CANADA Information Number: ?Wi 555?83115 Province du Manitoba INFORMATION DENONCIATION This is the information of Les presentes constituent la d?nonciation de QM BEHALF OF HER MAJESTY THE Royal Canadian Mounted Police City of Winnipeg. Manitoba (force I peace officerI corps de police) (location I lieu) hereinafter called the informant ci-apr?s appel?(e) le d?nonciateur. 'Fhevi Le d?nonciateur declare qu'il I qu'elle a des motifs raisonnables et probables do and door. 2-1- . croire et croit effectivement The informant says that helshe has reasonable grounds to fear and does fear that Aaron Daniel DRIVER hereinafter called the defendant the 5th day of June 2015 at the City of Winnipeg in the Province of Manitoba in the words or to the effect following, that is to say. will participate in or contribute to. directly or indirectly, the activity of a terrorist group for the purpose of enhancing the ability of any terrorist group to facilitate or carry out a terrorist activity, pursuant to 3810.01 of the Criminal Code and therefore prays that the defendant may be ordered to enter into a recognizance, with or without sureties, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for a period not exceeding twelve months with the conditions ?xed by the Judge or Justice, or committed to prison for a term not exceeding twelve months if helshe fails or refuses to enter into the recognizance, and the informant also says that helshe does not make this complaint from any malice or ill will but merely for the fear. set out aforesaid, pursuant to the Criminal Code, 8.810.01 If, . EWORN before me this IDECLARE SOUS SERMENT 0U AFFIRME SOLENNELLEMENT devant moi le 05 June 2015 at I a Winnipeg . Manitoba Manitoba (dayIjour) (monthImois) (year I ann?e) Provincial Court Judge or Justice of the Peace informant I Denonciateur Juge ou juge de paix (To be completed if sent by telecommunications) (A remplir dans le cas d'un envoi par telecommunications) solemnly declare that all matters contained in the Information are true to the Je declare solennellement que les faits enonoes dans la denunciation best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that this statement is of the same sont exacts autant que je sache. Je comprends que la presents force and e?ect as if made under oath. declaration a la meme valeur et le meme effect que si elle ?tait faite sous serment. Dated this I Fait is at I a Manitoba I au Manitoba {day Ijour} (month Imois) (year I ann?e) Provincial Court Judge or Justice of the Peace informant I D?nonciateur Juge ou juge de paix DOB I LE: 1991?08-1 8 GenderISexe: male I homme female I femme I PIC P. a: Police Agency I DetachmentI Service ou detachment de police Royal Canadian Mounted Police Vehicle-related offence I lnfractio lies a un vehicule Vehicle Plate No. I de plaque Prom Vehicle Type Motor Vehicle Snomebi'e ATV Type de v?hicule V?hicule automobile Motonelge VTT Motocyclette Implement of husbandryIspeoial mobile machineItractor Omen Ci Materiel modile specialItracteur AWE- Prec'ser Child passenger under 16 I passager de moins de 16 ans National Safety Code No.INumero du Code national de securite Domestic Violence I Violence familiale Yes I No I Non Police Agency I Detachment responsible for CPIC entry I Service ou detachement de police responsable de I'entr?e des donn?es au CIPC Royal Canadian Mounted Police Division National Security Enforcement Section, Winnipeg, MB. MG10615 (Rev. 11I10) momma 'ml?l-l Graph-VI." "id 'd [imam-M :10 080338 "in ,ru t1 ?ux: rl'. 1:-lli hi; NH IV have ?9 a m; kn. Defence Counsel thv?ll PHI: F. DEFAU. 1 [535?! 12 01 MW. CUSYOIJY II.- I VAR !?vl TRANSCERRE [2 VIC (J Ti" ?3b? .72 49 AP F?i: p'qR A's? \r .1 In; Llh'trl'. in I.) .J 1.151?; ibai? I :J'o .350.) 1?3 In. (wit) 9; Jun r? yp?? 3 Process Appearance NUIICU Prormse to Appear Undertaklng attached Recognrzance before Otticer In Chargv Cash depos:t Undertakan attached The above process as: [3 Con?rmed Cancelled Summons Warrant [j Endorsed Not endorsed No process - Reasm below Warrant on other chargets] Date Provmcial Court Judger?Justrce of the Peace Summary Arrest Direct Lock-up Information Reac Weives Readmg Language Choice. [3 French Advrsed Right to Counse?. Wawec Advrsed Adutt Sentence will be. Imposed - Presumptive A Date 555-83115 AccusedNoung Person - Sumarrw Doug/L tntormatiorr Gwen Akron. Provmcral Court Judge-'Justlce oi the Peace In Custody Appearance Date [3 Released sec Order Not Released Provmcial Court of the Peace ?r'P Onty?. Homer: to Parenti?uardzan Accepted Dlspensed W'ltt? Date Prownclal Court Judge'JustIce of the Peace gas Wren (item 39/00/60 Domestichlence DYES WNO Amended Date- Render of Accused 'Young Person by Person Date Date Applicatroanarrant [j Recogntzance Vacated Date Ban on Publicatmn Bad Hearing Preliminary Hearrng ot Complamantl?Mtness In Custody Non Communicatlon Order Sec 515t12..~ Issued Frled Baii tsee attached I Accused "Young Person Date Disposition (mm 'nau) sreotow DODGE-OW