5 THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 3. 194S HITLER DEAD GERMAN ANNOUNCEMENT LONDON VIEWS FUEHRER'S END IN BERLIN "FIGHTING TO LAST BREATH" HATED FIGURE a front Obituary. The newspaper commented : "The Daily Express rejoices to announce Hitler's death. It wastes no space on his career. The evil of his deeds is too well known. It gives no picture of the world's most hated face, and merely records his days upon the earth he sought to conquer too long." The Daily Express prints every line of information about the manner of Hitler's death. Bv way of obituary it says merely that Hitler was born Schicklgruber at Braunau, Austria, on April 20. 1889. Five Columns In the Times The Times, on the other hand, runs an obituary notice of five columns with a two-column portrait. The Daily Telegraph, in an editorial, says the disappearance of the figure which to millions has been the incarnation of fear and horror for so long makes the world a cleaner and sweeter place. The most likely reason for Doenitz's appointment as' Hitler's sucpage panel Hitler is dead. This announcement was made by the German radio last night. "It is reported from the Fuehrer's headquarters/' said the German radio, "that our Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, has fallen this afternoon at his command post in the Reich Chancellery, fighting to the last breath for Germany against Bolshevism. On Monday the Fuehrer appointed Grand Admiral Doenitz as his successor." Germany's determination to carry on the fight against the "Bolshevik enemy" and itself against the Western Allies was announced by Doenitz last night. defend to The diplomatic correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says the announcement of Hitler's death and Doenitz's proclamation as the new Fuehrer are regarded in authoritative circles in London as ending, at least for a time, the surrender negotiations initiated by grave and important announcement was to be made by the German Government to the German people some time last evening. The Daily Express radio station says that "Lord Haw-haw" gave the warning. Immediately he had finished shots rang out within the studio. According to an earlier statement by the radio, Hitler at midday yesterday was fighting as a common soldier in the northern district of Berlin. The announcement of Hitler's death over the radio was preceded by the playing of Wagner's "Twilight of the Gods." This was followed by the slow movement of Bruckner's Seventh Symphony, which commemorates the death of Wagner. Speaking over the radio Doenitz said: "German men and women, soldiers of the German Wehrmacht —our Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, has fallen. The German people bow in deepest mourning and veneration. He recognised the terrible danger of Bolshevism at an early date and dedicated his existence to this struggle. His life was one of single service His action in fighting against the Bolshevik spring tide was waged beyond for for and the entire civilised world. Europe that, "The Fuehrer has appointed me his successor. Conscious of this responsibility, I am taking over the leadership of the German people in this grave hour of destiny. My first task is to save the German people from annihilation by the advancing Bolshevik enemy. The military struggle continues only with this aim. "Inasmuch and as long as the attainment of this aim is being hindered by the British and Americans, we shall have to continue to defend ourselves against them as well, and shall have to continue the fight against them. The British and American# will then continue the war no longer for their own peoples, but to further the spread of Bolshevism in Europe. "The fighting achievements of the German people in this war and the suffering of the homeland are unique in history. During this time of the plight of our people I shall endeavour, as far as is in my power, to create bearable conditions for our brave men, children and women. For all this I need your help. Grant me your confidence, for your path is also my path. Maintain order and discipline in town and country. May everyone fulfil his duty at his post. It is only thus we shall be able to mitigate the sufferings which the coming period will bring to each one of us and prevent collapse. If we do what is in our power God will not forsake us after so much suffering and sacrifice." After Doenitz's speech the band played the two German national anthems, "Deutschland Über Alles" and the "Horst Wessel." The radio then observed a three-minute silence, after which an Order of the Day by Doenitz to the Wehrmacht was read and the Funeral March played. cessor is that part of the gang rejected Himtnler's lead for capitulation and are attempting earlier plans for continued resistance. The Daily Telegraph says that the announcement that Hitler died in action fighting against Bolshevism is no doubt a polite figure of speech. The wording of the German announcement breathes the Nazi intention to deify Hitler turn him into St. Adolf—and it is probable t-o this end that he was sacrificed by the inner group of Nazis still controlling what is loft of the Reich and of SOME SCEPTICS REACTIONTO NEWS PROOF LACKING LONDON, EVIDENCE INDICATED LONDON. May '2 IKecd. 