@ye Saint @211? @ioneet. ml Emmi] 9? irir?u?i?i new A nut. ?hnta?m?i?nm. ST. PAUL SUNDAY 16 Tho Null-uh? lemma no Lin . rmru uni-lurk}, M?lftl?ll?ly mnrning upon this enm- mm Imlzpod, hue-gene, null tururrl were over-ire lug hlil rudder-1y ererlukou him in Band thin or his life In! hogaJ- language tuned; uqu mi their mammal b? tho .15 ml euplu mentor] to starch anx- wull, though macaw" lhut the: were not tutu. midsl? orriul nighzemm But lies: with Lh- 6f (lie multinatilmg were no more. helm-m rumour .r mull, ml a "mum Hit mine l.l femur hnlhell, hill the Inn: vf thirty millions DI mi- rowiug people, ere heuru, seldom tinsthe (delnl' . [maple lot the death of their ruler lot-ore uorur,pruhlhi,, inure Whatever did-ennui er optulwl may hm uhuluurl to mu pulley pursued by llr. inc-2m; whhiavzr errere any here chunnteriztd h'll Idlnin Eonrnmenl; Ill miter. have recognized. haul of our triumph and at, the overthrew of Ills hula ur rho peculiar lea qu I tumour for?lhe hurl work or the peel}:- eall'ml nf mir tlilIrniltnl] slid Mending Bunnie Ie yHIVlng been reelected to hit Erma! by moetdeuiderl and gen-rial euprmiuu ul pupnlu will, vvirheut dunhl, the lever lull con?dence or the nation at l-rgnlo In orient And In a degree hot- by no other living mhn, having iu hi. heheil the prodigioul uurl comm-udng lh?ntnoet which the yreetlge er uever reile to urrurrl, or I kindly heert, uuture And In upright pnrpue. and having i0:- uuiwd .ln cxperitnue during {our ye-lu of the innit civil war the world but ml seen. eqtihl In more than qnuter or century u! milinnry rut.? llu iilr, having the uurlirirlerl support I mum or bi. mmtiem lieu-e. ul ogre loll ur the Queenie uud Army in we held, hi- power ul well In his opportunity {or Maw, in this closing I: uur nn- ueuel iu hit-mouthing rho non?lcting menu. in walking cont-mi ing pelriour, In uuri In am both Ninth and SnuLh, In pnnr. mg everywhere oil nyuu the truuhlerl we; tun at. our pallheel ail-Ilium, and in euuleutlug mgeuler In more bl??lh?rh??kl null-9min; into morn com- plain lad yomul nlliunleIJ-DIU' whole people, North lull South, Euler .ua Well,? only be ovur-utimehe? and hula th? jult ol the country were yiepolt'wiutcly high huh eeulirleuu Wit.th doubt, in all this braid Ilndr Liam lives not the mu who, Ill thing- mam, m,lu tho uuti eun? Idain: o! l-ha grenI hiya! the to mure- [hair 3" burial or Ill Lulu of Mr. sew-rel. Iht lilo and ?niece of E. h- I'lulud ch on. tuw, eurl wee In her to tell. he nn me, although the amulet 2, hull given large ullrer-o the year. In 1353 he united Etllupe, ?leh Irapld tour or Guru foraawuor h] the Whig,phrl;_ hhirwn he. failed lu the election by W, L. Many. .Ithuugh to truly chlluu he pm hi! tinker. In 1386 he the er the Holland Lend Caul- puur, wu again eumlultee rer Governor twin: Whigs. Ind in holly coul- le-lrd hy' . mil-ell, GM. Marc e-rly lunatian hie iulenllou uu dl?l! for I term: from om? he agnln the lint-lite nr luw, in the (MINI DI his civil Ellie, and liner- . lurrulive ehure ul puteuu In. In IO helm role Mr. Seward eurr'rhl tangy lulu the r. . 