. UMB - .. .. vawcouvaa a i 4% 2 JUN 38 2014 No. Vancouver Registry to the Supreme Court of British Columbia Adolfo Agustin Garcia, Luis Fernando Garcia Monroy, Erick Fernando Castillo Perez, Artemio Humberto Castillo Herrera, Wilmer Francisco P?rez Martinez, No? Aguilar Castillo, and Misael Eberto Martinez Sasvin Plaintiffs and Tahoe Resources Inc. Defendant NOTICE OF CIVIL CLAIM This action has been started by the plaintiffs for the relief set out in Part 2 below. If you intend to respond to action, you or your lawyer must file a response to civil claim in Form 2 is the above-named registry of this court within the time for response to civil claim described below, and serve a copy of the tiled response to civil claim on the plaintiff. If you intend to make a counterclaim, you or your lawyer must file a response to civil claim in Form 2 and a counterclaim in Form 3 in the above-named registry of this court within the time for response to civil claim described below, and serve a copy of the tiled response to civil claim and counterclaim on the plaintiff and on any new parties named in the counterclaim. 3826.2} .. i. PRQNOUNQED AGAINST YOU IF YOU FAIL to 3 I: 719.919? claim Within the) time torrersmn'se t9. civil claim descdbedpem .. . - 7 Jim's. f9rre$P?n$e 1? eivil claim A $89988? Mvi! II i of civil I I - -- -- 5. you were served the netice of Icivil claim anywhere in the ii _ef_A.me.riee..With__ie35eays afterthat Service, ?'if you were served with the. netice of cm claim anywhere else;Mthin 49 i 9P. . 7 7f'withi.n..thetime2}}gYancower-mining company-Tahoe Resources inc. (?Tahea? jifna?ages__ I [and.controlstheEseobalMine, a high-grade sliver, mining . I. I I Pwlect in .swtheastGuatemala 51.1 the municipality of San Rafael. Las..F ores.' 357 :Omhe evening oprril 2013., the plaintiffs were shot amuse. rangeby Tahoe 1i personnel during a. .Peacefulprotest on. the. mblic readoutside of the. 93193. ofihe E%b_al Mine"Theshootsng was plannedprdered and directed. by Tabe??s-G?atemala Saw?y - i . a result of the plaintiffs suffered serious I wounds to their backs, faces, feet and legs. {13026-0011004138262} fiance all signi?cant aspects "(of . the . .Qperatio? me 25-39955] ..-Mmg I. ,Tahoe' eXp__ress_ly or_impficitly_.aufhorized the use of gxcessive fame by Rdtond_o :the. $99u?ty .wasfnegl.i99nt Ins-failing iT?XpresSIY crimplicitlv auth??zed the use? of thzessive force by 2 if me Plaintiffs. and -.for-sthe a :an th_e.._furfh9r alternative. Tahoeis .: -- 7 Tam the. 569.6% person?el?."JTheplaintiffLuis Femandp' Gar?gM??f?y isa farmef and; resides in. S_an._Rafaei . 5 I . vim-Plaintiff afannerand.residesin San?afael. i5 Th? piainti? An?n?ic Humberto i$ a. tanner. resides in San rfRaraethasFlores,Guatemala, -. 'Theplaintiff Wilmer Francisco . . 1 I .. :The plaintiff No? Aguilar resides in San~Rafa91La? I .- -. {13928-0011004138262} {.i?The plaintiff Misa'el Ebertc M?_rtlnez__Sasyin_ is: afamgrignd ?shes in Sag Rafa-Helix I .17.- Th? :?defenda?n'f Tah??. 196-53. that is . 1- ?f 3' I uhderx-th? :Bdtish C?liw?bi?} With ff?gisfermfg-3' for" Tofohto Stock . Canada by the British Columbia Sew??es. .COmmission and canducts. its :annua? 1 - .7 Tahoe was incs?rpcrated farthep?rbose of wanting c?ntrol over and deve'wing 7 i . - 1 its Gyatemalan Subsidiary-Mm acc'cnrding to Ema-ta. - 133201531 ResourceslioidingsLimit? . .TahocResourcesUSMng. . 109% 1 I I :(B?fbmas) 1' . I: .I: 5 {RamaRafaci, I .- Escobai frojcct I 382612} " -. :5 -. only asset is. the-Escobal Mine? The Valuation of the company and the: I I 1.9 the-EmmiMic?htrolslaii?igfii?ca?t' .?smtS'cf the -9p?eraiticra bf. MSR and the Escobat z; including'thgg?tab?shm?nt and implementation of security and Community 5 pandes??d piraCtlceS ..in.GuatemaFa-_ ParticularS .Of-Tahoefsi?ontrol . I: . palicy?pplicable t9 11$ i - . giTahoe has cbmmitted to the Voluhfafyi Principal-lea on'Secur?y? and Human a.n.d-..Human community =.Qpef??89. 