SENSITIVE (U) White Supremacnsi 3' I Infiltrath of Law Enforcement 17 October 2006 (U) Handling Natice: Resiyients are reminded fhat FBI Intelligence Assessments contain sensitive terrorism and caunlerz?errorz?sm information meam?r use primar?}! wiz?hin the law enfarcemenz community. Such assessments are no: (a be released either in wriiter: 9r oralfom to the media, the general public, or aiher personnel who do not have a valid need-:o-imow wizhom priar approval?om an auzhorized FBI a?cial. ?il?ralt?d by FBI Counterterrorism Division SENSETEVE SEESITIVE White Supremaeist Ia?kmfiaa of Law Eafareement (U) Scape Nate This assessm?nt provides an everview efwhite supremacist infiltratisn 0f Iaw enferccmen: and derives its infermation ?om FBI invest? ations and (39% swarms avaiiablc as cfAugust 2006. This assessment addresses] ENFORCEMENT SENSXTIVE 2 ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE (U) Key Judgments Althengh white supremacist groups have historically engaged in straregic effertste in?ltrate and reemt - - -. . . - The primary threat from in?ltration er recruitmertt arises from the areas 0f intelligence collection and expleita?on, which can lead to investigative breaches and can jeopardize the safety of law enfereemem Sources and perseneel. 7 E) a White supremacist presence among law enforcement persezmel is a concern due t9 the access they may possess to restricted areas vulnerable tr) sabetage and t0 elected ef?elals ofmemeruld gee as poiential targets fer Violence. intelligence acquired through the in?ltration of law enforcement by we white supremacist group can bene?t other groups due to the multiple allegiances white supremaeiets typically held. UNCLASSIFIEDIILAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 3 SENSITIVE (U) Intmdactian: Censequences 9f Compmmised Iatemgeme This assessmeni examiacs white suprsmacist in?ltratim 9f iaw enforcement perspectives of both strategic in?ltraiiera by srga?izgd groups anti self-initiated infiltratian by law enforcement personnel sympathetic ti) white The primary threat ?em infiltratiun er racmifrnant arises from the areas of intelligence colleetion and which can laad tar: investigative breaches and car: jeopardize the safety af 13w cafcrcemeni saunas czar persenmif 3 b2 7 a White supremacist pmsame among iaw enforcement is aism 9f concgm due to the access they may pesse?s to rastriciecf araa? valaerabie t0 sabotage and ta elected ef?cials or pretccted persons, when} they could see as potential targets for vigilance! (U) Organized Intent :0 {infiltrate Law Enforcement 3:32 33713: (UIILES) The apparent sporadic reporting on white supremacist ?n?ltration 0f law enforcement could bel "b2 1} 7 (U) Sirategie In?ltration and Retruitment Campaigns White suprcmacist leadem and gmups have historical 1y an interest in in?iirating law enfmaemem communities ?or recruiting an enforcement persennei. ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 4 ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Mast i?f?ff??ti?i?i abaut systema?c attempts I) white 31: remacisi maps a: iafiltrais law enfsmement invelvei I 3:32 1373 I (U) Wi?iam Pit:ch 4, I: I 't1t-v?ca?f Zn.- - Mamiim 1- 132 1H g; WE mam! mam -- .. . whites min??wo?? mom? I. fw??felal??i??n Whi?ii??i? momma dewcm! . . . 1 @wiwdw?nfowm mm}? wait: any? 5? 3 5 ,?cfn? ling?.mo' ??lm 3% 1:13} Ia - . ww?ieaqm in m?gmmupmmg mm .. th?ir??adir i- mzxLEsj 8 mmtamra?i. id to ima low 1m! .Li. Await may. I: for}? 1922153 In?! midr??mm new cs; "122 ?m?t?f 1m inmgg?a? aux; zz J, UNCLASSIFIEDIMW SENSITIVE 5 UNCLASSEIEBIILAW SENSITIVE In addition 10 its histaricai iniawgi, Waite supremacist has 21133 engaged ix: recent rhetoric that enwurages faiiawers ?n?ltrata law enforcement cemmunitiesg (U) White Sgpremacist Sympaihizers The Ku Klux Klan is mtabie amang white supremaciat greaps far histericaiiy having {band support in many csmmuniti?s, which a?en trangiated into ties to lanai law enfercemem. Althaagh First Amendment?s ?'e?dom cf associatien previsicn pretects an individuai?s right to j?i? white supremacisi gmups far purpgses 6f Iaw?z! activity, the can limit the employment apportunities sf greap members whe held sensitive pubiic sector jabs, including jabs within law . ., - I 312:}? 7 (mi-Th? ?mmrm monk-.2 W-I?Fr?luen?if?1:133:13: .- Hcgg'uqmwy; Imfm?aryi?l?f?? A 1 . co g?fdilra an: f' r; rs: Wining; enfercemcat, when thair memberships wcuid int?rfere with their antics.?a Recent examples cf law enfarcement personnel whasa activities in supper! ofwhite supremacist beliefs basic coma under scrutiny inciade: i UNCLASSIFIEDIILAW SENSITIVE 6 ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Endnams FBI case infama?aa I313). 3 (1mm FBI case mfennazien 3 FBI case infematien (UNCLASSIFIED). (0121,33) FBI case infunnatian 5 case infermaiion 6 (UHLES) F33 case infarma?on 7 (UIILES) FBI case infcmatien 3 FBI case infarmatian 9 E9 February 2904 (U) Brian Levin, ?Addressing Hate ?mups? (UNCLASSIFIED). (U) Washington Times; 18 311i}; 2006 (UNCLASSIFIED). *2 (U) articfe, ?Ex~CaIifemia i?rison Guard Sentenced far Aiding White gag-remedy: Gang,? 26 June 25386 FBI case inferma?e? 9