7.30 p.m.) The reaction to the announcement of Hiter's death has been varied. Messages from various parts of the some commentators take the line that it is a "good riddance" others clined to regard the arc in- announcement just another Nazi trick. at There is, of course, no means jjresent of telling for certain whether Hitler is actually dead and, if he is dead* when and where he died. It is recalled that the Nazis have been hinting at his approaching death for some days and it is suggested that they have new found it convenient to say that be lias "fallen in action." Moscow Radio View The Moscow radio at 3.30 a.m. today broadcast the announcement of Hitler's death and called it a Fascist trick by which the German Fascists hoped to prepare a way for him to go underground. The Exchange Telegraph Company's Parliamentary correspondent says some tnemhers of the House of Commons are inclined to regard the announcement as a ruse to facilitate Hitler's escape. The Press Association says Hitler s death may have occurred a week ago, when Himmler announced that he was suffering from cerebral hemorrhage and was not likely to survive more than 48 hours. The news of Hitler's death, which was later broadcast by the Germans in Knglish, was announced in a way which indicated a desire to build up a legend. It was heralded with a roll of drums and preceded and followed by solemn music. Henchmen Not Mentioned It is noteworthy that in all May 1 In his Order of the Day to the German Army Doenitz said: "Comrades, the Fuehrer has fallen. He fell faithful to his great ideal of saving the people of F,urope from Bolshevism. He staked his life and died a hero's death. With the Fuehrer's passing one of the greatest heroes in German history has passed away. We lower our flags for him in proud reverence and sorrow "The Fuehrer appointed me his suc- cessor, head of the State and Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht. I assume supreme command of the Wehrmacht with determination to continue the struggle against Bolshevism until the fighting troops and hundreds of thousands of families in German eastern territories have been rescued from enslavement and extermination. "1 shall continue the struggle against the British and Americans so far and so long as they hinder me in carrying out the fight against Bolshevism. The situation demands from you, who havtalready accomplished such great historical feats, and who are now longing for the end of the war, a further struggle without question. "I demand discipline and obedience. Chaos and downfall can only be prevented by obedience without reserve to my orders. He who at this moment shirks his duty is a coward and a traitor because he brings death and slavery to German women and children. The oath of allegiance you swore to the Fuehrer now applies, without further formality to me, the successor appointed by the Fuehrer. German soldiers, do your duty. The life of our people is at stake." POSSIBLE TRICK viled. OFFICIALS SHOW CAUTION NEW YORK, May 2 8.50 p.m.) Reports of Hitler's death left New radio announcements about the new Fuehrer no mention has been made of either of Hitler's chief henchmen. Goebbels or Himmler. A German communique issued early yesterday afternoon, before the death announcement, stated: "The German garrison, which is herded together in a very narrow space in the heart of Berlin, has rallied round the Fuehrer and is defending itself heroically against the enemy's mass onslaught.' A ghost voice broke in when the German radio was repeating Doenitz's Order of the Day, saying: "All lies." It stated, "Nonsense," when the announcer reached the passage about Hitler having fallen as a hero. Shortly after the German announcement Allied Supreme' Headquarters stated that General Patton's troops had captured the Austrian town of Braunau, where Hitler was born. ROME PRISON REVOLT May ! German Storm Troopers and Italian Fascists imprisoned at Fort Boggea. outside Rome, revolted yesterday, reports Renter's Rome correspondent. At a given signal they attacked and overpowered the warders and drenched the governor of the prison with petrol, but he was rescued before the Germans were able to set fire to the petrol. The revolt is still not quelled, but police have surrounded the prison, which w in the prisoners' hands. Yorkers cold, says the New York Times. They stopped only briefly in the chill rain to glance at the headlines and shrug in disbelief before diving like moles into the subways. Scepticism was the most dominant reaction. There was no cheering, only a subdued gloating. Eight out of ten persons thought it was a Nasi fake or said. "'They are trying to palm off Hitler's double." The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald-Tribune states that renewed tension over the expected surrender of Germany rose in Washington with the report of Hitler's death. President Truman apparently shared the sceptical