Doc #1 1--2 Filed: 06/03/15 10f11. PagelD 6 IN THE com" or COMMON RICNLAND Dmo -- um um -- ohm 4490: And MAnsfleld, am cowumr v, :unv 95mm: ENDORSED HEREON 0mm Michal Garn In ham nu and personal Mansfield Polka nzgamnm so Nanh Dllmond sum Mansuem, mm <<<902 Defendant i Doc #1 1-2 Filed: 06/03/15 2 MIL PagelD 7 seeks damages and emerapproprlaie rellei under rile Federal CMI Rims Act, as well as siaie law against rile Individual neiendanzs, Mansileld Police officer Mlehael earn, as well as me Elly oi Mansileld, ln cunnemdn the unlawiul resualrlt. ahductlon, menaclnl, and :sauli and battery, on draddui May 2, 2014, and diner subsequan dsnee Phimlff, ls rile spouse have been mauled in each other MM vears. Seeks damages under 5m: law iar lnienildnal and/m negluenr lnilleuan nfemofloml dlsIresL :Ml rlgiris and Sale Inlan dullenIes me ireauneni oh disabled person. Mansfield Dinner Michael Gan-r, on May 2, 1:114 and ineraiier. -was a customer a Idal store In County,0l1lo,nnd wliimui my mama oiilcer Gum arrested and fined _lnm euswdy. upon her release Immune", oilieer whlle both on and an duIv, win. the aislsunu dime onlu Law :nidmenleni Gateway. eonilnuously wlihouz donseni~ invaded I'm: the prime lnres oi born .and -. These lnuaslane included hul rm "de lo: iurelng In periann sexual am on Office! Earn wnll. in WI: on duty, hundred: upon hundreds of rman id -, and berating I. Ind threatenInIA-wlm m2 liking ni her llbeny Inlelm PARTIES a: nil me! ielevanl nereln, resideni smile a! Mansileld ln Rhlland oeumy, Dhla. Doc 1-2 Filed: 06/03/15 3 of 11. PagelD 8 4 --. an" tlmas lreraln, a ream-n: me my of Mansfield In army, cm. 5. Michael 6am, nelenaanr, Ill Mme; harelrr, was employad a pollce alum larure my ul Mansfield, emu, and was awn: under oalar olsme law. He Is balm; sued In N: as wall a: unachv. 5. Qty al Mansfield, Delendanl, ls a munldpal corpomkm me sun nl olrlo, arm a: all times relevanr nereln, and employed mam Earn ar a pain: officer. JURISDIUIUN AND VENUE 7, TM: mlon It brought pursuant lo 42 u.s.c, sealans 1533 and 158311: well as (he Founh and Faunzenfll Amendments lathe United sums Ind pendent damn under Ind lhluuxll (he laws owl: Slate Mollie. Venue ls apamprlau as his muse alacuan arose in Highland Counw, Ind Ill and hellelK ell Del-mum: are caurrly, ohla. FACTS s. Incorporate by reference each and cl paragraphs 1 Khmufll 7, as ll arm (lens were lully rewrmen llaralrr. 9. an or Ibout May 2, mu, olme Mansfield ul Ponce wu on duty and received a upon mm a u- mare. 1n. smartly there-Raf, arrlyed on me Ind wlthour any arresred arrd Inuk Into mew; - an pen: the" charge In ulluud vblallnn of me my 0! Mansfield Code Case: Doc 1-2_Filed: 06/03/15 4 of 11. PagelD 9 11. while belt-I by Officer 5am lanl in an omdal merited Earn told 'i can get val: ouiattnis bulynu have (a do something let me." 12. As omeercam pulled into me [my area clme mainland Coumyiall he laid - about wnan said.~ TM: mallclous elm. cl power-ltd dlsruped for members oltha community In measuring to take IMnllu ul- mntaity impaired poison is ahead"; to the conscience. El Al um: nfthe selxure and tubsdquam ov- Offloer Gem did not have In his any wamnx issued by aw apprcomte Iumorlly. 14. officeer med under color ol Ilw in his ulna-i tawdry lo deprive -oi her right [a freedom lrosn Illegal sebum of he] pemn and he: rim to ltoedom Mmuniawiui Irrm and detention, These are guaranteed Ind leauedm .mth the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments Mme United Stiles as these were clearly summed as of Mly 2, 2015. 15. AK time did officer Gam hm pmhibl: fills: la amsl-. 