'ullur mly of chuneeutlul menu. and ml vuiuruun with the weulul or regulalu our hiswnr?lhip 0:3 dew-n emolu la "the. Ndel?hncn. re Welfare. our to hut there to higherI-w lhuu lh Court: um nulli?ed nu! :nlhurlty our the pump mom put?ea hurt oi the mmnion h?lhge gr be. slow: upon Lin-m hy the ere-tor ol the uni. la ruel re secure in the hlghut hl- lnln-hln degree their huppiureu?. The Muse higher llw," thee uppilm to the heel God. we. the luluscl oi nurh elleirerl uuleu. to IE I: urged er hrthe pnIilel anemia? Ill. 3. . Mr. leeuurl term rim: with the Conglul, zit-run 3.1m. He hull heeu {admin in lallbuhdzr dr?lmmoqi?pecl- lhrtutrrieu. trope-ea hr horh lhuee who dlAIllzed m. uueem?prurulelug lance to the nine Interim. true bureau of renmch wunl w. the ruiiuwiu. or iir. eouuty, New ank, Iii: lam. Saundra. sew-id. Ilm- dud In 7 he de?ne hr mm! I Itudenl ll removedtojuhuru the nut your. .- This um kph" .lulv pnmenlip with Indga Miller, whose ru homer. ltd-?ne. lemurs . I- mum. rled in law, In tn the Mr. herrer worded ?a ma ?mom no uvhlirury power owe: it, Wu hhiti no a: . Worm hl?h girl who lived In lary uuihurlty ovur whether nt? m. might,th who peer-m All the luwlulli or I: led or utloe m?gr SAINT PAUL, SUNDAY MORNING APRIL 16, 1865. IMPORTANT miminns No Additianhl New Org to ho Forward burl-l: ?ll-l Ill?.th Inn for- ?Iran: nu he nun-mi Onl. Avunu reoeivarl yesterday the following import: Wm?mS, April 11, lune. rochJumuu. I. A. P. N6.lrll'wl M. Iller Aluminum hhnun or December 19th. lasinrho hue uot beau retarded in general mnd?vm?, wul he remind. in minimum: at. trimmer-rue: hp Cb! J. Audi". A. (l?rurml ND niIdllenl in he Ihnlai the hold ooullurlher luutruetioue rruul lute enter. or thin hylele- ril 14. vmvm?r. hath-hm met-lit Gina-L The eel-Inn. The Il-lluwlng in the pmvialnn of lee. than one, article two. of the under whtuu Artilth ur 'ruu. the Viola Praaiilerlr, become: of: . I?rma President oftha United Stan: he met or the remhonl huh: President hm dtnl, a tor the trim ei' re . or innhillu horn or i rlent. deehrlue whenelheer their let ree an, no one Enzly. uutii the aim Eminent-trail heeteel pursuaan or the .huilderulre oulhu Vite ru- nm my, by Ill monkdanh he Preslde .ue he rruluiua, nr 1 Ad. Finest-lug, lure Ire upon the ape-her o! the Hutu-rt and thou Um outer restore er the Supreme Oulirt. The Iron: the Loud-n Tl?nlns iueicl to hm recently plnee Ir. a little market town on the border: 0 Hempehiru: It 5 )er that in the town alluded to man we placed at miliury uhedelny to main the \Ill?l education (brim vute erCe. ii, hit by u' Mluuie tall, will MIR ARMY CORRESPUNDEM Letter from Our Troan Bellini Mobile, Curr That-Ix Mia-nun more, 1 line arm rm 1 qu Bar. EndPM. Far your gnli?udnn I will give {all le- mlinl of (in movemenh OI linenl slim: hiring Port at: the 19th in?. our Eminent whither] ull