9: Exploration are 1 Directors is responsible- monitoring . and. and qumunity (Emmittee. of cammty reiations names asdescribed below; .. - _.Tahoe appoints 3 Guatemala Country Manager to. manage-Ian oversee I I . . .. 7-me-da-"Y and the Escobal Mineil?ie. Quatemaia.??oumw Manager- ls. mlwee 9f -.Tah99 and also {130260811004338282} 1 all" j?iat?ri?lii'm??, in ?plac? a . ..99Y9med the .wmch ._Tahoe_anc1 jgZ'?ommitments by Tame: its employees: - Kb) .- that. .erifg?ged -. . - of - I .. 19 7 f?merging .Ibest .?Pra?tices .- for. Security "intwational. . 7 7 7 ensure that. any-mam Sew-my Person-ne'- engaged by TM 39*. a 'laMul manneraw eXemse restraintand?can?bn in mam?r Con$istent I applicable international guid?iih?s reg'afd'ingImeibcamseof force! I If.IncIuding thawith Nations Principles on the U59 0? and I fFireanns by Law Enforcement. Of?cials and the. United Nations Code {13026-0011004138282} 1 ?rmsengaged by Tahoe have Policies in I .. apmp?ate 99ndu?tand the. #86 9f fweincluding - . .- - rules of. engagem?ntathenpragticesiof_ any private secu?ty personnel engaged by - . i -.0fbein9 woniwred byTahoe. andier independent. third I I Ina-fay; b??s?w?w personnel ..e.ngaged f. prgventatlye Sewice$ not-engage in. actWes a I ??dd?feri?ive meses . - in. ?ghts abusesto provide. ?acu?strictly.nece?sawnwa?! threat; . 1 '52]flixf?ik) engaged by Tame community ?ghts. . freedcmpi and I 5.0.) .tghe. Principles r?utllned. above as .wntractum provisions, in . 1 illj(m). ?hsure Demand-93939?" by Tame are 1 trained the {rights 91' employees and securitygt? gimme: gonsistentlwith :the Outlined segurity: peg-same] to en?ure they fui?ll, their obligation to - -- commitmde the: Ruggle Guiding-iPl'iOCiPISS 9n Bgslirje'g'sandzHuman-1 review-?the background bf intend to '1 rgqgirg Tahoe . i . ?shww.r?smted; i . 3 -- P?licy. .9lf- f0? Tat mast I -. It? g5?m95 .- n?vate .. . i I such p?licies. procedur??. :h'egegsary to . I - I ??able effectiveresponsesto.human ?ghtsimpacts- - riffignsugre" that aintemai idediSio?-making budget and oversight .. 25f . Tahoe?s- fer: . 7 - I I. 'ZJIi-(sa) GuidingPrinpiplgs pngBusinessand'Hgman Rights;__' -. - Tamar's mmorateu' social policy including the . I (Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights :anduthae Ruggie .. - {13026-0013?004133262} reviewing on community/relations In Guatemala to '1 . .f-f?deguaFFY 9fT?h?$fsresponssto sushsituaticns- I I _-r_syiewi_n_g .-_compliance issues and Tame. is - - I II I'?reas of sommunity ah_c1__.imp_act$ . in I?Guatemaia that.suf?cient..resouf?es .eare avowed its. 5' 19 relations . -. .??I-aki?sfps?odlc Sites. t9. familiar. With the .natura rEVIew relevant objectives __procedures_ and. i {(1976). .. and .- de?el?Qpins a relationship the - .1 Impacted. by Tahoe?s. wrat'onsiand 9? :26- 75Tahoe?s sentrol. overifsew?ty @9365 and practices. at t9 the. 9f somwanse .soc'a' 1 I 'csr?plia'n'ce Principles I "1 Saw?y and. HumanfRights as describedabwe; I "and monitoring compliance with the Ruggie Guiding Principleson53$an and Human Rights asde?c?bed ang . - I '3 5 I i i-le?ipr?ssix; Rwanda-.ip.?vatesecudt? persennelempmed under contract . . . .. 'sTehoe'e security personnel afthe Escobal Mine were compriseq _ef:Roton_do_agd I 5 with. the writ)! meme. 7 - at the EecebalMinek?ef??hder the {755*. and the cfZTahoe 'i I far 33?. a? material Mes, an-algentof .