This Washington Post-Miller Center poll was conducted by telephone September 6-12, 2013, among a random national sample of 1,509 adults, including landline and cell phone-only respondents. Results have a three percentage point error margin. Sampling, data collection and tabulation by Abt-SRBI of New York. *= less than 0.5 percent 1. Overall, would you say you are satisfied or dissatisfied with [ITEM]? Would that be very satisfied/dissatisfied, or somewhat satisfied/dissatisfied? a. The country’s economic situation ----- Satisfied -------- Dissatisfied --No NET Very Somewhat NET Somewhat Very opinion 9/12/13 22 4 18 73 27 46 5 2/9/11 16 3 13 82 30 52 2 8/13/02* 38 6 32 58 33 25 4 2/4/97 52 8 44 46 31 15 2 *2002 and previous: Hart Research for AFL-CIO: “the economic situation in the country today.” b. Your own personal financial situation ----- Satisfied -------- Dissatisfied --No NET Very Somewhat NET Somewhat Very opinion 9/12/13 61 25 36 37 17 19 3 2/9/11 57 21 36 41 20 21 3 10/21/10* 69 29 40 28 14 14 2 3/3/09 66 23 43 31 18 13 3 *2010 and previous: Pew Research Center: “your personal financial situation.” 2. Would you say you feel (more) financially secure, (less) secure, or about as secure as you felt a few years ago? 9/12/13 More secure 23 Less secure 48 About the same 29 No opinion 1 3. If you were asked to use one of the following five names for your social class, which would you say you belong in – upper, upper-middle, middle, lower-middle, lower? 9/12/13 11/02/11 2/9/11 ------- Upper class -----NET Upper Upper-middle 18 2 16 15 1 14 18 1 17 Middle 42 51 43 ------- Lower class -----NET Lower-middle Lower 39 24 16 30 21 9 37 26 11 No op. 1 3 2 4. What do you think is more likely over the next few years in terms of your social class…? (you will move up) or (you will slip backwards)? 9/12/13 Move up 45 Slip backwards 26 (Vol.) Neither Will stay the same 23 No opinion 6 1 5. I'm going to read you some possible definitions or descriptions of The American Dream, and for each one I'd like you to tell me if that's very much what you understand The American Dream to mean, or sort of what it means, or not what it means? 9/12/13 – summary table Very much a. To have freedom of choice in how to live one's life b. To be able to become wealthy c. To be able to get a college education d. To own a home e. To do better than one's parents did f. To be rewarded for hard work g. The ability to balance work and family life Sort of Not what it means No op. 75 29 18 40 6 30 1 1 52 61 54 68 33 28 32 22 14 10 13 10 1 * 1 1 56 32 11 1 Trend where available to Oct. 1986 Wall Street Journal poll: a. To have freedom of choice in how to live one's life 9/12/13 10/86 Very much 75 80 Sort of 18 16 Not what it means 6 3 No opinion 1 1 Not what it means 30 18 No opinion 1 1 b. To be able to become wealthy 9/12/13 10/86 Very much 29 39 Sort of 40 42 c. To be able to get a college education 9/12/13 10/86 Very much 52 68 Sort of 33 26 Not what it means 14 5 No opinion 1 1 Sort of 28 18 Not what it means 10 3 No opinion * 1 d. To own a home 9/12/13 10/86 Very much 61 78 e. To do better than one's parents did 9/12/13 10/86 Very much 54 61 Sort of 32 29 Not what it means 13 9 No opinion 1 1 f and g no trend 6. When you think about The American Dream, is it something which has real meaning to you personally, something which has meaning to others but not to you, or is it just a phrase which doesn't really have meaning to anyone? 