twill. rll, proceeded u?retr lulle- lue Iny ull night. fan the awning OI 20th Jul. the Mrpl, run?, we slur prize-train; up the hay rhur ur are mllaara me ?new much th preolr, or river. up whieh mule eight miter and dual: [Vanni lIka tn yin {dea- uiunoo urlhh river If i uhle to tie mar tint the rteumhauu inn in lurn urouutl every home mm lent-sher- In pull them um I'lr alti ?curve over thirty or lorly (u in with. . ?in: killing, our regiment loot up he er. ma more u; riot; ou the uirlrel line will baud, Ind in let. their live 1. in. Cal. .ieuuluu mnhiug reelmeuttoiterup. port I few Rule?. nlr? were "reeling" ultni In upetruug worlu the regiment to tie iurmer euuro. On (it tt?Ihy uluuh l.h ute uelueure occur ,ucepl the hutiliug .r Works. whirr. Ind linearly we. workl. .. orpului Lee, th ?hdan, tutu. .uu private hiulirnue. All Iver: ?esh es er niqu-ln: an it good itue Wu thrown u, uud during the will hit Tut. afternoon Duuiel .Vlurpltu' ri- ch the . These are till the men-litu- .i have in mum. and I Irunl no mare um; rhu nnyu all in the hell ui lplrilr, no whenlhe work comer you will ht-ur InhlecIJnaL'we,DhI1 ll'n nol. Sunlee loner, be,? ropuhllitnbo i rebel Emile eu their GENARAL LEE. THE iDitcovery of a Highly Impartui Letter from the Rebel Gem-Lee. Be rill-Ia Ilehot can. stu- ro?nuea ny tuna mmenltla._ BY All ASSASSIN. of th- N. Build. Theatre. ntinl. It rulhe murr b31631; map! n?ienulfl greht the Same Hour Mr. euurgiee d'ihlch, uutlliht dedieathe worldfor the put. heir: . :vlhemqm ewar Is 888331? In blimtinxl of atetl in his Bed. lm PRESIDENT LINGOLN KILLED Nll. FRED ATTAOKED "-35 '33? 2795. {m 91. LATEST rtrrel. I 01? Comm; tumor m0 has. William, Shot Through the ?ea ?Won?t.? re mma'nl Almu?? Win-bi: . u. a the Theatre- mammoth-w I I'll moasahn, Inn.? k. hm been luv th th- peiule, k. I m??l$21I7ugulq??r Int; The ?mam Leaps upon Humans AT pm '0 .u ml mm.? 2:35;, M3333: the Stage and Escapes 16.: I?gu?u vieweor the I all-nation r1; iu lulu. Theletheu- 1'1 the Re? "f the ueheure?rr ll 9 A. IL. ILiynl? Mall- AND FIELD SEEDS, ALL or me altar QUALITY, RETAIL utrhealhreorhn.w . game: down with 5m I.n . Hallo; hr foT?ntll?? we lliver. vlriuul. er to th. upeelir" AND Mann? either In rurthe autonomy. mulmrumthh-mlmi or an. mu manna], arm-?mm ?rim Robert E. Lee in- called upon l5; the the San u, ?n opininn on the mill- :7 nimltion o! the Confude y: in generul mililhry situation 5Q of Mr, Seward. 9? i BULL BTIN . ru .Ifuiar crurrul 1h WA: Dulumm, 1hlr Evening, 9:30 r. ,etFordiu gen And HIjor Rumhum, Wu abet by re ureteelo,urho sniltlonly antaer the ho: than niiml mull lrom ?lipmpmiw would nnhi?lully . . Ipp'nlahnd hehiuu the Pruillunt elr .qu The Lieumui. igiullt, entl is mmhur worrl tor-lee lu hehuil or .ilehuutaurgeuu Mung-n, a! ?ux "gluian E: II the Di Ilvn Hinplul, mqu alter the wrihrerll the weuuriee, Ind rrtuu ull the . mm. .wr. me me. enrolling the lenderl mmeueeru eeu- Emma-l) pasl- mull! hie ere-he in rear er