education Teacher. -stated that she knew that RICE'S sister attended Max Hayes and that she has met his mother on only one occasion in the past. She stated that in that meeting with his mother, she seemed very concerned about his education and how he was progressing in school. stated that after the incident at Cudell, Ms. RICE contacted Ms. GOODWIN via telephone and infom;ecr"'Jier of the news that her son had passed away. -suggested that investigators interview Ms. GOODWIN to learn more about RICE because she is the teacher that spent the most time with him. CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE thought that RICE would be up at the recreation center with a gun, nature. This Matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 · -Summary stated that she would have never or fake because that wasn't in his CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 Det. Homer Allen DATE TO 04/0612015 Sgt. Sharpe Tamir Rice Medical Summary File On February 23, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's UDF Unit, I was given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is a summary of medical records received from Metro Health Hospital. On February 23, 2015, Samaria Rice signed an (Authorization to Release Protected Health Information to Another Form} affording the Cuyahoga Cou Sheriff's Office the right to obtain all medical records for Tamir Rice ( 12 Years Old) D O B : - SOC: On same date, I provided a copy of this form to Colleen Higgins with Metro Health Hospital to obtain these records. On February 26th the records were picked up by me for review. SUMMARY OF MEDICAL RECORDS 1. • I I • 2. Notes p e r - LISW-S at 11/22/2014, 6:53pm. Tamir arrived via EMS with GSW to abdomen, and transported to OR on arrival. CPO Officers Judd (1545) and Taylor (2067) arrived with Tamir. CPO reports that Tamir pulled a gun on CPO and police shot him. • Mother- Rice~ highly escalated and yelling that she wants the news to be called and wants to s~of Police. • Waiting in OR was moms c o u s i n - . friend grandparents. • At approximately midnight Tamir began bleeding profusely, Or. Patel attempted to stabilize but Tamir expired in the OR • linda Lee is evening Social Worker TAMIR METRO HEALTH MEDICAL SUMMARY and T amir's maternal CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1. Per Jessica Whitmer RN on 11/22/2014 at 3:59pm 12 yr. old Tamir was admitted for GSW to abdomen-umbilical area evisceration and visible bowel. Had pulse on scene but lost pulse as soon as arrived to trauma bay. • Laparotomy, Exploratory by Dr. Nimitt Patel and John Como • 11/23/2014 at 12:54am Disposition Morgue. • Emergency Department Smart Form Attending note, I saw and evaluated the patient, I personally obtained the key and critical portions of the history and physical exam. I reviewed the resident's documentation and discussed the patient resident. I agree with the resident's medical decision making as documented in the residents note. (Lance D. Wilson MD.) • Exam notes show unresponsive, being bagged, no pulse, and Brady cardiac on monitor, no spontaneous breath sounds and gunshot wound with evisceration of abdominal fat. • Additional Notes, emergency intubation attempted but tube selection was for an adult male based on pre-hospital information provided and the tube would not pass vocal chords. Rather than delay for second attempt, decision made to transport to OR. (Devin Harper MD. ( 2 1 6 ) - DISCHARGE SUMMARY NOTES Author: Khadra Helmi MD. (Rotating Resident) Filed: 01/11/2015 at 7:50pm Co-Signer: Patel, Nimitt MD on 01/12/2015 at 8:18am Admission: 11/22/2014 Discharge: 11/23/2014 SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS • Small bowel colonic and ex1ensive inferior vena cava and common iliac vein injuries cause uncontrolled bleeding from presacral plexus and pelvis. HOSPITAL COURSE 1. Tamir came in at 3:55pm taken to OR within 5 Minutes of arrival. In OR 80-90% loss of inferior vena cava, Dr. Alexander called for Vascular Surgery. Sites of obvious bleeding had been controlled. Only additional bleeding was from right deep pelvic area. Specific source could not be identified. Multiple extensive attempts were made to control bleeding which was unsuccessful. 2. After all measures had been exhausted to control pelvic bleeding, Tamir lost his pulses for a second time and decision was made to not do additional ACLS sue to incontrollable hemorrhage. And was declared dead at 12:54am on 11/23/2014 3. Additional medical history and medication needs during stay are included, if needed for further review. Respectfully submitted, Homer Allen#225 TAMIR METRO HEALTH MEDICAL SUMMARY CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 DATE Detective David Jacobs Phone call with TO 0410112015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe IIIII- father, .... File The following investigation in conjunction with the Cleveland Police Department (CPO), Use of Deadly Force incident which took place at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC), 1910 West Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio on November 22nd, 2014 at approximately 3:30pm. The writer contacted~ the father o f - - Ouvenile) via his cell phone. ( 2 1 6 ) - ~ Cleveland, Ohio on March 31st. 2015. The purpose of the phone call was to set up an appointment . .. agreed to have- proceed with an interview. We agreed to meet at their on April2, 2015 at 5:30pm. Tentatively, Detective John Morgan and Detective David Jacobs residence (listed will conduct the interview. Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs -father phone call CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs TO 04/0112015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Interview of Jessica Ortiz File Jessica ORTIZ, , Ohio, date of b i r t h - · cell phone number was advised of the identities the interviewing Officers and the purpose of the interview. Interviewers present were Detectives John Morgan and David Jacobs. The interview took place at 5055 Rocks ide Road, Independence, Ohio on March 13th, 2015 at approximately 9:15am. ORTIZ thereafter provided the following information regarding the Cleveland Police Department, Use of Deadly Force incident which took place at Cudell Recreation Center (CRC), November 22"d, 2014 at approximately 3:30pm. ORTIZ, City of Cleveland part-time employee, "Recreation Instructor One" (1), length of employment in current position is two (2) years and one (1) month. ORTIZ generally works five (5) days a week and shifts are typically four (4) to six (6) hours in length. ORTIZ was working the front desk registration on November 22"d, 2014; her shift was 9:30am to 6:00pm. ORTIZ typically works these hours on Saturdays. ORTIZ described in detail the process for signing into the recreation. ORTIZ indicated she was working with Milton Smith on this day. ORTIZ also indicated the City of Cleveland has uniformed "off-duty" Police Officers assigned to CRC everyday with varying shifts. The Officer working this day was "Will", last name Cunningham. On Saturdays the Officers' shift is 2pm to 6pm. ORTIZ took her lunch at approximately 3pm; ORTIZ always leaves the recreation center on her lunch break. ORTIZ usually goes home for lunch and returns an hour later. ORTIZ is seen on camera leaving CRC on November 22nd, 2014 at approximately 3:00pm. ORTIZ exited the center via the back doors (west) and drives away in her light blue Honda Accord. ORTIZ received a phone call from her manager, Ronald Fields at approximately 3:40pm stating one of your volleyball players' brother just got shot at the recreation center. Fields told ORTIZ to return to work immediately. ORTIZ is seen on camera returning to recreation center at approximately 3:50pm, parking near the west entrance, south side, facing north. ORTIZ walked to front entrance (east doors.) ORTIZ described the scene at Cudell as follows: Exits blocked off A lot of Police cars near the Gazebo Ambulance in the parking lot People gathering near the entrance (east) As ORTIZ walked toward the east entrance she was unable to hear anything the police officers were saying. ORTIZ was met by co-workers, Joe Munoz and Milton Smith. ORTIZ was told by Munoz that the cops shot Tamir. ORTIZ was very familiar with Tamir and his sister- ORTIZ had coached~ in volleyball, and Tamir her brother, frequented the recreation center four (4) to five (5) days a week. Smith or Munoz told ORTIZ about~ getting tackled by the police and put in the back seat. They also told her she was very upset and screaming that the police had shot her brother. ORTIZ stayed inside the recreation center upon her return. ORTIZ did not remember being interviewed by any police officers that day or any other day. ORTIZ stayed at the CRC until approximately 5:50pm on November 22"d, 2014. Ortiz interview CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE IIIII As stated earlier, ORTIZ was familiar with Tamir and ORTIZ did not interact with Tamir too much. ORTIZ would typically tell Tamir "what not to do" indicating he was never c:1 problem. Tamir liked to talk to girls and played very little sports while at the recreation center. ORTIZ would see Tamir mainly in the game room or in the hallways. Tamir was there almost every evening from 4pm to 7pm four 1(4) days a week, and was never a real problem. ORTIZ remembers that on November 22"d, 2014 Tamir came t•o the CRC with his sister,~ and his ~TIZ could not remember the exact time. ORTIZ was shown video surveillance that depicts friend a~ . . arriving at the CRC at 11:05am on November 22nd, 2014. Tamir, ORTIZ was shown additional surveillance video from that day and ORTIZ was able to view herself among others and provide information regarding person(s) depicted. ORTIZ specifically provided information for following person(s) with regards to their respective clothing: "Yellow j a c k e t " - (has a twin, - n ) "Fur coat"-Hispanic male (unsure of name) "Plaid jacket"-Maybe ·- " last name unknown (LNU) "White ~lack clothing·-"Gray"--- ORTIZ was shown video surveillance from a CRC camera labeled "cam ten" the time indicated 15:30hrs, the video depicts people standing outside the west entrance. ORTIZ identifies · and as the persons standing outside the west enttrance at this time. ORTI the person depicted in CRC video surveillance from a CRC camera labeled "cam 4", a view of the 31 hrs. The video surveillance depicts a child (possibly Oate!)) talking to "Will" the police officer, while he was seated at the front desk. is seen looking out the east doors prior to having a conversation with "Will". It appears - t e l l s "Will" what he just saw as he looked out the east doors. "Will" reacts by getting up and exiting CRC via the east doors. Respectfully Submitted, Dett:ctive David Jacobs Ortiz interview CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM DATE 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 TO April3, 2015 Sergeant Sharpe SUBJECT · o - e r view with COPIES TO Lt. Smith, File On April 2, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau and in company with Detective David Jacobs, we were assigned by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014 at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC). The following is resutt of that investigation. IIIII- On this date ~tors met with and conducted an interview with in the presence of his father at his residence located on the East side of Cleveland. The following is a synopsis of the audio recorded interview. IIIII.... - W/M/15 D O B - ADDRESS: CLEVELAND OHIO. MOBILE TX: stated that has lived at his current address for about one month and that in November of 2014 he was living at the address in Cleveland Ohio. explained that he didn't remember how long he had known RICE but stated that he met him and only known him from hanging out at the CRC. He stated that he occasionally would play basketball with RICE and commented that he wasn't that good of a basketball p l a y e r . - stated that he has never visited RICE at his home and that he had never met this mother. further explained that RICE would hang around with a male he knew only as another male he knew only as ·~ed that RICE explained to him that "Play brother" but was really his cousin an~ was his real cousin. recalled that he was told b y - after the incident that RICE had received the BB gun from was with RICE every day at the recreation