February 27, 2014 Mayor Doug Faas, We, the undersigned Evansdale Police officers, submit this letter to express our dissatisfaction with Chief Kent Smock. This letter serves as a declaration of our vote of no confidence in Chief Smock when it comes to demonstrating honesty, integrity and respect for police employees of the city of Evansclale. Chief Smock has been involved in a a . has created a hostile work environment and, in our opinion, he can no longer effectively lead this department. and the notion that the council is considering ailowing him to return to a position where he is required to carry a weapon daily causes us great concern. In our opinion, the role of a leader should exhibit character that is beyond reproach. it should be transparent in motive and show integrity as example for the field. Chief Smock has failed to do this for the past several months and therefore we can no longer trust nor work cooperatively with him. We respectfully ask for his removal as the Evansdaie Police Department?s Chief of Police, so that we can move forward productively in our service to this city. Sincerely, February 27', 2015 Mayor Doug Fees and the Evansdale City Council, As you may know, i have been a member of the Evansdale Police Department On Monday, February 16, 2015 was advised This came as a complete shock to me - w??m tKent continued to use his position in the department sewn?we?ll- ?Le?r. I feel that Kent can no longer lead this department due to his lack of i ?lm With the lack of these qualities, I also question his decision making abilities. I strongly believe that I should not be forced to work with. get along with nor answer to someone who has shown a complete lack of respect for me. I ask that you do the right thing for the community, the police department and for myself and relieve him of his position as Chief of Police. Sincerely, March 5, 2015 To the Mayor and City Council In May orJune 2014, Chief Smock had come into my office and told me that Particolar situations and events lead to suggest that Police Chief Kent Smock .mp1 N??mu . - - . .- these times, afterwards or before he would complain that he had a lot of work to get done and his phone would continually ring or he would be texting constantly. I found it quite odd that he would have time to help wash ?behicle when there was so much work to be done by him. Several of us had spoken with ?Wu-Mk? regarding this and he did speak with Chief Smock with our concerns. Chief Smock did speak with me after wand Smock's conversation and Smock told me that it was untrue about him 4?1" ahaAfter the conversation between Smock and cease coming in for a short time then continued again as if nothing was said. During this time, had stepped in to the Chief?s office to I He had just sat down at his desk and I stepped forward to see that he was out He looked up in somewhat of a panicked look and was moving the mouse to get the picture off his screen. backed up and Walked out of his office after seeing this. On February 2015, Chief Smock invited myself, go to luncllat the 0P with?F??H- ?and himself. At lunch I noticed that Chief Smock talked th 1015 5 The week of February 1 I came into work on Tuesday and noticed that "mam?? Wm With all of this being said, I don't feel that I can respect or trust Kent Smock as the Chief of Police. He has continually -'to everyone on several occasions. He used his position, the cities money and city vehicle to further and continue his relationship with l?l??I feel this position is held at a very high standard that should come with trust and integrity and I feel this will make it a difficult and hostile environment to work in. I feel that Chief Kent Smock?s removal would be the best resolution for the Evansdale Police Department and the Officers and staff to continue to move in a positive and productive manner. Respectfully, To Mayor Doug Faas and the City Council: This letter is in regards to the recent situation with Kent Smock; Abouta year ago, is During this time, i spoke with u-I?i?r This came as a Surprise to me due to our conversation we had a short time earlier when -. seemed excited and upbeat about At thatliime. was assigned to-i-?ui patrol- While working, I began to notice ?presence more frequently around the policedepartment. - - -- - h? Mwu? lobservecl KentancF'" sittingOutside in their cars talking to each other after Kent was finished working for the day. This Was strange to me since at the time um. These occasions became a common occurrence around the police department. At times,? would be here for more than an hour. I became suspicious that - and CanldEd in later told me that he talked with Kent and was told that After this, I did not observe at the police department as much fora while. I was moved to 50 was no longer there to see any further interactions. Aboot a year ago, I was sent to - After attending I became Recently I learned that?was sent to a a. conference. 1 questioned this clue to the fact? is not a and is assigned to the No one else on the department was asked if they were interested in attending. Again questioned this due to the fact that 1- and no one else on the department was asked if they were interested. it is my belief that specific things that Kent did in the past, whether it he wwas calculated and purposeful. belieye Kent has furthered his relationship with I?u?n?a?n? by using his position as the Chief of Police. i believe Kent ?to further his relationship In the profession of a police officer we are held to a higher standard than the general public to act in a morally acceptable manner with honesty and integrity at the forefront. We are told from the beginning of our careers that immoral or dishonest manner, it is nearly impossible to overcome that and continue with your police career. It has been my understanding that the Chief of Police is held to even a higher standard than that of a police of?cer. One of his jobs is to lead the way and set the foundation and precedence on how to act with integrity, honesty, and respect to their employees and community that he serves. After this event unfolded, I no longer believe that Kent could lead this department forward in a positive manner. Kent has shown his willingness to Kent has shown his desire to use his position as the Chief to design a calculated plan that sends further at the expense of the taxpayers. The fact that Kent Smock has shown the lack and the Of this department, I no longer have confidence that Kent Smock can lead this department or community as the Chief of Police. I am asking that Kent Smock be relieved of his duties as the Chief of Police. Sincerely, I "?fe-4w Evansdale Police Department March 5, 2015 Mayor Pass and members of the Evansdale City Council, . I am the Evansdaie Police Department and this is a job I do not take m2: I Several months ago, an employee with concerns that, based on the rumors running rampant, ?between Chief Smock and - - - Would be realized. This employee was actually fearful that this situation was going to turn into one where weapons might be used since we all come to work armed. listened to and respected this employee?s concerns and then engaged Chief Smock in a conversation to lay out the concerns that were brought forth. .u-u?r-v call-? He said that there was nothing to be concerned about and that 'v were just friends and had become close because - ?mt-II reminded him of the dangers ofntaintaining and he advised me that he was fully aware of the dangers and stated that they had on iy become close because of his own He said that he would make the proper corrections and that it should not be a problem in the future. At a later date, 1 again spoke to the employee with concerns and was told that although the frequent visits between Chief Smock sodas-?had slowed down, they had not stopped. 1. A few months passed, and again i was hearing rumors about I I .. -.- . - Numerous times 1 spoke with Chief Smock about the suapicions voiced by most employees as well as rumors heard from members of the community. These rumors seemed to center around 1 would not consider these conversations to fall under the scope of my job description, but they were conversations that needed to be held nonetheless because they had a direct effect on the department. Chief Smock denied everything and said he was not involved in inn?? 1 have since found out that. some of these suspicions And even when everything came to light, he felt the need to In Our profession morals and ethics are de?ning factors and without either, trust is lost among peers and subordinates. Without trust you toes respect and without respect you can no longer be an effective leader. a. I that if YOU allow Chief Smock to return to his current position, his past actions will result in a very hostile and potentially dangerous work environment for all employees who will be forced to take the brunt of whatever retaliation he desires. Respectfu i iy submitted, To whom it may concern: This is my statement regarding my experience relevant to recent events concerning the Chief of Police Kent Smock. Over the course of the past year or so there has been much speculation within the department concerning the relatiOnship between Chief Smock As I prEViuush/ noted Law Enforcement Officers are and should be held to a higher standard. This matter calls into question Smocks moral character, judgment, and ability to lead!