9/12/13 10/86* Has meaning to me 61 68 Has meaning to others 18 16 Has no real meaning to anyone 19 13 No opinion 2 3 2 *Wall Street Journal 7. Compared to your parents when they were the age you are now, do you think your own standard of living now is better, about the same, or worse than theirs was? Better About the same 9/12/13 54 27 2/9/11* 52 27 *Washington Post-Kaiser-Harvard Worse 18 19 Not applicable (vol.) 1 1 No opinion * 1 8. When your children are the age you are now, do you think their standard of living will be better, about the same, or worse than yours is now? Better About the same 9/12/13 39 24 2/9/11* 42 23 *Washington Post-Kaiser-Harvard Worse 28 28 Not applicable (vol.) 6 4 No opinion 3 3 9. Which of these statements do you agree with more: (most people who want to get ahead can make it if they’re willing to work hard) OR (hard work and determination are no guarantee of success for most people)? Get ahead if willing Hard work is no Neither No to work hard guarantee of success (vol.) opinion 9/12/13 65 34 1 1 2/9/11 59 39 1 1 10/3/10 66 32 1 1 9/6/10* 64 33 3 3/7/06 64 33 3 12/05 64 33 3 12/04 68 28 4 9/00 73 24 3 8/99 74 23 3 7/94 68 30 2 *September 2010 and previous: Pew Research Center; neither/no opinion collapsed 10. What best describes your employment situation today? Employed NET Full time Part time Not employed NET Seeking Not seeking Student Retired Disability Homemaker No opinion 9/12/13 56 47 10 43 6 1 5 19 6 6 * 11. Thinking about the past few years, would you say it has become (easier) or (harder) for people like you to [INSERT ITEM] or hasn’t that changed much? 9/12/13 – Summary table* a. Get ahead financially Easier 7 Harder 66 Hasn’t changed 26 No opinion 1 3 b. c. d. e. f. Afford health care 8 64 Pay for college 6 77 Find good jobs 5 74 Find decent, affordable housing 15 54 (AMONG PARENTS) Provide for your children 10 58 g. (AMONG NOT RETIRED) Save for retirement 6 71 *Item a,f,g ask all, half sample b,c and other half sample 26 11 16 26 2 5 4 5 31 * 20 d,e 3 12. Which one of the following do you think is most important for getting ahead financially – (hard work), (friends and connections), (education), (growing up wealthy), (natural ability) or something else (SPECIFY)? 9/12/13 Hard work 34 Education 30 Friends and connections 13 Growing up wealthy 11 Natural ability 5 All/combination of things (vol.) 3 Something else 3 No opinion 1 13. To the extent that you have not gotten ahead financially as much as you would like, which of the following do you see as the biggest obstacle – (your education), (where you live), (your job), (your level of debt), (your health), (your age), or something else? Your education Your age Your job Where you live Your health Your level of debt Government/laws (vol.) Economy (vol.) Other personal concerns (vol.) Taxes (vol.) Have gotten ahead as much as would like (vol.) Something else No opinion 9/12/13 19 14 10 9 9 8 2 2 2 1 6 14 4 14. For each item I name, please tell me how important it is to help America compete with other countries economically. Is [INSERT] one of the single most important issues, very important, somewhat important or less important than that? 9/12/13 - Summary table* --- More important --NET Single most Very 80 16 64 a. improving public schools b. government investment in new technology 45 c. reducing the federal budget deficit 70 d. government investment in roads, -- Less important NET Somewhat Less 19 14 5 No opin. 1 5 40 54 37 16 1 15 56 27 20 7 3 4 water systems, the energy grid and other services 58 e. government investment in the manufacturing industry 50 f. becoming less dependent on foreign oil 71 *Half sample a-c, other half sample d-e. 7 50 39 30 9 3 6 45 47 31 15 3 15 55 27 23 5 2 15. Which of the following would be the single most important thing to help you better achieve your version of the American Dream: (access to job training), (access to affordable college education), (affordable health care), (low taxes), (affordable housing) or something else? 9/12/13 Low taxes 28 Access to affordable college education 22 Affordable health care 18 Access to job training 8 Affordable housing 8 Less government regulation (vol.) 1 