view regarding the report and warnings were given at White House and various Government departments that it might be only a Nazi trick, with will keep and NEW underground fortress. More than 8000 Germans have been wiped out in another day's fighting in Berlin. In two days the Russians have taken more than f ROOTING OUT NAZISM NEW MAYOR OF WEIMAR LONDON, May 2 _ _ » The new officials in Weimar are Two great German liners, the Eurona and the Bremen, are reported to ne pledged to a strong effort to reduce the docked at Bremerhaven. One is being influence of Nazi sympathisers who are used as a billet for naval personnel and reported to b© still holding influential positions, the other is a complete wreck, LINK prisoners. WITH SOVIET ROKOSSOVSKY'S Heed. 11.10 p.m.) GERMANS IN DENMARK INDICATIONS OF WITHDRAWAL AHEAD NEW GAINS LONDON, May 'J tanks driving to meet Rokossovsky from their bridgehead over the Elbe are 14 miles from Lubeck and meeting no strong resistance. Rokossovsky's forces, driving for the link-up with the British Second Army, are sweeping forward on an 80-mile front under 40 miles from Rostock. The naval base of Stralsund and a number of smaller places have been captured. British CONTROL BEING LOOSENED (Received May 2, 6.10 p.m.) LONDON, May 2 There are a number of conflicting stories about what is going on in Denmark, but agency messages suggest a general loosening of German control. Reuter's correspondent in Stockholm, who has been in touch with Denmark by telephone, says there is every indication that the Germans are preparing to leave Copenhagen. In three Danish towns the local German forces have capitulated. It is also reported that a list of Cabinet Ministers has been drawn up ready for the expected resignation'of M. Scavenius, who has been Prime Minister during the occupation. Thousands of tanks, trucks, Bren The Danes are resuming control of their own country, says carriers, jeeps, staff cars and the whole the British United Press correspondent in Stockholm, Danish police, headquarters of the generals of the inin full uniform, are again patrolling the streets of several towns in fantry are hurrying over the last big Jutland and have been enthusiastically cheered by the population. Europe. barrier of the war in water The Daily Telegraph's Stockholm correspondent says that FieldPeace rumours do not afiect negotiations are proceeding between the German commissar, Dr Marshal Montgomery's offensive. The commanders and the troops read the Werner Best, and the Danish Home Front leaders for the bloodless capitulation of the Germans throughout Denmark. reports, but there is no relaxing. One report says the Germans in Copenhagen are packing big Confusion Among Germans removal vans in front of 'the S.S. headquarters and Dr Best's office. Fresh evidence is coming in every Fires are burning in the Gestapo courtyard as the Germans destroy hour of growing chaos and confusion documents. on the German side. The. - is a marked front-line reporters, who say that the lack of control and cohesion, which our great historic battle for Berlin is near commanders are exploiting. It is imposits end. The radio added that Storm sible to say when or where the first Troops and battalions of Volkssturm contact with the Red Army will be made were holding the last inner defence or who will make it. but we have expert positions along the railway and had information on Red Army signs and erected giant barricades consisring of and Tactical Air Force fightercobbles, bricks and wrecked railway shapes, bombers are keeping a sharp lookout waggons. identification. MINISTER APPOINTED Remains of Germany Split a 23,000 Oity in its Death Throes "Berlin is in its death throes," said the Moscow radio, quoting Russian in Ber- stand there rather than in the overrun Reich or in the southern redoubt, now .threatened from both north and south. He may delay somewhat, but cannot alter, the decision. Reuter suggests two possible explanations of Doenitz's appointment as Hitler's successor. First, his unquestionable loyalty to National Socialist ideology and to Hitler personally. Second with the German Army and Air Force in ruins he represents the one arm, namely, the Navy, with which Germany could still continue some form of effective guerilla warfare. Renter adds that the unexpected choice of Doenitz also supports the theory that Hitler elected him to continue the fight against Bolshevism, while entrusting Himmler with the practical job of negotiating surrender. and 100 more blocks of buildings. They are now near the Tiergarten, the big park where the Nazis have built an NO NEWS OF FATE The Daily Mail's political correspondent says that the naming of Doenitz as the new Fuehrer suggests that what remains of Germany has been split in two—those wishing to fight on, led by Doenitz, and those wanting to surrender. led by Himmler. The political correspondent of the Times says that what part of the armed forces Doenitz will be able to rally to his side in a last desperate stand is not certain. He can perhaps rely on such of the German Navy as remains, but