ill haven 1h: Chi-ind The Final iuit enlem?l ?mm? The tile poeltlnu (Blah: 0? Pmidmm We Pm- ulurle lnc- mm null: Ulmnah the heuri. he mm ?mm mm ?mm: gs .r?ir 31:3:7; l. ururtel The Pmld?nh hn been 1n th.u Helped. upon the stewed a! thla crihlul period so long. mg. hruurllehlug . lurge or iroire Then we im or his heing u. '5 ever liucoit tree in?luted, and tr now About dying. Abont the three hour uu uremiu, (not ol_ru.rie heuut ,huei lilthe chime or ulnar member] With a higher mice ill lire. m. ynaai we. nipr outed, Ind lulu; muuthe boil: parrie ruulutulued a secret eerreepoudenuo. uueir. mg the hollow tr er An ?clout .rk the depolihory of their :mhrono nl via Atl hit alonement wu decldelr npan.. e; taint. people, all today tho plug of Annual In! om. nevertheheu, th- pluee that true. hire him him mere. Sued-lily, in twinkling. without turning, nuiid the land. Ind uhlrerui or Aranicing null triumph-ht people, by we wait): hln? a! inobla Innuin, Ihl Inevitabl- rrolu the Ruler or lnlnu eeurre, Anti our I'lln mint nib-y. And thin did It? stimulant]: ?ll our manure of national mow Ind nullity, at the-lime hunt-1nd lnlhe Jim ?ii In {Jamil chi-f wnnaollol'. Wluull n. Snub,? lieu from in. 'thn up or lured}: Wait olvil It. hhout in mm llu Wot this mine perulyui- end in Man ell-tr, manger, than vigorou- hur renewed jrowur. minimal-had: "Put tin-yout- trustin prim not In the non th-n Il ml helps" lull that Inn: God? "Th: uh- e'ou ind the line will eutlerre Jul Mn?: unenl- be hilly hull that convinced lull: by Ihh home All MIMI pmlnout limit). and olirity ?wnl onnolm ind harml- all ?that u- we aid will in real]: We! uutl euaure Let us in all thiugehe Inig- mleueu. Let no hnheor dhhurh th- riuure lpiri ?anr mnrning will. end touteer lutun npol'hnr my with remeth Autumn-lune. In the ultimta triumph un?de mnn?poti?ul. Ind Doom nil-inflict, In hint-urn. iu the ereluuve creed or pan]. lt lhuttlurul rih'lni: puwuthr?llghout LII: llu or The Whig p-rtr. lu which arsenal hurl . l-ilet,heremlrea l-ra retro: Mr. the mt ~u the hunt Maln- Ila-Ah thwtulu, Milaan "11w Mnm'lnr,? which he mud from M: broth" now in thin ?Ill?ll sluice Ln Bay. It Ill 1:an on hard the Il??llvuln? :mmor Milwaukee, (lately de. nut-and by Iorpedo,) for the Imminent ?26 ml. Tlh-Judihg edikvrial (rpm- Iilh the {ol- apelug, whieh lemme-ton hr: lowing by mo circuit h-lnw'wlnolu night. mdm-qm?j u- Plallnl? manila mill" nm unlined in however, mn- all? here. i: yr a railway lrlriua, the iuurguim vreeuhrewu en; en . m. lulp 'r mirth-tr in mil .in mull ho uouucarruhiv reeled herure . turl ?ll. per- u'llinlqum madam tn harem hat! through, end, ithe ow ,nun of cornyolnin w-B the: 0L the young gentlemen. who hl pout ?glee, helmeth um ,tuelrelie, l! they to their four by this In House or Commune, Mr. Luna whirled, in reply he a title- lion. that Brill-h a?lnara Men lranltime tn limo to may Ind report on Ila. magnet 01 the mar Tril-re no uuerul reunite ut Want-ing- wn. and? ind