CLATSKANIE SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESS RELEASE On October 15, 2013, three former Clatskanie School District students filed a lawsuit against the District in federal court. The District took the allegations in that lawsuit seriously and has made numerous changes and improvements since it was filed. Those changes include: • Increasing mental health services by .5 for the 2014-2015 school year. • Forming an anti-bullying committee which includes the Challenge Day Program which permits grade 7-12 students, parents, community members and staff to participate in a three day program focusing on life dilemmas and understanding that we are not alone, have similar thoughts and fears, and are able to find safe adults and peers to go to in the time of need. More information about this program can be found at The program has continued with the current student leadership and the plan is to bring the program back every three years. • Had a representative from the Oregon School Boards Association speak to staff and students regarding sexual harassment. • Added more clubs such as Speech and Debate, Drama, Forestry, to increase student participation. • Increased supervision coverage by staff in the hallways during high traffic times. • Updated the safety plan process. • Increased communication with parents through weekly Blackboard Connect. Page 1 - CLATSKANIE SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESS RELEASE • Updated drug, alcohol and tobacco policies to increase discipline for on campus violations and also to increase oversight/consequences of intra-scholastic students’ off-campus/off-school time behavior. • Updated cell phone policies to include “no cell phone use during instructional times.” • Reorganized administrative structure to include a separate Dean of Students, Athletic Director and Principal allowing for a more open and collaborative approach to problem solving. • Administrators attended training on student discipline and student rights. The District strives to increase student safety in our buildings. It was not easy for the students to file suit against the District, but their efforts have brought about positive change. The District and the students have settled the lawsuit. Each of the students will receive a $75,000 payment from the District’s insurance carrier. Page 2 - CLATSKANIE SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESS RELEASE