center. stated that IIIII were always together. He stated that the guys at the stated that he a n d - CRC liked to pick on RICE and bully him. He stated that kids would talk about RICE'S clothes and how he was dressed. reveled that sometimes RICE would wear the same clothes that he had worn the day before or he would have a stain in his clothes on one day and he would wear the same clothes again with the same stain on another day. relayed that boys at CRC picked on RICE almost every day. -recalled an incident where he and RICE were pl~tball and a guy n a m e d had kicked a soccer ball at RICE and it struck him in the face. ~ said that it was an accident but everyone who saw it knew that it wasn't an accident. synopsis CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE - s t a t e d that on the day RICE was at CRC with the BB gun, he a n d - were walking from West ggth Street, walked down W.1001n Street and ran into RICE andl another "little boy." They were playing near the trailers located behind the Marion-Seltzer school waiting for the gym to open. He stated that RICE had showed them the BB gun and that RICE let him hold the gun. described the gun to be Black in color with some markings on it. stated that he fired the gun at the trailer and that he took one shot a t - before RICE took the gun back from him. He stated that the gun fired clear but slightly green BB's. Detective Jacobs pull,ed up a picture of the gun (Picture #64 from the CPD Crime scene photos) a n d - stated, 'That's the gun!" stated that he didn't want to be around RICE after that because he had the BB gun. explained that 3 to 4 months earlier he was involved in a similar incident with a BB gun. He stated that he had a BB gun and had pulled it out while inside of a Save-A-Lot stor•!. He stated that someone must have called the police because he was eventually approached by a policeman inside of the store and was told to put his hands up. He was asked if he had a gun, and while his hands were in the air he told the officer, "yes." The officer then took the gun from him. He stated that he learned a llesson from that incident because he got into trouble. stated that when RICE took the gun back ~· decided to walk over to the CRC and RICE told him that he would be inside in a few minutes. ~a ted that he a n d - were walking around the CRC and ended up in the back by the arts building. This is where they were when they heard gunshots. - s t a t e d that~ that he thought he heard h~o gunshots b u t - believed that he had heard three guns~ stated that he heard, "Pop/Pop .. ..Pop." He stated that he heard two gunshots close together and one gunshot after the first two. Shortly after hearing the gunshots- a n d - heard s1 female screaming, so they ran around the building towards the pari< and then heard RICE'S sister yelling, "You killed my brother." - s t a t e d that he heard and observed two white officers telling her to calm down and they were on top of RICE'S sister. stated that he a n d - walked all the way around the pavilion and they were able to observe RICE lying on his back with his knees bent toward the entrance to CRC (North) and it appeared that he was dead. He stated that after walking around he a n d - re1turned to where everyone who had been inside of building was now standing. observed- video recording everything on his cell phone and another large older black male, who had been playing basketball in the gym, also videotaping what was happening on his cell phone. He stated that this older male was also talking during the video saying, "They done killed another one of us.n was asked if he could remember where RICE had kep1t the gun; he stated that RICE kept the gun in inside his waistband on his left side with the barrel pointed downward and he had to lift up his jacket to pull it out when he was with him. stated that RICE told him that day that his mother bouHht the gun for him and that he had seven more BB guns at home. - s t a t e d that he never believed RICE when he said that statement. believed that RICE was saying those things because he wanted to be cool. Further,believed that RICE had the gun that day because wanted to appear "Cool" and this is why he was showing off the BB gun. stated that as long as he had known RICE: he had never seen him with a gun before that day. · -syt1opsis CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S O·FFICE At this time Detective JACOBS began showing on November 22, 2014. The video was being shown were present at the center that afternoon and to confirm sections of the surveillance video from the CRC to see if he could help Identify others who wn~ere;a[)OIUts on the video. During the playback of the v i d e o - stated that he didn't ~:now the two males that walked up to everyone by the rear door of the gymnasium however- beli,eves that two of the unidentified males are members of the BBE-900 gang. When questioned if RICE had any involvement in that gang; stated that RICE has told him in the past that he "Rolled with" BBE-9100, but a g a i n - stated that he thought RICE was also lying about that because he just wasn't the 1)/pe of person to be involved in a gang. - s t a t e d that a lot of people at CRC claim to be in BBE-99 but they really are not in the gang. stated that he recalled when RICE'S mother arrived at the center. HE stated that she was on the telephone and he heard her tell someone on the phone, "I'm hene ... I'm here" and hung up the telephone. Further he stated that when the ambulance was pulling out of the parking lot, RICE'S mother was in the front seat of the ambulance and she had the window down, she was pointing at the cops saying, "Them cops are going to pay: stated that he a n d - stayed outside of the CRC until the ambulance pulled out with RICE. and hung around for a shot time then went home. This matter to further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 · - s ynopsis CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 TO -- April 7, 2015 Sergeant Sharpe Synopsis of Meeting with Lt. Smith, File On April 6, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau writer was assigned by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On this date writer had the occasion to speak with at her residence located on a blog which was , Lakewood, Ohio. ina! Police Use rce nvestigation. (See Attached) wrote in this blog that she had interviewed two females in connection with the incident at ~u ......... w.:o.,..r.:o!:lr•r'n Center and that they were friends with Tamir RICE. · Further, wrote in the blog that RICE and his friends were at the Regional Transit Authority ( station across the street and that a white man must have seen the gun and called the police. The kids then ran back to the park and they were sitting together when the police arrived. She stated, "The police pulled their guns on the kids, RICE'S friends backed away and told the officers that it was a BB gun w/ no bullets and went to lift up his shirt to show it to them, they shot him twice in the stomach. In front of not only his friends, but also other children and I believe his sister as well." After being advised of the identity of the interviewing detective. she did not want to provide writer an interview, she stated that she investigation in any way than she already has. stated that at this time want to get involved in this Writer explained that The Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department was attempting to conduct a complete into this incident and is interested in learning every detail into this case . . . . . . . . . stated that she is currently a graduate student and that she referenced being involved in some way with Cleveland's City Counsel. At this time she refused to speak with investigators about this case. ~stigation Writer provided about speaking with ln\Ito, but she doesn't recall when • Rutherford attempted to search for Tamir web site on another occasion with negative results Sgt. Rutherford states she has never seen individuals, reacting like on this scene. None of the Cleveland Police vehicles are equipped with any first aid kits, or is there any type of medical training provided , besides, maybe the CPR training received back in the police academy. Please refer to DVD copy of this interview to obtain any additional needed information. Respectfully submitted, Homer Allen #225 SGT RUTHERFORD SUfvfN\RY - CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILENO. FROM 15-04 {Tamir Rice) James Mackey, Detective SUBJECT COPIES TO File DATE TO Sgt. Sharpe 4/9/15 ISIS-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY OFFICE WHISHHM James Mackey, Detective CIS-36 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 James Mackey. Detective DATE TO 4/10/15 Sgt. Sharpe Interview of Cleveland Police Disptacher Beth Mandl File Summary On Wednesday, AprilS, 2015 at 4:14pm, at the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department Detective Bureau in Cleveland Ohio, Detective Allen and I (Detective Mackey) interviewed Cleveland Police Dispatcher Beth Mandl. Mandl was accompanied by CPPA Counsel Keith Woulgumuth and was also joined later in the interview by CPPA President Steve Loomis and CPPA Counsel Henry Hilo. The interview was in regards to a call she dispatched to 1910 West Boulevard (Cudell Recreation Center), Cleveland OH 44102 on Saturday November 22, 2014 tor a male with a gun. Details Beth Mandl is a dispatcher with the City of Cleveland Police Department and has been employed in that capacity since December 201 0. Prior to that, she was employed as a Dispatcher with Case Western Reserve University Security/Police Department for two to three years (2-3). I asked Dispatcher Mandl to explain the workings of the dispatch center from the layout, to how 911 calls are taken and dispatched. Mandl explained the room layout, and drew a rough sketch of the dispatch center. She said the dispatch center was one large room that houses police dispatching as well as CFD and EMS. The room is broken in two with CFD and EMS dispatching on the West end of the room and the Police dispatching on the East end of the room. She further broke down the East end of the room with an elevated supervisor's station to the North. Call takers located along the South West wall. The District Dispatchers located to the East of the supervisor station . She explained that the call taker receives all 911 calls within the City of Cleveland. A 911 call would be answered by one of the Police Call Takers and they ascertain if it is a Police, Fire, or EMS emergency. If it is a Fire or EMS emergency the call is transferred to Fire/EMS dispatch (located on the West end of the room) . If it is a Police em~rgency the Call Taker would gather the necessary information and enter it into the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD} system. Once the information is typed into the CAD system. it is transferred electronically to the dispatcher responsible for the geographic area the emergency is located. Unlike the Call Takers who receives 911 calls from anywhere in the City of Cleveland. The Dispatchers are responsible for dispatching calls for service to officers within the District they are assigned to. The Cleveland Police Department has divided the City into five (5) Districts. Please refer the attached maps obtained through the City of Cleveland website for the geographical boundaries of each District. C/S-35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Each district has its own radio channel and is staffed by at least one (1) dispatcher. Typically there are nine (9) dispatchers on duty, five (5) for the district channels, one (1) for warrant channel, one (1) for the tow channel and two (2) relief dispatchers. She said that each dispatcher is monitoring at least six (6) computer screens and has to be proficient at multitasking. She explained that once the call taker transfen~ the gathered information electronically it appears in a queue of "pending calls" and it is assigned a priority (level of importance) from the call taker. The only information seen by the dispatcher is what is typed in by the call taker other than that they have no further information and typically a dispatcher has no direct contact with the caller. She did note that if additional information was needed or requested by the officer, she would call the person back and speak with them directly. I asked if the call taker ever walks over, calls the dispatcher or yells across the room to clear up any vague information and she said no, the information is sent electronically from the call taker to the dispatcher. On Saturday November 22, 2015 Dispatcher Mandl was assigned to dispatc:h for the First District and recalls dispatching cars to Cudell Recreation Center for a report of a man with a gun. The dispatch audio (Dist1 , 11·22· 14.mp3) was played for her. At the beginning when the call appeared in her queue of calls to be assigned she had no cars "free'' that she could assign the call to. She radioed for a "Road Boss" and informed the female who responded that she did not have any cars available for a "Code 1" at Cudell for guy sitting on the swings pointing a gun at people. Mandl dispatched the call to two cars (A26 and A25) that were able to clear from their current assignment. "It's at Cude/1 Rec Center, 1910 West Boulevard, 1910 West Boulevard. ~is calling he said in the park by the youth center, there is a black male sitting on the swing. He is wearing a camouflage hat, a grey jacket with black sleeves. He keeps pulling a gun out of his pants and pointing it a people. It's a code one .. . 