From Ayn Johnson ayaiollnsoll gliiall coir ellnlect Re Hamilton WntemonlLoase Dale Ill-vchmij-MQAI PM To Do MCommunlcallonElnimm on Hello. all responses in my nnealons on this lssue submitted nlmna week ngo mm The smemsnl new. issued yestemsy. In lesnanssm Senna. Daniels'pless lelase does nal assist blanking anwn the two items Inow have subrrlIl runner questions: I. We undevfiund MUM IS mail has been by Minister Futile Idilli! an and deal mallars la ins Gonzo lion oi Hamllon, And has been |he lease albinnlion Ave mm (the! lirrns involved" When was nly inammsm Why was this chosen? 2 Given that Fen- Fozem Fehy 7 Inc Wl'e a the Min-stew ls a dream a MUM. was the Ind/cl the Niamey General not concerned by the appearance at - or males? 3. Wm dlhav contracts have MJM been given' A Ntorney oensml involved in selecting mm 5 ll, .s you! smemenl says, less than lull a lemefied Amount been spent, does the Govemment exped to spend 'sbout' ml at SI .75 mllion on wllufllonl legal toes in lhe next lines weeks when the tlsul yell comes to an and? These questions are lor the Minister 01 Home Malls and me Allorney oenennl I would ll il you would let me know ny mum email whethev I should expect a wsponse and when That snia, given Inst ms n. not lespormed to any at my to NM through your department we. the last year, I plan on pubis'mgl story on this matter at 5 I5 pmtodey,llrespec1lve 0! wnemel - response is leoewed or not Remus Ayn Johnson On Mara at 539 PM Dept Good Evening all, Today, the Minister of Home Affairs, Sen. Michael Fahy, offered the following in response to Opposition Sen. Marc Daniels' statement on the Hamilton Waterfront Lease. Minister Fahy said, "Senator Daniels has made inaccurate statements regarding legal fees in respect of the Ministry of Home Affairs. "To ensure public clarity, the Ministry has requested supplementaw sums for the fiscal year 2014/2015. "This measure is designed to cover legal fees expended, and fees possibly to be expended in respect of the waterfront arbitration, for fiscal year 2014/15. "In addition, it is anticipated that the measure would cover costs for the Constitutional challenge to the changes to the Municipalities Act 1923 currently before the Supreme Court of Bermuda, again, for fiscal year 2014/15. "As an added note, a small portion ofthe requested allocation relates to funding a guarantee through the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation. The supplementary request is based on best estimates and the tee request and billings to date are vetted by the Attorney General's chambers." Minister Fahy continued, "Contrary to the Opposition Senator's statement, the Ministry has not spent $1.5million to obtain advice on voiding the waterfront leases, Such assertions are completely misleading and false, "Fees have been spent on overseas Counsel, expert advice, preparation of pleadings, witness statements and other litigation expenses. "To date less than half the requested amount has been spent. It's quite regrettable, as Senator Daniels should know better than to issue such inflammatory and speculative statements particularly when the matter is scheduled to be debated in the House and Senate during the budget debate," 7 ENDSV Regards, l'llblil oiilu-i nl (Inmmummimn x. inim-m..imn Iml House 43 clumlmmui ll'