-Tahoe__ purppees pf I . -. - -. ritypollcles and practices. Tahoe is. vipexipuely - .. - -. .. . Retondo is retired Captaln in the Peruvian Navy with training and experience in .i Warfare, end risk management; Rotphdo__'teceived "military training In Political Theory, operations; CpuntereTerro?sm, Special. Wei-are. New. Seal .: . - {1 - Temulating strategies. f9? dealing With. local appos'rtion Escdbe 5 seeming and appomtins Ramada Fine-ibesi?on . 7? II @p?aceful pretestggainst tih_e_ E509ng Mine, including the plaintiffs; established . 'Fi'iasamwn the Emmi-Min? 77'- '3 Was?oncemedfthat a. Protest 08m? 091.315 t? Situation sim?ar to I 5. ih.e..?fLa near-thei-El TambOF-mine in. San .Jos?. Ciel Golf? where 1096': - I - is resaltedin delaysaand .lnterwntions-Iwining -9s>e.r..ationss - toihe Escbbal . i Lilh Security Manager at the Escobal Mines local opmsition 2012, Retondwr_ge_d_ bring legal action and engage in a public 3 I campaign__against-members ofanearby commanity opposed to 7. - - 1 ?the. andabout?b?l 20.13,. threateried pr?te?tofs 'at a peaceful i bygtating that .helwouldjun 31mg}; aver 9f the local comean whowerepgmmiitted . 3; I Rotqndo was?omem?d protest camp-could become. 'aI-s?emanent -- . - {remit . -i particular, Rotondo "-Minamt {July in San Figures butal'sp other sumundingcommuhlties. . ?members?fithebcai -i - '{1302643011064133262} bianh?d fdf?? tofih??ldat?the p?awfui .?rotesf?rs'as We." as i on. the-evening of April 27, 2013., a group of protesters including.theplaintiffeand, Agustln Garcia?s nine?yeer?old son walked down the publledirt from I i the protest. camp and. assembled. Peacefully infront of the. mine gates, .3 bra-8W the-protest30mm -. Ordered ?Jthe Tab?ea Personnel to assemble. and. lee. fem? - - The plaintiff we? Agosto cargo was shot in the back while retreating idgw?lhe .i . -. projectile lodged hear his spine and remained there for approximately i I If .: threatweeksuptll to remove $1056, road. Beebe I I I was hospitalized, undement multiple operations and continues to .eXperience . {130230011004133282} the. fawniinetes that-thegroup of protesters, including ithelplalntziffe, stood in .j if; 2 i?if'frent 20f the mine-93195:. meal-took 11? threatened minethe proteetors saw.t_he._.securit_y personnel assembling behind the mlne I: I . f? . the protesters started. t0.-retre.at .dowothe pwic road. towards the mag: if -. . .i - jl-protestors using mavens?that included shotguns, Peppersmam buck elicitaFemando?arcia Monro?! was shot in me i .- 9 oif?colty breathing w. Zioh. impair? hls.._a_bi_l_i_ty to work, He has 3159 lost-hissen?se of I ;f . . I andm Wabbiq months:sm retreating surgery . '3 The. plaintiff Erick. Fem-amt) Castillo P?rez wassnot In the leg while retreating i, ?nd-remainedthere.forpvetweek rs; '3 d? paint?! -. and foot 1 I a Fin. bleeding ?nd. Severe Pam Hews a minor . Martin-?21 the back 'while idtheii??ikneewl?retreating down . .. . w?s shot in the. right 199 and in. the . *P'bml?ing and severe pain. - . . . s?h'o??ns waslw?nded i9 intimidate. Land i" i ..t9 {theESmhai Mine: intentional -. :Zj shooting. Rotondo . persongfadwsed. him that protestersjhaq [arrived a: the minesates themo'ut Of -. i? .. Hismawateas Tahoe's. Guatemalasecurity Manager I - -. ??iablishment Of. a? '9n9*$tandina wm??itv Wm? .. . . . -- 5(9) 'fR-Otondo. had 'bb?nly .hositileimand .demeanings?ttitude towards, I Pmtestorsaf'd Viewedthem .- - . . {1'302345011004133262} 3 Rota-dd?) Instructed the Tahoe Segu?'ty'p?er?h?lto "ff-3f 3' i'falslifyiapwunis bf the sham-and destroyer cover :?Yid?nc-ek P??i??l?fw tO-break their I. -"t_hat_t__hey_h_ad heg?attacked by the protesters; 7 - I instructing murky P'e'r?ame' ?haatx ?ne-Y We?? ?nd: ._havef9??d9d off: and. to - ?ecu?ty I . )E?tondo -.attempted --to ?ee :5..th .9 5 7 ii - damages.against.Tahoe. for battery, father. dureptly or or: the - -_ba_sis_ of Tahpefs vicarious liability for the conduct of and . in. the. 1 alternative, theiplalntif? 