15. The Mend-v, - was yeinsed inureetauon, however Mr interest and that ol. were being wane mall/Illa: and minus atomcer 6am un and untluuly M2014, 17. officer 6am while on duty and 0" fumed -u verfunn mini acts on him in avoid he! - was tutced to do this tnvoiunmy peflomlm willie Olflur made 5- watch. 19. Mice: 5am helmied and hand -uvln|: can have Ind take your wife anytime I erII and you unnol do nothing abam ll,- Case: Doc 1--2 Filed: 06/03/15 5 of 11. PagelD 10 19. Al Ill tlme: relevant to thla lcflon, nalenaanl Gum med unleayanablv, redtlessly, nullzelmv, willfully, wantanly, Ind wm dellheme Indifferent: to the selely and fights 0! bath - and I 20, qty nl Mansfield, Defendant, (allea In adequately lraln cam on how to lntelact who. mlzellx that he I: entrusted no umlecnhn are amlexau mental 21. cltvoannalleld. Defendmt. lalled to annual. unluanu lnam all tome ohlo Law Enforcunint Git-wry. 12. By not tralnln. orneel Gun and lumeth mesa tn the uhlo law :nfomemenl Gateway] the pollcy makers and thus. respolaslhlemnlese the clay ofMInIfleld med recklessly, wantunlu Ind umh dellbeme [mm-rem: to the safety nuds ohhe cf Mansfield, ln particular, -and I, 23. mammal me, - made Ind :plnn alum cam above and lathe: aspen the Mansfield Fulloe Department. 24. Gluen the of mas-nous mlnat Officer 6am, she underwent m: rim Ma tlress test, and pasted the me. 25. In February al 1015 my cam lnuleted on 17 mums af unauthorized use othla Law atonement Gateway, 14 mums ol al dulv, bard-m trespass a halalullon, attempted (loss sexual Imam. attempted mull hattely, by sexual balmy, and publlc lndeceney. 15' The Clly al Mansfield had tpeelanled knowledne o1 olncel Gam': aeulant behavinl' that was not made knawn tn the public. In not ml: sneelalue knowledge allowed 6am to perpetuate devlant icflons thrutof mum-rue pmspectm anion hlm. Case: Doc 06/03/15 6 of 11. PagelD 11 17. I dlreu and aroxlmat: rcsull a! ma mind-"B Gam' Ind the Eltv of Mansfield, - Ind runered phvilcal Injury, pal", enraudn-I Ind trauma, and 15. AI funher direct Ind praxlmam mm o! tho Dikndims Icflons, '5 mental ancillary had and are bun: medlan moved an unwelmmed expense, comrr 1 42 29:: 19. mm" lump-mus relerenne each and every allegation nv Paragraphs 1 mom 2; above as though [Hully rewnnen nerenr. an. Defendant. Mlcn-el Gem mlans were nertorrned mder cola! omw Ind deprived- of warmed nuns, In violaflnn elm serum 19m. Defendant. Michael Gam deprived be Iree hum unreasonable seuures by renew erremn. nerend Ior a! Mr In men ofme Farm>> and Foumenlh Amendment: are Unit-d sum human. 37. The actions olDefendant, cern wer: mrnmed Intentionally. nulldnusly, nnremneble and In a reddes: manner. as. - direex end praxnnere rank at unn-Mm mnducz, -sufleved and continue In suner enoan and damues for men Defendant Gem Is Indudlnl but nor armed to menul. enrndanel, Ind pIIn and sumflni. A- Is enurled ta punmwu damages based on Manda: Gem's "raglan: mndun, Case: Doc 1--2 Filed: 06/03/15 7 of 11. PageID 12 GOVERNMENTAL 35' Nahum" Inmrporaua by referent: Ind sullerlna. 55. A-la entitled In punlrm damages premlsed upon Defendant Gam's qrqlaus candua. COUNT7 NEGLIGENCE AGAINST DEFENDANT EARN 06/03/15 10 mil. PagelD 15 56. Plainth Incorporates by reference eath ind every anepuan a! 1 through 55 lbw: n; 1: Fully rewrm" bevel". s7. Defendant owed a duty 01 Live to the time amt. Ineluents. In the above dammed am am Mind"! neuuenny breached uld duty of are, which dlreetry and mulbed In Inlmles and dammsw - 59. At a dlren and result 0! oer-mum Gem's < lhli Ind E. other rellel In law Ind equity tn mm: the Ptaxmlfis Ire entitled tn and that the cam deems 1m Ind propel. 10 Case: Doc 1-2 Filed: 06/03/15 11 of 11. PageID 16 A JURY DEMAND IS REQUESTED IN THIS ACTION Respectfully Byron D. 'Coriey, 0077609 22 North Walnut Mans?eld, Ohio 44902 419 524 1351 Attorney for the 11