the Wehrmacht is dispirited and dispersed, while the Volkssturm is ceasing to count. The S.S. may elect to follow Himmler. Nevertheless. Doenitz may gather a sufficiently large force to cause trouble. Considerable Strength In Norway The diplomatic correspondent of the Times says there is a formidable number of U-boats based on Norway, where the enemy also has some 200,000 members of the land forces and some hundreds of aeroplanes. Therefore, it is likely 2 ture. May 2 centre company RIBBENTROP OUT The Allied military authorities on Monday released a gaunt 64-year-old ALFRED HESS CAUGHT Jewish Social-Democrat from LONDON, May I partly Alfred Hess, brother of Rudolf Hess, the infamous Buchenwald concentration camp and installed him as Lord Mayor formerly deputy-Reichsfuehrer and now a prisoner in Britain, has been of Weimar in an effort to root out cortaken prisoner near the Czecholsolvak Nazism in that city, says Renter's respondent. Weimar is the original border home of the Weimar Republic, the birthplace of Goethe and Schiller, and FAMOUS LINERS' FATES is steeped in traditions of German culLONDON, May LONDON. universally re- Russian forces. The Russians have in history cleared the districts of Charlottenthe Neros and Torquemadas, but burg captured Schoneberg fie Parliamentary correspondent of the Times says his broadcast to the German people was made on the Bremen wave-length, suggesting that he is somewhere on the North German coast, or even at sea. (Reed. 5.35 p.m.) p.m.) slaught of overwhelmingly superior cessor. making 6.10 German strongholds in the LONDON, May 2 (Reed. 11.10 p.m.) LONDON, May 2 An announcement by the German Much space ie given to Admiral says a new Foreign Minister has Doenitz by the London uewspapers. radio appointed. This means that RibThe Daily Mail prints a picture of been bentrop has been superseded, but no him under the heading: "Hater of mention is made of what has happened Britain takes over." All the news- to him. papers express surprise at the appointment of Doenitz as Hitler's suc- lin. The BRITISH NEAR LUBECK (Reed. (Iked. 8.80 p.m.) Doenitz is not believed to be BATTLE OF BERLIN FORTS GOING DOWN RESERVES THROWN IN the he will out-top them all. The Daily Herald says: "He snatched power at a moment when moral conviction and mutual trust were at a low ebb among democratic Governments and it is for democracy to ensure no such moment shall recur. If it does, the moment will find its man and he mav be cleverer than Hitler." The diplomatic correspondent of the British United Press says Hitler's death is almost too perfect. At no moment of his career could he have died with better effect in order to be created a Nazi or German saint, and the first announcement of his death shows this to be the Nazi aim. Coincidence could not go much further. The Russians possess nine-tenths of Berlin and organised resistance cannot be maintained for more than another 48 hours, possibly less, ft Hitler was to die defending the capital, the Germans could not risk having him live much longer. FOLLOWER that Doenitz contemplates OPINION TN AMERICA probably hated and SPrvedlv LAST RALLYING POINT DEVOTED NAZI is BALTIC DRIVE ENEMY STILL FIGHTING tion as this man who has been so de- HATER OF BRITAIN (Reed. the Nazi LONDON, DEMANDED LIFE OF PEOPLE AT STAKE BUILDING UP LEGEND world show that while OBEDIENCE Himmler GRAND-ADMIRAL DOENITZ ALMOST OVER Murder and Destruction of Berlin are going down one after The Daily Mail says never has any another under what the Germans being in all the annals of recorded time themselves call the incessant onbeen so steeped in murder and destruc- DOENITZ'S ROLE NEW FUEHEER'S OEDEE which leader. The timing is perfect. ADOLF HITLER , — Biographies of Hitler and Doenitz appear on page 3. MUST FIGHT ON headed: .. EVE OF EVENTS I Before the announcement of Hitler's death the German radio had said that a LONDON, May 2 sure. The Daily Express featured LONDON, May 2 Himmler. HITLER DEIFYING PEACE MOVES PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL SWEDE'S RETURN ADVICE TO THE DANES Tiger tanks, with reinforced armour, lor While the Eleventh Armoured Divihad been posted in the streets and all Lubeck —the German reserves thrown into the battle. sion is spearing toward our Red Army artillery, firing at point- port is almost within range of line British blank range, was razing the converted heavy guns—the rest of the HIMMLEE NOT SEEN strongholds on the Tiergarten and north of the Elbe follows approximately the Hamburg-Berlin railway, and the Unter den Linden. are facing two troop® intact them only Gigantic Mopping-up regiments of German infantry. The Ger- STOCKHOLM Renter's Moscow correspondent says mans call our Eleventh Armoured spear- (Reed. 8.40 p.m.) LONIX)N, May 2 the battle for Berlin, which is now well heads "Churchill's butchers." Upon his return from Copenhagen behind the main Russian front line, has Field-Marshal Montgomery is on e developed into a gigantic mopping-up Elbe with his mighty force, which is to Stockholm yesterday, Count Beroperation. Volkssturm units