All/combination of things (vol.) 2 Something else 9 None/Nothing 1 No opinion 4 16. To the extent that it has become harder to find good paying jobs in the United States than in the past, how much blame does each of the following deserve for that? Do you blame (INSERT) a lot, some, only a little, or not at all? 9/12/13 – Summary table* a. The gap in pay between business executives and ordinary workers b. Elected leaders in Washington who don’t work together c. American workers not working hard enough to get ahead d. Wall Street financial institutions e. Competition from cheaper labor overseas f. New technology replacing workers g. Rising cost of health care h. Weaker labor unions i. High taxes and regulations on business j. Fewer federal and state government jobs k. Companies refusing to invest profits in new jobs l. Lack of government support for small businesses *Half sample a-f, other half sample -- A lot/Some -NET A lot Some -- Little/Not at all -NET Little Not at all No opin. 76 53 24 22 11 11 2 88 69 19 10 6 4 2 58 25 33 40 19 21 2 66 37 30 29 17 12 4 79 57 21 20 12 8 1 69 78 48 33 54 23 36 24 25 30 21 48 17 12 17 12 9 30 1 1 4 74 46 28 24 15 9 2 51 23 28 47 23 24 2 69 39 30 29 15 14 3 71 g-l 41 30 26 15 11 4 5 17. Do you ever worry that your total family income will not be enough to meet your family’s expenses and bills? (IF WORRY) Would you say that you have worries like this all of the time, most of the time, some of the time or just now and then? 9/12/13 8/1971 ---------------------- Worry ----------------------All of Most of Some of Now and NET the time the time the time then DK 65 19 14 18 13 * 48 8 10 18 12 * Don’t worry 35 52 No opinion * - 18. In the last year, have you or has anyone living in your household [ITEM] or not? a. had work hours or pay cut Yes No Not applicable (vol.) No opinion 9/12/13 33 64 3 * 9/12/09* 41 59 NA * 4/24/09** 35 65 NA 1 2/22/09 26 73 NA * 12/14/08 27 73 NA * *9/12/09 and previous: Washington Post-ABC News **4/24/09 and previous: “In the last few months…” b. Lost health insurance coverage or other benefits Yes No Not applicable (vol.) No opinion 9/12/13 22 76 1 1 11/02/11* 21 78 1 * 2/9/11 22 77 1 * *11/02/11 and previous Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation “...have you or another family member living in your household...” 19. Are you currently married, living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married? Married Living with a partner Separated Divorced Widowed Never been married No opinion 9/12/13 51 7 5 11 7 19 * Questions 20 and 21 held for release. 22. (AMONG EMPLOYED) Would you say that you earn...Much less than you deserve, less than you deserve, what you deserve, more than what you deserve or much more than you deserve? NET Earn less than you deserve Much less than you deserve Less than you deserve What you deserve NET Earn more than you deserve More than what you deserve Much more than you deserve Never worked (vol.) No opinion *General Social Survey 9/12/13 58 17 41 36 6 4 2 * * 6/25/00* 57 13 44 36 3 3 * NA 4 6 22a. (AMONG NOT EMPLOYED) Thinking about your last job, would you say that you earned much less than you deserved, less than you deserved, what you deserved, more than what you deserved or much more than you deserved? NET Earned less than you deserved Much less than you deserved Less than you deserved What you deserved NET Earned more than you deserved More than what you deserved Much more than you deserved Never worked (vol.) No opinion *General Social Survey. 