Annex 111 .Opera.tions ,smnmary:. At' 0230H 12 May LZ Jamie came under a heavy indirect .,attack by 82 and . 6onnn. mortars from the East, SoutheaSt and. Northwesti The initial . bax'l'age Last.ed until approximately 0245H at which tiInf?- tbe, . ; '. " of' the LZ (Log' Pad)' began to receive;>heavy Am: a!Jil.~ -,· ;fir~~ 030QH under coven- of' continued mortar and RPG; fire ,"the::: . . . en~. began' a 'probe. on the Eastern side of the perimeter~ 'Sac.hel :ctlarges .. . ' and. ·bangdQr.~;.torpedoes wer~ used to . 'breach. the wire,·.··~v.ic: cOf:.;,blln1t.:~rS :.:,<' "~orth~~st f>ic1e . At, approXimatelY ;z;~~ -. ··~:~~i~:~~~~j:;~1jfT~~ilf;'~~ eneJey" fir~ sla.~k6!tled at approximately a. ~esuppl~: 9.f,:·~i3 i;', 0400H allowing ";':'. " " ..', '~ At, "app1io:&:~teiy 0650H evacuation. of t}J.e. ,wounged.l.ft:l~ ;s,l;~~~~",>~~~J#~,' . . .. .. '. by:. >the 2.7th i4og"~airera£t, completing the~ mission at apprO,p}riat1~x~.!(Jg.30 Niiliiqer and 'typ~, of ~.$apO!ls gaptureq are as follows: 19 A'1i;;~'47',. :0'1 RPG, . ·03 9n:ttIi Pi~:tolp,·04··S:Kq(,05' P..PG..;2, 200 Ghicom grenades ; ··40 . . &..41··Toundsi . 12.7lnr.r, anti...;Mrc:r.~t :erad.1e.. . ~~g fler7.-e:1 soldiers mort~$ .. . '. .' ..,. '. . . re-c-.o:rUJ,aissa.nce conducted by G 1/9th (24) ao.ditiol1al: erie!ilY wer,e·sJ.ghted.~;·.···nl· of these 'Were ltill~d by Artillery, JI-R$~'::81·!TIrti.· . f)nd!br. 2Ql1lm 'fired, -. bY. Af Fighters.. .... .: .. . ..•....... ;......•.......•.........•.............. . ' . . . Dllring by Ootoptmy: B a day.light an Sweep of' the area immediately outside Bitditioilal 02· enemv soldiers 'Vlere killed ,m the head waa captured, treated by mec1ie· and "e'!arinated. by.medevac for further 'tre.atment. . Tbrou,ghout the day the 2/7tp :r~c;~iYed a. ", seri..ou;sly wounded. the· LZ cpl).dueted. in action and: '01 base res:tlpply and protective ,,;ire 'W8S repl&ced vhez-e needed ~tter the enemy bOdies were 'buried outside the perimeter. '; battalion