HOW JOHANNA STORY AFFECTED ME I remember at the beginning of March or so, my teacher, Mr. Maskey teliing my class that we were going to read about Johanna Orozco. remember thinking, what, who?s this girl, why are we reading about her? also recali another student in my class asking him ?Who's that?. ?The teenage girl who got shot a coupie of years back", my teacher had said. in my head i thought a lot of teenagers get shot a day, what made her so special that they wrote a story about her? A lot of questions were asked to my teacher, "By whom?? ?When?? "How?" i ended up finding out that she got shot by her boyfriend. After he told usthat, questions flooded into my head ?Why did he do that?? "Was he crazy?" After reading the first part of the story I was hooked. i couldn't help but be obsessed; looked forward to reading all of the parts of the story in class every day. i know what you?re thinking how sick is that, reading over other people?s tragedy and actually liking it. But in reality it wasn?t like that, i enioyed reading it because it?s real. She, in other words was like us, she went to Lincoln West, she believed in making a life for herself and surpassing all the torment and bad, horrible things that happened to her. in other words she could have been any one of us. I also enjoy reading this story because she survived; she lived to tell her story. She was able to influence congress men into making a new law that lets people of any age get a restraining order against anyone, which in her day she couidn?t. i also iove that am able to read story and feel like i was a part of it, like if i knew iohanna in a personal level,and i knew what she was going through, which in reality I didn?t. But my final reason for loving her story was that because of her, we students get'to team about abusive and controlling relationships, how to get out of one, how to get help, and when to say it?s enough. can?t say this story affected everyone like encouraged me to learn about this situation and share my knoWiedge with others around me. Because of this story I want to write about stuff like rape, sexual assault, and abusive reiationships so i can influence people to make a change to stop this once and for all. i know one person can?t do such a difference but you?ll be surprised about what a pen and paper can do. the i ee 8 14: (328W55Eaghmc #4 WV38CI 38 TIV 0100M SIHJ. CINV dn OJ. 3d0H CINV DJ. 09 CINV CIV3H AW 1538 TH NI J.S38 SNDIS GNV SJ.0I8 SI 33S I TIV asnva 3H.L J.0N 3N0 0N .LSFI8J. .LNVI) GNV 33mm 1333 9 NI .538 335 I CINV 3H.L 83HJ.0NV 33S 01 GNV CIV3I-I AW 1538 I 83H10NV SNIJJBD 3HJ. M38HJ. DNIOB IAVM 3N1 OJ. IAWONCXE NI CI3BVC) 3W0338 59088 0J. SGN3I83 01 SN8ILL CINV SI 1308.530 S-I 0180M SIHJ. 30 (3180M N338 'Jd?883 OJ. ACIV38 SSV idn8803 OJ. 38IS3CI GNV 30 3980 3H.L 30 AWON033 SIH.L NIG39VD 383M 30 CINV SNIS AW 803 3W 3N9803 GNV AW 30 3HJ. GNV 3W 3H SV 803 3d0H CINV (109 BNOIV AW NINE) SI CINV SI AVGA83A3 1333 ll .L3I9 SI33I1 N3H.L DNIACI 330 83.LJ.38 I333 SI 0180M 3H.L 00A SCIN3I83 3H.L 3SOV338 38nd SI 00A 9NI88 VNA8J 31303d N0 00A 803 AJNO m9 00A GIIHD 8V3G '838013 SI GOOHJJFIOV J39 00A SV 8308VH SJ.3E) .LI 800A 800A N0 9V8CI 00A S9V8 00A 3HJ. NI Idn d33)I 00A 8V3G N0 SI SI H1081 3HJ. asnva 33Vd WI W083 OJ. A81 00A $3333 3 0.L 3N1 00A 8V3CI '3Al1 ATIV38 01 139803 00A 800A 00A 8V3CI ICI33DX3 NVD 380338 00A .LVHJ. 3H.L A8 G3idn8803 SI 800A .LNVD 00A 8V3G TIOA S8V3H 83A3 A0080N m8 SDNITI 800A 30 3HJ. OJ. WV38DS 00A WV38DS 00A @001 800A 00083 83A3 SACIO80N MW 8009 OS 00 8V3G 803 100 BNIA83 3N03WOS 13V 00A 8V3CI SI AGO80N GNV SVM ANLLS3CI 3I DNI83GNOM SNOISD3CI 800A NOIJS300 mos 3i Na ?th3 mun wao Diego Mowr??osm 05?037?: 5 989% V3 LGVE Hem mm (1mm +Qi?im bail/24? 3? The {3mm \ggu 39% m6 %%??oogh \s I?m so (Meow we.) ?Do 1: mm Emu"? Do 1: Rm" mu"? dom??r Lucmv?sa. {art-r Cm gomewmg WAS ma? 3(on aw The 0% \w?flrs: me CHE We Among 1 wanna W) em 46 6&5? you We? comma back You wdm?v?r Raw We ?gaiahe mug; mam? anfwwi ?90Ls+ "m my hmH~ you gage? 32% MM 1 miss gm eve:ng 4fsmv: waive Eu)? 44/16 96m Pew irm?r bm+ ma. 09 Mm 338 Jr?vkas? mgr- mam mg aild??s?wg j?m A?afligj Awd (Mk scam may? ??-yh?ma 55-6} me, ch? y?u My mm-z? my; \mm Lam Maw m?m? 3625,25? ab Wu; 309% 9% #wm SQ a?mk Thaw mm "Eve, Exam Wx?Ough 5- mm 35%; my ?E?r ?ew- ?saf we Ex .x Sinai: i: . . .ixgnvaiguikiei?h. ?a .w r.