1528'' (3:28pm). At time stamp 4:14 a male voice can be heard "Radio um shots fired. Male ,down, um black male maybe 20, um black revolver (inaudible) ... send EMS this way and a road boss." Mandl aslack to .that last questipn; you answer. What was different in, in, the way that the other person wanted to hold your hand versus how she was? Hough: Well, she's screaming at me thaLshe wanted my job, and- I was, I was just not takin' it back, but I was just shocked that we're tryin' to help, and.she'sjust screaming at me like. I did somethin' wrong, but I didn't know. I didn't know at the .time that itwas a police shooting. Morgan: What was she sayin' to you? Did she say she's gonna hike your job, too? Hough: She said, she -yeah, she was.gonna have all our jobs. Morgan: Really? Hough: "I'll have all ycmr jobs," is whal she said. "I'll see all you mother fuckers at Pelican Bay:" Morgan: And how did you respond to her? Hough: I didn't, I didn'tanswer, I just ... Morgan: Good. Hough: ... tended to· get me to Metro; please. Morgan: Just get there; Oh, yeah, Allen: Now, 'the scene was pretty hectic. At. any point did you kind of feel for your safety? Hough: No. Allen: OK. Morgan: !mean, was the crowd gettin' ~were they screamin' at you know ... Hough: Like !said, I didn't notice them; just out ofthe corner. ofmy eye ... i 14 Morgan: Uh-huh. Hough: ... when I ran back to get suction, and ... Morgan: You're kind of like tunnel vision ... Hough: Yeah, I, I didn't. .. Morgan: (inaudible) Hough: I don't recall them screaming at us or- just urn; yeah, the mother was the big screamer. And you know, I don't wani to be in that situation; so. Morgan: Do you have any questions for us? Hough: No, I don't think so. Morgari: I'm sorry it's taken a whileto get. to you, but, urn, you know, we'rejust conducting an investigation. We'rcjust.tryingto be as ihoroughas we-possibly can, Urn, does anybody else have any questions in the. room? · Unidentified Person: No, we, we understand. We're glad that Firefighter Hough could assist you. Morgan: Yeah, and uh, we'd like to thank you for this .and for ,responding as quickly as possible on that particular day, and urn, arid just doii1g your job, Um,)fthere's nothirigelse; thank you, gentleman; appreciate it. !: CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT DATE 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs TO 05/12/2015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Review of Cudell Recreation Center surveillance cameras COPIES TO File The following review of surveillance video is in conjunction with the investigation of the Use of Deadly Force incident involving the Cleveland Police Department (CPO). The incident occurred at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC), 1910 West Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio on November 22"d, 2014 at approximately 3:30pm. The DVD reviewed by the writer was provided to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office via the Cuyahoga County Prosecutors' Office {CCPO.) The DVD contains approximately five (5) hours of surveillance video. The recording time for all cameras is 11 :OOam to 4:00pm. The date and time appears to be accurate, there are other factors that were evaluated to ensure the time on the video surveillance footage was and is deemed accurate. This includes witness statements, CPO Dispatch, and log in times captured by the CRC. The DVD also contains ten (10) separate camera views. The cameras listed below are numbered one thru ten and located on or about various locations at the CRC. Camera numbers are located in the upper left area of each view, for example {cam1.) The camera views may overlap coverage but are separate and function independently. • • • • • • • • • • Cam 1 · view of gazebo facing east, located on a utility pole (outside) Cam 2- view of parking lot facing west, located on a utility pole (outside) Cam 3- view east entrance, located on the CRC (outside) Cam 4- partial view gazebo, parking lot facing south, located on the CRC {outside) Cam 5- view of indoor basketball court facing south west (inside) Cam 6 .. view of the second floor indoor hallway, facing west, located inside the CRC (inside) Cam 7- view of the front desk, facing east, located inside the CRC (inside) Cam 8- view of the gazebo located in the rear (west), facing north/west located on CRC (outside) Cam 9- view of the parking lot, facing south/west, located on the CRC (outside) Cam 10- view of the rear entrance (west) facing west (outside) All of the cameras listed above are operated and maintained by the CRC. The DVR recording device is located in the CRC managers' office. The original DVR was obtained and entered into evidence. The DVR was submitted to the Ohio Attorney Generals' Office, Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) for further examination. The DVR did not contain the original footage from November 22"d, 2104. The hard drive was overwritten. It was determined through further examination/investigation that the footage remains on the hard drive for approximately thirty (30) days before it is overwritten. The following are associated with times and events indicated on the surveillance video. The camera views depict Tamir Rice,~ Rice and others identified through further investigation and will be named or described depending on known or unknown identity, clothing description could be used otherwise. Cudell Recreation video timeline CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs DATE TO 05/12/2015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Responding CPO Officers File The following investigation is in conjunction with the Cleveland Police Department (CPO), Use of Deadly Force incident which took place at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC) on November 22"d, 2014 at approximately 3:30pm. The following is a list of responding CPO Officers and the order in which they arrived to include their respective call signs and approximate times: First on scene: Officers Timothy Loehman ~ and Frank Garmback, 1A25, 1528 hours-(CPD William Cunningham) Second on scene: Special A g e n t - and CPO Detective Daniel Lentz, 1176, 1533 hours Third on scene: Officers Ken Zverina and Ricardo Roman, 1A26, 1534 hours Fourth on scene: Officer Lou Kitko, 1C21 , 1536 hours Fifth on scene: Officers Chuck Judd and Brian Taylor, 1026, 1537 hours Sixth on scene: Officer Tom Griffin, 1C24, 1539 hours Seventh on scene: Sergeant Janell Rutherford, 1S23, 1543 hours Respectfully Submitted , Detective David Jacobs CPOresponcling CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILENO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 DATE TO 05/ 12/2015 Sergeant Sharpe Synopsis of CFD Patrick Hough Lt. Smith, File On April 29, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau and in company with Detective Homer Allen were given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On this date investigators conducted an interview with City of Cleveland Firefighter Patrick HOUGH. Present during the interview were Frank SZABO, President of the Association of Cleveland Firefighters, Francis CHANTOS , Acting Chief of Division, Wayne NAIDA, Battalion Chief, Sergeant Eugene Sharpe and Sergeant David LISY of the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department. The following is a synopsis of an audio recorded interview conducted at Cleveland Fire Department's Fire Station #1 located at 1645 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio: PATRICK HOUGH, 9826 MADISON A FIREFIGHTER 1sr GRADE. ENGINE 23 LOCATED AT HOUGH stated that he was appointed a Cleveland Firefighter on March 9, 1998. He explained that when a fireman graduates from the Cleveland Fire Academy, he graduates with the rank of Firefighter 1st Grade. HOUGH stated that since graduation he has obtained the rank of Firefighter 4 th Grade and currently is assigned to Engine #23 located at the address of 9826 Madison Avenue. HOUGH stated that he works twenty-four (24) hours on duty and forty-eight (48) hours off duty. His shift will begin at 0830 and end at 0830 Hours the following day. HOUGH explained that Engine #23 is an Advanced Life Support (ALS) engine which contains four (4) personnel on the vehicle; a driver, a Lieutenant and 2 other firefighters. HOUGH stated that he has responded to many calls where people have suffered from gunshot wounds. On November 22, 2014 HOUGH stated that he began his shift at 0830 Hours and his crew had just completed a call on West 41 st St. and Interstate 90 East when the call came in over the monitor to respond to Cudell Recreation Center. HOUGH explained that a call will come in over a computer monitor inside of the vehicle even before it is dispatched by radio and had arrived at the recreation center no more than three minutes after receiving the call. HOUGH recalled arriving at the recreation center and observing a police cruiser parked on the grass and that an FBI Agent was providing first aid to the male with a gunshot wound. HOUGH stated that other members of his engine had taken over first aid and remembers being sent back to the engine to retrieve a device for su~ion . He stated that there were other people present and watching but was so focused on what he was doing that he cannot recall who was there and what they were doing. HOUGH stated that shortly after they arrived on scene Emergency Medical Service (EMS) arrived, the patient was loaded in the back of the EMS unit; both EMS paramedics along with one fireman were in the back with the patient while HOUGH sat in the driver's seat to drive the unit to Metro Hospital. HOUGH explained that in life threatening situations that both EMS personnel will ride in the back of the unit while a fireman will drive the unit to the hospital Patrick Hough Synopsis CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE HOUGH stated that normally paramedics do not want family members riding in the back of the unit while the patient is being attended too so Ms. RICE rode in the front of the EMS unit with HOUGH. He stated that he didn't remember seeing her until she climbed into the front of the unit. HOUGH stated that Ms. RICE never actually shut the door after she entered the EMS unit. He stated that she had her head out of the door and she was yelling at a police officer about her daughter. HOUGH recalled that Ms. RICE was telling the police officer that if she didn't release her daughter from the police car that she would have her job! After closing the door HOUGH stated that Ms. RICE screamed several times, "I know the fuck that they didn't shoot my mutherfuckin' son!" HOUGH stated that she was rocking back and forth screaming this same phrase until she took a telephone call. After the call she said to HOUGH, "I'll have all of your jobs ... I'll see all you motherfuckers at Pelican Bay." (HOUGH stated this was a reference to a line from Denzel Washington's character in the movie Training Day.) After this statement her telephone rang and she was screaming to the person on the telephone that her son had just been shot and to get to Metro as soon as possible. He stated that Ms. RICE then placed her other hand over the