Cheviot Police Depanment Incldent Number: 2015000000827 3314 Harrison AV Flle No: LHL150124001351 Cheviot, OH 45211 Dispatch incident Number: (513} 661-2917 Prim Dat March 17. 2015 Innident Report Printed By aosm Incident Inlormznon Oeadned Day 01 date Time Occu/md day or Dale Time Reported Da|e Time Uri/Flam Week To Week On 831 Sa1 01/24/2015 11 1600PM --I 1/24/2015 11 Reported A: 1nmaenl1'ype Pvimary enesnng Oflicer Child Endangering a Report 1nc/den1Address Rapom'no smear Sergeant Richard Fens|er Seclar 5B1 Area Sub 5'31 Area Census Tram Land/ham Business Name Inc/dank Types 7 cihar Ac|10n Take/i Repon Relalefl incident Summary No Dale Nature Notes a Related Incidents reponed tor incident 11: 2015000000317 incrdeni Remarks swears were 531121110 the apove address an inlan11n1mub1e Upon amyai, o/ncers cod/d cieany hear an add/t iemaia screamrng rncohereniiy and a baby war/mo it sounded like tne woman was screammg en the enrid to stop crying I knocked on tne door [am the woman wed/d not answer and soreamod again as body continued to wat/ knocked again. then pounded an we donrr demanding the woman open the door but she res/used coo/d hear the baby contrnue cry. though 1hs wa no had stooped bounded coup/e more times inen siaied 1 was going to iorce my way rnerde the apanmant A11ha| porni. a mate voice stated duri'1 kick the door rn, and he opened the dear there was a strong smeti o/ maninana smake inside the apannrent and 1 asksd wnai was oornp on and the maier rdontined as cnnsiepner Gui/ey, stated ne didn'1kncw anyinrnp because he had headphones on The woman Da'As/a was s|and1ng in he mtdd/o o/ the mum swayrng and stanng mm the drsiance noidrng the baby when had stopped crying she was incoherent and would not answer Moore or acknowledge mu presence oneytot EMS was cai/sd 10 respond possio/e emergency Upon EMS amva/r no'Asra conirnoed io vetoes to (51k and had to restrained whr/e ON/ce/ Bruner and EMS unrte wrestled iha baby mm her arms sne tard on he ground With her body rroid the sierroherr she was nna/iy wrapped in a sheet and earned am is his squad /1 was the opinion c1 EMS inat sne was so 1mm that she was rncobereni The mate the says she's been acting sirangs the :asi coop/e 01weeks' '1alkmg rn tongues and crazy 1' rne baby's tainer. James B/aw/i. was ccniacted a1 and he responded to the apanmeni to care 104/18 ohr/d wnr/a Da-Asra was transponeo to the James stated to emcer artiner tnai sne has seen ~1aiinng in tongues and past coopie 0/ weeks she was 1ransponed to uc Hospiiat 10/ eye/demon Charges pend/rig tor cnrid endangenng Assoclaled persons Summary Type NamerLssi, F1rs| M1) Da|e o/ arnn Sex Hume Phone 1: 031/ Phone r: WOYK Pnune a Contact Watkins. De'As/a La'Tis 11/21/1994 Address -- Contact Brown, James Jr 10/12/1992 Mares: -- Vroirm widens, Baby 7 7 12/4/2014 1 Aim/vs: -- Con1act Gul/ey, Christopher 11/ 3/27/1995 1 Ada/en -- 1ypa Name Pr/mary Phone :4 secondary Phone 1: No Associated susrnuue moaned for incident tr 20151300000327 Inc/danlNu/nhar 21115000000027 Page 1 013 P1Fc/m51ngle12/06/14 . Cheviot Police Department 3814 Harrison Av Cheviot, OH 45211 Incident Number: 201500000082? File No: LHL150124001351 Dispatch Incident Number: NIA (513) 551-2917 Print Date: March 17,2015 InCIdent Report Printed By: 8csm lnvoived Officers I Officer Title Officer Name Officer Type DiMSion Sergeant Richard Fenster Reporting Officer Patrol IBRIUCR Offenses I Offense Number IBR Type Chapter Section Statute ID i IBR Type Description 1 13C 2919 22 2919.22A Assault - Intimidation 13C _Arrest Offenses I Seq Chapter Section Name(Last, First. MI) Description of Offense I 1 2919 22 Watkins, De'Asia La'Tis ENDANGERING CHILDREN I Complaint Charges I Seq Chapter Section Name(Last, First, MI) Description of Offense ?l 2919 22 Watkins, De'Asia La'Tis ENDANGERING CHILDREN No Complaint Offenses Recorded for Incident 2015000000827 Victims I Victim Type Vlt?tlm Name I Sex Race Ethnic Origin Hospital Destination Transport Description Individual Watkins. Baby Female Black Not Hispanic Vehicle Info I Reg Plate - State (Year) I Vehicle Year, Make, Model I VIN Primary Color I Second Color insurance Co. No Vehicle Info Recorded for Incident 2015000000827 Property I No Property Info reported for Incident 2015000000827 Citations I Citation No I Code I Date I Status I Statute Description NO Citations reported for Incident 2015000000327 Incident Number: 201500000082? Page 2 of 3 PIFormSingle 12/06l14 HEVIT . 151m Cheviot Police Department 3814 Harrison Av Cheviot, OH 45211 (513) 661-2917 Incident Report Incident Number: 2015000000827 File No: LHL150124001351 Dispatch Incident Number: NIA Print Date: March 17, 2015 Printed By: Narratives for Incident Number 2015000000827 lg Other Narratives not authorized for print? None Narratives this user authorized to print: Narrative by: Sergeant Richard Fenster (83SCRF) Divrsion: Patrol I Date Time Narrative Description Entered by Status Reviewed by Last Edit Date 01f25f2015 01:37 Sergeant Richard Fenster Open 01r25r2015 Officers were called to the above address for an infant in trouble. Upon arrival, officers could clearly hear an adult female screaming incoherently and a baby wailing. It sounded like the woman was screaming at the child to stop crying. I knocked on the door but the woman would not answer and screamed again as the baby continued to wall. I knocked again, then pounded on the door, demanding the woman open the door but she refused. I could hear the baby continue cry, though the wailing had stopped. I pounded a couple more times then stated I was going to force my way inside the apartment. At that point, a male voice stated, "don't kick the door in," and he opened the door. There was a strong smell of marijuana smoke inside the apartment and I asked what was going on and the male, identified as Christopher Gulley, stated he didn't know anything because he had headphones on. The woman, De'Asia Watkins, was standing in the middle of the room. swaying and staring into the distance, holding the baby which had stopped crying. She was incoherent and would not answer officers or acknowledge our presence. Cheviot EMS was called to respond for a possible emergency. Upon EMS arrival, De?Asia continued to refuse to talk and had to restrained while Officer Bittner and EMS units wrestled the baby from her arms. She laid on the ground, with her body rigid as EMS tried to put her in the stair chair. She was finally wrapped in a sheet and carried out to the squad. It was the opinion of EMS that she was so high from marijuana that she was incoherent. The male in the apartment says she's been acting strange the last couple of weeks, "talking in tongues and acting crazy." The baby's father. James Brown, was contacted at work and he responded to the apartment to care for the child while De'Asia was transported to the hospital. James stated to Officer Bittner that she has been "talking in tongues and seeing things" for the past couple of weeks. She was transported to UC Hospital for evaluation. Charges pending for child endangering. jigsaw; rf??kf?rtw't? Offict incident Number: 201500000082? Page 3 of 3 PlFormSingle 12t06f14