are laying growing. nadotte, the Swedish Red Cross down their arms in increasing numbers. Retreat Impedes British leader through whom German surThe Associated Press correspondent in German troops and material retreat- render offers are reported to have Moscow reports that the Russians now hold most of the Wilhelmstrasse. He ing from the Russians have impeded been made, conferred with M. Boheadds that dozens of suicides were re- the Eleventh Armoured Division's ad- man, former Under-Secretary of ported among the dwindling German vance from the Elbe. Many Germans are anxious to be taken prisoner by .he State in the Swedish Foreign Office, defenders. The Hamburg radio said that the Allies, but others are trying to get to who was recently appointed Swedish German garrison was gathering its last Denmark. Minister to France. Royal Air Force Tempests, Spitfires ounce of strength, hut deep enemy There is no sign, says the Associated breaches could not be prevented. The and Typhoons strafed German columns radio admitted yesterday morning that fleeing between Schwerin and Lubeck Press correspondent in Stockholm, that the Germans had abandoned attempts before Rokossovsky's northern drive. Count Bernadotte has yet made contact to relieve Berlin from the west and The troops scattered in confusion, seek- with Allied representatives. This would south-west in the face of strong Rus- ing cover in ditches and trees. The probably be done through the Foreign sian flank attacks.. planes destroyed 536 motorised and Office. horse-drawn transports. No Message Forwarded The German radio, referring to the "I last met Himmler ten days ago area west of Hamburg, reports that the Allies have pushed into Oldenburg in Lubeck," said Count Bernadotte at and that other Allied forces are within his press conference in Stockholm. "I PATTON NEAR LINZ did not see him during my last visit to two miles of Emden. An Order of the Day from Marshal Germany and Denmark. I : have not to Marshal Zhukov. addressed forwarded any message from Himmler Stalin, DRIVE TOWARD INNSBRUCK reports the capture by the Russians of or any other authoritative German (Reed. 6.10 p.m.) LONDON, May 2 Brandenburg. 34 miles west-south-west sources to the Allies." The American Third Army in the of Berlin. Count Bernadotte said that Himmler. Bavarian Alps has gained up to 25 miles on recent occasions when they met, did along a 100-niile front. Some of General not show signs of nervous strain. Patton's tanks are reported 18 miles Co'unt Bernadotte said that,during his from Lin/, after racing across the latest visit to Copenhagen he" concluded Austrian frontier. The Americans, after an agreement under which 50 Britons a four-mile advance, crossed the AusOUTSTANDING GENERAL and Americans interned in Denmark trian border in the vicinity of Oberwill go to Sweden, together with kappel, 14 miles east of Passau, which prisoners evacuated from German conAMERICANS BY CAPTURED is at the confluence of the Inn and the centration camps by the Swedish Red (Reed. 6.10 p.m.) LONDON, May :2 Cross. These prisoners at Danube. present are Seventh forces have Army General Patton's tanks reached the American living in two camps in Jutland. Field-Marsha] captured von Rundstedt. River, Inn on the Austrian and GerSwedes In Copenhagen man frontier, in the vicinity of Braunau, Hitler's birthplace, stated Renter's Three Swedish diplomats, including correspondent with the Third Army. M. Lennart von Post, a former member Tanks and infantry of the American of the Swedish Legation in Berlin, have Seventh Army have entered the Ausarrived in Copenhagen, where they are trian province of Tyrol, south of reported to be in constant touch with Munich, and have fought their way Dr Best, Reich Commissar in Denmark, through the mountains to a village ten and two of Himmler's representatives. from miles Innsbruok. Himmler is reported. to have returned The first detachment of the exiled to Lubeck. Czechoslovak Army fighting with the Germany's best-known radio commenWestern Allies crossed the German.tator, General Kurt Dietmar, is beCzechoslovak border this morning and lieved to have brought a message from raised its flag on Czech soil. the enemy command last week when Flying Fortresses, by means of instruhe entered the Allied lines, says the ments, yesterday bombed Salzburg, the military correspondent of the Daily Austrian communications centre, which Express. The correspondent adds that is highly important for supplying the the message Dietmar brought may have so-called southern redoubt. some bearing on the present peace First Army has cleared The French negotiations. the whole north shore of Lake ConThe diplomatic correspondent of the stance, on the German-Swiss border, Times says Himmler's recent offer of says the British United Press corresunconditional surrender was to Britain pondent. They finished off their job bv and America, but not to Russia, and taking Oberstanfen and Tmmenstadt, at, on the Doenitz himself puts emphasis against the eastern end of the lake on «the continuance of the struggle Austrian