telephone and turned to HOUGH and asked, "He dead?" Which HOUGH replied, "No he's not dead?" Mr. RICE then continued with her telephone conversation. HOUGH stated that he was completely unaware that this entire incident was a police involved shooting. He continued, stating that he only found out that it was in officer involved shooting after he had left Metro Hospital when an EMS supervisor had mentioned it to him. HOUGH explained that everyone on that EMS unit who was working on RICE had no idea that this was an officer involved shooting until after the run had been completed. When asked if anyone on the EMS unit had been advised of the age of the patient being transported to Metro Health Hospital; HOUGH replied that he did not find out his age until the very next morning. HOUGH stated that when he found out that he was 12 years of age he was "Shocked!" HOUGH stated that he would have guessed that he was between 16 and 17 years of age. At this time HOUGH'S attention was then brought back to his arrival at the scene. HOUGH was asked if he could explain how the patient was lying upon his arrival at the scene; HOUGH stated that the patient was Lying under the gazebo, his head was facing south and there was very little blood because there was no exit wound. HOUGH stated that he did see a firearm or what appeared to be a firearm located a few feet from the patient when they went to place him on a stretcher. HOUGH stated that he has responded to a lot of shootings but recalled a similar situation where a parent of a patient that he was driving to the hospital that had also rode in the front seat with him. HOUGH continued, stating that in that situation the mother acted completely different. He stated that the mother, in that instance the mother want to hold my hand and pray with her. This time Ms. RICE acted in an completely opposite manor. For more information refer to the audio recorded interview contained within the file. This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 Patrick Hough Synopsis CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT 15·00004 Detective David Jacobs DATE TO 05/1212015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Review of Cudell Recreation Center surveillance cameras COPIES TO File The following review of surveillance video is in conjunction with the investigation of the Use of Deadly Force incident involving the Cleveland Police Department (CPD). The incident occurred at the Cudell Recreation Center {CRC}, 1910 West Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio on November 22nd. 2014 at approximately 3:30pm. The DVD reviewed by the writer was provided to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office via the Cuyahoga County Prosecutors' Office (CCPO.) The DVD contains approximately five (5) hours of surveillance video. The recording time for all cameras is 11 :OOam to 4:00pm. The date and time appears to be accurate, there are other factors that were evaluated to ensure the time on the video surveillance footage was and is deemed accurate. This includes witness statements, CPO Dispatch, and log in times captured by the CRC. The DVD also contains ten (10} separate camera views. The cameras listed below are numbered one thru ten and located on or about various locations at the CRC. Camera numbers are located in the upper left area of each view, for example (cam1.} The camera views may overlap coverage but are separate and function independently. • • • • • • • • • • Cam 1 -view of gazebo facing east, located on a utility pole (outside) Cam 2- view of parking lot facing west, located on a utility pole (outside) Cam 3- view east entrance, located on the CRC (outside) Cam 4- partial view gazebo, parking lot facing south, located on the CRC (outside) Cam 5- view of indoor basketball court facing south west (inside) Cam 6- view of the second floor indoor hallway, facing west, located inside the CRC (inside) Cam 7 - view of the front desk, facing east, located inside the CRC (inside) Cam 8- view of the gazebo located in the rear (west), facing north/west located on CRC (outside) Cam 9- view of the parking lot, facing south/west, located on the CRC (outside) Cam 10- view of the rear entrance (west) facing west (outside) All of the cameras listed above are operated and maintained by the CRC. The DVR recording device is located in the CRC managers' office. The original DVR was obtained and entered into evidence. The DVR was submitted to the Ohio Attorney Generals' Office, Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) for further examination. The DVR did not contain the original footage from November 22od, 21 04. The hard drive was overwritten. It was determined through further examination/investigation that the footage remains on the hard drive for approximately thirty (30) days before it is overwritten. The following are associated with times and events indicated on the surveillance video. The camera views depict Tamir Rice. ~ Rice and others identified through further investigation and will be named or described depending on known or unknown identity, clothing description could be used otherwise. Cooell surveillance cameras timeline CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S O·FFICE CAMERA 1 11:04:49-111111- ~ Rice and Tamir Rice walk north past gazebo #'1 toward the CRC east entrance. backpack. According to ~1ir was returning the "Colt target pistol, Tamir puts something in laser sight" herein referred to as "Replica Firearm" (RF~ backpack. The three continue walking north toward the CRC. IIIII IIIII exit view of camera 1. 13:03:52- Tamir holding RF, IIIII and Unknown Male #1 (UM) walking on sidewalk southbound. Tamir 11:05:26- Tamir,- and places RF to UM's head. 13:06:34- Tamir pointing RF at UM and IIIII as they exit view of camera. 13:06:51-~ walking southbound on sidewalk by herself. 13:41 :24- ~walking north on sidewalk by herself. 13:41:56- Tamir walking north on sidewalk (alone), no RF visible, appears tD be eating something. 13:49:59- Tamir re-enters view, walks into gazebo (alone). He appears to have RF in hand. Tamir captured "ducking" down, crouch position near garbage can (gazebo #1 .) Walks toward playground area. 13:55:44- Tamir (alone) reappears and is still in playground area, walks behind gazebo #1 in an east direction. 13:57:34- Tamir exits view of camera 1. 15:02:54- Tamir walks toward gazebo #1 with UM #2 ("plaid jacket"). 15:03:10- Tamir and UM #2 walk into playground exits view of camera 1. 15:05:29-Tamir has RF out, walking with towards gazebo #1 . IIIII- (juvenile),-. . . (juvenile) and UM #2 15:08:26- Tamir, UM # 2 , - and-leave the gazebo #1 and Wcllk northwest toward camera 4. 15:11 : 5 2 - I I I I I - (911 caller) enters the gazebo #1 from the south and sits at the eastern most table. 15:12:44- Tamir re-enters camera 1 view from the north and walks on the sidewalk in front of the gazebo #1. 15:13:09- Tamir removes RF from right waistband area and points the RF sc.1uth. Tamir is on sidewalk. 15:17:08- Tamir still has RF in hand, re-enters from the south with _ . , o was wearing a green jacket.- is walking on sidewalk northbound. Tamir an appear to have a conversation.is captured on Camera 8 at 14:49:05 talking/hugging with I 15:17:44- Tamir still has the RF in hand in front of gazebo #1 on the sidewallk. Tamir pointing the RF in all directions. Cudell su~eillai'!Ce cameras timeline CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S O·FFICE 15:17:50- Tamir puts the RF in his right waistband. 15:19:00- RF not visible, Tamir in front of gazebo #1 playing with snow exits view of camera 1. 15:20:59- Tamir exits view south. 15:25:4 9 - - stands up in gazebo #1 and begins to walk north out ofvic:w of camera 1. 15:26:39- A s - exits gazebo #1 north Tamir enters the gazebo from the south. 15:27:17- Tamir has the RF in hand and is pointing it south. 15:27:37- Tamir sits at the northeastern most picnic table inside the gazebo. Should be noted there are three (3) tables inside gazebo #1. 15:30: 13- Tamir stands up and walks northwest toward the edge of the gazE~bo . 15:30:23- CPO marked unit 115A arrives, Tamir reaches in his right waistband. Patrolman Timothy Loehmann exits the passenger side, draws and appears to point his firearm in the direction of Tamir. Loehmann retreats backwards and stumbles and falls continuing to point his weapon in the direction of Tamir. Loehmann takes cover at the rear of his vehicle. 15:30:27- Patrolman Frank Garmback exits 115A drivers' side. 15:31:00- Garmback approaches Tamir and appears to kick something with his left foot in a westerly direction. 15:31:45- Garmback extends his arms toward~ as she enters the camera from the north. This causes~ to fall down. 15:31 :49- Garmback takes~ to the ground. 15:31 :53- Loehmann assists with~ as Garmback turns his attention to Tamir. 15:31 :59- Patrolman William Cunningham enters the view from the north and assists Loehmann. 15:32:5 3 - - a n d - enter the camera view from the northwest and walk around the backside of the gazebo #1. 15:32:53-Cunningham walks toward Tamir (out of view) on the ground. 15:33 : 10-~ is being placed into the backseat of drivers' side of unit 1 1 51\, ~ pulls away from Loehmann. 15:34:05- Special Agent (SA) - and CPO Detective Daniel Lentz arrive on scene. 15:34:19· SA. gets gloves from Garmback and attends to Tamir. 15:35:17- Two (2) (CPO Officers Ken Zverina and Ricardo Roman) CPO uniform officers arrive. 15:37:01- Detective Lentz bends over in the area the magazine from the RF came to rest, as a one (1) man CPO unit arrives. 15:38:10-Cieveland Fire Department (CFD} arrives. Cudell surveillance cameras timeline CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OtFFICE 15:40:56- CPD Officer Tom Griffin places a clear plastic bag over the RF. 15:41 :22- Most of the Officers on scene are drawn to the southern direction or the right side of the camera view. 15:42:14- Cleveland Emergency Medical Services (EMS) arrives on scene, uniform Officers begin to deploy yellow crime scene tape in the immediate area. 15:42:31- CPO Sergeant Janell Rutherford has a conversation with Loehmatnn who is now seated in the front passenger seat of the one (1} man CPO unit Detectiv1e Lentz has conversation who is still seated in the backseat of Unit 115A. with IIIII 15:43:57- Tamir is leaving the gazebo #1 area on a stretcher. 15:46:06- S A . and Detective Lentz have another conversation with •1 (still in backseat of 115A.} 15:49:12- S A . and Detective Lentz have a third conversation with~ {still in backseat of 115A.) 15:51:32- Several CPO Officers on scene point up at Camera 1. 15:54:11- Detective Lentz has another conversation with~ (still in backseat of 115A) 16:00:00- Surveillance video ends. CAMERA2 12:27:21-~ (alone) walks from rear (west entrance) of the building walks along sidewalk/side of building east. 15:33:58- Special A g e n t - and Detective Daniel Lentz arrive. 15:34:56- CPO two (2} Officers (CPO Officers Ken Zverina and Ricardo Ronnan) marked unit arrives and parks facing east on the south siQe of the parking lot. 15:36:50- A second CPO (CPO Officer Lou Kitko) marked unit arrived lights activated. 15:37:19- CFD arrives along with a third marked CPO unit (Sergeant Janell Rutherford.) 15:41 :19- CPO Unit/ Sergeant Janell Rutherford (fourth marked unit) arrives via West Boulevard entrance and parks on north side of parking lot. EMS arrives simultaneously. 15:47:12- CFD and EMS leave parking lot 15:58:46- Special A g e n t - and Detective Daniel Lentz leave park:ing lot. 16:00:00- Surveillance video ends. Cudell surveillance cameras timeline CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CAMERA3 This particular camera was obstructed with ice. The camera !~rad ually thaws throughout the day. There is very little discernible video. At 15:31 :10 the writer does observe-' run toward the gazebo with Patrolman Cunningham following. This camera also ends fo,otage at 16:00:00 hrs. CAMERA4 11 :04:50-111111 Tamir and 111111111111 walk toward the east entrance of the: CRC on the sidewalk in front of gazebo #1 . 12:27:46--' (alone) walks from the west end of the building heading eas1t. 13:04:38--' enters the camera view, ties her shoe and exits the view. 13:05:36-111111- Tamir and two (2) UM's enter the camera view from the north and walk along the sidewalk. Tamir has the pellet gun in his hand. 13:41:23--' walks on the sidewalk toward the east entrance of CRC. 13:41:50- Tamir walks from the south on sidewalk toward the east entrance of CRC. 13:50:00- Tamir enters camera view from the north "ducks" down by garbage can located near gazebo #1 . 