us. hep-rental mi um mm limx?uxi 01 2115 mi. 7 a Transportation .1 5 Security The Honorable John Thane Administration Chairman Committee on Commerce. Science. and Transportalion United States Senate Washington. DC 20510 Dear Chain-nan Thune: I Thank you for your letter of March 11, 20l5. cum-signed by colleagues. regarding recent incidents involvingairpon credentials ?lDd wet-w to secure As you know. the security of our Nation?s partnered responsibility shared among airpon operators, airlines, and tenants. I recognize tin: the threat posed by insiders is 1 ml and di?icuIl security yin-Fr?iucems about these incW' and Esme you that the Transportation Socwtr/ ministration GSA) is working internally and with our stakeholdeWrL-cim- vulnerabilities in the em, 4 Regarding the issues at Atlanta Airpr MAJ TSA molt immediate ste Tl. I'o bcl?t'l' mitigate the insider thltal. Eat-(ample. we created a working 7 :ng Liwi?] rcpresentalion grliolderslo further develop pit-Criscnt mt roving security, TSA wiknl with the General Manngemi ATL to AR Map In enhanced/minty income \?mtinn the airport. The entire x~uvip?nwwmiitwty, induding the Den; tin)? on?. ?non. Atlanta Police Department. end. our Airline planners .nuperative'msnner to respond immediately to I mwly identi?ed sinus; We increased Pitts?hook nperatiom to focus on screening airpon employees at direct access points, Mich as ?lm-Shh": 4cm Ares doors and elevators, and vehicle gates. TSA holdsweckly meetings mat-the Atlanta Department of Aviation to discus and plan jni 93 book operations. As an Idditional security measure. TSA now requires be screened via Advanced imaging Technology. It should be new! that Both the leadership of ATL and the airlines are committing millions of dollars t0 inspwiwloyees in secured parking lots. This aiditionai inspection process began immediately on the noti?cation ofthe identi?ed threat and continues to increase. On the national level. TSA is examining potential vulnembililies of the system as a whole. end determining what additional security measures or policy changes may be necessary. TSA realizes the gravity cfihe ATL incident. and we will continue to work to improve our security practices and procedures to mitigate the recurrence of such an egregious violation of existing security measures. Additionally. as you mentioned. I Asked the Aviation Security Advisory Committee to review this issue and look forward to reviewing their iecommendslions for improving security in an ef?cient, risk?based Dunner. We have also created an Insider Threat Advisory Gmup at our headquarters that includes representation from our ?eld of?ces. Regarding your concerns with Secure Identi?cation Display Area (SIDA) badge security, the airport operator. and not TSA, issues and manages the identification (ID) media that allow individuals to have physical access to secure or sterile areas of the airport. role in the airport hedging process is setting regulatory standards. TSA has established requirements via the applicable regulations and Security Directives that the airpon is responsible for implementing and following. TSA maintains regulatory oversight of the airports and conducts inspections to ensure the requirements are be' followed. Title 49 oithe Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). part :es the requirements for an airport authority, describing when they m?l Dmcdatt, Low they must account for that lD media? and in combination with 49 Cl I542. .201, describes the security systems. policies, and procedurest ?it are assocmzt-d??idi the ID media. Violations of security regulations will sligated anal-nay resuil in civil enforcement procedures, including the imposition ufhum. in addition to setting regulatory standardfogl DA badges, TSA also performed security threat assessment on all holders. who are tinged?) perpetual screening Ter? at?! $ch 3 Database (TSDB). the ail-pm authority performs the initm/lzdj/uducatinn of the criminal history record heck Tn?u' new badge applicants, lies established guidelines to ennui/2L convictions, which mdiswalify an applicant from??sejvin: a Sll'M bridge as set forth in 49 l5 1.227191 e/ a Wrists; mupmst for a list outflow. stoic that otherwise unaccounted for din-Inn 3 mph) credentials in the last '7 isw?, TSA ulna not maintain a record of lost or A/qx unaccounted for airpon operators issue and are responsible for a periodic comf-?mcitSn-v audit .if all ID media and must maintain records of thus..- audits for I Iftitn? percentage unaccounted for or lost media reaches an established threshnid in; a paniculeryatcgory ofaccess. the airport must reissue all badges in that asttess category, .uditionaliy, regardless oftlte percentage ofunaccounted for ID tin airportwust periodically reissue all LD media. )i apprtuat?t'lhat ytSu took the time to share your concerns with me and hope this information/is helpful. The co-signers of your letter will receive separate, identical nsponm?f if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me 11. Isonalty or the Office of Legislative Attairs at (571) 227-2717. Sincerely yours, rev/r Melvtn?l. meay Acting Administrator