border. Bolshevism. Field-Marshal von Rundstedt Reuter's correspondent on the Swiss Position Still Obscure frontier stated 'that white flags were Field-Marshal von Rundstedt for a Close observers of German affairs do flying all day from houses in towns time commanded the German armies on across the border in Austria as the the Western Front until he was suc- not think there is any common linkFrench this morning began their assault ceeded by Resselring a few weeks ago. between the two, but the position is around the tip of Lake Constance, along It was then stated that possibly he had obscure and will remain so until Himmthj railway from Friedrichshafen. been relegated to a command in the ler speaks. When he does it is exDoenitz's A German hospital train with 180 interior of Germanv. He was regarded pected that he will rejectcontinue his may even seriously wounded men arrived at St. as one of the best German generals and authoritv and recently Ma,rgrethen this morning. The men the most prominent anti-Nazi amoug effort to'end the war. Himmler declared he himself was the only leader are being interned. One said: "It is the senior German officers. still sane. ended in Italy. The swine should end The Hamburg radio closed down at 2 it hero, too." JOHN AMERY TALKS a.m. with the usual greeting, "Heil LONDON, May 1 Hitler." John Amery. son of Mr L. S Amery, NO RECOGNITION for India, who is Secretary of State LONDON AIR SERVICE in custody in Northern Italy, told SYDNEY, May 2 NEW AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT Renter's Milan correspondent that ho (Herd. 7.30 p.m.) Another of the Lancastrian air liners LONDON, May 1 was not interested in Italian internal in- to be used on the new three-day SydneyThe diplomatic correspondent of the politics and had been completely Germany London via Indian Ocean service has Evening News says that the British active since his arrival from arrived in Sydney. The actual flying March 2. and American Governments have noti- onAmery was unwilling to discuss his time between London and Sydney was fied Russia that they decline to recogin Germany, but he agreed 49 hours. nise the Austrian Provisional Govern- experiences The new Sydney-London service will ment, at least until after consultations that he made excellent radio propa- begin in a few weeks. ganda talks last autumn. between the three Allies. NO NAZI OFFER STATEMENT GAINS IN AUSTRIA * RUNDSTEDT CAUGHT Von Ribbentrop Joachim von Ribbentrop took a leading part in the negotiations which preceded Hitler's assumption of the Chancellorship in 1933. In 1936 he was leader of the German "delegation at Geneva, and in the same _ year he became German Ambassador in London. He held this post until his appointment as Foreign Minister in February, 1938. JAPANESE OVERTURES PEACE OFFERS TO CHINA MUST APPROACH ALLIES * SAN FRANCISCO. May 1 Dr Soong told a press conference that Japan was making peace overtures to China by the bushel. China's answer "Go and talk to the United was: Nations. We are not talking to you (Reed. 6.30 p.m.) alone." RUSSIAN COMMENT ON PRISONERS ALLEGATIONS LONDON. May 1 The Russian Government had constantly been informed about Russian citizens captured in German uniforms, but replied that it had no further interest in renegade citizens, writes Renter's military correspondent, commenting on Genral Golikov's allegations of ill-treatment of Russian prisoners in Allied hands. The correspondent adds that a new turn had been taken since the invasion of Normandy, when it was learned that many Russians thus Captured and forced to join the Germans had acquitted themselves well with the French Maquis. The Soviet Government last autumn announced a desire that all citizens taken prisoner or liberated by the Allies should be repatriated. Meanwhile large mi inherit of citizens liberated in France had been assembled in a series of transit camps, where anti-Russian circles, largely White Russian emigres, attempted to exploit the situation by circulating anti-Soviet propaganda to the prisoners. Camp commanders, in the chaotic conditions prevailing, *t know this was going on, did ■ (Received INTENTIONS OF NAZIS Hitler is dead. Others are not quite Telegraph—Press Association—Copjritchi May 2, T. 30 p.m.) % Some London papers have headlines an inch and a-half high announcing without question that on war leader carries By PRESS COMMENT , new &.« DOENITZ SUCCEEDS : LONDON, Msy 1 After a broadcast in Danish from Sweden had reported the "partial withdrawal" of German troops in the bigger towns of Zealand, an ap- peal was broadcast early this afternoon to the Danes to observe disci- pline, calm and restraint. The broadcaster said: "The German forces still remain ready for action in Denmark. Avoid provocation, and quietly await developments. If there is no official announcement in the next few hours, do not become demonstrative. There are still more negotiations to be carried out. on the outcome of which the life and death of many may depend. The sun of freedom is now rising over Denmark." Shootings in Copenhagen A later broadcast stated: "The pi