FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 INTERNET UNITED STATES or AMERICA 7 i FORhl?leng?Sm NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE CHARGE AGAINST EMPLOYER Case Date Filed INSTRUCTIONS: File an original with NLRB Regional Director for the region in which the alleged unfair labor practice octurred or is occurring. 1. EMPLOYER AGAINST WHOM CHARGE IS BROUGHT a. Name of Employer Tal' (213) 488-0226 American Apparel lnc. I c. Cell No. . f. Fax No. d. Address (Street, city, state, anleP code) e. Employer Representative I (2l3) 488?0334 747 Warehouse St. . lris Alonzo g. e-Mail Los Angeles, CA 90021 h. Number of workers employed 10,000+ i. Type of Establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) j. Identify principal product or service Factory Garments - k. The above-named employer has engaged In and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning ofsection subSections (1) and (list subsections) 7?81 8' of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise statement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) On January 25, 2015. American Apparel lnc. implemented a media policy violative of sections 7 8 1 of the NLRA. The policy, ?which applies Company?wide, prohibits American Apparel employees and other personnel from making statements to, or othen/vise having contact with, journalists and the media, insofar as it relates to American Apparel (including among other topics as to current and former employees and as to our business and operations). The response to all media inquiries should be ?no This silencing of employee speech violates Section in that it maintains a work rule that reasonably tends to chill employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights. This policy mirrors the "Unauthorized Interviews" and "Outside lnqulries Concerning Employees" rules that prohibited employees from discussing information about other employees with third parties in Karl Knauz Motors, lnc. d/b/a Knauz?BMW and Robert Becker. Case 046452. it was ordered that such rules be ceased and desisted from. 3. Full_ name of party ?ling charge (if labor organization, give full name, including local name and number) Domingo Marcos 4a. Address (Street and number, city, state, and ZIP code) 4b. Tel. No. 3.10_268_0780 Keith A. Fink 40. Cell No. Fink Steinberg 310?268?0782 11500 W. Olympic Boulevard 4d- Fax NO- 310-268-0790 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Attorneys for Domingo Marcos 4e. e-Maii 5. Full name of national or international labor organization 'of which it is an af?liate or constituent unit (to be ?lled in when charge is filed by a labor organization) 6. DECLARATION Tel. No. I declare that have read the above charge and that the statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 310268-0780 Of?ce, if any, Cell No. A KEITH cf (sign?atul? of representatichharge) (Print/type name and title or officeFowl: 5 Hit/3629 - 310?268-0790 [jg-?00 Ill!? mfi'a 3/ vol e? al 2e.- Aug-veer, at new @4505 . . - Address 7 ate) WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitation of the information on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. ??151 et seq. The principal use of the information is to assist the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in processing unfair labor practice and related proceedings or litigation. The routine uses for the information are fully set forth in the Federal Register, 71 Fed. Reg. 74942?43 (Dec. 13, 2006). The NLRB will further explain these uses upon request. Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supply the information will cause the NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.