barn "hide to Inn A mun-r, not hire, but no art-i hereby mic-0mm with my Ju?h or printing nrMn-ll?. ruiru eel-tr hr. or the Prone-u, or. modal-he 11mm the Lima, and examined ?lth male .Thewarin rthl- pout day, her pluhe ls,un "cry nne?l ilpu . lunar mm the runn- augment Allow me Plus, Elliott-xx Cu Alli ,1 March 25. lens. 5 Torte Editor or rte Home": is merulug the hugte mnnded the "Mummy," whleh we. ue- THE PEACE mussel-mm known whether the ?lm. or not.) 7% entered Mr. Sam-rill uperttuoutl, I and under reteuee ur havin mi - The Prastdent Holds a 1m?, to See: pr Se:- timl with [3.139.109 (Jammie. urriu hick The mlueiu lur- medintely rushed to bed in?icted sinner and Mr. two or three hubs in the throat ind two Myers. were: he rhur m? anr replmul nod the re m-iurier ur the 3:1 kiln; am: 0! wew our oeetluutlou ms Mobile, Iu.da! WMlhe 1 in the true [it it hoped. tie. my Longressman. nothemortnl. 1r: they 7 will prove hull. rhrii Yinonld The hum Fred, Sewwd wile in eu ruuru,-ua hastened to the ?oor at his fether's rcom Where In met main who in?icted u. Aprll 5. Til AND Pll?l. I-lul eulhled without dammit re the urreemre i an,? ,1 ley beforeyonrnentlau . eltv. 203?Emma? lullher, lull out now mummy m, thethm . tran resi? Tha recovery of Fred. Seward is doubtful. rlrire the rehuiu l'haplnen Eu lhuirelurl mm? m" ?Emma. 1' Wt Pram?! ?Ml Ful?ll-M will hei nun, woundetl.cf0u. cougar?; lire night, E. 'l?hlmbal oerwu twe?Tijumm uuhheuud heurrug, 3'1 am? In Win! {direer ?0 be it the theatre evening. hilt he re tregiumr. During our Inn?l uutrrour - . . - . . Full an" ?hm ?warm?, Prep? On After the elrlvel or ht Ill onler In! f, a ?dam Wm, ol?lha President ht gee lhtu exeetgl Hi; "5mg, reglm huu.hu lommuuci nfl'he I Ulhl??t meeting at which Geu. hriglda, while riding ul the trout or hit ?mm? "ha ?30;?3333?3? at was lament the uulrjeet of the rtute on. Gen 9 a 958,515,, 0! Lin: country Ind. the Ip?ch of sun I by In Int: up Miliwy Governor of RIC mend. In a eody pence wu hiucueuerl. hue Pml? 'I?ha Calond tulle eo mall-7n when hitutole hie net glus?am?mund hleueek-utl ml.? to are? ?d e" w? ?a ?Will- ?a ml cut the or rode to I Doctor, who rl it ur r:1Weir.. kindly of Gen. La and hams Iheold rmmde hueknn?wn rel, euli promul- of Itasca-treasury. puelttou II the IIth of hi. oomtmull. 3 hole mum will he E- gimm- nth" his room LIIB mum.? hut duh: uer . The Preuirieut iieirueri ?l nhuch. his 2) Th? Sm z?m??rgou "In-k a h'tt nu Tia-nigh! ihh let ulrhiou (Gnu) oeeurrlee the Pmmz?f?ggf'm the Freud?; hiu hut, I9 are at hut could not need uh 1w th rehel plir al ill side- tor the nut our. liege, it il l: in he IhnL much lie?Vowel; huhle or ru:_v lute- reel Ind-y ou the llne a! intu?Ceuliuued ou the murrh inward! the true: ruulu we were amend umre iert nun: sure the weuau, tee.h tn . we the when? Ihl?t uf 16m cams, Lieut. c. we Sage-mans, Co. aim Bath (by, I: went in lonely wo {rue 3. Fifteen H:avy Oxen phtlin all loud-'3 It! ?'oloclt