15:02:44- Tamir and UM #2 enter the camera view and walk to gazebo #1. 15:05:00- Tamir,- 1 1 1 1 1 and UM #2 are in gazebo #1 until15:08:00. IIIII 15:09:01- Tamir, UM # 2 , - and ~alk toward the west. The four are met b y and UM #3. Tamir is seen point the RF ~and UM #3 as he approaches them. Tamir hands the RF to who in turn points the RF in the opposite direction. ~~ then gives the RF back to Tamir and the group disperses. IIIII 15:11:31-11111- arrives in gazebo #1. 15:12:36- Tamir walks on sidewalk in front of gazebo #1 (alone.) 15:14:38- Tamir (alone) in playground area. 15:16:00- Tamir (RF in hand) has a conversation w i t h - as they walk on the sidewalk northbound. continues to walk as Tamir maintains his position in front of gazebo #1 . 15:23:00- Tamir in playground area. 15:26:37- -leaves gazebo #1, Tamir enters gazebo #1 from the playg1round. Cuclell su:veillan~ cameras timeline CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 15:30 :02~ Headlights appear from the south (West 991h Street off of Madison Avenue), CPD marked unit 115A driving on the grass and sidewalk with CPD Officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback. 15:30:21 ~ CPD marked unit 115A parks in front (west) of gazebo #1. 15:31 :45-~ is running toward gazebo #1. 15:32:28~- a n d - appear from the west and walk around gazobo #1. 15: 34:01~ S A - and CPD Detective Daniel Lentz arrive and park facing north and the eastern Most portion of the parking lot. 15:35 : 00~ CPD marked unit (two man unit) CPD Officers Zverina and Roman arrived and parked facing east on the south side of the parking lot. 15 : 36:54~ CPD marked unit (one man unit) CPO Officer Lou Kitko arrived and parked facing east. 15:37:31- CFD arrives. 15:37:16- CPO marked unit (one man unit) CPO Officer Tom Griffin arrived •and parked directly behind first two man unit belonging to CPO Officers Zverina and Roman. 15:38:23- CPO marked unit arrives from the same direction and path r;vest 991h Street off Madison Avenue) that 115A had entered. This CPO marked unit parks between the play!~ round and gazebo #1. CPD Officers Chuck Judd and Brian Taylor. 15:41 :32- EMS arrives from the West Boulevard entrance and parks on the south side of the parking lot. CPD marked unit (Sergeant Rutherford) arrives from the West Bo!Uievard entrance and parks on the north side of the parking lot. 15:46:16- CFD and EMS leave parking lot using the north exit toward West Boulevard. 16:00:00- Surveillance video ends. CAMERAS This camera is located in the basketball gym as previously indicatted. This camera records intermittent basketball practices with varying age groups throughout the day.~ is captured briefly walking inside the gym but not for prolonged periods. The use of deadly force incident took place at approximately 15:30:20 hrs. It does not appear persons in the gym are aware and or react to what had just happene:d outside. This camera ends footage at 16:00 hrs. CAMERA6 As stated earlier this camera is located inside the CRC on the second floor. This particular camera does not capture Tamir or~ Rice. There are two small children jumping rope in the hallway for short period. There are also two (2) UM's depicted walking past the camera. This camera ends footage at 16:00 hrs. Cudell sul\leillaoce cameras timellne CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S 01FFICE CAMERA 7 11 :06:00- Tamir, ~and 111111111111 enter the CRC they appear to sign in. 12: 19:54-~ enters the view of the camera and walks in the gym. 12:20:22- Tamir enters the gym. 12:21:00-- Tamir and~ on camera. 12:21:53-- Tamir and~ exit CRC. 1 2:29 :48-~ re-enters the CRC. 12:30:10- Tamir, IIIII and UM #1 re-enter the CRC. 12:30:22-111111 is holding what appears to be a white cellular phone. 12 :30: 30-~ in gym w i t h 12:32 :00-~ near front desk area. 13:03:36- Tamir, ~and IIIII and two unknown juveniles leave the CRC. 13:42:14-~ enters the CRC alone. 13:42:49- Tamir re-enters the CRC eating something from a small bag. 13:44:30- Tamir and~ enter the gym. 13:44:57-~ exits the gym. 13:47:16- Tamir exits the CRC alone. 13: 59: 00-~ and Tamir meet in the doorway and both re-enter. 14: 01 : 01-~ in the gym. 14:05:22- Tamir exits the CRC with several people. 14:07:50- Tamir along with four (4) others re-enter the CRC east entrance. 14:12:00- Tamir outside the CRC alone. 14:14:16- Unknown person leaves to talk to Tamir outside the east entrance!. 14:15:02- ~ leaves the CRC. Cudd surveillance cameras timeline CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 14:15:02- Tamir pulls the RF outside on~ and a small child enters the GRC east entrance. 14:16:40--' re-enters the CRC east entrance. 14:33:07--' in the gym. 14:46:49-- enters the CRC east entrance and does not punch a code. 14:48:34- Tamir in gym and then leaves the CRC (east exit) alone. 14:52:38--' and Tamir meet in the doorway both re-enter the CRC east entrance. 14:53:02- Tamir in the gym. 15:00:23- Tamir exits the CRC east entrance. 15:06:00- ~ in the gym and looks out the east entrance. 15:08:44--' looks outside the east entrance doors. 15:10:1 9 - - a n d - enter the CRC. 15:11 :20- UM #2 runs toward the east entrance and enters the CRC. 15:19:53-~ looks out the east entrance doors. 15:20 : 16-~ returns. 15:21 :38-~ at front desk counter. 15:26:33- Mailman enters the CRC. 15:28:50- Mailman exits the CRC. 15:30:49- Five (5) unknown male juveniles look out the east doors and one .of the male juveniles appears to tell CPO Officer Cunningham what he observed. 15:31 :25-~ walks toward the east exit doors and runs toward gazebo #1. 15:31 :40- CPO Officer Cunningham exits the CRC and heads toward gazebo #1. 16:00:00- Surveillance video ends. Cudell surveillance cameras timeline CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S O·FFICE CAMERAS 12:26:05--leaves west entrance and walks along building. 12:29:15- UM #4 (yellow jacket, possibly exit west exit. 12: 29:29-~ exits west exit. 14:49:05-~ a n d - hug. 14:50:03-~ re-enters the west entrance. 15:06:58- CRC employee Jessica Ortiz leaves CRC for lunch. 15:08:01- -IIIII and UM #3 (fur coat) appear and walk south. 15:22:00-- a n d - walk west bound. 15:25 : 2 0 - - a n d - re-enter CRC west entrance. 15:29:08-- a n d - exit west entrance. 15:30:26-~ and UM #4 (yellow jacket) and two other males re-enter the CRC in a hurry (running.) 15:31:52-- a n d - run south then east along the building towa1rd the gazebo. 16:00:00- Surveillance video ends. CAMERA 9 12:27:21-~ appears on camera briefly and then disappears. 15:07:26- CRC employee Jessica Ortiz leaves CRC for lunch. 15:08:28- -IIIII and UM #3 (fur coat) appear and walk along sidewalk. 15:32:14-- a n d - appear walking on the sidewalk and begin to run toward the gazebo. 15:33:58- S A - and Detective Daniel Lentz arrive in the parking lot via the West Boulevard entrance. 15:34:54- CPO marked unit arrives, Officers Ken Zverina and Ricardo Roman (no overhead lights), two (2) man unit. 15:36:46- CPO marked unit arrives, CPO Officer Lou Kitko, 1C21 (overhead lights activated.) Cudell surveillance cameras timefine CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF 1S OtFFICE 15:37:18- CFD arrives from the West Boulevard entrance. 15:39:10· CPO marked unit arrives, CPO Officer Tom Griffin (overhead lights activated.) 15:41 :17- EMS arrives at the same time CPO marked unit (Sergeant Ruthetiord.) 15:43:09- Officers on scene draw their attention to the south to include sevE~ral Officers walk in that direction. 15:47:15- CFD leaves CRC property. 15:47:27- EMS leaves property. 15:53:47- CPO marked unit arrives, CPO Officer Bob Sweaney, 1827. 15:58:48· SA. and Detective Lentz appear to leave property. 16:00:00· Surveillance video ends. CAMERA10 12:27:03-. . exits CRC (west) and walks south along building. 14:49:06-. . a n d - (green jacket) appear to have a brief conversation,. . a n d - hug, -leaves. 14:50:00-. . re.enters west entrance alone. 15:22:02-- a n d - walk out west exit and continue to walk wes;t. 15:24:57-- a n d - re-enter camera view from the west. 15:29:1 0 - - a n d - exit CRC west exit with UM #4 (yellow jackE~t. possibly 15:30:13-. . appears on camera briefly. 15:30:25- Two (2) UM's exit the west exit and sit at picnic table. 15:30:25- Two (2) UM's run back in building in a hurry one (1) UM loses his shoe. 15:31:51-- a n d - run southwest toward gazebo #1 . 16:00:00- Surveillance video ends. CIJdeU surveillance cameras timeline .) CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OIFFICE The following are brief descriptions of person(s) and locations depicted throughout this summary, some of which have been interviewed and or positively identified!. The unknown person(s) will be identified as unknown males or unknown females. Tamir Rice-juvenile (gray jacket with black sleeves, camouflage hat) juvenile (gray jacket possibly jeans) uvenile (w/m, all black clothing) uvenile (w/m, red knit hat) e (b/m, gray clothing with backpack) - appears to be a juvenile, (b/m, blue knit hat, black jacket) nile (b/m, plaid jacket) UM #2- appears to a · "last name unknown" (LNU) (fur coat) UM #3- Possibly (b/m, yellow jacket) UM #4- Possibly with-' and Tamir at two separate times and locations. (green 911 caller. CRC employee. CPO Officer Ken Zverina 1A26 two man unit CPO Officer Ricardo Roman 1A26 two man unit CPO Officer Lou Kitko 1C21 one man unit CPO Officer Tom Griffin 1C24 one man unit CPO Officer Chuck Judd 1026 two man unit CPO Officer Brian Taylor 1026 two man unit CPO Officer William Cunningham (working in an "off duty" capacity at the CIRC) CPO Officer Timothy Loehmann, passenger, 1A25 (first CPO unit to arrive) ·car 115A CPO Officer Frank Garmback, driver, 1A25 (first CPO unit to arrive) car 115A CPO Detective Daniel Lentz Special Agent Cleveland Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) CPO Sergea 1S23 Gazebo #1- Located at the edge of the parking near the playground where incident took place. Gazebo #2- Located near the west entrance. Hespectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs Cudell surveillance cameras "meline CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs TO 0511412015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Interview of Constance Hollinger File Constance HOLLINGER, City of Cleveland, dispatcher, date of birth was advised of the identity of the interviewing Detectives (Jacobs/Morgan) and the purpose of the LINGER thereafter provided the following information regarding her involvement in the Cleveland Police Department Use of Deadly Force incident which took place at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC), 1910 West Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio on November 22nc~, 2014 at approximately 3:30pm. Present during the interview, HOLLINGER, two (2) union representatives, and a union attorney. Prior to the interview starting, the union attorney read aloud and email correspondence from the Cuyahoga County Prosecutors Office indicating HOLLINGER is not a target of criminal prosecution in this matter. HOLLINGER has been a Cleveland Police dispatcher for approximately nineteen (19) years and works a1 2100 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Both call takers and dispatchers are located on the same floor. HOLLINGER discussed basic duties as a call taker versus dispatcher. There are distinct differences in duties. HOLLINGER was assigned as a call taker on November 22nd, 2014. There are a minimum of eight (8) call takers per shift for the entire City of Cleveland. Call takers cover all five (5) districts and the shifts are eight (8) hours in length. Although the call numbers vary shift to shift and day to day, there are anywhere from thirty (30) to fifty (50) per eight (8} hour shift. Call takers handle "911", "1234" (non~emergency) Fire and EMS calls. According to HOLLINGER, as calls come in it is her responsibility to get pertinent information; name, address, location, and reason for the call. HOLLINGER did indicate that all calls are not the same. HOLLINGER will "code" the call and send it electronically to the district which handles that particular area. There were further discussions about the process which includes handling calls that come in from the Cuyahoga County Emergency Communications System (CECOMS.) HOLLINGER was asked to identify dispatch logs and explain such. HOLLINGER was unfamiliar with the logs. The logs were explained by the union representative present. The audio for the "911" call was played and HOLLINGER identified her voice on the call. HOLLINGER did remember the call for a person with a gun at the CRC. We also played the radio transmission of Dispatcher Beth Mandl requesting any available cars to handle the call HOLLINGER took for the CRC. According to HOLLINGER, once Dispatcher Mandl has the call she will maintain the call until it is finished . HOLLINGER did remember having a brief conversation with Mandl after she learned the Officers on scene had requested EMS. HOLLINGER refused (per her attorney) to answer a question about why she did not relay information from the "911 " caller about the person with the gun is "probably fake" and "probably a juvenile." The "911'' caller also stated "/ don't know if it's real or not." HOLLINGER once again (per her attorney) refused to answer those questions. Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs Hollinger Summary CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 Detective John Morgan #241 Synopsis of interview with TO 05/15/2015 Sergeant Sharpe -IIIII Lt. Smith, File On May 14, 2015 while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriffs Detective Bureau and in company with Detective David Jacobs were given an assignment by Sergeant Eugene Sharpe to conduct a follow up investigation into a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is result of that investigation. On this date investigators had the occasion to i n t e r v i e w - - a female who was believed to have been seen on the video from Cudell Recreation Center walking with Tamir RICE in front of the gazebo prior to the officer involved shooting. The following is a synopsis of the video recorded interview which took place at the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau. CLEVELAND, OHIO - s t a t e d that she is currently a student at James Rhodes High School and is due to graduate from high school this year. She stated that she currently lives with her boyfriend at the above listed address and supports herself. stated that she cannot remember the name of the person who was shot and killed by police at the Cudell Recreation Center but that she used to teach arts and crafts 1o him every day at the b~ located behind the recreation center. When investigators mentioned the name of TAMIR RICE,. . . . replied, "YES ... that's his name!" stated that she taught arts and crafts to RICE every day for senior credits at the Cudell Recreation Center. She stated that she had told her friends that she knew the boy that got shot at the recreation center but they didn't believe her. She explained that RICE was a prankster or a jokester during class and that sometime he would go a little too far with his jokes. stated that RICE had a girlfriend who used to hang out with him at the recreation center. unable to recall the name of his girlfriend only that she used to wear her hair in a ponytail. She she did not know any other family members, had never been to his house, but did hear from someone that he had an older brother. . . . . recalled that on the day that RICE was shot, she was walking from CVS and saw RICE sitting on the""SWin9s near the recreation center. She stated that she walked over toward RICE and noticed that he appeared to be playing with a gun which was on his lap. She stated that RICE explained to her that the gun was not a real gun and that he proceeded to show her how it worked he also pulled out many Green "Balls" from his pocket that went into the gun. stated that when he showed her the gun she recalled the gun having an orange tip attached to the long end of it. Further,- recalled that RICE told her that he had received the gun from a friend. CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE At this time Detective Jacobs began to s h o w - several different camera views from the Cudell Recreation Center from November 22, 2014. The first camera view shown t o - was of the camera localted inside of the recreation center which showed the sign in desk and the entrance to the center (East entrance). - w a s clearly able to identify herself walking into the recreation center on video. She stated that she had forgotten that she had walked into the recreation center that day. -continued, explaining that she wasn't feeling well that day and had come to the recreation center in an attempt to obtain a free lunch. while watching the video pointed out RICE as he walked by the camera and stated, "That's hi~; hat. .. that's RICE, he always wore that hat." The next camera angle shown was from the camera in the rear of the building (West entrance). This angle clearly sho~ exiting the building and engaged in conversation with a female known to investigators as~(TAMIR'S Sister) however- informed investigators that the female she was talking to was actually TAMIR'S girlfriend whose name she did not know. - s t a t e d that she was talking to TAMIR'S girlfriend and during that conversation- was informed, by this girl, that she was getting ready to move to another state. stated that at the end of that conversation she headed to the arts and crafts building and then proceeded to go to the CVS drug store. Detective Jacobs showed her several more camera angles which tracked her movements from the recreation center to CVS. T h e n · - was shown the video camera and TAMIR RICE angle which captured the Gazebo. This portion of the video clearly showed walking in front of the gazebo and engaged in some sort of a conversation. As previously stated,- told investigators that she talked with RICE at the swing set, he then con1firmed that during the conversation she walked her to the bridge which was on her way home. and RICE were talking about his girlfriend moving out of town and that they could possibly have a long distance relationship. also recalled that RICE had also talked about moving out of town. Investigators pointed out in the video that RICE had the BB gun clearly out and in plain site during their conversation. While watching the v i d e o - could clearly see that RICE was holding the BB gun but did not recall, from her memory, that he was holding a BB gun during thi31t portion of their conversation. Further, investigators showed- the same scene but from a different angle. This angle was from a camera located on the south side of the recreation center. This camera angle showed that RICE clearly walked over t o - and met her at the sidewalk and only walked with her for a short distance before she, alone, walked out the cameras view. Further, this camera view showed t h a t - did not have a conversation with RICE at the swings and that he never walked her to the bridge as stated earlier by - was then informed that the female that she had conver~;ation with in the rear of the recreation center was not RICE'S girlfriend, but was actually RICE'S sister. • . . was surprised and stated that it was a mistake on her part and that she believed that it was his girlfrit~nd because of the way that she had her hair. Further, she stated that the video was so grainy that she honestly believed that the girl she was looking at was RICE girlfriend and not his sister. stated that she knew RICE'S sister, she didn't know her name but they only referred to each other as "BOO." - w a s aware that RICE'S sister was older than RICE and that they (RICE and never told them that they were brother and sister. Snyopsis of- CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S QIFFICE For more detailed information refer to the Video recorded This matter to be further investigated. Detective John Morgan #241 Snyopsis o f - intervi1~w located in the file. C/S..JS CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM James Mackey, Detective SUBJECT Officer Interview Request COPIES TO DATE 15-00004 TO 5/15/15 Sgt. Sharpe File Regarding the above captioned case, on Friday March 13, 2015 I contacted CPPA Union President Steve Loomis to request an interview with the following Cleveland Police Officers: -Detective Dan Lentz -Patrolman Lou Kitko -Patrolman Tom Griffin -Patrolman Ricardo Roman -Patrolman Ken Zverina -Patrolman Frank Garmback -Patrolman Timothy Loehmann I requested that if the officers wish to speak to us in this matter that the interviews be completed by Saturday May 23, 2015. With that request, I also am sensitive to the heightened posture of the Cleveland Police Department with regards to a possible verdict being rendered in another unrelated case. I informed Loomis that I will contact him the afternoon of Tuesday May 19, 2015 for follow up. IIIIIIS/111111 James Mackey, Detective CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-0004 Homer Allen DATE TO 05/16/2015 Sgt. Eugene Sharpe Aaron Nicholson Interview Lt. Smith and File Sir, On Wednesday May 1st, 2015 at 12:00pm while assigned to the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Detective Bureau Detective Dave Jacobs and I conducted an interview with EMT Aaron Nicholson. This was in reference to a Cleveland Police Use of Deadly Force incident which occurred on November 22, 2014. The following is a result of that interview. EMT Aaron Nicholson has been employed by the City of Cleveland for 4 years; he previously worked for Life Care Ambulance Services out of Lorain Ohio for 4 years. He received 3 months of classroom training, followed by 3 months of road training . On November 22, 2014 he was assigned to Medic 30 based out of a Firehouse located at E.1 02nd and St. Clair Ave. there are 18 squads in the city. The following is a summary of recorded interview conducted at 5055 Rockside Road in Independence Ohio: • • • • • • • • • • • Received call via CAD/ MDT (Mobile Dispatch Terminal) or "Silent Call" and also thru Radio They just dropped off a patient at Lakewood Hospital and was on 1-90 EB when call was received Upon arrival observed 2-3 police cars, caution tape "which he thought was unusuaf', and fire personnel and equipment on the other side of a police car Patients eyes were open and blinking but he was unresponsive, didn't make any noise or statement Call was for a 22 year old male with GSW, to him patient appeared to be mid·teens He located 1 GSW to patients upper abdomen and part of ingesting was coming out of wound He didn't located a 200 GSW Nicholson states its common for a fireman to drive the squad to the hospital, while he and his partner tend to a patient He doesn't recall which fireman drove them on that day He remembers the mother riding up front and yelling so he called for security to meet them upon arrival, so the mom would not interfere with patient care. She did not interfere, but was crying, yelling and mad He didn't recall seeing anything near patients body, nor did he hear any of the officers talk about items or make any statements about what happened He didn't talk to the police, but one guy "he thinks" was with the police, his main focus was patient care, and this guy gave him a quick report. He has never seen him before Upon going into the hospital and being met by the Trauma Team, patient care was transferred into Trauma Room 1 in the ER. The Trauma Team did a quick assessment and he was taken up to the operating room "OR" within 2-3 minutes. Nicholson remained at the hospital for around an hour, to restock equipment, clean up and for documentation. Towards the end of the hour, one of their Captains mentioned that a Police Officer might have shot him. He didn't know that a police officer shot him until this point. He states "he believes they did everything they could for the patient. Please refer to DVD copy of this interview for additional clarification and needs. Submitted for your review, Homer Allen #225 Aaron Nicholson Summary CIS·35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-04 (Tamir Rice) James Mackey, Detective DATE TO 5/19/15 Sgt. Sharpe Video Submission File In reference to the above captioned case, on Monday May 18, 2015 Detective Jacobs and I submitted the security surveillance video of Cudell Recreation Center obtained in this case to the Ohio Attorney General, Organized Crime Commission. We met with Forensic Video Analysts Bradley Barkhurst, Megan Timlin and Jeff Brennard