Eeitere'fo the Fifi '40/06?77o? ?6-35 aim/77m?? Gene: We would like to protest agaihst the supposedly JV peaceful demoeetraficwe. deeigeed to fuefher the cause ageine+ Vief?am?qe War, Ni?p?, and ;he es?abliehment. Winch ha? no fee? gewer CHEF Circumefene;s beyon? his Central. W13;+ary ?ecleiehe are net 518 a10ne, evee if ?e ie commendee~in?Chief. 7?1 7 n. . we all knew tha+ 11% prlmarg duty 19 ?e nauge e_ Pree?nm pr 911, nn+ suw+ Von reap+40nuriee who any aviilahle ann?/ el- 4 Sungeezd which yeu have 0%tained fhrovg the eemmcne Fridav. We weuld elee_like to Seafe imaf we are for the wave i?fo Cambodia, if it eervee its purpoee, but oely 2 time ill give us ,he answer to that. the meantime we eLeul? upheld our fevernmeh? for any decieiohe if makoe. No we den't believe ir war any more than yen do. You are fishfieg ihe severnmee? Wifh ?he same tactic? you are preteeting against in Ere? A813. You are oppree$1ng we .Jo A. (?,yal Americar nir,zene} iv the same ma?ner you feel thaf we of us who live offneampue were awarde? the honor of obeying an eight o'ekeck curfew. ie Pea? fun f0 Si? at home, while you en campus can continue t0 the and the ex?ra added aftraetkhee avc5lable Vv How is you fhink we felt watchiww fioe an? upstairs windewe, fire and Smoke pour into the skv? We? knowing What fhe hell was heppening,whereas you had ringside seats. The w?ele campue could have burned doww for all We k?ew? We came t0 Keri #0 get an edueetiO?, net to observe demenstretiene. How is education ?1e when buildihge are burned dowe, windows broken, eur-34 fewe set, part of which will probably result in increases in zitien (eepecie1?v tot outaefmetete StudentSW It to us that the tactiee you are usine might be taught in a freshman Revolutionary Course 100. yen progressed to uppermdivisier enureev?' How about DemOhstratjens +40 instead of 101 (which includes beer hottlee and ether prejeeti1es; and Firewbombing 103? Do your alge tease you when to retreat? Concerning mob are you when acting on your own, or that against the norms of your glee Club? Halloween came early this that U. bee a deformed skeleton in its Closet? And did you knew that has a malignant tame? in its Siwee when do you have the right to cut the e? the firemen who axe trying te peoteet YCU against ybur own damage (approx, $50,000 worth); -Where the hell do you think K.S.U. gets the money for its buildings, supplies, teachere, ete., ear taxes and fees. If it isn't bad enough to be Spending our money for a war in Viet Nam, tayes are also beihg Spent elaming You pyremeniaes had your fun?~13 the virus out of your system? We bepe eel _Ae we sat lieteninor to news reporte\blaming "Students" of 1.3.8., wexalso felt indicted: let yourself be knewn ee that veer eete, or do yOu gieat in your were t1eat1eg for ~eer RerhTal?el;, we have tithte aleo' You impinged 0? those tights thic poet weekeod. Where do you wet the right to do this? to no lohger_a forced choiCe. Those that join do 80 because t?ey want to! We don?t want to be forced to joio a losin" team. AS long he you're winning, you're happy and Spirit is hi oeeme to be fairweather tactics! We agree that our Society has room for improvememt! Tarts of establishment are sick, you are one of those partell Why not preotiCe what you preach GET CUT '1 this pertains eepeoially to those students wno:belong on the campus! [babe students from another.u?ram?( "z namnuc, who came up here and started th1s woole meSS!.. on circus f4) We heard over the radio that there was a yeti lating asking for the reconstruction of the ROTC ?u1161rg, .4 ion ?eece is it? We would like to Berta Ozeren and Pam Borne sziz?a