From Ayn Johnson ayol'lmnk Dr'i Subject queues iar Minister Fahy Dale Janna IE anisaiusm huh Dear i have a iew euesiiens ienne Home Allan: Ml s1ei, yen would be kind enough in assisi it has comelc em anemm Ihallhe Corporation Hamiimn IS mine View man me MuniCIpalnies Amendment Act 2015 invalidated a number Corporation Hamiimn mumames We undeisiam Ihallhe impaai oi mus is eiiemiveiy squ me municipalily 91 legal animmy to regulate ns properly and iees imm ils laiepayEis'? Funher, we unueisianu mai meelings have been held between me Minister and me Corporation in aumess mis mailer wnai was me Minister's response In me Cmporalinn's concerns and pmposaisv i am in receipt emie Mmis1ei's response In a query by Bermuda Emadcaswug Germany in which he says The Minister of Home Affairs today advised that he has had ongoing discussions with the Corporation in light of what they perceive to be invalid Ordinances. In summary the Ministry of Home Affairs view is neither the Municipalities Act 2013 nor the recent decision by Iustice Kawoley invalidated any Ordinances. The Supreme Court of Bermuda confirmed that the Ordinances had to be validiy enacted. Therefore, all validly enacted Ordinances are, valid. (Please manna: is an accurate qume mm me Minisieri wnannen is me Impacl emie semien (Pan 3, section 17 12.) in me Munimpalmes Amendment Act 2mm And mai was me purpose emie ii as me Minisiei Sald in sec, ordinances have been Invalidatsd'? iwauld VEiy much appreciate a iespanse mese queries by my deadline may which IS 7 30 pm Regards Ayn Ayn Johnson mama>>. 297 North Shore Rnad named uese Hamilton pansh Bermuda (an) 704 2955 0733i 923 374