Appendix II Radicalisation and Extremism Risk Assessment The School Does the school have a policy Does the school work with outside agencies on R and E Has the school got a nominated R and E Lead Do staff have a process to voice their concerns Do children have a process to voice their concerns YES YES Police and Social Care YES YES Mark Allen - Vice Principal Internal Referral Form YES Form Tutor, Head of Year, School Council, Ethos and Engagement Ambassadors Are there opportunities for pupils to learn about R and E Are there documented cases of R and E at the school Is the school particularly prone to R and E YES PSHEE and Assemblies NO NO Cohort of pupils are white British majority The school conducts an annual Remembrance Service with the local British Legion Office held in school. All pupils participate in the service and pay their respects as an entire cohort. Evaluation LOW RISK Policy needed and to be reviewed by Governing Body every new academic year. Assemblies and curriculum are sufficient to provide pupils knowledge of R and E and what to look for The Pupils Are pupils aware of what R and E is YES Are individual pupils risk assessed YES assemblies given by SLT on topic and delivered through PSHEE and Ethics if an R and E Concern form is filled in. Pupils who are perceived to be vulnerable are identified early and flagged up to all staff Pupils at risk NONE Several pupils are connected to the local Armed Force cadet clubs and take a keen interest in British Military work LOW RISK Evaluation staff to continue to monitor BME cohort and continue to educate via appropriate curriculum content The Community The local community which the school serves consists predominantly of white British families. The community is mainly an ex-mining community with high numbers of unemployment. Many members of the community have ties to Armed Forces through current or past family members. Evaluation LOW RISK The school will continue to work with parents on R and E through the Parent Forum