8.9.83?. damages. against Tahoe for i 7? 1 I I 9f..1h9.-th9 bannincludihgt I I I I {13026-0011?004138262} "past: and medical and. TBhabilita?gn @515; - members; ?nch. further-and. ?thei?articulars ofdamages away he prove-n atthe '2 - -Iiniere$f Pufsuant t0. the. Court. Order 5 fu?hef ?at as Just. i -. gent, - - i: . 7 5:7; - :The. conduct of Rotondo and. the. Tahoe security {perscmel in: shooting the ?rijmtici?y .atii'tho?zed the C?zjductpf Rotondo am the security the .alterhativ99M88 .??pre'ssw or Implicitly authorized the con-duct 0* R?tond? PM and Tahoeis - - {13026-0011'004138262} I: .1530? the further a?tem?tive, Tam?? is .Iiable battery . .- ?aziyhich setup a ._peace_ft_1 _ protest 9' MineId? standards 9n ?159.97. W?e. Tahpe made _rgp_r?gentatiqns regardian 1' Rotond? and therahoe security personnel falledytoadhere 1? 3 . Tarragowed a duty pf The His-fggi?dield 1:31: TTahbe. knewhatthe plaintiffs .-.We.re ?r "is mine operations, I - .l I tithe hesative'v. impact members orth? 10.9?! wmm'vnitv: ii .ihepe was high risk pf it? ft_ _.R.oto_ndo_ Tahoe :secunty.. mMame?r'e "was a high ask of .- .- . .__'_3Tahoe was aware that there was extensive local Mine thatwtihmt ade'quataaequrity policies and was i .__thig:h 7 it'was foreseeable tha.1._lf Tame failed to properly select, train, 5 i - and .menitorsew?typersomely harm would -..resu.lt. t9. 1m plaintiffaa, 5 3 3 f- - {13026?0011004138262} - -- "-Tahoef breached?fh? duty 959an required?of Pa?icufars?f Tahoe? ne?'lsem? - -- - ?brapproving himqfor. .xhe {of Guatemaia If?ilihg cheekbn??t?bndo prior to - .. .Izi I adeq??te .c'h'e'ciks iheTahoe Security of 85d $569??de to ??sur? {hat ,Robndo I I - gamed ?bywd, mm failing: :th 331:0 clear was; of: engagement fer __R9t_ond0_ - If falling to. establish and pleat Mes. .f?gar?ing use .foqrce 1- 5. mgnitor, Rotondois 9f the II ?seemgames;_ 2:failingtqir?quire Batman and the private security magmatic adhere t9. --fa.uing.torequireRQtondo and the private. ?gdh?-EiO? I I .anitQF-ihe agtop'dqg - (130126-0013004138262} 3 Saw?y Manager as - upon th? fact - -- 2 1 5 . .. . we; andihe. ?ndertaken for the. the Ewe-Dal .le in .9rderft? Tahoefs . i?tfefr?stse. .Thel id marked. ?rdinary - ward pifbiariitive'd?mas?s: Partisuiars. 0ft?? repreh?n?ib?e fi?cliid?i I iam'??n? hamsters: to desire)! evidenceofgthe .. . . -. . - - .. . .. . . .. . . . .- 1 FIORANTE MATTHEWS MOGERMAN .- I #400 ?.856 Homer street 1 . I 2' - (604) 6894-7555 - . Fax: (604) 689-7554 -- -. . . {5i Email: o..f..tria.l: Lawicpurts it" for 9 pl tiffs {?ow-8011004138262} I II PI. (1.) Supreme. COW-Civil. Rubs. states; . . . - In) {'[Unless all. baf?es. Of record CO?sent or the COM othemi_sel._orders.l I each party of record to an action must, within 35 days__gfter_the I. .. unfihepleading penodForm. :22 that l. i- 7 fan documents that are or have been in th?b?t?'a 5 . - - ?possesSIon or 69mm! _.and mat. cauld, if available, be -- used. by] any party at ,__tri_a_l -_prc?vg or disprove . I Other-ddcumenpartiesof re??r? . i . CLAIM: 'Thiaacticn i?volves a claim for pet-25mg: injury at a mine site in Guatemalapr and thedefendantPersonal. Injury a?sing out of: . - I. 73 motorvehicle accident . I. - E3 Twedical malpractige I. I. - - -- ".fcontamlnated sites I realDrapermreatestate) .- . 0? 90m or services. or other general commercial matters investmentlosses *i . -. . - thelendingpf money . -. an employment relationship . will or otherissges? concerning theprobatepfan agate - - . - 4ammaammagm ?gauze-0013994138232} I .. -. . "constitutionallaw -- - .. -. Ic?n?ict?flaws .. .. .. . .- Fnoneoftheamw . . .. . .. pmcammgs Trans I. {130260011004138262}