r. I. at portal. mien-sue II nailing era in In Deaths of Mr. Mr. Linctillt and ?0":th ml Secretary Stanton to General Dix. Wuillxa'rox, April 15?130 A. M.) HE WHEELER ii. WILSON MACHINE ?nle hum?? BEFORE THE pusuc ABOVE YEARS, And in lint time [in ?ma liur ltueil repul- tiou no other lluuhlue were?; [73,000 SOLD The Ll?ul WHEELER Flas?r. IBeailty'alid Excellence ol Stitch. Allkr on hull: Ildn n! lurid SECOND. Strength, ?rmness and Durability 0! than will ml flu or null. THIRD. ECONOMY OF THREAD, FOURTH. Till ll." r'o uncal- vcuow'. FIFTH. EPIID. IASI a! orlnm mm mm. Auxm'r. animus 0F ?t?lDVEM'lh?t?. IlIha nnly lb: whr?h LII- CK STITCH. WITH THE ROTATING K0 K. murmur: lily Ills?; dell cf nouns-err THE MAGHINE re hie ands frequently if 80in in 91389? is hi. and Melon? il Hill) A. w. ulhuiul chir or the 1m Jewel-cu .- G. Davie, in whiuh ha:- - Hreg-ermine died the warning at up in mpmyi smart or ilr. (5- a? :nooln -. gWeu. any out I wt Seerehry?ogir. cuter eir uru mien-,urt 0mm A ,mrFA an anion thtlIlhll?thll E031: uivei he: hilhlugtou Eajcralur; . renter until. utter die rue-ileum re. SWW 45'? "v ?0 "1'5 "mm! eepuou or the elite r. of the me .u Wlsmu A 15?11 ur_:r our, why 1: Jada: pay their Slal- nire ?n at . hlocll the Fleet- the Olili?l?smmar AM have denI hreutheci int?elmiug ht. ever ee mutant-i, it we. to the Preui. In m, Iam member P- ICEI 91 hr 109 NOTICE in?llca t) he ihdehlrd to the 3 cu. ihetunieue uh lurk (mm th . linoleum]: Racialer?l?r rule In un?ni! 9? [I?m nl a. rt. Beer-u a (-1. EL huh Apili in, 15in (My 1? A Broadcast Seed Sowel?, CAST PLOW, MOLINE CLIPPER PLOW, GRAND DE TOUR PLOW. lMEl hve new on hurl maul o. I rem .. FENCING um FENCE POSTS, Clear and Second Clear Bonds, IX Ind Clair I'll". Duh-Ad Siding Ind Fkorln?. Ll? All]! ?mill-?e DOORS, Ah. ll?w?m Manna-mm? Irrlruu him I bulitl. entirelyng nitvue reenli- Ire own We thin mumm- m?annln?n. Tnhranznn, Anlit'rronl 7 THE STEAMER G. H. G- A I ?v him-thermal?. m, of War, Ind Hon llr- Hires. we lhe uuo-rohueu. eultrer It:- a! the lute rebel grotto?i think Lu m. . mmam?m 3%:me mm: HTIWIkmnm?c?t-rm um Garden Seed Drill, audienue wi milieu: the DR ANY FARM Up. u, u? Jay,th 50 CENTS PER [00 LBS. mammal. kco_ trite reception or the men-loll. no mm.Aan A. was. maria-mu ueideultutuuoere' meupertueeur i i A uvoulmeiugtotuhe ire ul-rlh-in FOR prwy?m him our or June he on: em lull ?Ml hu are. mi? 9' mm" ?m I now offer my entire stock In annl?. .Ynonng mm?tga?w out?? me? IMP mom mm "mum I of Boots and Shoes, Hats and ups and Geilis? Furnishing Goods for sale. The stand is one of the best 'in the city, and commands a ruin of city and country trade. 'The stock is complete and seasona- ble, and will be sold at a bar- gain?much lower than the- Ema Goods can he bought in the Eastern markela to?dey. Nowiu n. chance to step right into a plenum, pro?table and tumult-e l.il fol-tellIn.? Wu ?an! stratum.? 5" Inn in?ll?!? w?rat we?eatahliehed business. we 1.. r. rostrum