Exhibit 1g A54 CRIMINAL INVESIIGATION TASK FORCE (CITF) REPORT OF INVESTIGAYIVE 1. one a ac a. euce a m" 080x04 cws.Gmo.cum 12000043451812 A. 50W hitch/tow OI. (WK) MADE. WAR AHMED 08m: 08 Dec 000? 5. GTMO. Cuba On a December 2004 KHADR was interviewed at Cenv Echo. Guantanamo Bay. Cuba by and Depatment ot Oetome Cnminei tmreetoetton Teek Force The interview lasted apptox te a KHADR was provided a meet during the interview. The interview was conducted Engieh. KHADR awed he had that.th aboot hie Median the intervieMng eoente the my betore end he wanted to teltabouthiscese. He stated he truetedthe agenteand appreciatede ate brother. He said tor him to cooperate in the More he went: to make a phone cal to hte tamtty. the in: video at Al Qaede'). and move to Comp 4. KHADR was told that these we all very Ghoul requests beyond he control. but he recpests Md be passed on. KHADR conm'ned he was captured on 27 July. 2002 in a compound near tatowet. Aighanietan He was at he tor about one week before his cutie He maved thete lrom matey compound alter an Arab named [wee nolonaeteate. ABDULLAHwasoneotthe menwithwhom ttewasltvogwhowaettlted when KHADR wee captured. On 27 July. 200e, KHAOR was in the residence at the compound with ABDULLAH AL SUDANI. ABDULLAH AL TUNISI. end ABDUL HAHN. KHADR stated that the owner ot 'he compound. AWN ALLAH. write and 4 theownerewtlenld themenmeAt'tencansweconwig. theownetwae notinthe compound when the Americans arrived. Five to ten minutee atter the men we warned the Americans arrived. Owing his tine period the men put on vests the! carried ammunition and retrieved lhei no? new? tiles. KHADR in? given an n'tte. put on an ammnition vest. and took a poeibnby the with? neaest to the door ottheteetdehce. KHADRseidhetidnotknowWhedtdhot oowtth them. HehadbeenwiihtheArmmen. expeaed him to stay tenth them. Things happenedqu and KHAORdectded to etey. He did not know why he choeetoetay. a sketch of the mound (Attachment 1). (AGENT NOTE. KHADR drew the compound and SA labeled people and looetione at direct-on as he recounted the events). As the Americana an . ADRwas inside the residence etthewindow nearest thedoorteaet etde ot the W). ABDUL RAHIM end ABDULLAH AL TUNISI wete Etude the reetdenoe at the wmdow lutheet trom the door. AL SUDANtweejuetouteide thedoorotthe reeidenoe. MtentheAtghonieotdiercemetnthe mandoorotdte .ABOULLAH AL TUNISI bed an ?(47 it to! automdic mode king the Alohen seldier. AL TWSI ?red iron the window 0! the residence. AL SUDANI then brew hand grenades over the wall at the compound at the Americans. kept spraying Meta ever the caripomd wall. The Nnericene um and both the Americans and the men ell ttrho. KHADR stated headnotahoot Heateted hem Ataomettmeoetween 1 team the reeidemeandwasetendinobemnthe restdenoe and the wall eest cl Ite readence). A large exptoeton men came through the wail oppoette the residence. PAGE 1 OPS PMS A55 - I I I- Exhibit 12 ?mum mm won KHADR lost most at his vision tom the blast and tocotved minor ohrmt wands On his mp9: body. Hus rile was destroyed by tho blast. All tout men thon moved away ttom the random: towsd tho man gate at tho compound. At this location KHADR was g'von a pistol and a gronodo by AL TUNISI. No ono woo opodttcalty dooigutod in charge at the gtoup of non they did not woot mourns and KHADR dd not upon to anyone. AL intonnatty took ohago when todo rosidonoo and onothov building (pot wool at tho tooidonco). KHADR dtow sketch ot ro positnnod on tho alloy. (Attoct'mont 2) (AGENT NOTE: KHADR drow tho alloy ond occupants. 8A pooch and Iocntono ot ductim as ho mooumod tho mots}. Howosloaning TUNISI wore next to KHADR. AL was More at Ito trout ol the any it he couttyotd. KHADR sold ThomonnoxttoKt-IADR um ottho mutt. KHADR rocotvodmnor whtlohowaotnthoolloy. Hoshawod the interviowhg ogonts KHADR was tho out; than wounded ot point. ABDUL RAHIM took pistol. AL ohd ABDUL ABDUL woo tho list at Ito othe: men woundod. KHADR thought he was wounded it tho throot bocouoo ot the way he tolltod ALTUNISI was thonwoundod in thochoot. KHADR bottovoo ABDUL and At. SUDAN dtod baton tho Amottcans ontomd tho W.. Ho MN As the Amodcans entered the coupound thoy yelled in KHADFI could he! tecol what boy said ABDUL RAHIM sumo shoottng at tho Amottcono. KHADR botiovos ABDUL RAHIM uood opstot homo t1 food ono shot at a timo. not tho outomutc gun?ro ho hootd oortaot tram tho rittoo KHADR thought ABDUL was to a prom Atthto po'm unwritten KHADvaIodtho usod. mothod Attochmontotakon trothJano?sExptoswd ocdnonoo wadptovtdosdotuonmogtomdo idonittod by KHADRasaRusozan Ft tragmontation grenade. This motorotromthotuget. KHADR stated that as tho Amodcons ontotod tho Iolowtng owns motto: ot KHADR mow throw tho gtonmo with bio hunt hood. KHADR is r?oht-hmdod and uses his (?th hand tat everything. point. Hoiuotknowhothtow the gtonode in the drocttm at tho Amoncons. KHADR dd hoot tho oxptooton. Ho my hood gut-lilo trom ho novot mavod Item that podion. boiovod ABOU. RAHIM was also kiode the amtbo. not ttmolhoAmortcmoentetod KHADR stated ho woo ??uid during the hcidont. KHAN woo thon dotounod by tho Amor?com Wm WM PAGE 2 Of 3 PAGES w755'mo? 57 A56 Exhibit 1; 4. ma (Grim KHADR sow the bodies at the other mon in tho any as tho Amoncam whom him. KHAOR stated he thought he was who to die. Ho later toot oomoimms mo Ioamod the Americans had poriormod surgery on him tor 24 hours and he received mm other medcd procedures KHADR crodntod the American modem heatmont mm sov'ng his life. KIIADR said he did not With the Taliban or Al Omda would have hound the agents as well it they had been womdod. KHADR related all 0! the details above macaw throtme the mtem'ew. with the exceptim ol the gonad: Ontyattov KHADR was totddollmovidonoothal theorem. on KHAOFI wuhtho grenade and KHADR statedal tho moot-is were accurate throughout and that he hedonry wihhotd automation about the Waco. KHADR apologtzod tor not 009th Dom truthlut and we he hoped otrot magma not be and at tor Ana pavldm the dotais above. KHADR ?nished his meal and read two car magazines with the agents and mud about casual ?pics far abou 1 Ya hoors KHADR mo thot the agents rotum. but was told they would my not be bacu until March 2005 nos 3 00"3 PAGES