requesting that attempts be made to enhance the video during Tamir Rice's interaction with police. We also requested the production of an edited version of the ten (10) cameras that track the movements of Tamir Rice throughout the duration of the video. The enhancement of the video may provide evidentiary value to the investigative team while the editing requested to keep Tamir Rice in the viewer's frame is not intended to provide evidentiary value but more so an ease of use, alleviating the need to switch between ten (10) different cameras. The original video obtained in this investigation is still maintained by the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office. The video supplied to the Attorney General's Office is a copy and it should be noted that the integrity of the video is not being altered with these requests. /IIIIlS/IIIIII James Mackey, Detective CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIESTO 15-00004 Detective David Jacobs DATE TO 05119/2015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Video compilation/enhancement File The following was in conjunction with the investigation of the Cleveland Police Department (CPO) Use of Deadly Force incident which took place at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC), 1910 West Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio on November 22"d, 2014 at approximately 3:30pm. Detectives James Mackey and David Jacobs met with the Ohio Attorney General's Office Forensic AudioNideo Analysts' Bradley Barkhurst and Megan Timlin on May 18th, 2015. The purpose of the meeting was to request their technical assistance with constructing a video compilation of all ten (10) surveillance cameras from the CRC. In doing this, we also requested their . assistance in enhancing the video. A copy of the DVD and the timeline report was also given to the aforementioned analysts. Barkhurst and Timlin agreed to assist and will advise when complete. Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs BCI video compilatioo request C/S·35 CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. FROM SUBJECT COPIES TO 15-04 (Tamir Rice) James Mackey, Detective DATE TO 5/20/15 Sgt Sharpe Officer Interview Request Update File On Friday March 13, 2015 I request an interview with the following Cleveland Police Officers through CPPA President Steve Loomis: -Detective Dan Lentz -Patrolman Lou Kitko -Patrolman Tom Griffin -Patrolman Ricardo Roman -Patrolman Ken Zverina -Patrolman Frank Garmback -Patrolman Timothy Loehmann On Tuesday May 19, 20151 followed up by phone with Loomis as well as Council for CPPA, Brian Moriarty. I was advised that Officer Garmback and Officer Loehmann will maintain their Constitutional Rights and not provide investigators in this case with a statement. I was advised that the other five (5) officers request a letter similar to the one obtained by the CPPA through the Prosecutors Office for the dispatchers and Officer Cunningham before giving any statement to us in this matter. ! On Wednesday May 20, 20151 spoke with Assistant County Prosecutor Matt Meyer relaying the request of CPPA for the five (5) officers. APA Meyer advised me that he is unwilling to offer the remaining officers any letters, stating that they are not facing any criminal charges and precedent will not be set in giving letters of immunity (or the like) to officers for doing their job. After speaking with APA Meyer I had a phone conversation with CPPA Attorney Moriarty. Before I was able to inform him of APA Meyer's decision he informed me that his clients (Lentz, Kitko, Griffin, Roman, and Zverina) will be willing to come in for an interview pending a final conversation with his clients prior to appearing. I will follow up with Attorney Moriarty on Thursday May 21, 2015 in scheduling the potential interviews. 11/11/SIII//II James Mackey, Detective CUYAHOGA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FILE NO. 15-00004 FROM Detective David Jacobs SUBJECT COPIES TO DATE TO 05/21/2015 Sergeant Eugene Sharpe Second meeting with the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiners Office (CCMEO) File The following investigation is in conjunction with the investigation of the Cleveland Police Department (CPO), Use of Deadly Force incident which took place at the Cudell Recreation Center (CRC} on November 22"d, 2014 at approximately 3:30pm involving Tamir Rice (decedent.) A meeting took place at the CCMEO on May 2151, 2015, at approximately 10:00am. This marks the second occasion to meet with Trace Evidence Supervisor Curtiss Jones, a representative from the photography lab (CCMEO) and the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner Dr. Thomas Gilson. Also present representing the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office (CCSO), Sergeant David Lisy, Detective Homer Allen, Detective John Morgan and the writer. The meeting was a follow up to discuss trace evidence (i.e. clothing) with respect to bullet defects on clothing which was being worn at the time of the aforementioned incident. The CCMEO agreed to provide the CCSO with an exhibit which will' depict Tamir Rice's body (drawing) to include actual photographs of the clothing worn by Rice at the time of the incident. We anticipate the exhibit to indicate the single bullet wound to Rice with the actual photograph of the clothing worn at the time of the incident. We also anticipate the clothing photographs to be superimposed next the generic drawing of Tamir Rice. Both of which will indicate an approximate location of the bullet defect to include the bullet wound itself. The CCMEO said the exhibit will take a few weeks to complete at which time they will contact the investigators. Respectfully Submitted, Detective David Jacobs 2nd meeting alllle CCMEO I CUYAI-IO.OA Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory ·coUNTY :0":~ · 11001 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland OH 44106 SCIIINCII LAUOI\Al"ORY TRACE EVIDENCE LABORATORY EXAMINATION REPORT . . I Report Date: · CCRFSL Case#: CCMEO Case.#: Pathologist: Contact person: '. TamlrRice Victim's Name: Agency Case #: 2014-368418 Submitting Agency: Cleveland Police Departrne~t Homicide Unit Address: 1300 Ontario Street ' Cleveland, Ohio 44113 2i5120IS 2014,006817 IN2014·01991 Dr. Gilson Detective Diaz 'The body of Tamlr Rice wa11 receiVed nude at the Cuyahoga County M.dlcal Examiner's Office on 11/23/2014. · l Item: Daacrlptlan; !he following items were collected by the trace Evidence Department on 11/24/2014. Item 1 Gunshot residue samples from the hands ofTamlr Rice. Item 2 One ilwab from und.er the fingernails ofthe right hand ofTamlr Rice. Item 3 Item 4 · One swab from under .the fingernails of the lift hand of Tamlr Rice. Atrece metal detection test was performed on both hands of Tamlr Rice. The foliowlng sai'liples of Tamlr Rice were submHted by Dr, Gilson to the Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science laboratory on 11/24/2014. Item 5 Buccelswabs. Item 6 Reference scalp hair. Item 7 Reference pubic hair. The following Items were submitted by Detective Cruz, Cleveland Pollee Department, Homicide Unit and received by Diann Nunnally, Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science laboratory on 12/212014. · Items ltem9 One sample labeled "two swabs from a cell phone at the crime scene". · One sample labeled "eight swabs from a.·Colt 1911 style pellet gun". Item 10 One gray With black trim "PJ Mark" jacket labeled •owner Tamlr Rice". ltemH One black "Kicken' Back Jack" T·shlrt and one white "Hanes" t-shlrt labeled "owner Tamlr Rice". Triloe Evldenoe Laboratory_ Examination Report Date of OlalrlbuUonc..:'»::.::lii2:.:0l::..5_ _ Page 1 of7 AnalysfalnHials Revlewe(alnltiala <>-r ;,- 1 I CUYAHOGA Cuyahoga County Regional Forensie Selenee Laboratory COUNT¥ RIIO!ONA~ l'ORIINSIC SCIUNCB I.AUORA'CORY Report Date: CCRFSL Case #: CCMEO Case II: Pathologist: Contact person: 11001 Cedar Avenue, .Cleveland OII44106 TRACE EVIDENCE LABORATORY EXAMINATION REPORT Vlctilli;s Name: TamirRice Agency Case II: 2014-368418 Submitting Agency: Cleveland Police Department Homicide Unit 1300 Ontario Street Address: Cleveland, Ohio 44113 2/5/2015 2014-006817 IN2014-01991 Dr•. Oilson . Detective.Diaz Item 12 One pair ofgray ;~ok" jeans labeled •owner tamlr Rice".. Item 13 One gray hooded "Destructlon"·long sleeve thermal shirt labeled •owner TamlrRice". Item 14 One camouftage "Z' winter hat labeled "owner Tamlr Rice". ltem15 One biue with white irlm ''Vlado' left shoe labeled "owner Tamlr Rice". Item 16 One blue with white trim 'VIado" right shoe labeled •owner Tamlr Rice". Item 17 One brown "Fosslr beH labeled "owner Tamlr Rice". Item 18 One pair of blue •Hanes" underwear labeled "owner Tamir Rice". Item 19 One pair ofwhHewlth gray ti'lm ankle length socks labeled •owner Tamlr Rice". The following Item was produced by the Trace Evidence Department on 12117/2014. ltem20 Test firs targets. Besullfand Conclusions: Item 1 No testing was performed. ltem4 ' No reaction was observed on either hand. No reaction from ,a trace metal detection test is Indicative ·of no contact between the tested surface and metal. However, circumstances such as the condition of the contacted metal, the condition of the tested surface, and/or the absence of metal eurfaces on the handled Item .could result In no reaction being observed even·though contact between .the tested aurface,and the handled Item occurred. Some Individuals will not react to the trace metal. detection test even If known to have had contact with a metal object. Trace Evldenoe Laboratory ElC8llllnaHon Report Date of Distribution 2161201S . Page 2 of7 Analyat'alnlflals Ravlowefalnltial9 C._,. e . I • ·· · · CUYAUOOA Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory COUNl'r RIIGIONAL 1'0.RIINs.IC S Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Continued: One white "Hanes" T-shirt. Apparent blood was observed on the anterior of the white T-shirt. No tasting was performed on the apparent blood. Apparent vomit was observed on the Interior of the upper left anterior of the white T-shl~•. Defect Aa entrenco corresponds with defect A enlrance on Item 10. Item 12 No bloodstains were observed on the pair of gray jeans. No bullet defects ware observed on the pair of gray jeans. · Multiple green rfiflac~ve spheres were removed from the frorit pockets of the gray jeans. Item 13 Apparent blood was observed on the anterior of the gray hooded thermal shirt. No testing was perfOrmed on the apparent blood. I .Apparent vomit was observed on the right aide ofthe hood of the gray hooded thennalahlrt. Defect A1 enrrenoe corresponds With defect A en1ranoJ on Item 10. Item 14 No bloodstains were observed on the camouflage winter hat. Apparent vomit was observed on the Interior of the left side· of the camouflage winter hai. No bullet defects were observed on the camouflage winter hat. Item 15 No bloodstains were observed on the left blue with white trim shoe. Item 16 No bloodstains were observed on the rlgl)t blue with white .trim shoe. Trace Evidence Laborator/ Examination Report Date of Distribution 210015 Pilge4 of7 Analysra Initials Revlawe(alnltlala c.r r j_ ! ! I CUYAHOGA COUN'l'Y i\IIENCE LABORATORY EXAMINATION REPORT Victim's Name: TamirRice Agency Case #: . 2014-368418 Submitting Agency: Cleveland Pollee Department Homicide Unit · Address:. 1300 Ontario Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113 215/2015 2014-006817 IN2014-01991 Dr. Gilson Detective Diaz Continued: Distance: Result: 4feet No fouling was observed visually. Powder grains were observed visually and with stereomicroscopy randomly around the bullet defect. Nitrites were detected randomly around the bullet defect. · 41/2 feet No fouling was observed visually. Powder .grains were observed visually and with atereomicroacopy randomly around the bullet defect. Nitrites were detected randomly around the bullet defect. 6.feet .No fouling was. ob.served visually. No powder grains were observed visually around the bullet defect. Two possible nitrites were detected around the bullet defect. 51/2 feet No fouling was observed visually. No pawder.gralns were observed visually around the bullet defect. Two possible nltrltas were. detected around the buliet defect. 6feet NrHoullng was observed visually, No powder grains were observed visually around the bullet defect. One possible nitrite wail detected around the bullet defect. 