9/12/13 51 13 38 41 5 3 2 2 1 6/25/00* 50 18 32 34 2 2 * 4 10 23. (AMONG EMPLOYED) In the next five years, how likely is it that you will (INSERT)? Would you say it is very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely or not at all likely? a. receive a significant raise in pay at your current job b. find a new job that pays more c. keep your current job and pay ----- Likely -----NET Very Somewhat 42 17 25 ------ Not likely -----NET Not too Not at all 56 27 29 43 75 56 24 22 47 21 27 23 12 No op. 1 33 12 1 1 24. (AMONG EMPLOYED) How much, if at all, does your current job allow you to use your skills and talents? Would you say a lot, somewhat, only a little, or not at all? 9/12/13 --- A lot/Somewhat --NET A lot Somewhat 87 63 24 -------- A little/None --------NET Only a little Not at all 13 9 4 No opinion * Trend among employed adults age 45-74: 9/12/13 6/30/02* *AARP --- A lot/Somewhat --NET A lot Somewhat 89 64 25 92 71 21 -------- A little/None --------NET Only a little Not at all 11 8 2 8 6 2 No opinion * * 25a. (AMONG NOT RETIRED) Does having enough savings for retirement worry you a lot, a little, or not at all at the present time? A lot A little Not at all No opinion 9/12/13 45 33 21 1 10/19/00* 33 41 26 *Among registered voters. Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation-Harvard University “how worried are you about…” 25b. (AMONG EMPLOYED) Does losing your job because of the economy worry you a lot, a little, or not at all at the present time? 9/12/13 3/14/02* 7/18/01 A lot 32 19 19 A little 30 30 27 Not at all 38 51 53 No opinion * * 1 7 10/15/98** 18 25 57 * 7/9/92 28 27 45 * 6/10/82*** 31 25 44 3/10/82 29 22 49 12/4/81 29 22 49 9/17/81 24 25 50 5/12/81 28 23 49 1/7/81 27 23 49 10/8/78 31 23 46 6/5/78 29 25 46 1/28/76 28 22 49 5/22/75 29 25 47 *7/18/01 and 3/14/02 Time/CNN/Harris Interactive phone surveys. **7/9/92 and 10/15/98: Time/CNN/Yankelovich and Time/Yankelovich, Skelly and White. ***6/10/82 and earlier: Among registered voters who are employed male/female household heads and employed wives 26. (AMONG NOT RETIRED) In the past 12 months, have you taken training to keep your skills and knowledge up to date or learn new skills? 9/12/13 2/9/11 Yes 50 49 No 50 51 No opinion * * 26a. (AMONG THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN TRAINING) Have these new skills allowed you to earn more money, or don’t you think it’s made much difference? 9/12/13 Has allowed to earn more money 26 Hasn’t made much difference 72 No opinion 2 26/26a NET: 9/12/13 ------- Have taken training -------Allowed to Hasn’t made No NET earn more much diff. op. 50 13 36 1 Have not taken training 50 No opinion * 27. Are colleges doing enough to prepare students to find jobs in today’s economy, or not? 9/12/13 Yes 33 No 53 No opinion 14 28. There is a lot of talk about the difference between being middle class and being rich. In your opinion, how much would someone have to make in a year in order to be considered [ITEM] a. Rich Under $50K $50K to under $75K $75K to under $100K $100K to under $300K $300K to under $1M $1M or more No opinion Median Mean 9/12/13 2 4 4 41 21 19 9 $250K $839K ------- 10/20/00 -------Actual Inflation adjust* 6 6 4 4 5 1 39 38 16 21 18 18 12 12 $200K $271K $514K $697K 8 *Adjusted to 2013 dollars per Bureau of Labor Statistics calculations b. Middle class 9/12/13 15 31 14 27 4 2 7 $75K $162K Under $50K $50K to under $75K $75K to under $100K $100K to under $300K $300K to under $1M $1M or more No opinion Median Mean 29. Please tell me how good of a job [INSTERT] does in offering real solutions to help the middle class – a very good job, fairly good, not too good or not good at all? 9/12/13 – summary table a. The Democratic Party b. The Republican Party c. Barack Obama ------- Good -----NET Very Fairly 40 8 33 32 7 26 44 13 31 -------- Not good -------NET Not too Not at all 55 26 29 62 30 32 52 20 32 No opinion 5 5 4 901. Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as (a Democrat), (a Republican), an independent or what? 9/12/13 Democrat 29 Republican 22 Independent 39 Other (vol.) 6 No opinion 4 *** END *** 9