6 112 feet No fouling was observed visually. No powder grains were observed visually around the bullet defect. One possible nitrite was detected around the bullet defect. 7 feet . No fouling was observed visually. No powder grains were observed visually around the bullet defect. One possible nitrile was detected around the bullet defect. 8 feet No fouling was observed visually. No powder grains were observed visually around the bullet defect. Trace Evidence_ Laboratory Examination Report Dale of Dlatrlbution 216/20is · Page 6of7 Analyat'alnltlala Revlewe(a lniUala o-r "' I CUYAHOOA I COUNTY IIHOIONA~ 1'01\nNSIC SCIIINCR LAilORA'OORY Report Date: CCRFSL Case#! CCMEO Case#: Pathologist: Contact person: .Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory i1001 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland OH 44106 TRACE EVIDENCE LABORATORY EXAMINATION REPORT ·Victim's Name: TamirRice Agency Case#:, 2014-368418 Submitting Agency: Cleveland Police Department Homicide Unit Address: 1300 Ontario Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113 2/S/2015 2014-006817 IN2014.01991 Dr. Gilson Detective Diaz !terns 2, 3, and '5 wei$ .transferred to the DNA Department. Please see the DNA report for any DNA analysis performed. Iiams 8 and 9 wei$ examined by the DNA Department. Please see the DNA rep()rt for any DNA analysis performed. Any dimensional rneasuremerit8 cOntained tn this Trace Evidence Laboratory Examination Report are approximations unless otherwise· noted. Dimensional measurements that have a direct effect on the rlisulta of a test or analysis ai'e documented with the uncertainty of measurement value. As of the data of the Trace Evidence Laboratory Examination Report, unless otherwise Indicated, the Hem,a of evidence contained herein are stoted at the Trace Evidence Department of the Cuyahoga CountY Rtiglonaf.Forenslc Science Laboratory. . . This report shall not be reproduced except In full, without the written approval of the Cuyahoga County ~tiglonal Forensic Science Laboretory. Results In this report relate only to the Hems tested. Date Trace Evidence laboratorv ExamlnaUon Report Date ·of Olatributlon 216/lO!S Page7of7 2/6/20 15 Anelyat'a lnlilale c.r Revlewer'eln!Uale......_"'-1(- __ ,,, .................. _.•.•.•. _.........--:- CuYAHOGA Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory COUNTY (:\ REGiONAl. 11001 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland OH 44106 . =2-+ FORENSIC ; . ~~;~~lORY Report Date: CCRFSL Case#: CCMEO Case#: Agency Case#: Pathologist: Contact Person: DNA LABORATORY EXAMINATION REPORT 1-23-15 2014-006817 1N2014-01991 2014-368418 Dr. Thomas Gilson Det. Ray Diaz Victim's Name: Submitting Agency: Address: TamirRice Cleveland Police Department Homicide Unit 1300 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44113-1600 Items 2 and 3 were transferred by Curtiss Jones of the Trace Evidence Department on November 24,2014. Item 5 was transferred by Dr. Thomas Gilson of the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner's Office on November 24, 2014. Items 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 were submitted by Det. Kathy Cruz of the Cleveland Police Department Homicide Unit on December 2, 2014. The following items were tested for DNA: Item Sub-item Description 2 One swab from the right hand fingernails of Tamir Rice 3 One swab from the left hand fingernails ofTamir Rice 5 Buccal swabs from Tamir Rice 8 "2 swabs from cell phone @ #3" 9 "(8) Eight swabs of suspected DNA collected from black Colt 1911 semiauto pellet gun and black magazine" 9.1 "2 swabs suspected DNA, Colt 1911 semi-auto pellet gun and magazine" 9.2 "2 swabs suspected DNA, Colt 1911 semi-auto pellet gun and magazine" 9.3 "2 swabs suspected DNA, Colt 1911 semi-auto pellet gun and magazine" 9.4 "2 swabs suspected DNA, Colt 1911 semi-auto pellet gun and magazine" DNA STR (Short Tandem Repeat) analysis: DNA obtained from items 2, 3, 5, 8, 9.2, and 9.:i was characterized through the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) at the genetic loci Amelogenin, D3Sl358, DlS1656, D2S441, DlOSJ248, DJ3S317, PentaE, D16S539, D18S51, D2S1338, CSFIPO, PentaD, THO!, vWA, D21SII, DNA Laboratory Examination Report Date of Distribution: 1-23-15 Page 1 of3 Reviewer's initials: Analyst's initials: I CUYAHOGA Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory ~ .COUN'rY , ' -~ RE<~iONAl, F~R_F-;._· . _ __ Date: 1·23-15 Jeffrey Oblock Title: Forensic Scientist ~,..--'t.--­ Technical Reviewer:---:-:--:--:--=---=-=--Nasir A. Butt, Ph.D. Date: 1-23-15 Title: DNA Technical Manager and Supervisor This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory. DNA Laboratory Examination Report Date of Distribution: 1-23-15 Page 3 of3 Reviewer's initials: Analyst's initials: CUYAHOGA COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER 11001 Cedar Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 721"5610 Thcmas P. Gil$00, M.D. Medical El.amir'er Official Receipt from the Office of the Medical Examiner of Cuyahoga County Issued By: Childs, Alicia Issue Date: 1/14/2015 Receipt Number: RC2015•00183 Printed: 1/14/2015 9:14:12 AM Case Number: IN2014·01991 In Reference: Tamir E. Rice Requestor Name: Investigator John Morgan Agency R.,questor; CuyahOga County Sheriff's Department Address: 1215 West .3rd Street. , Cieveland, Oh'i.O 44113 Comment: CD. Code Report Name Sub Fund Amount Quantity Pages Totai.Amo.unt VERD Verdict Report o1A001 $0.00 1 1 $0.0b LABR Laboratory Repor.l 20A312 $0.00 i $0.00 APRO Autopsy Protocol 01A001 $0.00' 1 $0.00 PHOT Photographs 0.1A001 $0.00 1 $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 4 4 The attached documents are a true ·and certified copy of the original decuments on file in the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner's Orfice, 11001 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106. Thomas P. Gilson, M.D.. Medical Examiner $0.00 Toxicology Laboratory Report Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory 11001 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Final Report CUYAHOGA COUNTY !3, REGIONAL ·,."7;;' FORENSIC 1 '•~ SCIENCE : LABORATORY I Page 1 of 4 Case Number : Name: Agency: IN2014-01991 Tamir Rice Cuyahoga County (CCMEO) F~motal Blood S~eilhen ~ 01. Blood r.1 . l1 · Liver Rt . Longterm S!or~l"/ _ \ V1 · Hosp~al Blood COMMENT : Y1 Report Date : Receipt Date: Pathologist : Thursday, December 11 , 2014 Monday, November 24, 2014 TGIL - Thomas Gilson - M.D. Received G1. Gastrlc 11. Bile R2 • Longterm St01age VI • Vitreous Humor Y3 • Hospital Blood Y4 -Hospital Blood =11/22114@ 526pm; Y2 a Drug Group/Class Quantitation Result Analyte(s) Acid Neutrals by GC/MS None Detected See Page 4, Group 2 Acetaminophen Screen None Detected See Page 4, Group 9 Salicylate Screen None Detected See Page 4, Group 10 t'f.1 : 0 'F~!i1oral Bfood.Af1alys.is · .. Drug Group!Ciass . · · . Resull · · Quantitation · · · · · · ··. ·,., · :~ Analyte(s) Volatile Screen & Confirmation None Detected See Page 4, Group 1 Opiate ELISA Screen None Detected See Page 4, Group 1 Basic Drugs by GC/MS None Detected See Page 4, Group 8 Barbiturates ELISA Screen None Detected None Detected See Page 4, Group 1 Benzodiazepines ELISA Screen None Detected See Page 4, Group 7 Cannabinoids ELISA Screen None Detected See Page 4, Group 7 Carisoprodol ELISA Screen None Detected See Page 4, Group 7 Cocaine Mtb. ELISA Screen Fentanyl ELISA Screen None Detected None Detected None Detected See Page 4, Group 7 Oxycodone ELISA Screen Phencyclidine ELISA Screen Tricyclic Antidepressants ELISA Screen None Detected None Detected See Page 4, Group 7 None Detected See Page 4, Group 7 Methadone ELISA Screen None Detected See Page 4, Group 7 Amphetamine ELISA Methamphetamine ELISA Screen No Test Performed No Test Performed See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, Group 7 Toxicology laboratory Report Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science laboratory 11001 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Final Report Page 2 of 4 Case Number : Name: Agency= IN2014-01991 Tamir Rice Cuyahoga County (CCMEO) Report Date : Receipt Date : Pathologist : Thursday, December 11,2014 Monday, November 24, 2014 TGIL - Thomas Gilson - M.D. No Test Performed Drug Group/Class No Test Performed No Test Performed Drug GroupfCiass Volatile Screen & Confirmation Acid Neutrals by GC/MS Opiate ELISA Screen Basic Drugs by GCJMS Result Salicylate Screen Amphetamine ELISA Barbiturates ELISA Screen Benzodlazepines ELISA Screen Cannabinoids ELISA Screen Carisoprodol ELISA Screen Cocaine Mtb. ELISA Screen Fentanyl ELISA Screen Methamphetamine ELISA Screen Oxycodone ELISA Screen Phencyclidine ELISA Screen Tricyclic Antidepressants ELISA Screen Analyte(s) See Page 4, Group 1 Qty. Insufficient See Page 4, Group 2 None Detected Positive See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, Group 8 Positive Lidocaine Acetaminophen Screen Quentilation None Detected Qty.lnsufflclent Qty. Insufficient None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected ·None Detected See Page 4, Group 9 See Page 4, Group 10 See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, Group 7 See Page 4, ~roup 7 See Page 4. Group 7 See Page 4, Group 7 .......... See Page 4, Group 7 .,,.~~ Toxicology Laboratory Report Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory ·11001 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Final Report CUYAHOGA COUNTY REGIONAL , ...:.... • FORENSIC ·: SCIENCE ....•~· LABORATORY ~-·----·------- Page 3 of 4 Case· Number : Name: Agency: IN2014-01991 Tamir Rice Cuyahoga County {CCMEQ) Report Date : Receipt Date : Patholc>gist : None Detected No Test Performed Thursday, December 11, 2014 Monday, Novem.ber 24. 2014 TGIL - Thomas Gilson -M.D. Toxicology Laboratory Report Cuyahoga County Regional Forensic Science Laboratory 11001 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Final Report Page 4 of4 I) VOI.ATIL!i'S: AcW!ldehyde, Acetone, Acetonitrile", Butooe. Chloroform ... Didlloromelhnne"', ElhMol, Elhyl AcTHANOL, ACETON11, ISOPROPANOL, ond METHANOL CONFIR!>'IATION(•J by Oll(matl.-e GCcoiSCREEN: SYMPATHOMIMETlCAMll'(ES (SMA$) (latgcl-= d·AmphciOmlne); BI!NZODIAZ.EPlNES (Tatgct• OX11Z<9am); COCAINE (Target"' Bernoylecgonine (a.:ocaine metlbolilc); CANNAB£NOIDS ('J'drGet= 1 1-llOf·,M•·'rnC.COQH (a marl)tllllll metabolite): OPIAT&s (1'3rgetu MoiJ'Ihine): PHENCYCUOlNE (Tar&ct= Phencyclidine). • 7) .&LISA (f;nzy.nc.L.inked £mmuno~orbenlli,ssay) SCREEN: SMAs(TUrget = d·Amplldamine); 8nrblturates{TII!flCI= Paitobarbital); Beuodluerlnes (Ta~,. Alptazolam); Cannnblnohb (Tqet•lloflON~·9·1llC.COOH (a marijuana rnctabol~e); Cllrlsoprodol 1\cnytoloxuninc. PFO«ine. ProrMth112ine, Propo~ypllene, Propn!nolol, Piolliptyline, Pseudoehedrine. Pyrilamine, Queti~plnc. Quinidine. Quini~e. Settroline. 1hioridetine. Trtmadol. 'l'nluylc)'f)romine. Trazodonc. Trihexylphenidyl. Trimipttmine. VcnlafllXille, Vcrtp:vnil. Zolpidem. 9) tO) ACETAMINOPHEN SCRE!!N: Aedtminopllen by Colorhnetry (Qu~lllative). SALIC\'LATI>SCREEN: Salicylate (Mpirin) by C'olorlmclry (Qnalf\QU~e). SALICYLATE CONFIRMATION by Cas Cllroi11Riocrnplty. II) 12) XANTH!NES by COl\'IS: ACetaminophen. Caff~lne. CLINICAL CHEMlSTRJilS (CH'EM7): Ketones, pH. Specific Geuvily. ond Electrol}tes(Sodium. Pol!ISSiUru, Otloride, 'TCOl. Gluoose. Urea, Crc~tinine). 13) COCAlNE CONFIRMATION lly (;CIMS: AnhydroecgoBine methyl ester, BenEoylec:goninc, Coc~ine, COtae!hy1alll, Midazolam!mttabolilc, Triuo!am. 17} SYMPATHOMIMETIC AMINES CONl'.I.RMATIONbf GC/MS anai)'Sis (ng/mL) : Amantadine. A/llphclamine. bcta·PIIcnethylwine, MDF.A. MI:Ulanephcl1Uoine. Methylen«lioxyatuphtlaminc (MD A). Mdhylenedioxymethamphetnmine (MOM A). Phentennlne. Phenylpropmolamint. Pscudoc:ph(cf(anc. 18) GH8 by GCIMS (mg.IL): Cf.lmma.flydrox}'blltyric ncid {gamma h ydrox)Uutyrate) . 19) FENTANYL by CCIMS (nglmL): F'lnil. AlfcnUrlil . %0) SENT OllT TO Rli f'F.R ENC£ LABS: Synllldl~ C~nnabinoids and Syn!htlie Colllinones, Eplnepltrine. 7· llllli\o Fklnitnttcpllm, Flunitrucpam. Is£, lnwlin, LSD. Neredipine. C.Peptide. Psilod~. Ri~peridone, Tl}'lltasc.. Warfarin. Valpro!c Add, HEAVY METAL SCRI>EN: (Antimony, Amnk. Lead, 'Barium, Cadmium. Bismulh. Merwry. S~enium).,.. any other~' nolli$!Cd abQvc. 'BY REQURST ONLY; ABB!!EI'111170NS: POS=Positivc; NSCFNeglllivt; UNS> =grcat